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开放英语5 听力、选择、阅读(2)、写作题目汇总:

注意:课本每课第一篇课文及课本6、12、18课的完形填空题目也在复习期末复习范围内,但以下总结没有涵盖。课文讲解及翻译可参见开放英语5网络课程:http://netcourse.shtvu.edu.cn/yy31/index.htmistening 1 Extract 3 (CD track 1 4:00- weeks off[ask for … off 请(一段时间)假].



1.The baby is going to be born ___________. A in three weeks B in four weeks C in five weeks 2.Flynn is Mary’s __________. A grandmother B nurse C son 3.Martin is not sure whether he will be working at the time of the birth because______. A He has no phone with him B he works shifts C he doesn’t know when the baby will be born 4.Martin will ask for ______ off. A two weeks B three weeks C two days 5.Mary’s mother is going to ______ after the baby is born A take care of their son B come to help Mary for a while C help at a nursery Key: B C B A B Mary and Martin talk about the birth of their baby. Interviewer: I understand you're expecting[怀胎] a baby soon, Mary. Would you like to tell me something about your plans for the birth? Mary: Well the baby's going to be born in four weeks' time. I'm going to have the baby[此处指生孩子] in hospital. Martin will probably take Flynn, our son, over to his grandparents, out in Hornchurch[伦敦的一个区]. Last time I had an easy labour[分娩] with Flynn. I hope we'll have a girl this time. Interviewer: Martin, do you know if you'll be working then? Martin: Well I work shifts[轮班工作], and so I'm not quite sure whether I'll be working or at home, but I'll have my phone with me. And we will be expecting a call, at any time. Mary: Well, Martin will take time off[休假], won't you, love[亲爱的]?

Martin: Yes. On Monday I'm going to ask for two Mary: Yeah, so for two weeks he' 11 be on holiday to help out with the baby. My mother is going to come over after that for a bit. Flynn's at nursery and he'll keep going there. I think that's best — he'll keep on with his routine[日常惯例]. Listening 2(Extract 1 track 2 00:06-01:01) 1. The story happened in the autumn just before Thanksgiving. 2. They were on their way to the speaker’s parents. 3. It is easier for them to take the subway than driving. 4. The car stopped because there was a traffic jam on the highway. 5. It took the speaker a long time to get gas. Key: T F T F T Hank describes a journey. In the fall[美式英语,“秋天”。本文中的其他美国英语词汇,请参见Language Focus中的英式英语与美式英语], just before Thanksgiving, we planned to spend the day with my wife's sister. We usually take the bus or subway — it's easier, but we wanted to drive down to my parents for Thanksgiving after that. We'd just gotten out of town when the car stopped. We had run out of[用完] gas and it was my fault[过错]. Luckily, I wasn't on the highway and I told my wife and kids to wait on the sidewalk. I took the can[罐,桶,壶] from the trunk and walked to the nearest gas station. My wife was mad at me and I wasn't pleased, as I had to stand in line[排队] for 20 minutes to get gas, because everyone was filling up[加满(油)] before the holidays. And when I came back, the kids wanted the rest room. Listening 3(Extract 3 track 04:22-06:16)

1.The same methods of coping with stress are right for everyone. 2.Don’t keep a diary because it will make you anxious. 3.Don’t worry about not finishing everything you need to do every day. 4.Be more confident about refusing to take on extra work. 5.Smoking helps you relax. Key : T F T T F An expert gives advice on reducing stress. The key[关键] to success in reducing stress[压力,紧张]


is finding a technique[技巧] that works[有效] best for you, so you may want to try several different methods. Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to manage stress[控制压力]. Relax by taking a long walk after work, even if it's dark — among trees and green fields if possible.

Try keeping a stress diary[试着就自己的压力情况每天记日记], so that you know what is stressful for you. This can help you to avoid getting into the same stressful situations time and again.

Prioritise what needs doing during the day[把一天要做的事情按重要性排出先后] and tick off [勾去] each item as you finish it. Don't worry about not getting everything done. Time management is a vital[极其重要的] step in keeping stress levels down. And begin making time for yourself. Stop doing everything yourself and try to delegate[指派别人去做] more. Your saying \to some things will mean you can do more in the end.

Cut down on smoking and drinking. Smoking limits[限制] the blood flow to the heart and so stops the body from coping naturally with stress[cope with“应付, 对付, 克服”]. Drinking alcohol disturbs regular sleep patterns and upsets a healthy diet[喝酒影响正常的睡眠模式并且扰乱了健康的饮食]. You need a healthy diet and regular sleep to beat[胜过] stress.

Remember, laughing boosts[增强] the immune[免疫] system and lowers stress levels. Keep telling yourself, \can handle[处理,对付] this!\wonders[积极的态度创造奇迹].

Listening 4(Extract 1 track 4 0:00-1:30) 1.Pablo's report is the first item on the agenda. 2.Pablo thinks the 1st July date is wrong

3.The start date has changed because of supply problems.

4.Pablo knew about the changed date.

5.Emails about the changed date have already been sent. Key: F T T F F A meeting begins.

Andy: Carrie, may I introduce you to Pablo? Pablo is from our Madrid[马德里(西班牙首都)] office — he's going to present some figures later in the meeting. Carrie: Nice to meet you, Pablo.

Pablo: I'm very pleased to meet you, Ms Errrm? Carrie: Do call me Carrie. [“就叫我卡丽吧。”do用于祈使句前,表示诚意。]

Pablo: I'm very pleased to meet you, Carrie.

Andy: Now, I have 9.35[“我的表是9点35分。”这

是美国英语。英国英语说I make it 9.35.], so shall we

begin? Carrie, can you run through[把……粗略过一遍] the dates for the Edinburgh project?

Carrie: Certainly. There are two times when we need to check the schedule. They are 1 st July and 1st September. The 1st July date is actually the start date, so...

Pablo: Sorry to interrupt — I'd understood that the start date was 1st August.

Carrie: Ah, yes, that was the original date, but it has been agreed to start earlier because of the problems with suppliers[供应商].

Pablo: Well, could I just add that there is a communication problem here. Madrid office was not informed and it's going to be more difficult to...

Andy: Yes, but the decision was only confirmed[确认] yesterday and we are sending emails to all the offices today. I don't think it's a problem, Pablo.

Pablo: Okay, but it is important that we are all informed and I know...

Andy: Yes, could I just say that I agree about that and we're going to make all...(fade out)

Listening 5(Extract 2 Track 5 1:20- 3:09)

1.The record of the immigrants of Ellis Island wasn’t available online until recently.

2.Grazia’s family had to immigrate because there was no job for his father in Italy in those days.

3.Grazia was 3 years old when she left Italy.

4.They moved to California after the Great Depression. 5.Gazia found out about her wider family without going back to Italy. Key: T T F F F

Grazia Cimino talks on the radio about leaving Italy. Presenter[节目主持人]: Many immigrants came here to Ellis Island, off Manhattan. As they arrived, their personal details were recorded by officials[官员]. Now, a century later, these records have been put online. Grazia Cimino was one of those who came to the USA many years ago.

Grazia: In the 1920s my family was living in the south of Italy. In those days there was no work and my father hadn't had a job for three years. Finally it became clear that we had to emigrate. I was six at the time. I was very sad to leave.

Presenter: So you came here to the USA?

Grazia: Yes, but before that we had to get the money. For a while my father worked in Rome and he borrowed from his brothers.

Presenter: So when did you come?


Grazia: In 1923. In the end we got here to California[(美国的)加利福尼亚州], but before that my father decided to stay and work in New York where there were a lot of Italians.

Presenter: So when did you come out here?

Grazia: We moved out here in 1927. That, of course, was in the year before the Great Depression. That was devastating[毁灭性的]. It was very, very hard in those days.

Presenter: You have been back to Italy?

Grazia: Yes. I looked up[(在参考资料中)查找] my family background[家庭背景] on the Ellis Island Reporter: What do you think of Li Tie?

Fan: I think he’s fantastic. It’s very good for the club. Reporter: Why?

Fan: It’s good however you look at it. It’s brought us a lot more fans, and a lot more income too.

Reporter: Some people at the club say it’s just an advertising gimmick [一则广告伎俩] by Kejian.

Fan: Yes, I’ve heard that, but nobody really believes that now. Whoever had the idea was absolutely brilliant in my opinion.

Reporter: So he’s here to stay.

Fan: I hope so. It was so funny at first to have a Chinese website. I went back to Italy five years ago and looked through[浏览] the records, and now I have made contact with[和……建立联系] my family in Italy and in other parts of America. It's great. It's wonderful.

Listening 7(Extract 4, Track 7 4:14—5:10) 1.Which football team does the fan support? A Manchester United B Everton

C Tottenham Hotspur

2.When is the next home match? A next week B next month C tomorrow

3.Which player in this football team is Chinese? A Li Tie B Yao Ming C Wang Zhizhi

4.Which company sponsors the football team according to this conversation? A Kejian B Beerchang C Korean

5.What does the fan think of Li Tie’s joining of Everton? A The fan thinks that it’s a good deal. B The fan doesn’t like Li Tie.

C The fan doesn’t share his/her opinion. Key: B C A A A

An Everton fan talks to a sports reporter. Fan: I’ve always been an Everton supporter. Reporter: Do you go to many matches?

Fan: I go to the home matches whenever I can. I have no time to go to the away matches. [the away match: 做为客队的比赛]

Reporter: When’s the next home match[主场比赛]? Fan: There’s one tomorrow. It’s the last one of the season.

player, but none of the fans would let him go now. Whichever way you look at it, the deal’s been a success. Listening 8 (Extract 1, Track 8 00:00—1:50) 1.David Beckham is a footballer and his transfer fee to Spain is 25,000,000 pounds.

2.Football clubs can get money by selling shirts with famous player’s name on.

3.Selling Beckham to Real Madrid is very safe for Manchester United.

4.David Beckham can earn 5,000,000 pounds a year through attending matches.

5.―Bekamu‖ as Beckham is known in Japan is recognized by over 19% of the population in that country.

Key: T T F T F

A business analyst discusses the financial value of the footballer [球员], David Beckham.【贝克汉姆】

Interviewer: How much is David Beckham really worth to a club?

Analyst: He’s a very valuable asset. He was trained at Manchester, so they didn’t buy him. His transfer fee [转队费] of ?25 million to Real Madrid [皇家马德里] was pure profit. Real Madrid estimates that they can get that back in only four years just by selling shirts. Manchester United sold more shirts with his name on than any other player’s. His popularity is a key part of the club’s many sponsorship and media deals. Selling him to Spain is obviously a risk for United.

Interviewer: And how much does he earn himself?

Analyst: He makes a lot of money. At Manchester United he earned ?90,000 a week. ?20,000 was for the club’s use of his image in promotional activities[促销活动]. As well as the ?5 million a year that he earns on the pitch[在球场上], he makes another ?10 million a year in personal endorsements, such as Adidas[阿迪达斯], Vodaphone[沃达丰] and Marks and Spencer[玛莎百货].


It’s worth it for the companies; take Brylcreem[一男士护发品牌的名字]—the sales of their hair cream increased by 50% after his advertising campaign. Interviewer: So what’s his brand worth?

Analyst: It’s impossible to put an accurate figure on its total value. ?200 million is one guess. Interviewer: Why so much?

Analyst: Because he is the key to global markets, particularly in the Far East. ―Bekkamu‖ as he is known in Japan is recognized by over 90% of the population in And they really ate three proper meals a day. Not like over here. I’m just eating crisps and biscuits all the time. All full of fat.

Alan: Yes, I read that British people are the biggest snackers [people who eat biscuits,吃饼干的人] in Europe.

Brenda: And in Italy, they cook with olive oil. It’s much better for you. Apparently it actually protects against heart disease[保护不受…侵害].

Alan: Yes, I like Italian food. The other food I really like that country.

Listening 9(Extract 1, Track 9 00:00--1:36) 1.When did the conversation happen? A the lunch time

B break between classes C dinner

2.What do people in Italy eat?

A only fruit, salads and vegetables B only meat C both A and B

3.Which foods can protect people against getting fat? A crisps and snackers B olive oil and rice C burgers

4.In Europe, which nation is the biggest snacker? A Britain B Italy C Japan

5.Chinese foods _____. A are high in fat

B contain much sugar C don’t have much salt Key : A C B A C

Alan and Brenda discuss food. Alan: Lunch?

Brenda: Yes, okay. Where do you want to go? I don’t want my usual burger. It’s too fatty. Alan: Really?

Brenda: Well, I’ve put on a bit of weight [增肥、长胖] and I want to lose it [减肥]. I noticed in Italy that they actually eat more than we do, but generally they don’t seem to be overweight. Alan: So what do they eat?

Brenda: Lots of fruit and salads and vegetables, so I suppose they get lots of vitamins and fibre. Alan: Are they mainly vegetarian [素食的]?

Brenda: No, they eat meat as well for protein. Of course, they do eat pasta, but we all need some energy foods.

is Japanese and Chinese food. A lot of it is low in fat, with not much sugar or salt.

Brenda: Yes, and rice is very good for you. Full of fibre. Last year in Japan I really did enjoy all the vegetarian dishes… [Fade out]【声音逐渐消失】

Listening 10(Extract 2, Disk B Track 1 02:00—03:25)

1.The two speakers disagree to ban the biscuit in America.

2.According to the US government research, the trans fats in biscuits kill thousands of people every year.

3.People at this age won’t eat processed foods any more for the problem of health.

4.In their opinion, to be a lawyer is a perfect job.

5.40% of all the processed foods contain the fats killing people.

Key: T T F T T

Angela and Bill discuss food scares.

Angela: Bill, did you read about this biscuit case? Someone wants to ban [禁止] the most popular biscuit in America because one of the ingredients [成分] might be bad for you.

Bill: It’s a bit worrying, isn’t it?

Angela: No, it’s not, Bill, it’s ridiculous. If they ban everything when there’s a food scare [食物恐慌症], there wouldn’t be anything left to eat.

Bill: Yes, I know, but we know from US government research that these trans fats [转移传递的脂肪] kill thousands of people every year.

Angela: Yes, but as far as I’m concerned, you can’t isolate one thing from everything else.[isolate … from …:把…与…割裂开来] The fact is these fats are in 40% of all the processed foods [加工食品] we eat. So how are we going to get rid of them?

Bill: But, as I see it, you do have to be careful. You know, read the labels on all the stuff you buy in the supermarket.

Angela: Perhaps, but in this day and age people are not


going to cook without ever using processed foods. Convenience is important.

Bill: No, I suppose not. If you ask me, the only people who make any money out of all this are the lawyers. Angela: Yes, I know what you mean. It doesn’t matter if they win or lose the case[胜诉或败诉], they still get their money.

Bill: Absolutely! We’re in the wrong jobs. Listening 11(Extract 1, 00:00—01:47)

1.The speaker is and Environmental Health Officer in Milton Keynes.

2.Our job includes two aspects: dealing with complaints and inspecting premises.

3.We get no serious complaint from consumers.

4.The inspection rating determines the frequency of being inspected.

5.Highly rated premises will be visited more frequently. Key: T T F T F

Mary Scott, an Environmental Health Officer in Milton Keynes[地名:密尔顿?凯恩斯], talks about her job. I’ve been an environmental health officer [环境卫生官员] for the last fifteen years and here at Milton Keynes for ten years.

We will react to any reasonably serious complaint about any premises that serve or sell food products. We generally get two types of complaint, either about the food that people have eaten, or about the condition of the premises. Our officers will investigate complaints quite quickly.

We get all sorts of complaints. We get completely stupid complaints. We also get really serious ones, of course, such as food poisoning as a result of eating badly prepared food. Or they’ve found something in their food, like a piece of wood, or a piece of fingernail. We first decide whether the complaint is really justified, and then we decide whose fault it is, the manufacturer’s or the caterer’s[manufacturer: 厂商;caterer: 食客].

A second aspect of our job is inspecting. We have a systematically organized inspection schedule. We inspect all premises that handle food. At the end of each inspection, the officer gives them an inspecting rating. That rating shows how good they are, and therefore how often they inspect them. Premises that are highly rated by us will be visited less frequently than premises that have very poor standards.

Listening 13(Extract 1,00:00—01:25) 1.Who is the speaker?

A the vice-principal of the college B college student C college professor

2.What are the traditional industries of this area? A coal mining

B heavy industry and manufacturing industry C both A and B

3.What is the nowadays industry of this area? A personal service industry

B transportation related industries C both

4.What measures does the college take to keep up with the needs of local industry? A develop new courses B remain the same

C open a science museum

5.How long has the change lasted? A twenty five years B twenty years C five years Key : A C C A A

The Vice-Principal [副校长] of the college talks about

changes in Coalville.

In the past twenty-five years, this area has undergone a tremendous change, from a traditional mining, heavy industry and manufacturing background. Many people have been made redundant.[be made redundant: 下岗] We’re now starting to see a shift [转变、改变]towards more transportation related activities. For example, because of the geographical location of the area, we’re starting to see warehousing [仓储]and logistics [物流]coming to the area. As a result the service industries have seen a major upturn, for example, hotels, leisure facilities, sport and recreational facilities. We’re also seeing a major shift towards more personal service industries such as hairdressing, childcare, care for the elderly, etc. There has also been a major regeneration of the area. Slag heaps [矿渣堆]have been cleared, recreational facilities have been developed and a major science museum has been opened in the town. The college has kept up with the changes in the economic and industrial environment, and we have developed new courses to reflect the needs of local industry. Listening 14(Extract 1, 00:00—01:30)

1.What does ―staying on at school‖ mean? ___________. A finished compulsory education and went on into another education

B can’t get the graduation certificate because of low



C stay at school and afraid of going into society 2.When did the last mine close? A ten years ago B two years ago C twenty years ago

3.Compared with before, nowadays working market employment situation.

The staying on rate at school, that is moving from compulsory education [义务教育] into sixth form or continuing education [继续教育], is lower in this area than other areas of Britain. It’s not the only area that’s lower than national, but the reason it is so in this part is because traditionally the school leavers [离校生、毕业_____.

A has more fierce competition B provides more jobs

C is less strict with the applicants’ qualifications 4.What about the staying on rate in this area? A the rate is on the average level B the rate is lower than other areas

C it is the only area that is lower than national 5.What is the conversation mainly about?

A the differences between two different generations B the local education situation C the local employment situation Key: A A A B C


Jane Foster of Stevenson College talks about the local


1. I ___ when my mobile phone rang. A am driving

B had been driving C was driving

2. They ___ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we ___it as no good results have come out so far.

A had been working; are still working B had worked; were still working C have been working; have worked

3. Alice,you looked puzzled.Have you understood it? Yes. I ___ another problem just now. A have thought of B had thought of C was thinking of

4. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language ___ ? A did they speak B were they speaking C are they speaking

5. I ___ the letter when you arrive. A was writing B will be writing C would be writing

6. Mrs. Black is an old lady ____.

生]always knew there was a job for them in the mines. Although the last mine closed nearly ten years ago, their families, their parents and their grandparents still remember moving straight from school into a job, no application needed, no competing with other school leavers for the job. The picture today is very different. There’s high competition for the decent jobs, and everybody has to be skilled to a greater degree than they needed to be ten, twenty years ago. So the college is working with local schools, to encourage students to get as much education as they can, and to stay on[继续] into further education and start gaining work-based skills. So they are fully prepared to go into the flexible workplace as it now is.

A at her seventies. B in her seventy C in her seventies

7. It seems that it_____ rain. A is about to B is going to C can

8. John has found a bigger apartment and is _____ move into it. A near to B ready for C about to

9. Spring has come on; _____ it is still cold. A and B so

C however

10. The rain was heavy; ______ the land was flooded. A although B consequently C but


2答案:A解析:第一空用过去完成进行时,因为该动作发生在I joined them 之前,用过去完成时;又因



3答案:C解析:由句中just now 推知应为过去的时态,句意是“我刚才在考虑另一个问题。”所以应使用过去进行时。

4答案:C解析:根据句中listen to 表示现在进在讲,所以用现在进行时。

5答案:B解析:时间状语从句when you arrive用一般现在时表示未来要发生的动作。句意为“你到达时我将正在写信”,故主句用将来进行时。

6答案:C解析:介词结构in one’s twenties/ thirties/ C propose

6. The Anti-Japanese War ____ in 1937 and it ____ eight years.

A was broken out; lasted B broke out; lasted

C was broken out; was lasted

7. – Would you like to come to dinner tonight? -- ________________. A No, I cannot.

B I like coming, thanks.

C I’d love to come. Thank you.

forties... 表示“二十/三十/四十…几岁的”,可以放在名词后做定语,也可以做表语。

7答案:B解析:句意表示“看上去要下雨。”be going to 还可以表示根据说话当时的迹象来预测将来要发生的事情,主语通常是人或代表天气的代词。

8答案:C解析:be about to 用于表示马上、即将发生的事情,相当于“正要”。be ready for 表示“为……做好准备”,后接名词或动名词。near to 表示“在……附近”。


10答案:B解析:根据两句意“雨很大”,“发洪水”可知两句为因果关系,所以选择连词consequently “因此,结果”。

1. Congratulations! I understand you _____ a job. When will start to work? A got

B have got C will get

2. -- Do you like reading novels?

-- Yes. I ____ to read four novels this year. But I have already read five. A have planned B planned C am planning

3. Please take your _____ to check in. A wait B turn C moment

4. Do you fancy ____ dinner with me this evening? A having B to have C have

5. Who is going to ____ a toast in your wedding. A release B speak

8. Supper is ready. Could you ____ the table please? A lay B put up C make

9. Listen, Donna! I don’t care if you missed the bus this morning. You ____ late to work too many times. You are fired! A have been B were C are

10. – Do you know about the Road Traffic Safety Law? -- Yeah. It went into effect in May and traffic safety in our city _____ since. A improved B had improved C has improved


2答案: B解析:由句意可知“已读完五本”,而上文中则应表示“原本打算今年读四本”,强调的是过去的动作,故用过去时。

3答案:B解析:动宾搭配take one’s turn 按顺序,轮到某人。

4答案:A解析:fancy doing sth 喜欢做某事,想做某事。 5答案:C解析:动宾搭配to propose a toast 致祝酒辞。 6答案:B解析:break out“爆发”和last“持续”都不能用于被动语态。事情发生在过去,用一般过去时。 7答案:C解析:接受邀请时,可以说:I'd love to come.Thank you.不能用No, I cannot. 直接拒绝。 8答案:A解析:动宾搭配to lay the table 摆桌子. 9答案:A解析:由句意可知“已经迟到多次”,因此选择现在完成时。

10答案:C解析:since 此处为副词,表示“从那以后”,从句意可以判断用现在完成时。


1. I am going to _____ before the examination. A go over my notes B go my notes on C go my over notes

2. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures ___ in you mind instead 2答案:C解析:句意为“阅读和看电视相当不同,(阅读时)在脑海里形成画面而不是在眼前形成画面。” 现在分词forming 作pictures 的定语,相当于there are pictures which form in your mind….

3答案:B解析:动名词作介词at 的宾语,动名词前的物主代词his,构成动名词的逻辑主语。 of before your eyes. A to form B form C forming

3. We were surprised at ____ the exam. A him not pass B his not passing C him not to pass

4. The student ______ over there is our monitor. A reading a book B who reading a book C reads a book

5. I remember _____ your letter. A posting B to post C posted

6. – Do you still smoke? – No. I _____ three years ago. A gave up it B gave over it C gave it up

7. In the ____ weeks, the six blind men kept on quarreling about the elephant. A followed B following C to follow

8. ______ is no disgrace. A Being poor B Poor C Be poor

9. No one can avoid ___ by one’s surroundings. A influencing B to be influenced C being influenced

10. We often ____ our daughter’s children when she is at work.

A take care of B take care with C take care for

1答案:A解析:go over 这里是“复习”的意思,它是由动词+介词构成的短语动词词,宾语的位置一般置于介词之后,因此选择A。

4答案:A解析:现在分词短语reading a book 作定语置于所修饰的名词之后。The student reading a book = the student who is reading a book.

5答案:A解析:remember后接动名词作宾语,表示动作发生过去,句意为“我记得寄了你的信。” 6答案:C解析:“戒烟”应使用短语动词give up. 它是由动词+副词构成,所以当宾语为代词时, 只能置于短语动词之中。 7答案:B解析:单个的现在分词following用作定语,置于它所修饰的名词之前,表示“接下来的”。 8答案:A

解析:意为“贫穷不是耻辱。”being poor是动名词作主语。

9答案:C解析:avoid后只能跟动名词 表示“避免做某事”, influence“影响”与主语的关系为被动,因此用动名词的被动形式being influenced.

10答案:A解析:短语动词take care of“照看”。 1. The ___ horse began to run. A frightening B frightened C frighten

2. He is used to ___ by others. A being praised B praised C praising

3. — A woman was killed in the store last night. — Have the police examine the body of ___? A the woman to be murdered B the murdering woman C the murdered woman

4. Statistics show that car accidents tend ___ close to home.

A to occur B occur

C to be occurred

5. I am intelligent, ___? A am not I B aren’t I C isn’t I

6. He is very ___ in birds. A interested B interesting


C interest

7. The singer said that she wasn’t feeling well that night, ___? A didn’t she B did she C was she

8. These trucks carry goods ___ to foreign countries. 1. Police are _____ the disappearance of two


A looking out B looking after C looking into

2. While we were in London that year, the London Bridge ______. A exporting B exported C being export

9. It seemed that John ___ the old poet. A looked up B looked upon C looked up to

10. All the graduates are searching for a ___ job. A well-paid B well-paying C good paid 1答案:B解析:frightened 是由动词frighten“使……惊吓”的过去分词转化而来的形容词,在这里它修饰horse,具有被动的含义,意为“受惊的”。frightening表示“令人害怕的”。

2答案:A解析:be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事,句意表示“他习惯于被别人夸奖。”因此要用被动语态being praised. 3答案:C解析:murder“谋杀”,用其过去分词murdered作定语可以表示被动和完成的意思,而用现在分词作定语是表示主动和正在发生的意思,用不定式作定语表示动作尚未发生,此处妇女是被杀而且是既定事实, 所以应选择过去分词作定语。

4答案:A解析:tend to do sth 倾向于做某事,容易做某事。句意为“数据显示车祸容易在离家近的地方发生。”occur 此处应为主动,所以选择tend to occur. 5答案:B解析:I am 的反意疑问句应该用aren’t I? 6答案:A解析:形容词interested是由动词interest“使……发生兴趣”转化而来的形容词,表示“感兴趣的”, 此处作表语。interesting 表示“有意思的”。 7答案:A解析:that引导宾语从句,而反意疑问句中的附加疑问句以主句动词为主,此处主句动词为said, 所以选择didn’t she.

8答案:B解析:此处意为“被出口到外国的商品”,动词短语export to …作后置定语修饰goods,过去分词可以表示被动的意思,因此选择过去分词作后置定语。 9答案:C解析:look up to 表示“敬仰”,look up“(在参考书中)查找”,look upon“看作”。


A was repaired

B was being repaired C was repairing

3. We are delighted _____ that your website offers various online courses. A to see B seen

C have seen

4. Until then, his family ______ from him for six months.

A hasn’t heard B hadn’t heard C didn’t hear

5. With the blink of an eye you finally see the light. It's______. A amazed B amazing C amaze

6. Students are required to _____ the new words in dictionary. A look up B search

C look through

7. Mary _____ her neighbours. A gets on with B gets well with C goes on with

8. Arafat was horrified ______ Tuesday’s terror attacks in the United States. A for B because C by

9. You may find a large number of _____ emails in your mailbox. A annoying B annoyed C annoy

10. No one was in the building when the fire _____. A broke up B broke off C broke out


1答案:C解析:look out 当心;look after 照看;look into 调查。句意为“警察正在调查两个孩子的失踪。” B five-storeys’ C five-storey’s

2答案:B解析:从时间状语“我们当年在伦敦时”可知,是在过去特定时间正发生的动作,所以应选择过去进行时,此外,主句的主谓之间是被动关系,所以选择“was being repaired”。

3答案:A解析:be delighted to do sth 表示“很高兴做某事”。

4答案:B解析:从时间until then “到那时为止”以及for six months可知是过去的过去,应使用过去完成时。


6答案:A解析:look up(在参考书中)查;search 搜索;look through 浏览。句意为“在字典中查新单词”。 7答案:A解析:get on with sb 和某人相处和谐; go on with sth 继续做某事。根据句意选择A。

8答案:C解析:be horrified by 表示“对……感到十分吃惊”。

9答案:A解析:annoy是动词,表示“使……生气/烦恼”;annoying“令人讨厌/烦恼的”;annoyed“生气的,烦恼的”。此处表示“令人讨厌的电子邮件”,所以选择annoying. 10答案:C解析:break up 分手;break off 中断;break out 爆发。句意为“火灾爆发”。

1. The Nazi kept those___ in their concentration camps.

A prisoner-of-wars B prisoners-of-war C prisoners-of-wars

2. Could you tell me the ___ for Biology 457 and Chemistry 610. A room’s numbers B numbers of rooms C room numbers

3. — Where is my cap? — It’s on the ___. A kitchen counter B kitchen’s counter C counter kitchen

4 As a safety precaution, all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a ___ bill. A ten-dollar B ten-dollar’s C ten-dollars

5 The newly-built library is a ____ building. A five-storey

6 ___ of the computers works today. A No B Not C None

7 I have ____ idea about it. A no B one of C none

8 It’s _______. A a match of two hours B a two-hours match C a second-hours match

9 ____ hard I try, I can’t seem to lose weight. A Whatever B However C Whichever

10 The fans go wild___ their team gets the ball. A however B whenever C whoever

1答案:B 解析:本题考查的是复合名词变复数这一语法点。“战俘”即prisoner-of-war的中心是prisoner,所以变复数时只需把它变为复数即可。所以答案选B 2答案:C解析:本题目考查的是复合名词的其中一种结构:名词+名词结构。所以房间号这一复合名词的英语应为‖room number‖,复数应在中心词number后加-s,所以答案选C 3答案:A

4答案:A解析:复合名词作量度,按照语法中所陈述的一样,中间需用连字符,而且只能用单数形式。所以答案选A 5答案:A

6答案:C解析:只有none后面可以加of, 所以只能选择C

7答案:A解析:答案选A,none为不定代词,单独使用,后面不再跟名词。也可以用于none of + 名词结构,所以与本题不符;而当one作数词讲时,表示单个事物,后面可以跟单数可数名词,也可以用于one of the + 名词复数形式或集合名词结构,表示“其中一个”,所以也与本题不符,因此答案只能选择A 8答案:A解析:本题考查的是复合名词作定语这一语言点。复合名词作量度,按照语法中所陈述的一样,中间需用连字符,而且只能用单数形式。根据此,答案B、C不对,答案A使用of结构表示所属关系在第十单元中有详细讲解。

9答案:B解析:本题考查的是whatever, whichever,


5 B it is forecast that … 后接主语从句,it 为形式主语,表示“据预测??”。forecast 为不规则动词,过去式和过去分词皆为forecast

6 C 现在分词作原因状语,因为该动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以用现在分词的完成式。

7 C be expected to do sth. 被预期将会做某事,此句意为“需求被预期会翻一番。”

8 B the reason for 后接名词或代词,表示“??的原



1--Titles for practice

You should write at least 80 words

according to its guidelines:

How I Keep Balance between Work and Study 1. 我在业余学习中出现的工读矛盾 2. 我是怎样兼顾工作与学习的 参考:Unit 3 text: Finding the balance between work and

因”,the reason why 后接句子。

9 A so that 以便于??,后接句子,作目的状语从句。In order to 后接动词原形;so 表示的是因果关系。 10 A in favour of 赞成。


2--An Unforgettable Day of My Life 1. 讲述一件发生在过去的难忘的事 2. 我的感受

参考:Unit 5 texts 叙述过去的事件,注意时间连接词 3--More people started smoke at young age

Year Percentage of smokers under 20 years old 1982 41.7 2000 65.7 16

1. 叙述图表事实 2. 分析原因 3. 结论

As is shown by the graph, …

参考:Unit 9 Activity 5 and Activity 17

4--Letter of Complaint

假设你是Mr. Bruce Wilson 酒店: Hotel Paloma Blanca 时间: 上周住了两晚

投诉: 任何服务方面的问题(如:房间类型与预订的不一样,电视机坏了,晚上太吵,早餐太晚等) 要求:如退款(refund)等

参考:Unit 11 Activity 9 part B, Unit 12 Activity 8

5--My Favorite Programme

1. 我最喜爱的电视(或广播)节目是… 2. 这个(或这类)台目的内容和特点 3. 我喜欢它的原因 参考:Unit 16 Activity 19 .


upplementary Reading:

Read the following passage and choose the

correct answers.

U1 In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other place away form the home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills. The money was used for food, clothes, a house, and other family needs. The man made most of the decisions. He was the boss.

In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away form the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked the meals, cleaned house, washed the clothes, and did other household work, Her job at home was very important.

In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many

Americans are happy with this kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.

There are two important differences in male and female roles now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.

A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children, or they may not. If they have children, the man may take care of them some of the time, all of the time, or not at all. The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children. Or she may want to go to work. Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families.

1. Which of the following is NOT true in the traditional marriage?

A. Men worked at a job to earn money for the family. B. The woman made most of decisions.

C. The woman stayed at home to care for the children. D. The man paid the bills. 2. In recent years _______.

A. young couples reject the traditional relationship

B. the woman has a job and earns the money for the family

C. the woman doesn't stay at home and care for the children and the house

D..the role of men and women has begun to change 3. Men and women play now choose all the following EXCEPT to _______. A. marry or to stay single B. work or to stay at home

C. have the roles that are comfortable for them D. leave their jobs just because they have children 4. The following are all now true EXCEPT _______. A. they may choose to have children or not

B. the man may take care of the children some of the time

C. the woman may want to go to work

D. the woman is the most important person in the house 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The man was the boss in the traditional marriage.

B. The woman's job at home was very important in the past.


C. Many Americans still have a traditional marriage. D. Everyone tries to get married. Key: D D D D C

U2 When a 20-pound turkey emerged from the kitchen at a weekend dress rehearsal (排演) for Thanksgiving dinner, about two dozen Chinese immigrants pulled out their digital cameras and took pictures.

―Wah!‖ exclaimed several.

―It’s cooked so well,‖ said Wilson Goh. ―Under the light, it’s very pretty.‖

Sponsored (赞助) by the Chinese American Etiquette Association, the event addressed the typical American holiday’s traditions, which often baffle new immigrants. ―The great thing is that immigrants come and adopt these holidays and traditions and also change them,‖ said Noah Pickus, a professor of ethics and public policy at Duke University who studies American identity. ―That is part of how they become American, and it gives new energy to us.‖

Jane Leu, director of Upwardly Global, a San Francisco organization that helps immigrant professionals rebuild their careers, sees special relevance for immigrants in Thanksgiving.

―Most don’t know that it is actually a celebration of getting through the first year in America and living to tell the tale.‖ Leu said. ―My sense is that you have to be in the U.S. for a long time before you feel that getting up at 7 a.m. on a day off to put in the turkey and bake up some pies has any meaning.‖

Many immigrants do adopt the holiday after they arrive in the United States, but in their own ways. Cherie M. Querol Moreno, 52, of Daly City, will serve lumpia (spring rolls) and coconut and pineapple fruit salad this Thanksgiving to honor her native Philippines. And she’ll serve succotash and corn to represent the contributions of Native Americans. Moreno says she used to serve turkey, but there’s always too much. She will instead serve chicken this year.

―The spirit of the holiday lives in each wave of settlers that arrives and enriches this country with their culture and traditions,‖ said Moreno, who immigrated in 1980. ―I didn’t want to imitate the first Thanksgiving; I wanted to make the occasion meaningful to us.‖

1. The Chinese American Etiquette Association is most probably an organization which______.

A. helps new immigrants from China to get to know

about American culture and customs

B. just teaches new immigrants from China to get to know about the holiday--Thanksgiving

C. helps Chinese immigrant professionals rebuild their careers

D. studies American identity

2.From the passage, we can infer that______.

A. the two dozen Chinese immigrants took pictures excitedly

B. people usually get up late on a day off

C. immigrants don’t like to adopt American holidays and traditions

D. for many immigrants, Thanksgiving is actually a celebration of getting through the first year in America 3. The underlined word ―baffle‖ can be best replaced by ________. A. surprise B. satisfy C. frighten D. puzzle

4. From the text, we know that Moreno is among those immigrants who ________.

A. don’t like t serve turkey at Thanksgiving dinner

B. are celebrating Thanksgiving to get through the first year in America

C. adopt American holidays and traditions and also change them

D. want to honor only their native Philippines by serving their favorite food

5.According to Jane Leu, __________.

A. most immigrants never know how to celebrate Thanksgiving.

B. most immigrants don’t serve turkey in Thanksgiving. C. it takes long time for the immigrants to understand the meaning of Thanksgiving.

D. most immigrants don’t like getting up early to prepare traditional Thanksgiving food. Key:A B D C C

U3 It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints ( 约束 ) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story:

I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We


had cubicle ( 小隔间 ) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles, several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.

It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but \isn't a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve A. advertise himself on the job market

B. persuade his boss to sign a long-term contract

C. try to get inside information about the organization D. do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions

5. To be successful in negotiations, one must_____. A. meet his boss at the appropriate time B. arrive at the negotiation table punctually

C. be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction D. be familiar with what the boss likes and dislikes Key: D B A D C

a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.

Performance is your best bargaining chip ( 筹码 ) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market.

What will someone else pay for your services?

Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.

1. According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should _____.

A. demonstrate his capability

B. give his boss a good impression C. ask for as much money as he can D. ask for the salary he hopes to get

2. What can be inferred from Beth's story?

A.Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.

B. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.

C. People should not be content with what they have got. D. People should be careful when negotiating for a job. 3. We can learn from the passage that ____. A. unfairness exists in salary increases

B. most people are overworked and underpaid C. one should avoid overstating one's performance

D. most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises

4. To get a pay raise, a person should______.

U4 The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive(极度活跃的) America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed(无与伦比的) might(力量). Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: ―Won’t the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anticompetitive force?”

There’s no question that the big are getting bigger and more powerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade in 1982.Today the figure is more than 25% and growing rapidly. International affiliates(分公司) account for a fast growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. In Argentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s,multinationals went from 43% to almost 70% of the industrial production of the 200 largest firms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.

I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie(潜存于?之下) the globalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers’ demands. All these are beneficial, not detrimental(有害的), to consumers. As productivity grows, the world’s wealth increases.

Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty(少的). Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could re-create the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the U.S., when the Standard Oil Trust was broken up. The mergers of telecom companies,


such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in the pace of technical progress .On the contrary, the price of communications is coming down fast. In cars, too, concentration is increasing—witness Daimler and Chrysler, Renault and Nissan—but it does not appear that consumers are being hurt.

Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched. A few weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamergers in the banking industry. Who is going to supervise, regulate and operate as lender of last resort with the gigantic banks that are being created? C.unfair competition

D.the super power of the U.S. Key: C A D B C

U5 The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large Won’t multinationals shift production from one place to another when a nation gets too strict about infringements(侵害) to fair competition? And should one country take upon itself the role of ―defending competition‖ on issues that affect many other nations, as in the U.S. vs. Microsoft case?

1.What is the typical trend of businesses today? A.to take in more foreign funds B.to invest more abroad

C.to combine and become bigger D.to trade with more countries

2.According to the author, one of the driving forces behind M&A wave is_____. A.the greater customer demands B.a surplus supply for the market C.a growing productivity

D.the increase of the world’s wealth

3.From paragraph 4 we can infer that_____.

A.the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers

B.WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs

C.the costs of the globalization process are enormous D.the Standard Oil Trust might have threatened competition

4.Toward the new business wave, the writer’s attitude can be said to be____. A.optimistic B.objective C.pessimistic D.biased

5.Microsoft serves as a example of ___ in the last paragraph.

A.a successful merger

B.multinationals shift production from one place to another

population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In the highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured good. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

1.A small population may mean _____ .

A. higher productivity, but a lower average income B. lower productivity, but a higher average income C. lower productivity, and a lower average income D. higher productivity, and a higher average income 2.According the passage, a large population will provide a chance for developing _____ . A. agriculture

B. transport system C. industry

D. national economy

3.In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate _____ . A. goes up


B. is decreasing C. remains stable D. is out of control

4.According to the passage slowly rising birthrate perhaps is good for _____ . A. a developing nation B. a developed nation

C. every nation with a big population D. every nation with a small nation

5.It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because ____ .

A. there too many underdeveloped countries in the world B. underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial development

C. different governments have different views of the question

D. even developed countries may have complex problems

Key: D B B B C

U7 Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing(裁判)decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was appointed to study the performance of some top referees.

The researcher organized an experimental tournament(锦标赛)involving four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge.

Observers noted down the referees’ errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament. Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number.

The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the optimum(最佳的)distance is about 20 meters.

There also seemed to be an optimum speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second.

If FIFA, football’s international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up

with the ball, the researcher argues.

He also says that FIFA’s insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided. If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical.

1.The experiment conducted by the researcher was meant to _______.

A. review the decisions of referees at the 1998 World Cup

B. analyze the causes of errors made by football referees C. set a standard for football refereeing

D. reexamine the rules for football refereeing

2.The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was _______. A. slightly above average

B. higher than in the 1998 World Cup C. quite unexpected

D. as high as in a standard match

3.The findings of the experiment show that _______. A. errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball

B. the farther the referee is from the incident, the fewer the errors

C. the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely will errors occur

D. errors are less likely when a referee stays in one spot 4.The word ―officials‖ (Line 3, Para.4) most probably refers to _______.

A. the researchers involved in the experiment B. the inspectors of the football tournament C. the referees of the football tournament D. the observers at the site of the experiment

5.What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?

A. The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45.

B. Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.

C. A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.

D. An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition. Key: B C A C B

U8 No other sporting event captures the world's imagination like the FIFA World Cup. Ever since the first tentative (尝试的) competition in Uruguay (乌拉圭) in 1930, FIFA's flagship has constantly grown in popularity


and prestige (声望).

A group of visionary (有梦想的人) French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet (朱尔斯?雷米特), are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams together to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy (金杯) bore (刻) Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly advanced to its undisputed (无可争议的) status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternately (轮流) in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea (韩国) and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

Since 1930, the 16 tournaments have seen only seven different winners. However, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic (戏剧性的) upsets that have helped create football’s history--the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximately (大约) 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadiums.

After all these years and so many changes, however, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same--the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of every footballer's ambition.

1.Whose name was on the original gold trophy? A. Jules Rimet’s

B. Juan Antonio Samaranch C. Roger D. Zidane

2.How long has the Second World War stopped the FIFA World Cup? A. 12 years B. 10 years C. 13 years D. 15 years

3.Which country hosts the 2002 World Cup? A. France

B. Japan C. Korea

D. both B and C

4.What does ―spell‖ (line 1, para 5 ) mean in this passage?

A. to read letter by letter

B. a state of period of enchantment C. a period of time D. amount to

5.Where is 2006 World Cup held? A. Germany B. Italy C. Brazil D. China

Key: A A D B A

U9 Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body weight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to \exertion. The centers for disease control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.

In rejecting exercise, some people may be discouraged too much by caloric-expenditure charts; for example, one would have to briskly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious Danish pastry (小甜饼). Even exercise professionals concede half a point here. \says York Onnen, program director of the president's council on physical fitness and sports. Still, exercise's supporting role in weight reduction is vital.

A study at the Boston university medical center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight. If you have been sedentary ( 极少活动的 ) and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other dietary adjustments,

you may lose even more weight. 1.What is said about the average American in the passage?


A. They tend to exaggerate the healthful effect of \beer.

B. They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.

C. They prefer \beer and low-calorie bread to other drinks and food.

D. They know the factors that play a positive role in keeping down body weight.

2.Some people dislike exercise because______. A. they think it is physically exhausting

B. they find it hard to exercise while on a diet

C. they don't think it possible to walk 3 miles every day D.they find consulting caloric-expenditure charts troublesome

3.\(line 3, para. 2) means \

A. agree that the calories in a small piece of pastry can be difficult to work off by exercise

B. partially believe diet plays a supporting role in weight reduction

C. are not fully convinced that dieting can help maintain one's new weight

D. are not sufficiently informed of the positive role of exercise in losing weight

4.What was confirmed by the Boston university medical center's study?

A. Controlling one's calorie intake is more important than doing exercise.

B. Even occasional exercise can help reduce weight. C. Weight reduction is impossible without exercise. D. One could lose ten pounds in a year's time if there's no increase in food intake.

5.What is the author's purpose in writing this article? A. to justify the study of the Boston university medical center

B. to stress the importance of maintaining proper weight C. to support the statement made by York Onnen D. to show the most effective way to lose weight Key: B A D C D

U10 Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food. The most you can say about anyone’s preference, is that it’s one person’s opinion. But because the two big cola(可口可乐)companies—Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, we’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified

themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.

We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic(传统型)or Pepsi, Diet(低糖的)Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought they’d have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.

We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other. We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guess-work could have accomplished.

Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 of 27 identified all four samples correctly. While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times. Two people go all four samples wrong. Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout, was not a factor. Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.

1. According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to _______.

A. find out the role taste preference plays in a person’s drinking

B. reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers C. show that a person’s opinion about taste is mere guess-work

D. compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks

2. The statistics recorded in the preference tests show ______.

A. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people’s two most favorite drinks

B. there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi

C. few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi D. people’s tastes differ from one another

3. It is implied in the first paragraph that _______.


A. the purpose of taste tests is to promote the sale of colas

B. the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companies

C. the competition between the two colas is very strong D. blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans

4. The word ―burnout‖ (Line 4, Para.5) here refers to the state of ______.

A. being seriously burnt in the skin B. being unable to burn for lack of fuel C. being badly damaged by fire

D. being unable to function because of excessive use 5. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

A. show that taste preference is highly subjective

B. argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy

C. emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other

D. recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas Key: A B C D A

U11 Imagine eating everything delicious you want -- with none of the fat. That would be great, wouldn't it? New \United States recently, but not everyone is happy about it. Makers of the products, which contain a compound called olestra, say food manufacturers can now eliminate fat from certain foods. Critics, however, say the new compound can rob the body of essential vitamins and nutrients (营养物) and can also cause unpleasant side effects in some people. So it's up to consumers to decide whether the new fat-free products taste good enough to keep eating.

Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s, when they were searching for a fat that could be digested by infants more easily. Instead of finding the desired fat, the researchers created a fat that can't be digested at all. Normally, special chemicals in the intestines (肠) \molecules of regular fat and break them down so they can be used by the body. A molecule of regular fat is made up of three molecules of substances called fatty acids.

The fatty acids are absorbed by the intestines and bring with them the essential vitamins A, D, E, and K. When fat molecules are present in the intestines with any of those vitamins, the vitamins attach to the molecules and

are carried into the bloodstream.

Olestra, which is made from six to eight molecules of fatty acids, is too large for the intestines to absorb. It just slides through the intestines without being broken down. Manufacturers say it's that ability to slide unchanged through the intestine that makes olestra so valuable as a fat substitute. It provides consumers with the taste of regular fat without any bad effects on the body. But critics say olestra can prevent vitamins A, D, E, and K from being absorbed. It can also prevent the absorption of carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), compounds that may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc.

Manufacturers are adding vitamins A, D, E, and K as well as carotenoids to their products now. Even so, some nutritionists are still concerned that people might eat unlimited amounts of food made with the fat substitute without worrying about how many calories they are consuming.

1.We learn from the passage that olestra is a substance that ______.

A. contains plenty of nutrients

B. renders foods calorie-free while retaining their vitamins

C. makes foods easily digestible

D. makes foods fat-free while keeping them delicious 2.The result of the search for an easily digestible fat turned out to be ______. A. commercially useless B. just as anticipated

C. somewhat controversial D. quite unexpected

3.Olestra is different from ordinary fats in that ______. A. it passes through the intestines without being absorbed

B. it facilitates the absorption of vitamins by the body C. it helps reduce the incidence of heart disease D. it prevents excessive intake of vitamins

4.What is a possible negative effect of olestra according to some critics?

A. It may impair the digestive system. B. It may affect the overall fat intake. C. It may increase the risk of cancer. D. It may spoil the consumers' appetite.

5.Why are nutritionists concerned about adding vitamins to olestra?

A. It may lead to the over-consumption of vitamins. B. People may be induced to eat more than is necessary. C. The function of the intestines may be weakened.


D. It may trigger a new wave of fake food production. Key: D D A C B

U13 BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhuanet) -- China's mineral authority will impose stricter control over coal resources in a move to help develop large-scale coal enterprises, which is believed to focus on the sustainable development of the country's rich coal reserve.

The Ministry of Land and Resources expects to start drafting its first special programme on coal exploitation this year, while carrying out an overall probe into the transferal of land rights for coal mining and the Province, but because of serious workplace accidents. Official statistics show that 70 per cent of the country's electrical power comes from coal burning. Zhang believed the operations of hundreds of small and technically backward coal mines is the underlying reason for \improvement in the overall production efficiency of the coal industry, as well as poor workplace safety records.''

However, the move also aroused mixed feelings from the country's major coal providers, such as ventures in North China's Shanxi Province.

Wang Xiaoli, general engineer of the Shanxi Provincial operational practices of various coal mining ventures, Vice-Minister of Land and Resources Ye Dongsong said Monday.

Without spelling out related schedules, Ye promised a national conference which will be attended by provincial mineral authorities from across the country. He said that those operators found guilty of offences in this regard will be subject to severe administrative or criminal punishments.

Zeng Shaojin, director of the Mineral Exploitation Department under the ministry, explained the ministry's moves are in preparation for the country's 18 planned large-scale mining industries, an intention which was outlined earlier by the State Development and Reform Commission. \rights for coal mining sites,'' he said. Zeng expects that approvals will come after the completion of the new programme. Through the investigation, the ministry also expects to readjust the current distribution of coal mining rights. For example, those found not having won the rights lawfully will be forced out of business. Zeng also admits the possibility that mining ventures can be stripped of those rights, if the firm does not comply with the new programmes.

Zhang Yong, an expert with the China Coal Industries Association, applauded the move, calling it a \by the central government to create a stronger coal industry. \is a positive response by the central government to our pleas for better order within the industry,'' he said. Although the work can only be done through the co-operation of various governmental departments, Zhang said that stricter control at the source by the Ministry of Land and Resources is essential. Coal mining received extra attention in China last year not only because of high-profile electricity shortages in many advanced areas such as East China's Zhejiang

Land and Resources Administration, said the ministry might have overlooked one important fact: Those non-public coal miners have already been contributing two-thirds of the province's annual coal output, which was 480 million tons last year.

On one side are bustling non-public miners which will soon have no resources to exploit, while on the other are large areas of minerals designated as reserved for State-owned coal mines, which cannot be developed in the near future in view of their present production capacity. \five years to see,'' he said.

1.Which industry will be imposed strict control over? A. cotton industry B. electronic industry C. petrol industry D. coal industry

2.What will the national conference promised by Vice-Minister of Land and Resources Ye Dongsong be made up of?

A. Zeng Shaojin, Zhang Yong and Ye Dongsong B. the central government officials

C. mineral authorities of the provincial level all over China

D. owners of the mines in Shanxi province

3.How many planned large-scale mining industries were outlined earlier by the State Development and Reform Commission? A. 20 B. 18 C. 8 D. 70

4.Why people paid extra attention to coal mining last year?

A. electricity shortage B. mining accidents

C. increasing price of petrol D. both A and B


5.How much coal did the non-public coal miners take up the annual coal output in Shanxi province last year? A. two thirds B. one third C. 70 percent D. a quarter Key: D C B D A

U14 If you know exactly what you want, the best route to a job is to get specialized training. A recent survey shows that companies like graduates in such fields as business and health care who can go to work immediately with very little on-the-job training.

That's especially true of booming fields that are challenging for workers. At Cornell's School of Hotel Administration, for example, bachelor's degree graduates get an average of four or five job offers with salaries ranging from the high teens to the low 20s and plenty of chances for rapid advancement. Large companies, especially, like a background of formal education coupled with work experience.

But in the long run, too much specialization doesn't pay off. Business, which has been flooded with MBAs, no longer considers the degree an automatic stamp of approval. The MBA may open doors and command a higher salary initially, but the impact of a degree washes out after five years.

As further evidence of the erosion (销蚀) of corporate(公司的) faith in specialized degrees, Michigan State’s Scheetz cites a pattern in corporate hiring practices, although companies tend to take on specialists as new hires, they often seek out generalists for middle and upper-level management. ―They want someone who isn’t constrained(限制)by nuts and bolts to look at the big picture, ‖says Scheetz.

This sounds suspiciously like a formal statement that you approve of the liberal-arts graduate. Time and again labor-market analysts mention a need for talents that liberal-arts majors are assumed to have: writing and communication skills, organizational skills, open-mindedness and adaptability, and the ability to analyze and solve problems, David Birch claims he does not hire anybody with an MBA or an engineering degree, ―I hire only liberal-arts people because they have a less-than-canned way of doing things,‖ says Birch. Liberal-arts means an academically thorough and strict program that includes literature, history, mathematics, economics, science, human behavior—plus a computer

course or two. With that under your belt, you can feel free to specialize, ―A liberal-arts degree coupled with an MBA or some other technical training is a very good combination in the marketplace,‖ says Scheetz.

1. What kinds of people are in high demand on the job market?

A) Students with a bachelor's degree in humanities. B) People with an MBA degree front top universities. C) People with formal schooling plus work experience. D) People with special training in engineering

2. By saying ―…but the impact of a degree washes out after five years‖ (Line 3, Para, 3), the author means ________.

A) most MBA programs fail to provide students with a solid foundation

B) an MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positions

C) MBA programs will not be as popular in five years' time as they are now

D) in five people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got

3. According to Scheetz's statement (Lines 4-5. Para. 4), companies prefer ________. A) people who have a strategic mind B) people who are talented in fine arts

C) people who are ambitious and aggressive

D) people who have received training in mechanics 4. David Birch claims that he only hires liberal-arts people because ________.

A) they are more capable of handling changing situations B) they can stick to established ways of solving problems

C) they are thoroughly trained in a variety of specialized fields

D) they have attended special programs in management 5. Which of the following statements does the author support?

A) Specialists are more expensive to hire than generalists.

B) Formal schooling is less important than job training. C) On-the-job training is, in the long run, less costly. D) Generalists will outdo specialists in management. Key: C B A A D


U15 FINE GAEL, Ireland's main opposition party, has a new leader. Having unceremoniously deposed John Bruton, a former prime minister, on January 31st, it quickly put in his place the man who had plotted his downfall, Michael Noonan. He is a skilled parliamentarian with wide ministerial experience, and a master of the quotable sound bite, not to say of the knife. But can he bring his party back to office?

Mr. Bruton had been ten years in the job, including 2 1/2 years at the head of a coalition government in the mid-1990s. He was a man of substance, but suffered, said party critics, from a \desire for power. But he inherits a demoralized party, unsure of its identity and role in Irish politics, and divided by the manner of his succession. He has not long to turn it round: a general election is due by June 2002, and the prime minister, Bertie Ahern, leader of Fianna Fail, may be tempted to call one sooner.

Part of Fine Gael's trouble has been an inability to distinguish itself from Fianna Fail. Fine Gael laid the foundations of the new Irish state in the 1920s. But Fianna Fail built it up and, having first taken office in 1932, has been in government for some 50 of the years since. Fine Gael has been out of office for most of the past 14 years. Both parties are essentially conservative and centrist, both rooted in the nationalist past. Their hostility goes back to the civil war that sprang up when nationalists split over the terms of the treaty that brought freedom from Britain. But the recent modernization of Irish society has made their similarities far bigger than their differences.

Both are catch-all parties, with support across all social classes, age groups and regions. Fianna Fail, however, is better at winning it. On social and moral issues, Fine Gael has usually shown itself readier for change than Fianna Fail, notably in such controversial areas as reform of the anti-contraception law and the legalization of divorce.

One or other party has served in every government since 1922. But never both together. That iron law of Irish politics, it seems, remains. Yet the political landscape is not what it was. After the 1989 election, Fianna Fail accepted coalition with minor parties as the price of power. Since then it has swung according to its partners: centre-right, centre-left and now, since 1997, right again with the Progressive Democrats. Fine Gael must link up with Labor if it wants power. No wonder Mr. Noonan's first step as leader was to make noises about social justice. 1. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by______. A. posing a contrast

B. justifying an assumption C. presenting a doubt

D. explaining a phenomenon

2. ―The manner‖ of the 2nd paragraph refers to _______. A. Noonan’s mastering of the quotable sound bite B. his power desire C. too substantial


D. Charisma deficit

3. Michael Noonan became the leader of FINE GAEL through_______. A. rebellion B. coalition C. election D. negotiation

4. It can be inferred from the text that______.

A. there is still some time to change FINE GAEL’s image

B. Fianna Fail and FINE GAEL will have a large difference in many aspects C. it is hopeful Fianna Fail probably win the election

D. Fianna Fail, like FINE GAEL, is also conservative and reformist 5. What can we infer from the passage?

A. FINE GAEL built the foundations of the England at the beginning. B. Who will form the next government is unclear. C. FINE GAEL is less influential than its rival.

D. FINE GAEL governed the Irish State longer than Fianna Fail. Key: C B A C B


