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模块一期末总复习练习(词汇与句型) 2018.12.5


Unlike the literary club “Poets of the Next Generation”, 1_________ by an English teacher Mr. Owen, the radio club is 2_________by the students themselves. Two years ago, Kate Jones came up with an idea that music could be played for students during 3_________ times. They had it 4_________by the headmaster. Today, the club is 5_________more than just music. Every morning it keeps the students 6_________of the weather, recent news and some special messages that are asked to be 7_________. During exam times, a special program is designed to tell the students 8_________they should do for preparation. When parents come for a visit, songs are often 9_________by students and messages are given to tell them about 10_________such as outings and school plays.


1.These feelings are a common part of a__________——the time of life between child and adult.

2.It is c_______ for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood. 3.During adolescence, t_______ go through great physical changes.

4.Along with these physical changes, there come many p_________ changes.

5.In the social world, as teenagers get older, they s_________to depend on themselves.

6.Teenagers may want to be part of group, yet desire i________.

7.Take your son to a r________ he enjoys, and have a quiet talk with him. 8.You should be p________ to listen to him and hear his side of the story. 9.Most of a play is in the f____ of a dialogue.

10.Remember to pay attention to the i___________ such as ‘shouting angrily’ and ‘sounding very angry’.

11. Boys and girls tend to be different in this r_________.

12.Since teenagers have difficulty b___________ these needs ,they often question who they are and how they fit in society.

13.This period of change and challenge is t________for the change and challenges of grown-up life.

14. Healthy eating along with regular exercise_______________________________. 健康的饮食加上经常锻炼也许是变得健康的唯一途径。

15.Diet are useless in the long term, yet approximately 20% of teenagers say

________________________________________________________________. 从长远角度来看,节食并不能奏效。然而有大约20%的青少年声称,他们曾尝试过节食或者有时不吃饭以控制体重。

16. When you sleep, your body____________________________.



17. If you________________________, you will look and feel much better in no time at all!

如果你能遵循以上建议,用不了多久你就会气色好很多,感觉棒得多! 18.every time+从句 “每次……”

I watch a DCD, he sends me to bed or tell me to spend more time studying.

还有,每次我看DVD,他就催我上床睡觉,要么就是教导我多花时间学习。 19. 事实上,不睡觉会使你看上去疲倦,并且甚至会使你增加体重。

As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can __________ you ________________________

and even cause you to gain weight.

20. 我现在住院了,患的是肝衰竭,正在恢复中。

I’m now in hospital_____________________________. 21. 我们不应该为自己的外表感到羞愧,不是吗?

We shouldn’t ____________________the way we look, should we? 22. Water helps___________________________. 水有助于保持人体内部系统清洁。

23._____________________________, and so do school sports. 步行和骑自行车有用,校内体育活动也算。


1. I found the homework in British schools was not as heavy as what I used to get in China.

I found the homework in British schools ________ ________ than what I used to get in China.

2. The paintings donated by the artist are on show in the exhibition room.

The paintings donated by the artist are _________ _________ in the exhibition room.

3. At the good news, Joe jumped with excitement.

________ ________ the good news, Joe jumped with excitement. 4. Wei Hua is no longer what she used to be.

Wei Hua is no longer the little girl ______ she used to be. 5. The girl named Diana won the first prize in the competition.

The girl ______ ______ the name is Diana won the first prize in the competition. 6. Eric’s classmates often laugh at him for his poor Chinese. He can’t tolerate it any longer.

Eric can’t tolerate any longer _______ _______ _______ by his classmates for his poor Chinese.

7. While the parents were on vacation, they let Eric look after the home.

While the parents were on vacation, the home was left in _______ ________. 8. Is this the reason you explained why you didn’t do your homework?

Is this the reason you explained _______ _______ you didn’t do your homework?


9. The bike was stolen. Eric rode it to school every day.

The bike _______ _______ Eric went to school was stolen. 10. If you have any other advice for me, I am all ears.

If you have any other advice for me, I will be ______ ______.

11. As soon as they arrived at the nursing home, the students helped clean, wash and cook.

______ ______ at the nursing home, the students helped do cleaning, washing and cooking.

12. If the gas is breathed in, it can result in illness or even death. If ______ ______ , the gas can result in illness or even death.


1. Everyone is ________ (starve) for a peaceful life.

2. Though people tried their best, the project was far from _____________. (satisfy) 3. To go to the talks, we are allowed to choose _________ (not have) Art, PE or Self-study.

4. Eric is the only one of his family who _________ (pass) the test so far, isn’t he? 5. Those who’d like to attend the lecture, __________ (sign) up here.

6. When Eric came in, Daniel had his arms ________ (cross) and looked upset.


1.After recovering from her illness, Diana is always _________ _________ (努力) catch up with her classmates.

2.Don’t disturb him. He’s _______ his attention ________ his work. (专注于)

3.Her mother didn’t approve of her giving up her job, but she left the company _________.(无论如何)

4.I had meant to call you. However, ________ (不知何故)I forgot your phone number.

5.Do you have anything to say _______ _______ yourself? (为你行为辩护) 6.Charles did it so well that he _________ _________.(值得被表扬)

7.It’s _________ (要求)that students whom the teachers _______ (判定…不及格)should take the classes again.

8.I’m at a loss what ______ ______ ________ (处理)the lottery money.

9.In the corner of the classroom is a garbage can, around _______ _______ pieces of garbage and waste paper. (在它周围有垃圾和废纸)


_____ an assembly on the first day in the school _____ a very enjoyable experience for me.


I _____ everyone under a big tree and read poems.

12.We often play performance to parents and give messages to inform them ____ events held by us when they come to visit the school and talk with our teachers. 13.请你明天再提醒我一下毕业日期,免得我忘记。


Please remind me of the graduation date again tomorrow ______ ______ I forget. 14.大卫在竞赛中获得第一名,他的所有努力没有白费。

David got the first place in the competition —— all his efforts ______ ______. 15.三座白雪覆盖的高山巍峨屹立。

Three mountains, which are covered with snow, ______ ______ the land. 16.Tobacco is taxed in most countries, with alcohol.



1. The manager has______(赞成)of our suggestion and we can put it into practice very soon.

2. It was not our __________(过错) that we were late for the school assembly.

3. Our city has a lot of English learners and many of them can speak English f_______.

4. After g_________ from university, David Holmes began traveling in China.

5. As a newcomer, it was a struggle to get used to the_______ life (学习生活) in a British school.

6. The bus company provided e________ buses because there were more passengers waiting to go home by bus.

7. What a c______! I wasn’t expecting to see you here. It’s a small world, isn’t it? 8. The best way to earn respect was to d___ ourselves to study and achieve high


9. He is the only person who offered a (n) _______(令人信服的)answer.

10. You should learn to be ______(独立)since you are already an adult.



in space exploration in China. 2.with复合结构

The room is in a mess, and dirty dishes in the sink. 房间内一团糟,地上堆放着许多比萨鉼盒子,水槽内有一些脏盘子 3.leave+宾语+宾语补足语“使…….处于某种状态” Listen to me ,young man--we . 听我说,年轻人,我们将这个家委托给你负责。 4.have+宾语+宾语补足语

Daniel and looks upset. 丹尼尔双臂交叉看上去很不高兴。 5. no matter what 引导让步状语从句


However, _________________________I do, my efforts to lose weight always end in failure.

6. 我以前常去健身房,一周三次,可我现在不再锻炼了。

I used to go to the gym three times a week, but


