仁爱英语初一上期U1T1 welcome to China

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Unit 1 Topic 1 Welcome to China

▲教学目的:熟练掌握20个元音的发音方法;能熟练地进行自我介绍,介绍别人和相互问候。 ▲教学重难点:20个元音;Be动词am, is, are的基本用法及其一般疑问句。 ▲教学过程:

*一口气绕口令:Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? *音标精讲:

一、48个国际音标:英语共有48个音标,其中元音20个,辅音28个。辅音和元音在英语中的作用,就相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。 英语国际音标表 短元音 单元音 /?/ /e/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ 长元音 /i:/ /U:/ /ɑ:/ /?:/ /?:/ 双元音 /e?/ /a?/ /??/ /a?/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ 清辅音 清浊成对的 / p / / t / / k / / f / /θ/ / s / / ts / / tr / / ? / / t? / 辅音 浊辅音 / b / /d / / g / / v / / e / / z / / dz / / dr / /? / / d? / 其他辅音 / m / / j / / ? / / h / / w / / r / / n / / ? /

二、元音(20个):发音响亮,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分。 1、单元音:(12个)

前元音: /i:/ she /?/ it /e/ egg /?/ apple 中元音: /?/ about /?:/ her

后元音: /?/ bus /ɑ:/ car /?/ dog /?:/ door /?/ put /U:/ two 2、双元音:(8个)

/e?/ name /a?/ bike /??/ boy

/a?/ about /??/ boat /??/ here /e?/ hair /??/ poor 自己动手,丰衣足食: 1、读出下列词。

1) A.cap B.name C.tall D.that 2) A.not B.open C.orange D.money 3)A.fine B.his C.this D.thin 4) A.sun B.under C.student D.ruler 5) A.yellow B.dress C.eleven D.she 6) A.face B.family C.animal D.away 7) A.over B.shoe C.mother D.come 8) A.right B.think C.six D.big 9) A.duck B.cup C.excuse D.much 10) A.English B.me C.eye D.seven 2、请把下面歌词中发元音的字母或者字母组合划线。


Big big world

I’m a big big girl in a big big world, It’s not a big big thing if you leave me,but I do do feel that I do do will miss you much, miss you much... I can see the first leaves falling; it’s all yellow and nice. It’s so very cold outside like the way I’m feeling inside.

I’m a big big girl in a big big world. It’s not a big big thing if you leave me, but I do do feel that I do do will miss you much, miss you much...

Outside it’s now raining, and tears are falling from my eyes. Why did it have to happen? Why did it all have to end?

I’m a big big girl in a big big world, It’s not a big big thing if you leave me, but I do do feel that I do do will miss you much, miss you much...

I have your arms around me, ooooh , like fire, but when I open my eyes, you’re gone...

I’m a big big girl in a big big world, It’s not a big big thing if you leave me, but I do do feel that I do do will miss you much, miss you much...

I’m a big big girl in a big big world, It’s not a big big thing if you leave me, but I do feel that I will miss you much, miss you much... 3、写出下列字母

1)请写出含有 /e?/ 的字母。 2)请写出含有 /i:/ 的字母。 3)请写出含有 /a?/ 的字母。 4)请写出含有 /??/ 的字母。 5)请写出含有 /?/ 的字母。 6)请写出含有 /e/ 的字母。 *总结规律:元音是元音字母或元音字母组合发出来的。

*课文过关: 1. 问候有学问: 中国人常问:“吃饭了吗?” “上哪儿去?”

Have you eaten yet? 英美人可能会误会这是你对他/她发出的邀请。

Where are you going? 可能会引起英美人的不快,回答极可能是:It’s none of your business.你管得着吗? 2.打招呼时常用的习惯用语:

上午见面时的问候语:Good morning! 回答:Good morning! 下午说:下午好Good afternoon! 回答:Good afternoon! 晚上说:晚上好Good evening! 回答:Good evening! 晚上告别时说:Good night! 回答:Good night!


Hello!喂!你好!表打招呼、打电话、表示惊讶或引起对方注意。Hi!比Hello!更通俗,现使用得很普遍。 3. How do you do? 与 How are you? 的区别: How do you do? (你好!) 回答:How do you do ?

用于较正式的场合初次见面,表庄重、礼貌的正式问候语,常伴随握手动作。 How are you? 你好吗?(常用于熟人之间) / How are you doing? 你最近好吗? 回答用:Fine. / I’m fine. / I’m OK. / Very well. / Not bad. /Just so-so. 4. This is Miss Li. / Beijing. 这是?。介绍人、物、地点时常用的句型。

5. Welcome to China! Welcome to ?欢迎到?,to后面加地点名词,如国家、城市等。 Welcome to Shanghai. 回答:Thank you! Thanks! 6. 英美人习惯把Mr.先生(不论婚否),Mrs.夫人(已婚),Miss小姐(未婚),Ms. 女士(没必要说明其婚姻状况或其婚姻状况不明)放在姓氏或全名前,作为一种称呼。Mr. / Miss. (不论婚否) 也可用来表示对男/


女老师的称呼。如:Miss. Wang 王老师,Miss 是学生对女老师的称呼(不论婚否),意为 “老师”。 注意:Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms.不能单独使用,必须放在姓氏的前面。如:Mr. Li李先生,Mrs. Li李夫人,Miss Li李小姐,Ms. Li 李女士

7. Goodbye. 答语:Goodbye. / Bye./ Bye-bye. See you later.待会儿见。/ See you. 再见。 答语:See you later./ See you. 8.Be动词

(1).基本概念:be动词是英语中用法最多、极其活跃的一个动词。其基本词义为“是”。be动词一般不轻易露面,常以其它三种形式(am, is, are)出现。

(2) 主要用法:be动词的一般现在时有三种形式: am, is和are。am最专一,始终围绕I(我)转。有I(我)才有am;is乐于助人,与他(he),她(she),它(it)形影不离。为了方便记忆,请记住:

be动词三形式,am, is还有are。

I是am, you是are,is连着他、她、它。 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。

(3)含be的句型变化。变为否定句是在be后直接加not。改为一般疑问句,是把be提到主语前,首字母要大写。“I am…”在变成疑问句时,须变成“Are you…”为了方便学习,请记住:表否定,很简单,not加在be后边。若要变为疑问句,be应移到主语前。还有一点须注意,句尾问号别忘记。 *自己动手,丰衣足食: 一、根据句意写字母。

1. A: G____d morning, Mr. Chen B:Good morning, Jane! 2. A:W_1___e to China! B:Thank you. 3. A: S____t d___w , please! B: Thanks. 二、根据汉语提示填空

1.___________(下午好) , class!

2. _____to________(见到你很高兴) , Kangkang. 3.________(这是) my father, Mr. Wang. 4. (再见) , Mrs. Wang! 三、单项选择

1. _______my friend, mom. A. This is B. This's C. this is

2. —Nice to meet you. A. Good morning. B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too. 3. —How are you? —_______, thank you A. How are you B. Hello C. Fine 4. —See you. A. I'm fine. B. I'm OK. C. Bye. 5. Welcome _______ China! A. for B. to C. in

6. —Good afternoon, Jane. A. Good afternoon. B. How are you? C. I'm fine. 7. —Is she Maria? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she is. C. Yes, she isn't. 8. —How do you do? A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Good morning? 四.用be动词的适当形式填空。

1. —_______you Michael? —Yes, I . 2. —How _______ you? —I _______fine. 3. This _______ my friend, Tom.

4.There a book and two pencils on the desk. 5. It a rabbit.

6. they your friend?




Good morning, class! My name is Wang Dong. I'm your English teacher. I'm fine. This is Jim Green. He' fine,


too. What's your name? Your name is Maria. Nice to see you. Sit down, please! ( ) 1. Wang Dong is a teacher.

( ) 2. Wang Dong and Jim Green are fine. ( ) 3. Jim Green is a teacher, too. ( ) 4. Maria is a teacher.

( ) 5. Wang Dong is having an English class. (正在上英语课)


