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成绩单 您的得分:130 分 问卷满分:200 分 答对题数:26 题 测试题数:40 题


1. guardian 分值:5

您的回答为:someone or something that washes or protects something 5)

2. gratify 分值:5

您的回答为:to make (someone) happy or satisfied 3. groundless 分值:5

您的回答为:not based on facts 4. hallmark 分值:5

您的回答为:a quality, ability, etc., that is typical of a particular person or thing (得分:5) 5. guile 分值:5

您的回答为:deceitful cunning: duplicity 6. generic 分值:5


正确答案为:of or relating to a whole group or class 7. genial 分值:5

您的回答为:friendly and kind 8. gloomy 分值:5 您的回答为:depressed 9. glean 分值:5

您的回答为:to gather or collect (something) in a gradual way 10. glut 分值:5








您的回答为:a strong need or desire 正确答案为:too much of something 11. hitch 分值:5

您的回答为:a hidden problem that makes something more complicated or difficult to do (得分:5) 12. hail 分值:5

您的回答为:to greet with enthusiastic approval: acclaim 13. halfhearted 分值:5

您的回答为:feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm 14. hallow 分值:5

您的回答为:to respect greatly: venerate 15. hamstring 分值:5

您的回答为:to damage or ruin the force or effectiveness of (something or someone) (得分:5) 16. haphazard 分值:5

您的回答为:having no plan, order, or direction 17. heartless 分值:5 您的回答为:unintended 正确答案为:very cruel 18. helter-skelter 分值:5


正确答案为:marked by a lack of order or plan: haphazard 19. heterogeneous 分值:5

您的回答为:made up of parts that are different 20. high-minded 分值:5

您的回答为:having strong moral principles 21. hortatory 分值:5 您的回答为:banal 正确答案为:exhortatory 22. hubris 分值:5


正确答案为:a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence

(得分:5) (得分:5)

(得分:5) (得分:5)

(得分:5) (得分:5)

23. hyperbole 分值:5

您的回答为:language that describes something as better or worse than it really is (得分:5) 24. iconoclast 分值:5

您的回答为:a person who criticizes or opposes beliefs and practices that are widely accepted (得分:5) 25. impecunious 分值:5

您的回答为:lacking dexterity or skill 正确答案为:poor 26. impetuous 分值:5

您的回答为:acting or done quickly and without thought 27. impugn 分值:5

您的回答为:to assail by words or argument 28. incommensurable 分值:5

您的回答为:of or relating to sth. mysterious 正确答案为:not commensurable broadly 29. inflammatory 分值:5 您的回答为:flamboyant 正确答案为:causing anger 30. irenic 分值:5

您的回答为:able to cure diseases or heal people

正确答案为:favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation 31. gregarious 分值:5

您的回答为:marked by or indicating a liking for companionship: sociable┋growing in a cluster or colony (得分:5) 32. harsh 分值:5

您的回答为:having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch┋severe or cruel

正确答案为:having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch|unduly exacting|severe or cruel 33. imbibe 分值:5

您的回答为:to drink alcohol┋to receive into the mind and retain




34. indifferent 分值:5

您的回答为:not interested in or concerned about something┋marked by impartiality (得分:5) 35. ingenuous 分值:5

您的回答为:belonging to the basic nature of someone or something┋showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness

正确答案为:showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness|lacking craft or subtlety 36. inimical 分值:5

您的回答为:not friendly┋likely to cause damage or have a bad effect 5)

37. lapse 分值:5

您的回答为:an occurrence in which someone behaves badly or usua short period of time┋the act of giving away money or the quality of a person who gives away money

正确答案为:an occurrence in which you fail to think or act in the usual or proper way for a brief time and make a mistake|an occurrence in which someone behaves badly or usua short period of time|to stop for usually a brief time 38. invalidate 分值:5

您的回答为:to show or prove (something) to be false or incorrect┋to weaken or destroy the effect of (something) (得分:5) 39. lull 分值:5

您的回答为:a brief time when an action or activity stops┋to cause (someone) to sleep or rest: soothe

正确答案为:a brief time when an action or activity stops|to cause (someone) to sleep or rest: soothe|to cause (someone) to feel safe and relaxed instead of careful and alert

40. liberation 分值:5

您的回答为:the removal of traditional social or sexual rules, attitudes, etc.┋the act or process of freeing someone or something from another’s control (得分:5) 请在此输入问题标题 [矩阵文本题] *

(1) 打卡时间(例如:2016/03/12) (2) 打卡群名片(例如:张三丰)

2017/10/19 D


