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【课程代码】10021101,10021102,10021103,10021104 【课程类别】公共基础课 【学 分】12学分 【总 学 时】240学时 【讲授学时】240学时

【适用专业】全校日语、俄语本科专业 【教学目的】


本课程的任务是让学生在大学四个学期内,修完《全新主题大学英语》1-2册,《新体验大学英语》3-4册的内容,从而在听、说、读、写、译五个方面达到达到教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)所提出的一般要求;使部分英语基础较好、学有余力的学生达到较高要求。帮助学生掌握良好的学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 【课程基本要求】





巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法。 3、阅读能力










能借助词典将难度略低于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意,译速为每小时180英语单词。能借助词典将内容熟悉的汉语文字材料译成英语,译文达意,无重大语言错误,译速为每小时90汉字。 【内容提要】


(Book I)

Unit one Enjoyment of Learning


1. 语言知识:nevertheless,effect,abandon,recall,series,comfort,foresee,carry away fall in love, in spite of ,give up ,kind of,set apart,be about to do ,be bound to do have(got)a point,keep sb. / sth. away (from),keep up (with)

2. 语言技能:着重阅读技能训练, 培养学生确定主题句的能力。

3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“读书的乐趣”,熟悉与读书相关的情景会话,如谈论感兴趣


4. 文化知识:了解作家海明威的生平和主要作品。 [重点难点] 掌握37个四级词汇和课后所列短语。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What do you usually read for, for fun, for knowledge, or for something

else? Name one of your favorite books. What have you got from the reading? Do you think books will change a person’s life? If so, in what way? If the title below were given to you, how would you develop the text?

2. Introductory remarks 3. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Reading Skills Practice 4. Translating Skills Practice 5. General writing

Section 4 Text B [General Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Meeting People 1. Micro-listening

2. Macro-listening 3. Oral practice

Unit Three Confidence and Success


1. 语言知识:transmit?,initial,essential,original,represent,emphasize,involve,stimulate,

intend ,in response to,in addition ,for instance ,bring back 2. 语言技能:要求学生充分理解课文,分析语篇结构,了解文章段落之间和句子之间的


3. 情感态度:熟练表达对成功和自信的认识,如讨论如何获得自信。

4. 文化知识:了解Walter Anderson,Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans的相关背景知识。

[重点难点] Using Context Clues. [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: How many books do you think a person can read in his or her life time?

Do you think you have enough time reading books? If not, how do you solve the problem? In addition to academic reading, how much leisure reading do you currently do? In what way can a person become an efficient reader?

2. Introductory remarks 3. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Reading Skills Practice

4. Translating Skills Practice 5. General writing

Section 4 Text B [General Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Study 1. Micro-listening 2. Macro-listening 3. Oral practice

Unit Four Communicative Competence


1. 语言知识:accomplish,concentration,agenda,donate,unfortunate,publicity

feedback,convey,desirable, dress up

2. 语言技能:掌握写作技巧—Choose one of the two topic sentences below and write

a paragraph。

3. 情感态度:个人对交际能力的态度。

4. 文化知识:了解关Ben and Jerry’s Homemade,Elvis Presley相关背景知识及一些基本的

交际技巧。 [重点难点] 怎样围绕段落的主题句拓展内容。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What do you know about Ben and Jerry’s as a company, and what do you

know about its ice cream? What do you think are some of the most important elements in running a business successfully? If you were the boss of a company, what techniques would you use to enable the

employees to communicate with each other effectively?

2. Please introduce some useful way for English learning? 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Reading Skills Practice 4. Translating Skills Practice 5. General writing

Section 4 Text B [General Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Unit Five Culture and Values


1. 语言知识:residence,melt, diverse, blend,necessarily ,gap,eclipse, loyal ,loyal, whip variety ,controversy, fundamental, underscore, gap, interview, according to, distinct

affiliate, endanger ,mull over, absorb, bunch ,contact, assimilate

2. 语言技能:要求学生充分理解课文,分析语篇结构,了解写作技巧——Linking a Paragraph

with Transitional Words and Phrases 3. 情感态度:表达对文化学习的态度及一些有趣的东西方文化差异知识。 4. 文化知识:了解melting pot, Sicily,Family Process,Jews等相关信息。

[重点难点] 分析语篇结构,文章段落之间的衔接方法以及论文写作特点;学写海报、邀


[讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: How much do you know about the life of immigrants in the USA? Do you

think that globalization has made a difference on immigrants’ life? Why or why not? The USA is often described as a “melting pot”. How do you understand it?

2. Introductory remarks 3. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Reading Skills Practice 4. Translating Skills Practice 5. General writing

Section 4 Text B [General Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness

4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Apologies 1. Micro-listening 2. Macro-listening 3. Oral practice

Unit Eight World of Media


1. 语言知识:psychological,household,mood,forge ahead,spoil,critical ,frustrated

hint,expose, inquire, mount, steady, tense

2. 语言技能:要侧重阅读技能--- Developing a Paragraph of Description的学习。 3. 情感态度:通过对文章的阅读,结合自己,发表对“就职”的看法。 4. 文化知识:了解美国大学生课余生活以及课后兼职工作。

[重点难点] 熟练表达对“独立生活”的看法;学习表达某事物的优点的句型。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What TV programs do you think are worthwhile to watch? What would

happen if radio broadcasting and TV programs were prohibited? Do you think online video games are harmful for children?Why or why not? How is the Internet transforming our lives?

3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Reading Skills Practice 4. Translating Skills Practice 5. General writing

Section 4 Text B [General Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Asking the Way 1. Micro-listening 2. Macro-listening 3. Oral practice


《全新主题大学英语读写译教程》第一册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第一册(上海外语教育出版社) 【参考资料】

《全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书》第一册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社)

《全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书》第一册 教师用书(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《全新主题大学英语拓展练习》第一册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第一册(上海外语教育出版社)

《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第一册 教师用书(上海外语教育出版社) 《新东方四级词汇》俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社 《英语词汇——语境记忆法》俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社

高等英语教学网:http://www.heep.cn 沪江英语学习网站:http://www.hjenglish.com/ 21世纪英文报电子版:http://paper.i21st.cn/ 外研社高英分社微信:“外研社高等英语资讯” 【考核方式】


在一个教学阶段结束时进行总结性评估,主要包括期中口语考试、期末课程考试和四、六水平考试。考试以评价学生的英语综合应用能力为主,不仅对学生的读写译能力进行考核,而且加强对学生听说能力的考核,充分考核学生实际使用语言进行交际的能力。 【学时分配】

序号 1 学时分配 内容 讲课 4 of 6 2 2 10 习题课 听力课 实验(上机) 其他 合计 4 学习策略 Unit1 Enjoyment Learning (Intensive reading) Book I Unit 1& Unit 2 (Focus Listening) 2 Unit 2 Confidence and Success 3 (Intensive reading) Book I Unit 3& Unit 4 (Focus Listening) Unit 3 Confidence and Success 4 reading) Book I Unit 5& Unit 6 (Focus Listening) 4 Midterm Exam 2 2 (Intensive 6 2 2 10 6 2 2 10

Unit 5 Culture and Values 5 (Intensive reading) Book I Unit 7& Unit 8 (Focus Listening) Unit 8 World of Media 6 (Intensive reading) Book I Unit 9& Unit 10 (Focus Listening) 8


第一学年第二学期 (Book II)

第一章 Unit one Olympic Volunteers


1. 语言知识: bond, competition, keen, massive, Olympic, powerful, rank, recognition,

adventure, cater, ease, enthusiasm, essential, harmony, railway, retiree, security, talent, initiative

2. 语言技能:学会在阅读中注意句子的概念意义;听懂中等难度的短文,能够听写出部


3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“奥林匹克志愿者”,通过学习,让学生结合实际,了解自


4. 文化知识:了解奥林匹克志愿者甚至是其它志愿者的工作环境和条件,对他们有所了解。

[重点难点] 如何表达奥运志愿者的工作,以及相关的奥运表述。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding] 1. Topic: How often is the modern Olympic held?

2. What do volunteers usually do in order to make the Games a success? 3. Introductory remarks Final Review 合计 2 36 2 14 10 4 60 6 2 2 10 6 2 2 10

4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text B [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What kind of volunteer work would you be most interested in? And why? 2. Background understanding:Winter Olympics 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 4 Text B [Detailed Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Dining Out (I) 1. Micro-listening: Classification 2. Macro-listening:

Conversation 1: What Should We Order? Conversation 2: Are You Ready to Order? 3. Oral practice

第二章Unit Two Learning Strategies


1. 语言知识: outline, rely, constantly, basis, evolve, independent, party, privilege, undertake,

process, attain, bloom, clue, creative, enterprise, minor, journal, purchase, seminar, significant, utilize

2. 语言技能:学会在阅读中注意句子的概念意义;听懂中等难度的短文,能够听写出部


3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“学习策略”, 通过学习,让学生结合实际,了解一些有意


4. 文化知识:了解一些和学习方法的名言,并仔细思考,获得启发。 [重点难点] 1.如何根据自己的情况表达有效的学习策略甚至将其应用 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: Do you agree “we learn more outside class”? Why or why not? 2. Please introduce some useful way for English learning? 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text B [General Understanding]

1. Topic: In what main way (or ways) do you usually learn? Do you learn a language the

same way you learn a sport, a skill or a scientific theory?

2. Background understanding:tennis and tennis learning 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 4 Text B [Detailed Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Dining Out (II) 1. Micro-listening: Rising tone and falling tone 2. Macro-listening:

Conversation 1: Are You Hungry?

Conversation 2: I’d Like to Go to the McDonald’s This Time 3. Oral practice

第三章 Unit Four Love and Friendship


1. 语言知识: acquaint, confusing, embarrass, architect, barely, gymnasium, intimate, motion,

mythical, encounter, physician, summarize, technician, upset, even if, succeed in, far from, no matter how, try on

2. 语言技能:学会在阅读中注意句子的概念意义;听懂中等难度的短文,能够听写出部


3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“爱情与友谊”, 通过学习,让学生结合实际,了解人一

生当中重要的两种情感——爱情与友谊(或爱人与挚友)。 4. 文化知识:了解一些东西方的情人节——圣瓦伦丁节与七夕。

[重点难点] 如何适当地表达感情,如何很好地理解别人对自己传达的情感。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: How strong are you college friendships likely to remain in your adult life? Are they

stronger than your childhood friendships or your relationships with future colleagues?

2. Which kinds of friendships do you usually keep the longest? 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text B [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What kinds of gifts (such as flowers or chocolates or jewelry) best symbolize love? 2. Background understanding:Titanic 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 4 Text B [Detailed Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Shopping (I) 1. Micro-listening: Numbers 2. Macro-listening:

Conversation 1: I’m Looking for a Digital Camera Conversation 2: Back in Fashion 3. Oral practice

第四章Unit Five Famous Universities


1. 语言知识: award, competition, corporate, distinct, equip, exploit, facilitate, grant, historical,

locate, minimum, private, responsibility, rigorous, tutor, well-being, humanity, passion, occur, mourn, pursuit, transfer, urge

2. 语言技能:学会在阅读中注意句子的概念意义;听懂中等难度的短文,能够听写出部


3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“著名的大学”, 通过学习,让学生了解世界范围内一些著


4. 文化知识:明了教育的重要性,以及不同名校的不同教育形式与体制。 [重点难点] 如何很好地了解世界范围内的多所名校,并理解它们强盛的原因。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: What do you know about Oxford University? Share what you know with each other. 2. What do you know about your university classroom learning experience? 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text B [General Understanding]

1. Topic: Who has supported you on your road to college? 2. Background understanding:Stanford University 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 4 Text B [Detailed Understanding and Exercises]

1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Shopping (II) 1. Micro-listening: Drawing Inferences 2. Macro-listening:

Conversation 1: Buying a Present Conversation 2: That’s a Bargain 3. Oral practice

第五章 Unit six Jobs and Careers


1. 语言知识: access, annual, calculator, click, criterion, detailed, elevate, entry, exhibit,

interview, listing, placement, procedure, rental, assembly, balance, discipline, incredible, litter, mature, parking lot, stress

2. 语言技能:学会在阅读中注意句子的概念意义;听懂中等难度的短文,能够听写出部


3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“工作与事业”, 通过学习,让学生了解一些常见工作的

表达,以及现在找工作一种常见的形式——网上求职。 4. 文化知识:了解蓝领,白领,粉领的具体含义及工作区别。 [重点难点] 1. 如何很好地表达各种行业

2. 如何很好地理解Text A中的求职方式。 [讲授学时] 10学时

Section 1 Text A [General Understanding]

1. Topic: Do you often log on Internet? What do you usually do? 2. What is job application online? Have you ever tried it?

3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 2 Text A [Detailed Understanding and exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme

2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus 6. Write about it

Section 3 Text B [General Understanding] 1. Topic: Why do college students work part-time?

2. Background understanding:Louis Caldera and Suze Orman 3. Introductory remarks 4. Structure analysis

Section 4 Text B [Detailed Understanding and Exercises] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Language points explanation 3. Content awareness 4. Language Focus 5. Reading Skills Practice 6. Translating Skills Practice 7. General writing

Section 5 [Listening and Speaking] Description (I) 1. Micro-listening: Listening for Key Words 2. Macro-listening:

Conversation 1: Tell Me about the House Conversation 2: I’m Calling about the Flat 3. Oral practice


《全新主题大学英语读写译教程》第二册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第二册(上海外语教育出版社) 【参考资料】

《全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书》第二册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社)

《全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书》第二册 教师用书(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《全新主题大学英语拓展练习》第二册(项目组编—吉林: 长春出版社) 《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第二册(上海外语教育出版社)

《大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第二册 教师用书(上海外语教育出版社) 《新东方四级词汇》俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社 《英语词汇——语境记忆法》俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社 高等英语教学网:http://www.heep.cn 沪江英语学习网站:http://www.hjenglish.com/ 21世纪英文报电子版:http://paper.i21st.cn/ 外研社高英分社微信:“外研社高等英语资讯” 【考核方式】



[讲授学时] 14学时

Section 1 Text [General Understanding]

1. Topic: Do you think English major graduates have better chances to secure careers? 2. Background understanding:The Medical College Admission Test, Henry James, 3. Listen and talk

Section 2 Text [Detailed Understanding 1] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Structure analysis

Section 3 Text [Detailed Understanding 2] 1. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 2. Summarizing

Section 4 Text [Exercises 1] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Talk about it 4. Write about it

Section 5 Text [Exercises 2] 1. Reading Skills Practice 2. Translating Skills Practice 3. General writing 4. Practice writing

Section 6 [Listening and Speaking] 1. Micro-listening 2. Macro-listening: 3. Oral practice

第五章 Business Ethics


1. 语言知识:charitable, conscience, exploitation, morality, unflattering, utility, thriving, credit,

go back, in opposition to, pass through, soar out of sight

2. 语言技能:提高阅读能力,学会分辨作者的写作目的。 3. 情感态度:讨论在商业中是否也应该遵守商业道德? 4. 文化知识:了解商业道德、诚信、公司文化等 [重点难点] 1. 商业道德的定义;2. 重点词汇的理解 [讲授学时] 12学时

Section 1 Text [General Understanding]

1. Topic: Do you think English major graduates have better chances to secure careers? 2. Background understanding:The Medical College Admission Test, Henry James, 3. Listen and talk

Section 2 Text [Detailed Understanding 1] 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme 2. Structure analysis

Section 3 Text [Detailed Understanding 2] 1. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase 2. Summarizing

Section 4 Text [Exercises 1] 1. Content awareness 2. Language Focus 3. Talk about it 4. Write about it

Section 5 Text [Exercises 2] 1. Reading Skills Practice 2. Translating Skills Practice 3. General writing 4. Practice writing

Section 6 [Listening and Speaking] 1. Micro-listening 2. Macro-listening: 3. Oral practice


大学体验英语综合教程第四册 /《大学体验英语》项目组编—北京: 高等教育出版社 大学英语听说教程》(第三版)第三册(上海外语教育出版社) 【参考资料】

大学体验英语教学参考书第四册 /《大学体验英语》项目组编—北京: 高等教育出版社 大学体验英语扩展教程第四册 /《大学体验英语》项目组编—北京: 高等教育出版社 大学英语听说教程 教师用书(第三版)第三册(上海外语教育出版社) 【考核方式】



【学时分配】 序号 章节 内容 Book IV Unit 1 Men and Women’s 1 第一章 Prejudices (Intensive reading) Book III Unit 1-2 (Focus Listening) Book IV Unit 2 Culture 2 第二章 (Intensive reading) Book III Unit 3- 4 (Focus Listening) Book IV Unit 3 3 第三章 Copyright (Intensive reading) Book III Unit 5-6 6 2 2 2 12 6 2 2 2 12 6 2 2 2 12 学时分配 讲课 习题课 听力课 实验(上机) 其他 合计

(Focus Listening) Book IV Unit 4 Language and Economy 4 第四章 (Intensive reading) Book III Unit 7-8 (Focus Listening) Book IV Unit 5 Business Ethics 5 第五章 (Extensive reading) Book III Unit 9-10 (Focus Listening) 6 第六章 Final Review 合计

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