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PMP课上练习题 - 200题

Chapter1~3 Frame Work

1. Which of the following is a common characteristic of most project life cycle descriptions? A. Cost and staffing are low at the start, higher towards the end, and drop rapidly as the project

nears completion.

B. The probability of successfully completing the project is highest at the start of the project. C. Stakeholders have the most influence on the final characteristics of the product at the end of

the project. D. a and b


A. 成本和人员在开始时低,随着进程增高,并在项目接近完成时迅速降低。 B. 项目开始时,成功完成项目的概率最高。

C. 项目利害关系者在项目结束时对产品的最终特性影响力最大。 D. a和b

2. In which type of organization(s) is the project manager's role most likely part-time? A. Functional

B. Balanced Matrix C. Weak Matrix D. a and c

以下哪种组织中项目经理的角色最可能是兼职? A. 职能型。 B. 平衡矩阵。 C. 弱矩阵。 D. a和c。

3. Maintenance is crucially important to projects products and should A. Be included as an activity to be performed during the closeout phase

B. Have a separate phase in the life cycle in information systems projects because 60 to 70% of life cycle costs of computer systems are generally devoted to maintenance C. Not be viewed as part of the project life cycle D. Always be viewed as a separate project

运行维护对于项目产品而言十分关键,所以, A. 作为一个活动在项目的收尾阶段执行

B. 在信息系统项目生命周期中需要独立定义为一个阶段,因为计算机系统的维护成本占整个生命周期成本的60%至70% C. 不作为项目生命周期的一部分 D. 总是被当作一个独立的项目看待

4. When should senior management perform periodic reviews?




A. Completion of a milestone

B. Completion of each life cycle phase

C. When one functional group completes their tasks D. When a monthly performance report is delivered

高层管理人员应该在项目的什么时候进行周期性评审? A. 一个里程碑达到的时候

B. 每一个生命周期阶段结束的时候

C. 每当一个职能小组完成他们工作的时候 D. 当每月的项目绩效报告被提交的时候

5. One of the main advantages of a matrix organization is: A. Improved project manager control over resources B. More than one boss for project teams C. Communication is easier D. Reporting is easier


A 项目经理可以更好地控制资源。 B 项目团队可以有多个老板。 C 沟通更容易。 D 报告更容易。

6. Projects have the least attention in what form of organization: A. Balanced matrix B. Strong matrix C. Coordinator D. Functional

以下哪种组织中,项目最不受到关注? A 平衡式矩阵 B 强矩阵 C 协调者 D 职能型

7. Project A is being administered using a matrix form of organization. The project manager reports to a senior vice president who provides visible support to the project. In this scenario, which of the following statements best describes the relative power of the project manager? A. The project manager will probably not be challenged by project stakeholders.

B. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the functional line managers. C. In this tight matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager. D. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.

项目A按矩阵组织形式进行管理,该项目经理向高级副总裁汇报工作,后者为项目提供直接的支持。在这种情况下,以下哪一种描述最好地说明了项目经理的相对权力: A. 项目经理很可能不会被项目利害关系者质疑 B. 在强矩阵型结构中,权力向职能经理倾斜 C. 在弱矩阵型结构中,权力向项目经理倾斜




D. 在强矩阵型结构中,权力向项目经理倾斜

8. The most difficult decision for the executive sponsors to make at the end-of-phase review meeting is:

A. Budget allocations for the next phase.

B. Authorizing scope changes for the next phase.

C. Authorizing budget increases for the next phase based upon scope changes. D. Canceling the project.

在阶段终了评审会上,高级管理层的发起人最难做的决定是: A. 下一个阶段的预算分配 B. 授权下一个阶段的范围变更

C. 基于范围变更,授权下一个阶段的预算增加 D. 取消项目

9. The project manager’s success as a leader is dependent on their inter-personal skills and their: A. Ability to lead, delegate and negotiate

B. Skill with which they can do the detailed technical tasks C. Ability to conduct project team meetings D. Hiring and firing skills

作为领导的项目经理的成功依赖其人际关系技能及: A. 领导、授权和谈判的能力 B. 能做详细的技术工作的技能 C. 引导项目团队会议的能力 D. 招聘和解聘技能

10. In what organization project member feel most anxiety at closing phase? A. Functional B. Matrix

C. Projectized D. Strong Matrix

在哪种组织中,项目成员在项目收尾阶段最为焦虑? A 职能型 B 矩阵 C 项目型 D 强矩阵

11. OF the PMBOK five project management process groups, which one has the highest level of activity throughout the life of project? a. Executing b. Planning c. Controlling d. Initiating

PMBOK 描述的五大管理过程中,通常哪一过程将消耗最大资源? A. 执行




B. 计划 C. 控制 D. 启动

12.To improve leadership ability, a project manager should FIRST:

A. Improve technical knowledge to enhance problem-solving capabilities B. Assess personal strengths and weaknesses

C. Rank team members according to contributions to the project D. Attend a training seminar related to project management 为了增强领导能力,项目经理应首先: A. 增加技术知识,增强解决问题的能力 B. 评估个人的优缺点

C. 按照对项目的贡献大小给组员排名 D. 参加一次与项目管理有关的培训课程

13. A project manager’s company operates in a high-technology area requiring the integration and sharing of several functional specialties. The project manager is considering the appropriate organizational structure for a new project. The likely choice would be- A. Matrix B. Tight matrix C. Functional D. Projectized

项目经理所在的公司从事高科技领域,需要综合并共享几个职能特性。项目经理现正为一个新项目选择合适的组织结构。以下哪项选择可能适合? A 矩阵 B 紧密矩阵 C 职能型 D 项目型

14. Dotted lines in organization charts mean:

A. The relationship may or may not exist depending on the nature of the organization B. The relationship was not completely defined when the chart was finished C. Informal authority and responsibility relationships D. Unique and clearly defined relationships 在组织图中的虚线意味着:

A. 关系的存在与否取决于组织的性质

B. 当图表被完成时,关系还没有被完全地定义 C. 非正式的权限与责任的关系 D. 独特的而且清楚地定义的关系

15. The process of conferring with others to come to terms or reach an agreement is called—— A. Win-Win B. Negotiation C. Getting to yes




D. Confrontation

与其他人商谈以达到一致的过程称为:[ ] A. 双赢 B. 谈判

C. 获得赞同 D. 对抗

16. At the end of a project phase, a Phase-end review is scheduled. This review is used to help the project sponsor mainly to:

A. Determine if the project should continue to the next phase B. Understand what will be accomplished in the next phase C. Find excuses for keeping staff members on the job D. Acquire additional funding

在项目阶段结束时,要安排一个阶段结果评审。该评审主要是为了帮助项目业主: A. 决定项目是否继续实施到下一个阶段 B. 知道下一个阶段要完成什么事项 C. 找出继续留下项目成员工作的理由 D. 获得额外的资金

17. The \

A. The baseline is frozen for the duration of the project and no scope changes are permitted

B. Marketing is unsure of what the customer actually wants and reserves the right to make major scope changes

C. The low levels of the work breakdown structure are known with certainty for the next three to six months, but the remaining tasks are based upon the results of the first three to six months of work

D. Networking techniques are not appropriate

“rolling wave”是项目中经常应用于 A. 项目历时基线固定且没有范围变更

B. 市场需求不明确,保留重大范围变更的权力 C. 接下去的三至六月的工作内容是明确的,但是剩余的工作安排要是前三至六个月的工作结果而定

D. 网络图技术不能应用

18. Project expeditor is different from a project coordinator in that it: A. can make more decisions

B. reports to a higher-level management C. can make no decisions D. has some authority

项目促进员和项目协调员的区别在于项目促进员: A. 可以做更多的决策 B. 向高层管理汇报




C. 不能决策 D. 有一定的权利

19. The review of key deliverables and project performance at the conclusion of a project phase is called:

A. phase exit B. kill point C. stage gate

D. all of the above

项目一个阶段结束时对关键可交付成果和项目绩效进行评审的过程是? A. 阶段出口 B. 验收站 C. 阶段关口 D. 以上都是

20. You are the project manager for a large construction project. The project objective is to construct a set of outbuilding to house the Olympic support team that will be arriving in your city 18 months from the project start date. Your project budget is $12 million. Which constraint is the primary one for this project? A. Time. B. Money. C. Resource

D. Quality, because building have to be functional and safe 你是一个大型建筑项目的项目经理。该项目的目标是为奥林匹克支持团队入住而建立的,他们将于项目开始日期的18个月后到达你的城市。你的项目预算是1200万美金。这个项目的主要限制是哪个? A. 时间 B. 金钱 C. 资源

D. 质量,因为建筑物必须发挥其功能并且安全

Answers: 1. A 11. A 2. D 12. B 3. C 13. A 4. B 14. C 5. A 15. B 6. D 16. A 7. D 17. C 8. D 18. C 9. A 19. D 10. C 20. A Chapter 4 Integration

1. Effective project integration usually requires an emphasis on – A. The personal capability of the team members B. Timely updates to the project plan

C. Effective communications at key interface points D. Senior management control

有效的项目整体管理通常需要强调: A 项目团队成员个人能力




B 及时更新项目计划

C 对主要交接点进行有效沟通 D 高层管理控制

2. When it comes to changes, the project manager's attention is best spent on: A. Handling changes when they come to light B. Recording changes

C. Letting management know about changes D. Preventing unnecessary changes 关于变更,项目经理最应该关注的是: A 发现变更时,就着手进行处理。 B 对变更进行记录。 C 让管理层知道变更。 D 防止不必要的变更。

3. To the project team, the most valuable document for integrating activities during project execution is:

A. The project management plan B. The scope statement C. The scope baseline D. Variance reports

对于项目团队来说,项目执行期间对整体活动的最有价值的文件是: A. 项目管理计划 B. 范围说明 C. 范围基准 D. 偏差报告

4. During the planning development process, at times it is necessary to make certain assumptions to enhance the project plan when the data is not available. In regard to making those assumptions, which one of the following is most true for project purposes? A. By making assumptions, it tends to reduce the project risk B. The assumptions are considered to be true, real, or certain

C. Project assumptions are based upon historical data used for the project D. Senior management predefines the budget constraints 在项目计划开发过程中,有时需要做一些假设,以便在数据缺乏的情况下完成计划制订工作。关于这些假设,下列哪个说法最正确? A. 通过这些假设,可以减少项目的风险

B. 这些假设被认为是正确的、真实的或者肯定的 C. 项目假设是基于被项目使用过的历史数据 D. 高层管理者预先定义了预算限制 5.Configuration management is any documented procedure used to apply technical administrative direction and surveillance of an item. A. Control cost increases.




B. Identify and correct problems arising in functional areas of project implementation. C. Identify and document physical characteristics of an item. D. Test new systems against.

配置管理是文档式的程序,它的用途是将技术行政管理和监督用于: A. 控制成本增长

B. 识别和纠正在项目执行过程的功能开发中引起的问题 C. 识别和记录某产品的物理特征 D. 测试新系统

6. All the following are examples of benefit measurement methods of project selection except A. Benefit-cost ratio B. Payback period

C. Economic value added and peer review D. Multiobjective programming

以下都是效益测量决策方法的例子,除了 A. 收益/成本对比 B. 投资回收期

C. 经济附加价值和同类比较 D. 多目标编程算法

7. Which one of the following is NOT a trade-off decision that must be made in the development of the project plan?

A. Whether to use skilled or unskilled laborers

B. The amount of profit vendors should make versus the profit other vendors have received in the past.

C. Manufacturing in-house or sub-contracting out the work D. The importance of cost versus quality.

以下哪一项不是在规划时必须做出的权衡决策? A. 使用熟练还是不熟练的劳动力

B. 比较供货方应该获得的利润和其他供货方以前收到的利润 C. 自造还是把工作承包给分包商 D. 成本/质量的重要性

8. It is critical for your company to offer its products on the Internet to increase its market share. The company has no previous experience in this area, but it believes that knowledge is needed rapidly. As you have shown an interest in the Internet, you are asked to start planning for this project. What is the FIRST step to take as you begin planning? A. Identify the risks. B. Plan the scope.

C. Establish a resource plan.

D. Complete a cost and schedule estimate.





A. 识别风险 B. 计划范围 C. 建立资源计划

D. 完成成本和进度估算。

9. As the complexity of the project and the number of interfaces increases, the need for effective project integration increases. The project manager’s ___ skills are directly related to the integration process. A. Communication B. Delegation

C. Cost containment D. Supervisory

随着项目的复杂性和相关面增加,更加需要有效的项目整体。项目经理的哪一项技能直接关系到整体管理过程: A. 沟通技能 B. 授权技能 C. 成本控制技能 D. 监管技能

10. A change control board is:

A. A formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for ensuring that only a minimal

amount of changes occur on the project.

B. An informal or formal group of team members responsible for change to a project. C. An informal group that has oversight of project implementation.

D. A formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for approving or rejecting changes

to the project baselines. 变更控制委员会是:

A. 正式组成的利害关系者小组负责保证项目的变量最小化 B. 正式或非正式团队负责项目变更事宜 C. 非正式的小组对项目执行进行的监督

D. 正式组成的利害关系者小组负责审批或否决对项目基准计划的变更

11. Performance measurement baselines should: a. Never change.

b. Change frequently to accommodate current information about the project.

c. Change only intermittently and generally only in response to an approved scope change. d. Change in order to keep the customer happy. 绩效衡量基准应该: A. 永不变更

B. 针对现有的项目信息,经常地进行变更 C. 只间断性进行变更以响应批准的范围变更 D. 为满足客户的满意而进行变更

12. Effective stakeholder management includes all of the following project elements





A. Clear requirements definition. B. Scope change control. C. Timely status information. D. Frequent cost reports.

有效的利害相关者管理包括以下的全部内容,除了: A. 明确的需求定义。 B. 范围变更控制。

C. 及时的进度报告信息。 D. 经常的成本支出报告。

13. Empowerment of the project team requires the project manager to provide all of the following except:

A. A sense of ownership and belonging B. A detailed project plan C. Direction and leadership D. Common objectives

授权给项目团队要求项目经理提供下列事项,但除了 A.拥有和归宿感 B.详细的项目计划 C.指挥和领导 D.共同的目标

14. Configuration management is any documented procedure used to apply technical and administration direction and surveillance to:

A. Maintain an objective measurement of project status B. Control the changes to the product characteristics C. Make sure senior management is kept in the loop D. Define performance objectives for earned value

配置管理是文档化的工作方法流程,应用技术和管理来引导和监督 A. 不断衡量项目状态 B. 控制产品特性的变更 C. 确保高层管理的关注 D. 定义挣值目标绩效

15. In making key changes to a project, it is important to have a formal change process and a ____________ responsible for approving or rejecting requests. A. Stakeholder

B. Change control board C. Subject matter expert D. Project manager


A. 项目相关者




B. 变更控制委员会 C. 领域事务专家 D. 项目经理

16. You are responsible for building the first roller rink in Evanston , Wyoming .Your company is hiring a contractor to manage the project and is using a lump-sum contract. The cost engineer, who has never set foot outside of Kokkomo, Indiana, made a major contribution during proposal preparation when the contract amount was being determined. This contributed to the profitability objective. This situation shows that

A .Professional cost estimating advice always is required

B .Every stakeholder has skills and knowledge that may be useful in developing the project plan C.A parametric model should be used in conjunction with expert judgment as the ideal cost estimating methodology for lump-sum contracts

D. A person does not need to be aware of local conditions to provide accurate information 你正负责在怀俄明州的艾文斯顿建造第一家室内滚轴溜冰场。你们公司雇佣了一个承包商来管理这个项目,并采用了一次性付款的合同,那名从未离开过印第安那州考克摩的造价工程师在确定合同金额的过程中做出了很大的贡献。这也有助于利润率目标的实现,这种情况表明:

A. 专业的成本评估建议总是必须的

B. 每个利害关系者都可能具备有助于项目计划形成的技能和知识 C. 对一次性付款的合同来讲,最理想的成本估算方法是将一个带有变量的模型和专家的判


D. 一个人即使在没能掌握本地条件的情况下也能提供准确的信息

17. Written change orders should be required on A. All projects, large and small B. Large projects

C. Project with formal configuration management system in place D. Project with a configuration change board 书面的变更单在哪项情况下需要? A. 所有的项目,无论大的,小的 B. 大项目中

C. 有正式的配置管理系统的项目 D. 有配置变更委员会的项目

18. During the execution of a project the project manager determines that a change is needed to material purchased for the project. The project manager calls a meeting of their team to plan how to make the change. This is an example of? A. Management by Objectives

B. Lack of a change control system C. Good team relations

D. Lack of a clear work breakdown structure 执行项目期间,项目经理确定项目需要购买的材料有必要变更。项目经理召开项目小组会议计划如何进行变更。这是一个_______的范例?




A. 目标管理

B. 缺乏变更控制系统 C. 良好团队关系

D. 缺乏明确的工作分解结构

19. Project management plans are developed by the: A. Senior manager

B. Functional managers C. Project manager D. Project team

项目管理计划由_______编制? A 高层经理 B 职能经理 C 项目经理 D 项目团队

20. Two fundamental objectives of project control are to-

A. Alter activities to achieve results and manage organizational assets

B. Eliminate unexpected technical problems and identify technical difficulties that require more resources

C. Ensure that resources are available when needed and avoid increases in the scope of work D. Have the required material, personnel, and equipment available when needed and ensure that budgeting is adequate


A. 改变活动以达到目的;管理组织财产。

B. 消除预料外的技术问题;确认需要更多资源的技术困难 C. 保证在需要时可以获得资源;避免工作范围的延伸。

D. 在需要时可以获得材料、人员和设备;保证预算是充分的。

Answers: 1. C 11. C 2. D 12. D 3. A 13. B 4. B 14. B 5. C 15. B 6. D 16. B 7. D 17. A 8. A 18. B 9. A 19. D 10. D 20. A Chapter 5 Scope

1. What is the document that forms the basis for an agreement between the project team and the project customer by identifying both the project objectives and the major project deliverables? A. Implementation Plan

B. Configuration Management Plan C. Scope Statement

D. Work Authorization Plan

有一个文件,它通过确定项目目标和主要项目可交付成果,形成了项目团队和项目客户之间达成一致的基础。这个文件的名称是? A 执行计划




B 配置管理计划 C 范围说明书 D 工作授权计划

2. Due to cuts in funding, your project has been terminated. The scope verification process: A. Should be delayed until the project is completed. B. Should determine the correctness of the work results.

C. Should establish and document the level and extent of completion. D. Will form the basis of the project audit.

由于资金削减,你的项目被终止了。范围核实过程: A. 应该被拖到项目完成时进行。 B. 应该确定工作结果的正确性。

C. 应该建立文档记录已经完成的水平和程度。 D. 将形成项目审核的基础。

3. Value engineering/Analysis is the systematic use of techniques which does not include A. Establishing values for required functions

B. Provide the required functions at the lowest overall cost C. Identifies the required function of an item D. Seeks to trade performance for cost 价值工程/分析系统不包含哪项技术 A. 估算所需功能的价值

B. 以最低总成本提供需要的功能 C. 明确某一项目必须的功能

D. 试图在成本与绩效之间进行权衡

4. Each item of the Work Breakdown Structure is assigned a unique identifier. What is the name of this identifier?

A. Quality inspection identifier. B. Chart of accounts C. Project activity code D. Code of accounts

工作分解结构中的每一项都被标以一个独特的标示符。标示符的名称是什么? A 质量检测标示符 B 帐目图表 C 项目活动编码 D 帐目编码

5. What is the difference between scope verification and quality control? A. There is no difference.

B. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the correctness of work results while quality

control is primarily concerned with the acceptance of work results.

C. Scope verification is concerned with ensuring that changes are beneficial while quality

control is concerned that the overall work results are correct.




D. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the acceptance of work results while quality

control is primarily concerned with the correctness of work results. 范围核实与质量控制之间的差别是: A. 没有差别。

B. 范围核实主要关心工作结果的正确性,而质量控制主要关心工作结果的认可。 C. 范围核实关心变更是有益的,而质量控制关心整个工作结果的正确性。

D. 范围核实主要关心工作结果的认可,而质量控制主要关心工作结果的正确性。

6. During the Create WBS process, the work breakdown structure should be developed to: A. The sub-project level.

B. The level determined by the project office.

C. A level at which the cost and schedule for the work can be reliably estimated. D. The cost center level.

在项目制定工作分解结构过程中,工作分解结构应当被制定为: A. 子项目级别

B. 由项目办公设备决定的级别

C. 允许可靠地估算成本与进度的级别 D. 成本中心级别

7. A WBS numbering system should allow project staff to: A. Estimate costs of WBS elements B. Provide project justification

C. Identify the level at which individual WBS elements are found D. Use it in project management software 工作分解结构编号系统允许项目员工: A 估算WBS元素的成本 B 提供项目论证

C 确定在哪个级别可以找到WBS元素 D 在项目管理软件中使用编码系统

8. On an environmental remediation project, an example of a value-adding change is one that- A. Is caused by a new or revised government regulation necessitating that the design be resubmitted

B. Takes advantage of cost-reducing technology that was not available when the scope was originally defined

C. Uses a bill of materials to define the total scope of the project, including all assemblies and subassemblies

D. Corrects omission of a required feature in the design of a system 在一个环境改造项目中,以下哪项是一个增值变更的范例? A. 由于政府规定经过修订,需要重新提交设计。

B. 利用按照原来定义的范围不可获取的可以降低成本的技术。 C. 使用材料清单定义项目的整个范围,包括所有的组件和子组件 D. 修正系统设计中遗漏的但应该有的特征。




9. Which of the following statements concerning a scope statement are true?

A. It provides a documented basis for making future project decisions and for developing

common understanding of the project scope among stakeholders. B. Scope statement and Statement of work are synonymous.

C. Project justification and project objectives are not included or referenced in the scope


D. None of the above.

关于范围说明,以下哪种说法是正确的? A. 它为今后项目决策,以及在项目干系人中建立对项目范围的共识提供了一份文档化的依


B. 范围说明和工作说明书同义。

C. 项目论证和项目目标不应在范围说明中包括或参照。 D. 以上都不正确。

10. Scope verification should be done? A. At the end of the project

B. At the beginning of the project

C. During each phase of the project D. Once during planning 范围核实应该在何时进行? A 项目结束时 B 项目开始时

C 项目每一个阶段期间 D 计划编制时进行一次

11. In order to manage a project effectively, work should be broken down into small pieces. Which of the following does NOT describe how far each task should be broken down? A. Can be completed in under 80 hours B. Can not be logically subdivided further C. As detail as possible

D. Can be realistically estimated 为了有效的管理项目,应该将工作分解为小块。以下各项中哪项不能说明任务应该分解到什么程度?

A 可以在80小时以下完成。

B 不能再进一步进行逻辑细分了。 C 越详细越好。

D 可以进行可靠地估算。

12. What is the purpose of the WBS?

A. To show which work elements have been assigned to organizational units.

B. To ensure that all work within a project is identified and defined within a common


C. To show the organizational structure of a program. D. all of the above





A. 为了展示哪个工作要素被指派到组织单元。

B. 为了保证项目中所有工作都在一个共同框架中被识别和定义。 C. 为了展示一个计划(program)的组织结构 D. 以上都是。

13. Customer is requiring scope changes. In order to analyze the influences to the project, PM should review WBS, approved change request, scope management plan and – A. Performance Report B. RAM

C. Pareto Diagram

D. Monte Carlo Simulation

客户要求进行范围变更。为了分析变更对项目的影响,项目经理应该回顾工作分解结构、批准的变更请求、范围管理计划和_______? A 绩效报告 B 职责分配矩阵 C 帕累托图

D 蒙特卡洛模拟

14. A project manager may use to make sure the team clearly knows what work is included in each of their tasks? A. A project scope of work B. A project charter

C. A WBS dictionary D. A risk management plan

项目经理可以使用_______来保证项目团队清楚的了解到他们的每一项任务包含的工作。 A 项目工作范围 B 项目章程 C WBS词汇表 D 风险管理计划

15. Project scope is:

A. The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified features and


B. The features and functions that are to be included in a product or service. C. A narrative description of work to be performed under contract. D. all of the above 项目范围是:

A. 为了交付具有特定特征和功能的产品而必须完成的工作。 B. 包含在产品或服务中的特征和功能。 C. 合同中文字表述的应该执行的工作。 D. 以上都是。

16. Project managers normally manage to the third level of the WBS. Managing at this level




allows the project manager to: A. Supervise all technical work

B. Control the work package elements C. Exercise his or her technical expertise D. Maintain better control of integrated efforts

项目经理通常管理工作分解结构WBS的第3级,该水平的管理让项目经理去: A. 监督所有技术工作 B. 控制工作包要素 C. 发挥自己的技术专长

D. 更好地保持控制整合工作

17. To further ensure that the work outputs of the project are accepted by the customer, the project team should:

A. Change the project scope when requested by the customer B. Follow a scope verification process

C. Modify the project plan and baseline as needed. D. Use a PERT Chart

为了进一步确保客户接受项目的工作结果,项目团队应该: A. 当客户要求时,变更项目范围 B. 遵循范围核实过程

C. 根据需要调整项目计划和基准 D. 利用计划评审技术PERT图

18. Scope changes on projects are inevitable. However, scope changes can be minimized by: A. Effective implementation of the scope management processes

B. Spending more time analyzing where the estimates came from and who did the estimating C. Asking the sponsor to supervise all of the planning D. Developing a detailed Project Charter

项目范围变更在所难免。然而,要尽可能减少范围变更可以借助于: A. 有效完成范围管理过程

B. 花更多时间分析估算是怎样得出的及是谁做估算 C. 请求业主监督规划的所有事项 D. 制定详尽的项目章程

19. Which of the following could be an appropriate WBS code for a work package at the fourth level in a WBS where the top level code is 1.0? A. 1.4 B. C. D. b and c

WBS最高一级的编码为1.0,以下哪个可能是第四级的WBS工作包的编码? A. 1.4 B. C.




D. b和c

20. The scope statement, once established and approved, is used: A. As the sole basis for making future decisions B. To organize the approach to managing customer

C. To develop a common understanding of the project scope and for evaluating potential changes

D. As a static mechanism that never changes 范围说明书, 一旦被确定和批准,要被用于: A. 未来决策的唯一基准 B. 管理客户的组织方式

C. 对项目范围形成统一的认识并且评估潜在的变更 D. 作为决不会变更的静态机制

Answers: 1. C 11. C 2. C 12. B 3. D 13. A 4. D 14. C 5. D 15. A 6. C 16. D 7. C 17. B 8. B 18. A 9. A 19. D 10. C 20. C Chapter 6 Time

1. \ This expression describes which of the following dependencies? A. Discretionary B. Soft

C. Preferential

D. Mandatory or hard

“在对软件编码前我不能进行软件测试。”这句话说明了哪种依赖关系? A 随意的 B 软逻辑关系 C 优先

D 强制或硬逻辑关系

2. The goal of resource-constrained scheduling is to

A. Minimize the overall project duration given the available resources

B. Minimize overtime expenses by assigning resources within normal work hours C. Maximize the efficiency of available resources based on activity sequences D. Increase productivity through fast-tracking and crashing procedures 受资源限制的进度目标是:

A. 在既定的资源内最短时间完成项目

B. 把工作安排在正常的工作时间内,最大限度减少加班开支 C. 在既定的资源内按活动顺序使工作效率最大化 D. 通过快速跟进和压缩进程的方式提高生产率

3. A technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resources is




A. critical path analysis B. PERT

C. critical chain D. earned value

根据有限资源修订项目进度的一种技术是: A. 关键路径分析 B. PERT C. 关键链 D. 挣值

4. A network diagram that uses nodes to represent activities and arrows to show the activity dependencies and allows no loops is called: A. AOA B. AON C. ADM D. GERT

用节点代表活动,箭线表示活动依赖关系,并且不允许回路的网络图被称为: A. AOA(双代号网络图) B. AON(单代号网络图) C. ADM(箭线图)

D. GERT(图形评审技术)

5. An activity that consumes no time or resources and shows only that a dependency exists between two activities is called: A. A milestone B. A hammock

C. A dummy activity D. b and c

不消耗时间和资源,仅显示两个活动之间依赖关系的活动被称为: A. 里程碑 B. 汇总活动 C. 虚活动 D. b和c

6. Given the following estimates: Optimistic 3 days, Pessimistic 9 days, and most likely 6 days, what is the PERT weighted average? A. 6 B. 4 C. 6.3 D. 6.1

有以下估算: 乐观3天,悲观9天,最可能6天,PERT加权平均值是什么? A. 6 B. 4 C. 6.3




D. 6.1

7. To calculate the late start and late finish dates for a set of tasks, you must do: A. An analysis of the critical path B. A forwards pass C. A backwards pass D. a and c

计算一系列任务的最晚开始和最晚结束时间,你必须: A. 分析关键路径 B. 利用正推法计算 C. 利用逆推法计算 D. a和c

8. Which of the following is indicative of negative float? A. The late start date is earlier than the early start date. B. The critical path supports the imposed end date. C. The early finish date is equal to the late finish date. D. When leads are employed in the schedule 以下哪些是负浮动时间包含的意义? A. 最晚开始时间早于最早开始时间 B. 关键路径规定了结束时间

C. 最早结束的时间等于最晚结束的时间 D. 当提前时间已经计划于进度之中

9 If task A have 7 days of free float and 15 days of total float and the early start date is delayed 5 days, which does this do to the completion date of the project? A. Pushes the finish date out 10 days

B. Delays the early start date of the next dependent task 5 days C. Allow the project to finish 5 days earlier D. The finish date does not change

任务A有7天的自由浮动时间,15天的总浮动时间,如果A开始的时间推迟了5天,那一项关于完工时间是正确的? A. 完工时间推迟10天

B. 紧接着第一事件的任务起始时间延后5天 C. 允许项目提前5天完成 D. 结束时间不变

10.Three-Point Estimates is an estimating tool that A. Incorporates risk as an element of the estimate B. Can be used only for estimating level of effort C. Can be used only in PDM

D. Uses only historical estimates to calculate standard deviations 三点估算是一种估算的工具

A. 把风险作为一项估算要素考虑




B. 只能用来估算工作量水平 C. 只能用于PDM

D. 只使用历史估算数据来计算方差

11.Float, or slack, is a measure of A. Free time

B. Scheduling constraint C. Resource availability D. Scheduling flexibility 浮动或时差是用来衡量 A. 自由时间 B. 进度的限制 C. 拥有的资源 D. 进度的灵活性

12. Once the durations of the activities are calculated for a completed network, a forward pass and a backward pass will provide: A. The float of the activities

B. The early start and late start only C. The critical path D. A and C

计算出已完工网络的活动历时后,前推法和逆推法可以提供: A 活动浮动时间

B 只有最早开始日期和最迟开始日期 C 关键路径 D A和C。

13. See the figure below, what is the critical path? a) A-B-G b) C-G c) C-D d) E-F

A 3 E 4 B 4 C 8 F 3 D 1 G 2 用下列图示数据,什么是关键路线 A. A-B-G B. C-G C. C-D D. E-F




14. Assume that you have a network where an activity on the critical path can be crashed by two weeks. If that activity is actually crashed by two weeks, then: A. The project’s schedule will be reduced by 2 weeks

B. The available slack on the non-critical paths will increase C. Crashing this activity may change the critical path D. The project’s schedule will be increased by 2 weeks 假定你的项目网络中,关键路线上的某活动可能被加快两周完成。如果实际上该活动确实提前两周完成了,则:

A. 项目进度将被缩短2周

B. 非关键路线上的可用的时差将增加 C. 加快该项活动可能改变关键路线 D. 项目进度将增加2周

15. The critical path time needs to be reduced by 20%. You may take the following actions EXCEPT --

A. Adding resources

B. Crashing time schedule C. Eliminating float D. Paralleling activities

当需要减少20%关键路径时间时,你可以采取下列的行动,但?除外。 A. 增加资源 B. 进度上赶工 C. 消除浮动时间 D. 并行安排活动

16. Consider a project with a critical path that consists of four consecutive activities: A, B, C and D. The time estimates for these activities, in weeks, are shown below. Using PERT, the expected time for the critical path is: A. 15 weeks B. 17.5 weeks C. 18 weeks D. 20 weeks 活动




A 2 3 4 B 4 5 6 C 5 5.5 6 D 4 4 4

思考某项目的关键路线,该项目由四项相继活动A, B, C 和 D组成,这些活动的时间估算周如下图所示,用三点估算进行计算,关键路线的预期时间是 A. 15周




B. 17.5周 C. 18周 D. 20周

17. During planning you sit down and estimate the time needed for each task and total them to come up with the project estimate. This duration is what you commit to complete the project. What is wrong with the scenario?

A. The team did not create the estimate and estimating takes too long using that method. B. The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not used. C. The estimate is too long and should be created by management

D. The project estimate should be the same as the customer’s required completion date 在进行计划编制时,你坐下来对每项任务所需的时间进行估算,这些时间的总和就是项目估算。这个历时就是你承诺完成项目的时间。以上描述有什么错误? A. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且这种方法耗时太长。 B. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且没有使用网络图。 C. 估算时间太久,应该由管理层完成。

D. 项目估算应该和客户要求的完工日期吻合。

18. The term ―planning‖ and ―scheduling‖ are sometimes used interchangeably within a project, however, they are very different activities in a project. Which of the following are scheduling activities?

A. The project will be completed by a team of international specialists, co-located in six countries, using workgroup tools available over the internet

B. The vendors, for the widget component, must be selected by end of first quarter

C. Due to the high cost and lengthy timeframes of producing components in-house, several of the components will be contracted out to vendors D. Both B and C

计划和进度在项目中有时可以互换使用,但他们是两个不同的活动。以下哪个是进度活动? A. 项目由分布在六个国家的国际专家团完成,通过应用互联网技术进行团队合作 B. 供应商的选择必须在第一季度完成

C. 由于高成本和较长的生产时间跨度,有几部分的组件将外包 D. B和C

19. The amount of time that an activity can be delayed from its early start without delaying the project end date is called: A. Free Float B. Total Float C. Float D. b and c

一项活动可以从其最早开始时间延期,而不影响项目结束时间的那一段时间被称为? A. 自由浮动。 B. 总浮动。 C. 浮动。 D. b和c。




20. In a project that has never been done before, the project manager must select one or more methods of estimating task duration. What is the more reliable method under this described situation?

A. Historical data B. Expert judgment

C. Parametric learning curves D. Estimating manuals

这是一个以前从来没有从事过的项目类型,项目经理必须选择一种或几种任务工期估算方法。在这种情况下,下列哪一种方法是最可靠的? A. 历史数据 B. 专家判断 C. 参数学习曲线 D. 估算手册

Answers: 1. D 11. D

2. A 12. D 3. C 13. B 4. B 14. C 5. C 15. C 6. A 16. B 7. C 17. B 8. A 18. B 9. D 19. B 10. A 20. B Chapter 7 Cost

1. A project's payback period ends when: A. Profit maximum is realized. B. Unit profit is realized.

C. Monthly revenue exceeds monthly costs.

D. Cumulative cash inflow equals cumulative cash outflow. 项目的投资回收期应该在下列哪种情况下可认为结束: A.利润最大化的实现。 B.单位利润实现时。



2. It is argumentative whether project managers actually control costs. Which of the following is the most common element over which the project manager may have some degree of control? A. Direct labor dollars B. Direct labor hours C. Overhead rates D. Procurement costs

项目经理实际所能控制的成本是个争论点,以下哪一项是项目经理有控制权的内容? A. 直接人工费用 B. 直接人工工时 C. 管理费费率 D. 采购成本




3. Which is the most conservative of the work completion rules: A. 0-50-100 Rule B. 0-100 Rule C. 0-20-100 Rule D. 100-0 Rule

以下哪项是最为保守的工作完工原则? A. 0-50-100 原则 B. 0-100原则 C. 0-20-100原则 D. 100-0原则

4. One common way to compute estimate at completion (EAC) is to take the project budgeted-at-completion and:

A. Divide it by the schedule performance index. B. Multiply it by the schedule performance index. C. Multiply it by the cost performance. D. Divide it by the cost performance index. 正确计算EAC的方法是把BAC A. 除以SPI (进度绩效指数) B. 乘以SPI(进度绩效指数) C. 乘以CPI(成本绩效指数) D. 除以CPI(成本绩效指数)

5. A CPI of .80 means?

A. As of now we expect the total project cost of 80% more than planned B. When the project is completed we will have spent 80% more C. Your project is only progressing at 80% of that planned

D. Your project is only getting 80 cents out of every dollar invested 成本绩效指数(CPI)为 .80的意思是: A. 目前我们预期总成本超过计划的80%。 B. 项目完成是我们将超支80%。

C. 你的项目现在已经进行了计划的80%。

D. 你项目投入的每一美元只收到80美分的效果。

6. Using the PMBOK definition of contingency reserve, which of the following statements about contingency reserves is false?

A. A contingency reserve is a separately planned quantity used to allow for future situations

which may be planned for only in part.

B. Contingency reserves may be set aside for known unknowns. C. Contingency reserves may be set aside for unknown unknowns.

D. Contingency reserves are normally included in the project's cost and schedule baselines. 按项目管理知识体系对应急储备的定义,以下哪个关于应急储备的陈述是错误的? A. 应急储备是单独计划的资金用于未来那些可能只计划了一部分的情况。 B. 应急储备为已知未知的境况而准备的资金。




C. 应急储备为未知未知的境况而准备的资金。 D. 应急储备通常包含在项目成本和进度的基线中。

7. The Percentage Complete is 60%, BAC is $20,000, and Actual Cost (AC or ACWP) is $15,000. What are the Cost Variance and Schedule Variance? A. Not enough information for the calculation of CV and SV. B. CV = SV = -$3,000

C. CV = -$3,000 and SV = +$3,000

D. CV = -$3,000 and not enough information for the calculation of SV

如果完工比例是60%,完工预算是20000美元,实际成本(实际成本或已完成工作实际成本)15000美元。则成本偏差(CV)和进度计划(SV)偏差是多少? A. 信息不充分,无法计算CV和SV. B. CV = SV = -3000美元

C. CV = -3000美元、SV = +3000美元

D. CV = -3000美元、信息不充分无法计算SV

8. If the EV for a project is $30,000, the AC is $33,000, and the PV is $25,000, how is the project performing?

A. The project is over budget and ahead of schedule B. The project is over budget and behind schedule C. The project is under budget and ahead of schedule D. The project is under budget and behind schedule

如果一个项目的挣值是$30,000, 实际成本为$33,000, 计划成本为$25,000,那么这个项目的绩效如何?

A. 超过预算、进度提前 B. 超过预算、进度落后 C. 低于预算、进度提前 D. 低于预算、进度落后

9. Your selection committee is debating between two projects. Project A has a payback period of 18 months. Project B has a cost of $125K with expected cash inflow of $50K the first year and $25K per quarter after that. Which project should you recommend? A. Either project A or Project B, because payback period are equal. B. Project A, because Project B payback period is 21 Months. C. Project A, because Project B payback period is 24 Months. D. Project A, because Project B payback period is 20 Months.

选择委员会正就两个项目进行争论。项目A的回收期为18个月。项目B的成本是$125K ,预期的现金流入量为第一年$50K,其后每季度的现金流入量为$25K。你应该推荐哪个项目 ?

A. 项目A与项目B都行,因为它们的回收期相同。 B. 项目A,因为项目B的回收期为21个月。 C. 项目A,因为项目B的回收期为24个月。 D. 项目A,因为项目B的回收期为20个月。




10. If project A has an NPV of $30,000 and project B of $50,000, what is the opportunity cost if project B is selected? A. $23,000 B. $30,000 C. $20,000 D. $50,000

如果项目A的净现值为30000美元,项目B的为50000美元,那么选取项目B的机会成本是多少? A. $23,000 B. $30,000 C. $20,000 D. $50,000

11. The internal rate of return is a measure of a project's expected profitability that can be thought of as the-

A. After-tax profit reported to the government

B. Maximum rate of interest that may be paid for the capital used over the life of the investment without loss on the project C. EAC minus BAC

D. Ratio of discounted revenues over discounted costs

内部回报率是项目预期利润率的评定标准,可以把它看作: A. 向政府汇报的税后利润

B. 在投资生命期利用的没有项目损失的资金应该支付的最大利率。 C. 完工估算(EAC)减完工预算(BAC) D. 贴现收入和贴现成本的比率

12. Using the table below, a comparison of the cost variance of August as compared to that of July shows that the magnitude ($value) of the variance has______and the percentage change has_____. A. Become worse, become worse B. Become worse, improved C. Improved, improved D. Improved, become worse

月 六月 七月 八月 PV $34,000 $18,000 $58,000 EV $34,000 $16,000 $60,000 AC $33,000 $20,000 $66,000 用下表数据,比较八月与七月的成本偏差表明: 偏差程度值已经_______并且变化百分比已经________。

A. 变得更差,变得更差 B. 变得更差,改进 C. 改进, 改进

D. 改进,变得更差




13. A project was estimated to cost $1.5 million and scheduled to last six months. After three months, the earned value analysis shows the following: BCWP = $750,000; BCWS = $650,000; ACWP = $800,000. What are the schedule and cost variances? A. SV= +$100,000 / CV= -$50,000 B. SV= +$100,000 / CV= +$50,000 C. SV= -$50,000 / CV= +$100,000 D. SV= +$50,000 / CV= -$100,000

某一项目估算成本150万美元,同时需要6个月时间完成,三个月后通过挣值法显示:EV=$750,000; PV=$650,000; AC=$800,000。进度和成本偏差应该是: A. SV=+$100,000/CV=-$50,000 B. SV=+$100,000/CV=+$50,000 C. SV=-$50,000/CV=+$100,000 D. SV=+$50,000/CV=-$100,000

14. Your company has established a reward and recognition system for its project management professionals. Project cost performance is used as a criterion to determine rewards. What should you do to ensure work as part of the job?

A. Consider overtime work as part of the job. B. Prepare a cost baseline.

C. Use earned value management to monitor performance.

D. Estimate and budget controllable and uncontrollable costs separately.

你们公司为项目管理专业人士建立了一套奖励与考评系统。项目成本绩效是决定的标准之一。为确保奖励能反映实际绩效,你应该采取什么措施? A. 将加班视为工作一部分。 B. 设定一个成本基线。

C. 利用挣值管理来监控绩效。

D. 对可控与不可控成本分别进行评估和预算。

15. Using the table below, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget? A. Element P B. Element Q C. Element R D. Element S




已执行工作预算成本BCWP (EV)




$1.000 $2.000 $1.000 $2.000

$1.100 $1.800 $1.200 $1.900

$1.150 $2.100 $1.050 $1.800




利用下表数据计算, 工作分解结构WBS的哪一要素是落后进度但低于预算? A. 要素 P B. 要素 Q C. 要素 R D. 要素 S

16. In bottom-up cost estimating, accuracy is enhanced A. With smaller work items

B. By using accurate historical information

C. If previous projects are similar in fact, not just in appearance

D. If the individuals or groups preparing the estimates are fully qualified 自下而上的成本估算中,以下哪种情况精确度会提高 A. 对于较小的工作内容估算 B. 使用准确的历史信息

C. 如果前一个项目不仅外表相似,内容上也近似 D. 合格的估算者或小组

17. EAC is a periodic evaluation of: A. Cost of work complete B. Value of work performed

C. Anticipated total cost at project completion D. What it will cost to finish the job 完工估算是----_______的定期评估。 A. 完成工作的成本 B. 已完成工作的价值

C. 项目完工时的预期总成本 D. 完成工作还需要花的成本

18. You receive a frantic phone call from your vice president who says she is going to meet with a prospective client in 15 minutes to discuss a large and complex dot-com project. She gives you a 30-second overview and asks you how much the project will cost. You quickly think of some similar past projects factor in a few unknowns and give her a number. What type of estimate did you just provide?

A. Definitive B. Budget

C. Order-of-magnitude D. Detailed

你接到了一个你们副总裁打给你的紧急电话,说她15分钟后要去见一个潜在的客户,谈一个很大很复杂的“.com”项目,她给你30秒钟时间考虑并告诉她这个项目要多少成本,你迅速地回顾了一些以往的类似项目,虽然有些因素尚未知晓但你还是给了她一个数字,你刚才使用的是什么类型的估计方法: A 确定性估计 B 预算

C 量级




D 详细估计

19. Parametric estimates are based on variables such as A. Detailed planning and cost restraints

B. Physical characteristics and historical data C. The WBS and similar projects

D. Project objectives and manpower allocations 参数估算基于某些变量,例如: A. 详细的计划和成本的限制 B. 物理特性和历史数据 C. WBS和相似的项目 D. 项目目标和人力分配

20. The EVMS report shows CV=SV=0. However, a milestone has been missed that will cause an overall delay to the project. Which one of the following is being inadequately reported? A. Risk analysis report

B. Communication plan variance C. Resource management plan D. Critical path status


A. 风险分析报告 B. 沟通计划偏差 C. 资源管理计划 D. 关键路径状态

Answers: 1. D 11. B 2. B 12. B 3. B 13. A 4. D 14. D 5. D 15. D 6. C 16. A 7. D 17. C 8. A 18. C 9. B 19. B 10. B 20. C Chapter 8 Quality

1. Most quality problems are caused by: A. Lack of caring by the staff B. Lack of staff motivation

C. Lack of management attention D. Specification errors 大多质量问题的起因是: A. 员工不关心 B. 员工缺乏激励 C. 管理层不重视 D. 规范有问题

2. Duo to a lack of an employee training and proper production control, defects in a production




run caused rework which cost the company $250,000. How much of this cost is directly attributable to the employees on the production line? A. $75,000 B. $37,500 C. $212,500 D. $145,000

由于员工缺乏培训和合理的控制,生产过程中发现了以错误需要返工解决。返工费用为$250,000。其中员工负有责任的费用为 A. $75,000 B. $37,500 C. $212,500 D. $145,000

3. Design of experiments is a technique used in quality planning to

A. Identify which variables have the most influence on overall outcomes B. Provide a comparison between project quality management practices C. Show how various elements of a system relate D. Identify where less rework will be required 实验设计是质量计划中的工具

A. 明确哪些变量对于整体结果影响最大 B. 为项目质量管理提供比较

C. 展现各个因素在系统中如何联系在一起 D. 明确哪里可以减少返工

4. Which of the following statements best characterizes the quality management practice called benchmarking?

a. The ISO term for progress measurement

b. Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects c. A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment d. The difference between grade and quality

以下哪一条最能说明质量管理中标杆管理法的特征: A. 是ISO用于进度衡量的词语

B. 将已计划的项目做法与其它项目的类似部分作比较 C. 一种用于测试某些电子设备的技术 D. 等级与质量间的关系

5. When a process is in control, what do you want to do to the process? A. The process should not be adjusted.

B. The process may be adjusted for continuous improvement. C. The process should be always adjusted for continuous quality. D. The process should be regularly adjusted.

当一个过程处于控制之中,你想对此过程作什么? A. 不应该调整该过程。

B. 可以调整该过程达到连续改进。




C. 为了连续改进质量应该不断调整该过程。 D. 应该定期调整该过程。

6. In order to monitor the number of errors or defects that have been identified and the number that remain undetected ,you should A . Design an experiment B. Use a checklist

C. Conduct a trend analysis D. Perform an audit

为了监控已经发现和尚未被发现的错误和缺陷数量,你应该: A. 设计一项试验

B. 利用一个对照表进行比较 C. 运用趋势分析法 D. 进行审计

7. Constancy of purpose is a core concept for continuous improvement. An organization displaying constancy of purpose must have all the following elements except: A. Documented and well-disseminated statements of purpose and vision B. A set of strategic and tactical plans

C. An awareness by all members of the organization of the purpose, vision, goals, and objectives and their roles in achieving them

D. A quality assurance and control department reporting to senior management


A. 组织目标和前景展望已形成文件并且广泛传播。 B. 一套战略、策略计划

C. 所有组织人员都认识到组织的目的、前景、目标、以及在实现目标的过程中他们所起的作用。

D. 负责向高层管理汇报的质量保证和控制部门。

8. The quality management plan describes all the following except the

A. Method for implementing the quality policy as well as the project quality system B. Quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement plans for the project

C. Organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources needed to implement project quality management

D. Procedures used to conduct trade-off analyses among cost, schedule and quality 质量管理计划描述了以下方面,除了 A. 贯彻质量政策和质量系统的方法 B. 质量控制,质量保证,质量提高计划

C. 贯彻项目质量管理的组织结构,职责,过程,流程和资源 D. 用来平衡成本,进度和质量的流程

9. A Pareto diagram helps the project manager to?

A. Focus on the most critical issues to improve quality




B. Focus on stimulating thinking C. Explore a desired future outcome

D. Determine if a process is out of control 帕累托图可以帮助项目经理: A. 关注最关键的问题改进质量。 B. 关注激发思考

C. 了解想要达到的未来产出 D. 确定一个过程是否失去控制

10. When the project team completes the planning phase of a project, they should have the following identified and developed to monitor and control quality: A. Operational Definitions (Metrics) B. Benchmarks C. Flowcharts D. Procedures

当项目团队完成了项目的计划阶段时,为了监督和控制质量,他们应该识别和制定了: A. 工作定义(量度标准) B. 标杆比较法 C. 流程图法 D. 程序

11. Opportunities for improvement are identified by measuring quality, which is defined as the monetary value associated with

A. Producing a product that meets the requirement B. Nonconformance to the requirement C. Any cost for quality personnel and tools

D. All extra efforts to implement a quality program

改进的机会是通过测量质量发现的,这种改进被定义成与下列哪项相关的货币价值? A. 生产满足需求的产品 B. 与需求不一致的成本

C. 所有质量人员和工具的成本

D. 实施一个质量程序的所有额外努力

12. ―cost of quality‖ is a project management concept that includes cost of: A. exceeding requirements B. changes to the requirements

C. ensuring conformance to requirements D. the quality control requirements

“质量成本”是一个项目管理概念,它包括下列哪项所需的成本? A. 超过要求的成本 B. 要求变更的成本 C. 保证符合要求的成本 D. 质量控制要求的成本




13. Accountability for project quality rests ultimately with: A. The customer

B. The project manager

C. The Quality Control Department D. Everybody involved in the project 项目质量的责任最终在于: A. 客户 B. 项目经理 C. 质量控制部门

D. 参与项目的每个人

14. Which of the following best describes the results of an increase in quality? A. Increased productivity, increased cost effectiveness, decreased cost risk B. Increased productivity, decreased cost effectiveness, and increased cost risk C. Reduced productivity and no change to cost effectiveness and cost risk D. Reduced productivity and an increase in overall product or service cost 以下哪项可以最好的描述质量提高了的结果?

A. 生产率提高了、成本效率提高了、成本风险降低了 B. 生产率提高了、成本效率下降了、成本风险增加了 C. 生产率下降了、成本效率和成本风险没有变化 D. 生产率下降了、产品或服务整体成本提高了

15. The increasing emphasis on project quality management can be attributed to the

A. Formation of quality circles by employees dissatisfied with their company’s quality practices B. Importance and prestige of obtaining ISO9000 certification C. Power of customers as stakeholders in the process

D. Power of top management as a stakeholder in the process 日益加强的对项目质量管理的强调主要归因于: A. 对于公司质量不满的雇员形成的质量圈 B. 获得ISO9000认证的重要性和威信

C. 客户作为项目干系人在整个过程中的权力 D. 高级经理算作项目干系人在整个过程中的权力

16. You recently completed a food service assessment project of the company dining facility and found out a number of problems, including empty vending machines, discourteous employees, slow line, poor menu variety’ and high price. you decide to show which variables have the most influence on the overall outcome. Which one of the tools listed you use? A. Flowcharts

B. Scatter diagram C. Pareto diagram D. Control chart





A. 流程图 B. 散点图 C. 帕累托图 D. 控制图

17. Primary responsibility for establishing design and test specifications rests with: A. Senior management B. Procurement C. Engineering D. Quality control

建立设计和测试规范的主要责任在于: A. 高层管理 B. 采购

C. 工程/设计 D. 质量控制

18. Jake has been assigned the position of PM of a multi-organizational project. His organization, which is the primary performing organization, has a weak quality policy. The other organizations have no quality policy, Jake should

A. Use the policy for his organization, since his organization is the primary performing organization

B. Ask for additional money from the stakeholders to fund a quality program C. Seek buy-in from all organizations to fund a quality program

D. Work with the team members from the various organizations and develop a quality policy for the project without telling anyone, to eliminate negative feed back Jake被任命为一个多组织项目的经理。他自己所在的组织承担主要的工作,质量政策比较弱。其他组织没有质量政策,Jake需要

A. 使用他组织中的质量政策,因为他的组织承担主要的工作 B. 向项目干系人申请额外的经费组成一个质量管理过程 C. 向所有组织寻求意见组成一个质量管理过程

D. 与来自各个组织的项目团队成员一起制定项目的质量政策,但为了避免负面影响不告诉其他人

19. Which of the following statements best describes attributes sampling versus variable sampling?

A. Attribute sampling is concerned with prevention, whereas variable sampling with inspection? B. Attribute sampling is concerned with conformance, whereas variable sampling with degree of


C. Attribute sampling is concerned with special canses, whereas variable sampling with any


D. Both are the same concept


A. 属性抽样是与“预防”有关,而变量抽样与“检验”有关




B. 属性抽样是与“一致性”有关,而变量抽样与“一致性的程度”有关 C. 属性抽样是与“特殊原因”有关,而变量抽样与“任何原因”有关 D. 两种抽样相同

20. A fishbone diagram helps: A. Explore past outcomes

B. Organizes thoughts and stimulates thinking C. Determine if a process is out of control D. Prioritize the problems 鱼骨图可以帮助: A. 了解过去的结果 B. 组织思维、激发思考 C. 确定过程是否失去控制 D. 对问题进行优先排序

Answers: 1. C 11. B

2. B 12. C 3. A 13. B 4. B 14. A 5. A 15. C 6. C 16. C 7. D 17. C 8. D 18. C 9. A 19. B 10. A 20. B Chapter 9 HR

1. The company has just announced that there will be a layoff in the next months, and it is probable that you lose some of the people from your project team. The team members seem to lose the interests in the project work. If you tell the team, \project performance in the next month will keep us from losing our jobs.\Which conflict resolution technique are you using? A. Compromising B. Forcing

C. Smoothing D. Withdrawal

公司刚刚宣布下个月会解雇员工,你的项目团队可能会失去部分员工。这时候,项目团队成员似乎对项目失去了兴趣。如果你对你的团队说:“让我们冷静下来重新回到工作岗位上,我们下个月的项目绩效会使我们不会失去工作。”你采用的是哪种解决冲突的技巧? A. 妥协 B. 强迫 C. 缓和 D. 回避

2. A company convenes an estimating team to bid competitively on a project. Later, a negotiation team made up of different people is established to negotiate the final price. The project manager was not part of either team and is assigned after negotiations were completed and the contract was signed. A good project manager should mainly:

A. Disregard the assumptions/constraints used in estimating the job

B. Review the documents that authorize the project and define its objectives




C. Focus heavily on comparing the contractual statement of work with the proposal statement of


D. Request a new project charter

某公司召集一个估算团队来对项目竞标报价。稍后,由不同的人组建了一个谈判团队来谈判决定最终价格。在完成了谈判并签订了合同后,才任命了项目经理,他并不是上述两个团队的成员。一个好的项目经理应该主要: A. 不考虑工作估算所作的假定或条件限制 B. 了解检查项目授权和项目目标的文件.

C. 集中精力比较合同的工作说明书和建议书的工作说明书 D. 要求制定新的项目章程

3. To successfully motivate a team in today’s high-tech environment, which motivational theories should the PM use to maintain a happy, productive team? A. Expectancy and Theory x

B. Theory Y and Maslow’s Hierarchy

C. Theory Y, Expectancy and Herzberg Hygiene Factors D. Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors and Expectancy. 在当今的高科技环境中,要成功的激励一个团队,项目经理要使用哪些激励理论才能保持一个快乐高效的团队? A. 期待、X理论

B. Y理论和马斯洛等级制度

C. Y理论,期待、Herzberg保健因素 D. Herzberg保健因素、期待

4. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory centers on five areas which, when fulfilled, will motivate the individual. Which of the following is not one of the five areas? A. Self-actualization B. Physiological C. Social

D. Responsibility

Abraham Maslow的需求层次理论着重于五个领域可以激励个人(如果得到实现的话)。以下哪项不属于这五个领域? A. 自我实现 B. 生理 C. 社会 D. 责任

5. An obstacle to team building in a matrix organization is: A. Team organization is technically focused

B. Team members are borrowed resources and can be hard to motivate C. Teams are too centralized D. Teams are too large to handle

矩阵组织中,团队建设的一个障碍是: A. 团队的组建以技术为中心




B. 团队成员是借用资源因此难以激励 C. 团队过渡集中

D. 团队太大难以操作

6. Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:

The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project manager B. The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the team C. Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goals

D. Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team members 期望理论应用于项目管理意味着:

A. 团队将朝着项目经理明确解释的那些目标最努力地工作 B. 项目经理提供的回报越高,团队的绩效就越好

C. 团队成员将为那些也满足个人目标的项目目标最努力地工作

D. 员工将朝着对个别团队成员有着高级授权的项目目标最努力地工作

7. Which of the following techniques can project managers practice to use their time more efficiently?

A. Procrastination

B. Send out the agenda for only important meetings C. Do the difficult tasks last D. Delegation

为了更有效地利用时间, 项目经理能应用下列哪一项技术 A. 拖延

B. 只对重要的会议发送会议议程 C. 难的工作任务最后做 D. 授权

8. Project managers spend a considerable amount of time communicating and interacting with project stakeholders. Which of the following methods or techniques would be most useful for a project manager to keep the project team focused on project success? A. Analyze the work occasionally to determine what can be eliminated B. Keep the priorities clear

C. Schedule the most interesting activities at energy peaks D. When problems arise, transfer blame to the stakeholders 项目经理要花很多时间与项目相关者进行沟通交流。下列哪项方法或技术会对项目经理最有用,以便项目团队致力于项目成功? A. 定期分析工作以决定排除什么事项 B. 明确优先事项

C. 在精力高峰期安排最有趣的活动 D. 当出现问题时责备其它项目相关者

9. You manage a project whose team member have diverse skills and expertise .You want to




encourage your staff to pool its knowledge about project issues to make the best decisions possible .The most appropriate management style to use is A. Laissez-faire B. Democratic C. Autocratic D. Directive


A. 自由放任型 B. 民主型 C. 专制独裁型 D. 引导型

10. When promoting a technical specialist to a project management position, the company is commonly taking which of the following risks? A. Creating a solid project manager

B. Transforming a specialist into a generalist C. Creating a technically unsound team D. Providing for the needs of others

当晋升一位技术上的专家到一个项目管理位置的时候,公司通常在承担下列哪一风险? A. 造就一位强有力的项目经理 B. 把一位专家转变成一位全能家 C. 形成技术上不健全的团队 D. 满足其他人的需要

11. John has been the business head at the company for 23 years. He is currently the sponsor on the latest consolidation project. Dave is the project manager. John recently met with Dave to talk about the project and strongly suggested to Dave that he get the job done or ―he’ll find someone else who can get it done.‖ John might be seen as exhibiting what kind of management approach? A. Motivating B. Counseling C. Theory X D. Theory Y

约翰John担任公司领导达 23 年之久。 他现在是最近的合并项目上的业主。 大卫Dave是项目经理。约翰最近与大卫见面谈论起项目,并且强烈地向Dave建议要把工作做好,否则\他将会找其他能做好项目的人\。 约翰可能被视为在展示什么类型的管理方式? A. 激励 B. 咨询 C. X理论 D. Y理论

12. Which of the following personality attributes is not desired in a project manager? A. Aversion to problem situations




B. Reliance on the team to resolve many of their own conflicts C. Understanding of the project technology D. Understanding of personnel problems

下列哪一项个人特质不期望在一个项目经理身上看到? A. 厌恶出现问题

B. 依赖团队来解决他们自己的很多冲突 C. 理解项目技术 D. 理解人事问题

13. Team-building activities include management and individual actions taken specifically and primarily to improve team performance .Many of these actions may enhance team performance as a secondary effect .An example of some action that may enhance team performance as a secondary effect is

A. Establishing team performance goals and holding off-site retreats to review ways of best

achieving these goals

B. Colocating all teams members in a single physical location C. Establishing a team-based reward and recognition system

D. Involving non-management-level team members in the planning process


A. 建立团队业绩目标并通过尝试前进的方式来寻找实现这些目标的最佳方法 B. 对团队全体成员进行统一定位

C. 建立一个以团队为基础的奖励和考评系统

D. 在计划编制的过程中让非管理层的团队成员也参与进来

14. The project manager's leadership style should be matched to the corresponding developmental level of the project team and should move through successive steps in the following order:

A. Disciplinary, autocratic, participative

B. Staff planning, team training, performance monitoring

C. Team building, team development, responsibility assignment D. Directing, coaching, supporting, delegating

项目经理的领导风格应该与项目团队的发展水平相匹配,而且要按照以下顺序循序渐进: A. 纪律,独立,参与

B. 员工计划,团队培训,绩效监督 C. 团队建设,团队发展,责任指派 D. 指令、指导、支持、授权

15. Given that you are neighbors, you and the CEO of your company have established a friendly personal relationship. This fact has not gone unnoticed by your peers and associates. Recently, your company appointed you project manager for a new project that is crucial to achieving next year's financial targets. Which type of power available to project managers might you be able to


