高考词汇练习分类汇编第九章 数词与主谓一致

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第九章 数词与主谓一致

第一部分 近年高考题荟萃



The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990.

A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 答案 C

解析 本题考查主谓一致和时态,主语是 the number故谓语动词用单数,又因时间状语是since 1997所以用完成时态。


Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.

A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. were going to 答案 A

解析 考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是Dr. Smith,表单数,谓语动词用单数形式;时间状语是this summer,表计划性的将来,故时态用一般将来时,选A。 3.(09江西24)

According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _________ a woman.

A. than B. such C. so D. as 答案 D

解析 本题考查比较级的结构,as ?.. as , 注意句中的more than 只是修饰twice。 4.(09四川17)

The teacher together with the students ___________ discussing Reading Skills that _______ newly published in America. A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was 答案 D


My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice _______ expensive. A. as B. so C. too D. very 答案 A


Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost his. A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as 答案 B

解析 考查as----as同级比较前的修饰语位置。twice应该放在第一个as之前,选B符合。 7.(09湖南33)

Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. A. are B. is C. have D. be 答案 B

解析 考查主谓一致的用法。Either …or…. 连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。One of your students 谓语应用单数形式。



—Did you go to the show last night? —Yeah.Every boy and girl in the area A.were

D.was 答案 D

解析 主语是every boy and girl,表示单数概念,故谓语动词用单数,且询问昨晚的情况,有明确的过去时间,所以 应选择was。 2.(08陕西16)

Ten years ago the population of our village was A.as twice large as

D.as twice much as 答案 B

解析 由句式结构看该题考查倍数句型的同级比较形式。其正确语序应为:倍数词+as+形容词/副词原级+as+ 其他。

that of theirs.


C.has been

B.have been

B.twice as large as C.twice as much as




A survey of the opinions of experts

that three hours of outdoor

exercise a week

good for one’s health. A.show; are

D.shows; are 答案 B

解析 本题考查主谓一致。由a survey可知第一个空用shows,首先排除A、C两项;第二个空前的时间three hours

of outdoor exercise a week表示抽象概念,看作单数,故其谓语动词用单数形式。 2.(07湖南30)

We live day by day,but in the great things,the time of days and weeks

so small that a day

B.shows; is

C.show; is

is unimportant. A.is


C.has been

D.have been 答案 A

解析 句意为:??几天和几周的时间是如此的渺小,以致于一天根本微不足道。本句用来陈述事实,用一

般现在时态;空白处所在句子的主语是the time,谓语动词应用单数形式。


As a result of the serious flood,two-thirds of the buildings in the area


B.needs to repair

C.needs repairing

A.need repairing

D.need to repair 答案 A

解析 本题考查主谓一致和非谓语动词。分数、百分数修饰名词,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词,此处two-thirds修饰buildings,故谓语动词取决于名词复数buildings ,排除B、C两项,need doing=need to be done意为“需要被做”。 4.(07浙江2)

It is reported that the floods have left about A.two thousand


people homeless.

C.two thousands

D.two thousands of 答案 A

解析 本题考查数词的用法。hundred, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score等指具体数字时,不用复数形式;指大约数字时,常用复数形式。如:one hundred,two thousand,three million,hundreds/thousands/millions /billions/dozens/scores of。


She went to the bookstore and bought A.dozen books

D.dozens of books 答案 D

解析 dozen与数词或many,several连用时其后不加s;dozen前有基数词表示确切数字时,其后一般不与of 连用。 6.(06浙江7)

The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third

used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long. A.is

D.were 答案 D

解析 本题考查主谓一致及动词的时态。当分数、百分数作主语时,要根据其后面的名词来决定其谓语动词的单复数。此处one-third应是one-third of the notebook computers的省略形式,因此谓语动词用复数,且句子的时态用了过去时,所以D项正确。 8.(06安徽30)

Most of what has been said about the Smiths  A.are

D.to be 答案 B



also true of the Johnsons.




C.dozen of books

B.dozens books

解析 名词性从句作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。另外句中be true of意为“对??也适应”。 9.(06江苏34) A poet and artist painting tomorrow afternoon. A.is

D.were 答案 A

解析 此题考查主谓一致的用法。由时间状语“tomorrow afternoon”判断,此处应用现在进行时表将来,故排除C、D两项。“a poet and artist”指一位诗人兼画家,谓语动词用单数,故选A项。 10.(05上海31)

Professor Smith,along with his assistants, night to meet the deadline. A.work


C.is working

on the project day and



coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and

D.are working 答案 C

解析 该句主语是Professor Smith,故而谓语动词用单数。


With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth

each year.

A.is washing away C.are washing away 答案 D

解析 考查主谓一致。句意为:随着更多森林被毁,每年有许多良田被冲走。quantities of后既可接不可数名词,也可接可数名词,其谓语动词用复数,故选D项。 12.(04广西33)

It is reported that the United States uses

energy as the whole of

B.is being washed away D.are being washed away


A.as twice

D.twice as much 答案 D

解析 本题考查as...as与倍数词的位置。由句型A+ be +倍数+as + adj./adv.+ as可知。 13.(04北京28)

The teacher,with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, museum when the earthquake struck. A.was


C.had been



B.twice much

C.twice much as

D.would be 答案 A

解析 the teacher是句子的主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。6 girls and 8 boys of her class作介词with的宾语。


No one in the department but Tom and I resign. A.knows


C.have known

that the director is going to

D.am to know 答案 A

解析 不能被No one后的内容干扰,而误认为Tom and I为句子主语,从而误选C或D项,其实No one后的内容只是用于限制修饰主语的,去掉这些内容后就能拨云见日,从而依据主语是No one而确定正确答案。

第二部分 各地联考题汇编



Attention please,Flight Nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at .

A.the two gate B.a second gate C.the Gate Two D.Gate two

答案 D



I wonder whether the soldier is one of those who A.has been sent D.has sent 答案 B

2.(08郑州市高中毕业班第一次质量预测) It is said that people are in emails. A.as twice

B.twice as

C.twice more

likely to tell lies over the phone as they are

B.have been sent

abroad to keep peace.

C.have sent

D.twice than 答案 B


The city government is planning to build a new factory to deal with rubbish,but when and where to start


B.haven’t decided D.aren’t decided

A.hasn’t been decided C.isn’t being decided 答案 A


Believe it or not,Jim,a truck driver,earns collar in a big company.

A.much as twice as C.twice as much as 答案 C


his brother,who is a white

B.as twice much as D.as much twice as

Every student as well as teachers who to be at the school gate on time. A.is;is



to visit the museum asked


答案 D

6.(08湖南省高三十二校联考) An exhibition of paintings A.are to be held

D.is to be held

at the museum next week.

C.is holding

B.are holding

答案 D


of the people on the Net

China’s economy is among the strongest in

the world.


B.Four-fifth;believe D.Four-fifths;believes

C.Four-fifths;believe 答案 C


1.(07北京海淀区高三第一学期期中考试) Hit by a hammer,my foot became A.3 times bigger than


B.as big as 3 times D.3 times the normal size

C.the normal size 3 times 答案 D


When he was retired and went back home in A.the fifties;his sixty C.the fifties;his sixties 答案 C


,he was already in

B.fifties;his sixties D.fifty;sixty


—Excuse me,can I go in from here? —Sorry,but you can go to A.the Four Gate

D.Gate Four


C.the Gate Fourth

B.Fourth Gate

答案 D


A NASA experimental jet,the X-43A,flew at a world-record speed—11,260 kilometers an hour on November 17. This speed is

as sound.

B.ten times so fast D.ten times faster

A.as ten times fast C.ten times as fast 答案 C

5.(07湖北部分重点中学高三第一次联考) Many a writer of newspaper articles A.has turned

to write novels.

B.have turned D.are going to turn

C.being turned 答案 A


Mary keeps talking about the party;she had a very good time, A.hadn’t she

D.weren’t she

B.had she


C.didn’t she

答案 C


—Each of the students working hard at their lessons —So have I. A.is reading


B.has read


the book.

答案 B


exercise early in the morning has become part of his retired life.



B.Takes C.Taking

答案 C


—How did your students express their thanks to you on Teachers’ Day? —A gift together with many flowers A.is



sent to me.


答案 C

10.(07重庆高三联合诊断性考试) Oh,it’s so cold here.Somebody A.closes


the window,please.

C.shall close

D.will close

答案 B


The excellent service of the waiters highly praised.That’s why the restaurant is always full of people. A.were




答案 D


Nobody but doctors or nurses and those patient’s room. A.invited;is allowed

B.are invited;are allowed D.invited;are allowed by Dr.Hu

to enter the

C.being invited;allowed 答案 A


The park as well as the surrounding hills they once spent so much time on a new look as lately as last year.

A.on has taken D.having taken 答案 A

B.on having taken C.has taken


According to a new survey,every year about after people with illness caused by smoking. A.30 millions of D.30 million 答案 D

15.(06南京高三第一次模考) The newly-built TV tower, in Asia”.

A.eighty-five feet as tall as C.as tall as eighty-five feet 答案 C


In this country it is required that anyone who to pass this kind of test. A.has;has D.has;have 答案 A

17.(06陕西高三素质检测) The following A.is

some newly-published popular magazines.





recently come here

C.as eighty-five feet tall as D.as tall eighty-five feet as

beyond imagination,is called“the First Tower

B.30 million of

C.30 millions

dollars is spent to look

D.appears 答案 B

18.(06西安地区八校联考) This kind of book

very useful but books of that kind


A.is;is D.are;are 答案 B

B.is;are C.are;is


An increasing number of students,year by year,across China realize their dreams of studying abroad. A.try

B.have tried

C.will try



D.are trying 答案 D


The report indicates that the new power station produces one built earlier. A.twice much

B.as twice

C.twice much as

energy as the

D.twice as much 答案 D

21.(06西安地区第二次质检) Films,

the one you told me about yesterday or the one that will be on,

not worth seeing.

B.as well as;are


A.including;is D.such as;are 答案 D

第三部分 创新预测题精选

1.The height of the great tree in his garden is about A.twice that of D.twice more than 答案 A

2.Paper produced in the factory this year is so the factory can’t have made


that of the last two years,

B.twice of

the one in my garden.

C.twice than

A.three times as heavy as;worse as;good

C.the three times weight of;bad of;better 答案 D

B.as three times heavy

D.three times the weight

3.A recent medical study indicates that people who don’t get enough sleep are likely to die

of heart disease as those who get enough sleep. A.more than twice as C.twice more than as 答案 A

4.High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour,which is about normal trains.

A.four times the speed as

B.the speed four times of D.four times the speed of

B.twice as more than D.as more than twice

C.four times as the speed of 答案 D

5.To be qualified for the job,




A.it is required that one has profound knowledge B.profound important

C.profound knowledge is a must knowledge 答案 D

D.one needs to have profound

6.It is said that the female thief they caught was fined five times she should have paid. A.the amount of money D.as much money than 答案 A

7.—What do you think of French? —In my opinion,French is


B.as more money as

C.much money than


A.a subject so difficult as B.as difficult a subject as

C.as a subject difficult as 答案 B

D.difficult as subject as

8.The number of registered participants in this year’s marathon was half .

A.that of last year’s C.those of last year 答案 A

9.—Have all the important letters been delivered at the first time? —I’m sorry. A.It is

only 40% of them.

B.They are

C.There are

B.those of last year’s D.of last year’s

D.It has been 答案 A

10.—Why are your group so happy? —Our group A.has won

theirs in the oral English competition.

B.have gained

C.has beaten

D.have defeated 答案 C

