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Unit 1

1. concern v.

concern oneself with/about sth. 对…感兴趣

He didn’t concern himself with details. 2. behave v. 表现

He behaved like a true gentleman.

He behaved as if nothing had happened. He behaved badly towards their guests. behave (oneself) 表现得体,有礼貌

I want you to behave yourselves while I am away. She doesn’t know how to behave in public. 3. shade Un. 阴凉处,树荫 +of

We sat down in the shade of the wall.

The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. 4. worthwhile adj. 值得的 (定语、表语、宾补)

a worthwhile task

The smile on her face made it all worthwhile. It is worthwhile buying the dictionary. It is worthwhile to discuss the plan again. worthy adj. 值得的 (定语)

The suggestion is worthy to be considered. The suggestion is worthy being considered. He is a very worthy man, but he is very dull. worth adj. 值得的(表语)

This book is worth 3 hundred dollars. This book is well worth reading. 5.observe v. 观察,注意到,看到;遵守

I observed a letter on the desk.

She observed his actions with interest. We must observe the traffic rules. 6. Only +介词短语/副词/状语从句

Only in this way can you learn English well. Only when you’re 18 can you join the army. Only then did I realize I was wrong. 7. respect vt. 尊重,尊敬,仰慕 n. 尊重,敬意

She has always been honest with me, and I respect her for that. I have the greatest respect for your brother. He has no respect for her feelings.

8. argue v. 争论,争吵,争辩 argue with sb. about sth. 主张,认为 argue for/against sth. argue that…

We are always arguing with each other about money He argued for the five-day week. 9.lead a …life 过着…样的生活

10. crowd in (on sb.)=crowd into … 涌上心头,涌入脑海

Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her. Memories came crowding into her mind. 11. refer v. –referred-referred

refer to 提到,谈及,说起;查阅,参考,征询

refer to a dictionary=consult a dictionary =look up the word in a dictionary.

It is required that the reporter referred to be to blame for the uncertain report. 12. come across v. 偶然遇见,碰见

I came across some children sleeping under the bridge. 13. catch one’s eye 引起某人注意,惹人注目(eye是单数)

Can you catch the waiter’s eye? 14. care for 照顾,照料;非常喜欢

She moved back home to care for her sick parents. He cared for her more than she realized. 15. be free from 摆脱…;不受…的伤害或影响 16. intend adj. 为…打算、设计的+for

The book is intend for children. 17. emergency n. 突发事件,紧急情况

Ring the bell in an emergency. 18. hit v. 使突然想起

The idea hit me when I woke up in the morning. 19. second adj. 居第二位的

As a dancer, he is second to none. 20. consideration n. 考虑,斟酌 take sth. into consideration

After long consideration, I decided to recommend him for the job.

After taking everything into consideration, I decided to recommend him for the job. Everything taken into consideration, I decided to recommend him for the job. 21. deliver v. 给…接生;递送,传送

The doctor delivered her baby.=The doctor delivered the woman. We can deliver the goods to your door. 22. carry on 继续做,坚持于

We can carry on our discussion after lunch. He carried on peeling the potatoes.

23. considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的,体谅的

It is considerate of him to close the window.

Unit 2

1. consider v. 考虑 +doing ;认为 +n. +adj./n.

I’m considering buying a new computer. Do you consider her suitable for the job?

I consider it a great honour to be invited to join the committee. 2. struggle v. 奋斗,做出极大努力,挣扎;打斗,搏斗

A bird was caught in a net and was struggling to get free. He was hit in the mouth as he struggled with thief. 3. disturb v. 打扰,妨碍;使…烦恼不安

I’m sorry to disturb you, but could you tell me how the machine works? 4. expand v. 使变大,扩展,扩大,增大

Metal expands when it is heated.

He is thinking of expanding his business. 5. circulate v. 使循环,流通;使传播,流传

Open the window to allow the air to circulate.

Swimming helps to get the blood circulating through the muscles. Rumors began to circulate that the prime minister is seriously ill. circulation n.

blood circulation

6. thanks to =because of 多亏,由于,因为

I was late, thanks to the traffic.

It was thanks to his advice that I succeed. 7. rid …of… 使…摆脱… -rid-rid

rid the world of poverty

Will science finally rid us of diseases? 8. be satisfied with

He was satisfied when he won the race. I was not satisfied with the result. 9. care about 忧虑,关心;介意;在乎

I seldom care about what he says and does. The only thing he cares about is money. care for 照顾;非常喜欢

He cares for her more than she realizes. 10. therefore adv. 因此

Their car was bigger, and therefore, more comfortable. 11. equip v. 装备,配备 –equipped equip sb./sth. with

They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers equipment Un. 设备

12. with the hope of 带着…的希望

He went to see his boss, with the hope of getting arise in his salary. 13. export v. 出口,输出

The company exports machines to the U.S. 14. production Un. 生产,制造,产量

food production be in production

a drop in oil production 15. long-term adj. 长期的

16. cause damage to 对…造成损害 17. wash off 洗掉

Wash the mud off your boots before you come in. 18. build up 加大,加强,增多

Traffic is building up on roads into the city. 19. lead to 导致

Closing the factory will lead to 300 job losses. 20. turn to 转向;向…求助

As usual, the conversation turned back to her children. They turned to keeping sheet. She has nobody she can turn to. 21. focus on 集中于…上

This discussion focused on 3 problems.

Please focus your minds on the following problems. 22. keep… free of/from… 使…免受(影响、伤害)

Eating well and good exercise keep you free from cold. 23. root n. 根;起源,问题的根源

The love of money is the root of all evil. 24. comment n. 议论,评论+about/on v. 表达意见

She made helpful comments on my work. I don’t feel I can comment on their decision. No comment. 无可奉告 25.be lost in 深深陷入

Lost in thought, he nearly ran into the car in front of him. Dressed in good clothes, he drove by the brothers’ house. 26. lack n./v. 缺乏

lack money a lack of …

Unit 3

1. up to 直到,不多于,不迟于

Up to now, he has been very quiet. 2. brighten v. (使)快活起来

His expression brightened when I mentioned the money. 3. in between 在…之间,在…期间

The house was near a park, but there is a road in between. 4. content adj. 满足的,满意的+with/to do n. 内容;目录(常pl.)

She is quiet content to stay at home looking after her children. Are you content with your present salary? 5. astonish v. 使…惊讶,吃惊,惊奇

What astonished me most is her complete lack of fear. 6. badly off 穷的,贫困的 worse off 更穷的 well off 富裕的

7. bored adj. 厌倦的,烦闷的+with

The children quickly get bored with staying indoors. There is a bored expression on her face. 8. entertain v. 使有兴趣,使快乐

She entertained the children with stories, songs and drama. 9. throughout prep. 遍及,各处;自始至终,贯穿整个时期

The disease spread quickly throughout Europe. We are open every weekend throughout the year.

10. worn-out adj. 破旧的,破烂不堪的;疲惫不堪的,精疲力竭的

You look worn-out.

11. failure Un. 失败 Cn. 失败的人或事

He was a failure as a teacher.

12. overcome 克服,克制 –overcame-overcome

He struggled to overcome his shyness. 13. cut off 切掉,割掉,砍掉 cut up 切碎

cut down 缩减,减少 cut in 插嘴

14. pick out 认真挑选;认出来,辨认出

He picked out the ripens peach for me. It was easy to pick out Bob’s father.

15. convince v. 说服,劝说+sb. to do sth. ;使信服,使确信+sb. of sth.

I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor. convinced adj. 坚信的,确信的+of sth.

We are all convinced of his innocence. 16. star v. (使)主演 –starred

The director wanted to star Tom in his new film. She starred in a lot of good films. 17. mess n. 肮脏,杂乱,不整洁

The room was in a mess.

The children made a mess in the bathroom.

Unit 4

1. greet v. 欢迎,迎接,和…打招呼,问好+sb. with sth.

She greeted us with a smile. 2. represent v. 代表,象征

He represented our school. representation n. 代表,表现 representative n. 代表(人)

adj. 有代表性的,典型的+of

Are your opinion representative of views of all students? 3. association n. 社团,协会,联盟

Do you belong to any professional associations? 4. curious adj. 好奇的+about/to do sth.

As a little girl, she is curious about the origin of humans. The tourists were surrounded by curious children. I was curious to know what Peter had said to her. I opened the letter out of curiosity.

His answer didn’t satisfy my curiosity at all. 5. close adj. 接近,靠近+to ;亲密的,亲近的

adv. 接近,靠近地

Our new house is close to school. She and her father are very close. He is my close friend. They sat close together. closely adv. 亲密地,亲近地 6. approach v. 接近,靠近

n. 方法+to sth.

As you approach the town, the first building you see is the church. Our holiday is approaching, and we still can’t decide where to go. We use a new approach to teaching language. 7. defence n. 防御,保护,保卫

in sb.’s/sth.’s defence = in defence of sb./sth. 保护,防护;为…辩护 Is there any man unwilling to fight in defence of his country? defend v. 防御,保护,保卫

All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks 8. major adj. 重要的,主要的,大的 v. 主修+in n. 专业

She is majoring in English.

9. misunderstanding n. 误会,误解+about misunderstand vt. 误会,误解

Don’t misunderstand me. 10. reach v. 伸,伸手

He reached inside his bag for a pen. He reached out his hand to touch her. 11. dash v. 猛冲,疾驰

He dashed off with money. He dashed into the shop. I must dash. I am late.

12. likely adj. 可能的 -more/most likely 主语可以是人或物

He is likely to come.

It is likely that he will come. possible probable 主语只能是物 13. crossroads n.

at a/the crossroads 处于关键时刻,在紧要关头 14. misread vt. 读错,念错,看错,对…判断错误

misread the body language

15. function n. 作用,功能,职责,技能 v. 活动,运行,起作用

The function of the heart is to pump blood through body. His brain seems to be functioning normally. 16. ease n. 安逸,舒适悠闲

at ease 安详,自在,随便,不拘束

a smile that put us at ease 17. lose face 丢脸

18. rank n. 等级,军阶,军衔

a printer of the first rank

Unit 5

1. theme 主题,题目,主旋律,主体思想 2. more than 极其;多于,不止

I’m more than happy to take you here in my car. She was more than a little shaken by the experience. 3. be famous for 因…而出名 be famous as 作为…而出名

The town is famous for its beautiful buildings. She is famous as a writer. 4. whether …or… 不管…还是…

I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home. 5. fantasy Un. 幻想,想像

Cn. 想象的产物,幻想作品 7. swing v. 摇动,摇摆,摇荡

His arms swung as he walked.

8. (it is) no wonder (that)… 并不奇怪,不足为奇

No wonder you are tired, you’ve been walking for hours. 9. preserve v. 保护,维护,保留 n.保留地,保护区

The organization will be set up to preserve the endangered species from extinction. No hunting is allowed in the preserve. 10. model v. 模仿,仿造 model sth. after sth. 11. run v. 经营,管理

12. journey n. (长途、陆路、直接到达目的地的)旅行 trip 短程观光旅行

13. survive v. 经历…后继续生存,幸存

Only one baby survived the car crash. 14. advanced adj. 高级的,先进的,高等的

advanced technology advance n.

in advance of sth. 在…之前

We have to pay the rent two weeks in advance.

15. brand new adj. 崭新的,全新的 16. beyond prep. 在/向…较远的一边;(程度上或时间上)超出,超过;为…所不能及

I can’t see anything beyond the river because of the fog. The TV is beyond repair.

The problem is far beyond me.

Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock at night.

17. up-to-date adj. 最新的,现代的,包含最新信息的

an up-to-date map

18. hands-on adj. 实际操作的,动手的

a hands-on computer training

19. come to life 恢复知觉,苏醒,兴奋起来 20. available adj. 可得到的;有空的,不忙的

These dresses are not available in your size. The doctor is not available now. 21. individual n. 个人

adj. 单独的,个人的 22. mix v. 混合;与别人相处,交往 n. 混合物;混合

Oil doesn’t mix with water.

She mixes well with other children.

There was a strange mix of people at the party. 23. outing n. 远足,郊游

go for an outing to the seaside

24. admission n. 允许进入+to ;入场费;承认+of

Admission to this school is for boys only. He is a bad driver on his own admission.

25. shuttle n. (行驶于两个定点之间的)汽车、火车、飞机… 26. with in easy reach of … 接近,靠近

