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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions: There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

1. No sooner there than he fell ill.

a. he arrived b. he had arrived c. had he arrived d. arrived he

2. Does the audience believe the newscaster is lying and concealing something important?

a. what b. that c. all d. which

3. There are two colors in the Chinese flag, red and yellow. a. mostly b. fairly c. namely d. lovely 4. She always puts her bedroom in good . a. trend b. order c. trial d. trunk

5. I you more help, but I had been so busy with my study.

a. might give b. should give c. should have given d. might have given 6. They had a response to the attack of the enemy. a. plain b. relevant c. swift d. tedious 7. Although it was extremely cold, give up. a. but nobody want to b. nobody wanted to c. however nobody want to d. anybody yet wanted to

8. The of the airplane were found in the depth of the forest.


a. wrecks b. vessels c. uniforms d. tissues

9. Before doing it, you’d better the advantages you can benefit from. a. look out b. sum up c. care for d. give up

10. I can appreciate the that prompts you to make this offer. a. price b. motive c. out set d. reputation 11. The movie he directed is, , at least tolerable.

a. if not good b. if it not good c. if is not good d. it is not good 12. Wherever she went, she felt someone .

a. backing down b. turning out c. hanging about d. laying aside 13. Scarcely had he gone out . a. that it started to snow b. than it started to snow c. and it started to snow d. when it started to snow 14. This man is to wine.

a. addicted b. predicted c. dictated d. expected 15. The murdered woman was killed with instrument. a. an unpointed b. a dull c. a blunt d. a soft

16. They left in such a hurry they forgot to turn off the TV. a. which b. so that c. that d. why

17. A camera takes light rays off subjects and focuses them on a sheet of film.

a. disguised b. defined c. incorporated d. bounced 18. If you reveal your friend’s secrets, you will him.


a. lure b. alienate c. disturb d. control

19. You didn’t say that you would come, but your words that you would. a. imply b. impose c. emphasize d. insure 20. Heat makes gases . a. expanding b. to expand c. expand d. be expanded 21. Look at the matter in its right and you will agree with me. a. pattern b. perspective c. shade d. balance 22. Mary was than Brian.

a. more experienced a teacher b. more an experienced teacher c. a more experienced teacher d. more experienced teacher 23. An old man, , really deserves respect. a. as of right b. such as c. as so d. as such 24. The police had to to force in order to break up the crowd. a. withdraw b. employ c. refine d. appeal 25. If we had not got everything ready by now, we a terrible time tomorrow.

a. should be having b. would have had c. will have d. had 26. It is reported that two were badly in the traffic accident. a. damaged b. harmed c. ruined d. injured 27. She the wet clothes on the grass to dry them in the sun. a. settled b. opened c. served d. spread 28. If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you quite all right now.


a. would have been b. were c. are d. would be 29. it left to me to decide, I would not hesitate to prefer the latter. a. Had b. If c. Were d. Should

30. Tom proudly showed his mother the toy car he had in the competition. a. won b. gained c. caught d. rewarded

31.To greater accuracy, all invoices will be double-checked before leaving the office.

a. confirm b. insure c. assure d. ensure 32.Peter showed her his draft to the report, and her suggestion. a. appealed b. required c. asked d. demanded 33. It’s none of your business, you have no right to . a. disturb b. interfere c. interrupt d. obtain 34. Can you the truth of his statement? a. deny b. refuse c. decline d. reject

35. It is of you to turn down the TV while your sister is still ill in bed. a. concerned b. careful c. considerate d. considerable 36. I failed in my new job. If only I my parents.

a. listened to b. had listened to c. have listened to d. would listen to 37.It so that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.

a. occurred b. happened c. took place d. arose

38. It was in 1985 a hole in the ozone payer over the Antarctic was noticed.


a. which b. where c. when d. that 39. Although trees and land have been , the animals are disappearing. a. insured b. ensured c. secured d. assured

40. The problems such as deforestation and population explosion were at an earlier time than animal hunting.

a. forecast b. foreseen c. estimated d. expected

41. The cause rapid growth of population is attributed to the uncontrolled birthrate.

a. underlying b. essential c. elemental d. basic 42. Daylight the small village.

a. breaks out b. breaks into c. breaks on d. breaks down

Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are two reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the one best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

Part III Cloze (20%)

Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best fits into the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

(1) Unit 2 P34

Shannon, our seven-year-old daughter, had (31) her thick, blond hair all the (32) to her waist. I had been (33) her to have it trimmed so it (34) be easier to care for. While working (35) her elder sister’s hair one day,


renewed my (36) . “Come on, Shannon, doesn’t your sister’s hair (37) nice? How would you like your hair (38) ?”

She glanced at the job I was (39) on her sister, looked me straight in the(40) and replied, “By a professional.”

31. a. grown b. raised c. brought d. made 32. a. pass b. line c. way d. stream 33. a. preventing b. refusing c. delighted d. persuading 34. a. will b. would c. shall d. should 35. a. with b. out c. on d. up 36. a. suggestion b. blame c. idea d. order 37. a. sound b. feel c. find d. look 38. a. combed b. colored c. curled d. cut 39. a. watching b. doing c. planning d. creating 40. a. eye b. mind c. sight d. direction

(2) Unit 8 P147

London was originally established (1) the Romans, (2) chose the site of Londinium for its good trading and defensive (3) . After the Romans left, Winchester became the capital of England until the thirteenth century, (4) administration was moved to London. London’s growth in the Middle Ages brought overcrowding, lack of sanitation and unhealthy conditions. Outbreaks of bubonic plague (腹股沟腺炎瘟疫)—the Black Death were (5) . In 1666 the Great Fire


of London (6) much of the city. Many of London’s finest buildings date (7) the subsequent period of intensive planning and rebuilding: St Paul’s Cathedral is only one example. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (8) London’s growth as an international center of trade and finance.

During the twentieth century, London’s international importance has (9) . Today it has to compete as a financial center (10) New York, Tokyo and other major capitals.

1. a. for b. by c. with d. of 2. a. whose b. that c. which d. who 3. a. position b. location c. place d. state 4. a. where b. when c. that d. which 5. a. usual b. ordinary c. common d. popular 6. a. spoiled b. destroyed c. damaged d. injured 7. a. by b. of c. from d. in 8. a. looked b. saw c. regarded d. thought 9. a. dropped b. failed c. decreased d. declined 10. a. for b. with c. to d. as

(3) Unit 5 P86

Singer Celine Dion has eight years’ worth of hits to commemorate, (1) the hugely (2) “My Heart Will Go On” from the movie Titanic.

Dion was born (3) the outskirts of Montreal, Canada, the youngest in a


(4) poor, musically rich family of 14 children. (5) ten, she was singing in the piano bar owned by her parents.

Now, at age 31, Dion is planning to take a long break (6) completing a concert tour in 2000. “I want to have a (7) life,” she says.

Dion is (8) for her success but (9) for life’s more pedestrian pleasures. Having children is her foremost thought. (10) she wants to cook, picnic, shop and swim.

1. a. knowing b. singing c. taking d. including 2. a. famous b. known c. common d. popular 3. a. on b. in c. at d. from

4. a. actually b. really c. financially d. badly 5. a. In b. At c. On d. Of 6. a. in b. during c. before d. after 7. a. usual b. normal c. well-known d. special 8. a. enjoyable b. glad c. grateful d. happy 9. a. longs b. waits c. expects d. desires 10. a. But b. So c. And d. Then

Part IV Translation (30%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English or from English into Chinese. Then write your answers on the answer sheet.

41. (Unit 1)



He doesn’t think we should devote any more time to this issue.(Unit 1 P5) 2. (Unit 1 P5)

42. In the first half of the 1980s, many U.S. products were not only inferior to but pricier than those offered by other nations.

80年代前期,许多美国产品不但质量比其它国家低劣,价格也高昂得多。 (Unit 2)


At this time of next year, I shall have been a teacher for ten years.

2. He will have delivered the goods by the end of this year according to the agreement.


43. If I had bought my car the traditional way, I would have visited at least four showrooms.

要是我像以往那样买车,至少得光顾4家展厅。 (Unit 3)


He doesn’t like to be treated as a guest. (Unit 3 P48)

2. It is necessary for us to be constantly reminded of our shortcomings. 经常有人提醒我们注意自己的缺点是必要的。 (unit 3 P48)

44. The cyber-espionage will have minimal effect on CD Universe customer’s pocketbooks.



(Unit 4)

1. 携带病毒的电子邮件引起了微软公司的恐慌。

Virus-infected emails struck fear into the Microsoft Company.(Unit 4 P57) 2. Customers are not responsible for the unauthorized charge. 用户对于未授权的支出概不负责。 (Unit 4 P57)

45. In other words, without knowledge of A-Ma, nobody can claim an understanding of Macao.

换言之,如果一个人对妈祖一无所知,他就谈不上了解澳门。(Unit 5) 1. The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the movement of the moon. 月球的运动制约着海平面的升降。(Unit 5 P74) 2.他告诉我问题已经圆满地解决了。

He informed me that the issue had already been satisfactorily settled. (Unit 5 P74) 46. (Unit 6)

1. When you study abroad, you must adapt yourself to new customs and different ways of thinking.

你在国外学习必须使自己学会新的风俗习惯以及不同的思维方式。(Unit 6 P102)

2.如果我们认为那样不公平,我们就会大胆地说出来。 If we thought that was unfair, we would speak up. (Unit 6 P102) 47.我们没有意识到这次讲座的重要性。 Little do we realize how important this lecture is.


(Unit 6 inverted structure)

1. The extinction of much wildlife can be attributed to the fact that humans take a staggering toll on it.

许多野生动物的灭绝归因于人类对他们的大肆捕杀。(Unit 7 P119) 2.牧民的大量涌入使森林遭到严重破坏。

The influx of ranchers caused serious damage to the forests.(Unit 7 P119) 48.政府正在采取紧急措施阻止走私。

The government is taking emergency action to stop smuggling. ( Unit 7)

1. Social and political ties bind the USA to Britain.

社会和政治关系将美国和不列颠联系起来。(Unit 8 P136) 2.整个城市笼罩在一层迷雾之中。

The whole city is in a mantle of dense mist.(Unit 8 P136) 49.共同的语言、文化和信仰将这群人联系在一起。

This group of people are bound together by shared language, culture and beliefs. (Unit 8)

1. What they need is help rather than sympathy.

他们需要的是帮助而不是同情。(Unit 8 P144) 2. 峨眉山有着童话般的美丽。

The Emei Shan Mountain took / takes on a fairytale beauty.(Unit 8 P144)


