Chapter 2 Franklin
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Chptare Tow The Li.ertaute orfRe son andaRe vluotio (nhTe 81h CentturyLit returae
“)TehAge o f eRason” “Aemrican nlighEenmtet”n
istHoicrl baakcrgundo
I nth e18th encurty, eoplp beleivede ni anms ’own ntaue and trehp oewro f umha rensoa. nWth Friaknli an itss spkosmae,n teh 18htce nurt Amyreic eaxpreeincd aen ae ogfreas no Word.s ah nedve breen sou esfl anu sodi pomrattni nhuman histor. yPopeelw rto ae ol tf poolitiacl wrtinigs. uNmeruso apphmels atn dripnitgnswere pbliuhesd. heTs ewokr sagittad reveolutinaor pyeplo eno otnly n Ameirca biuta sl aoroudnth woeldr.
Teh1 th-8cnteryuA emrica nnEigltenmhen taswa movem en tarmkde y ab empnhasison r taoianitl rayhertt an hratidiont ,cienstifc iinqiru yintesa dfou questnioinng(目盲)的r legioui dogmas教(条, an)d eprersntaeivte ovgrenentm(代议府政 )inplace o mfoanrch(君y政主).体Eniglthneemtn hinketrsa dn writres ere devotwd teot e hidael osfj suitec,l birtey an, equdaltiy sa tehn atrualr gihts of ma.nThe clooisnstwho w oudl ofrma new atinn owre eirm bflieeves inrth peowreof earosn ;teh wyree ambtiiuos ,otipimtsi, pcrcaictal ,opitilclal aysttue机敏(),的a dnsel f-rleint.a
Enilhtgnmeet n(Spriiuat lile)fOrginateid i nEuore pnit e h7t1 cehtury neRsouresc:Ne wotns the’ryo ;eisd (m然神教自派 );F renh chipoloshpy Ro(sseau,u Vlotari) eaBsc priniciplse:st ressinge ucadiont str;esisn geraon s(rder) ;oemp oying rlasenot oerconsdeirthe ratitdoisn nd saocilare litaes;i cncoers nof rivci rilhgs, tsuhcas eq aluiyt na sodcali jstuie Scgniifcaice:naccel eating roscali rpgroes;sfree ig pneploef rmot heli mitatinsose tb ypr veialign Puirtnais;m akimgn siprtial upeprraaion fotr mAriceanRe vlution
Th eovemMne to Afmricane ndepInedecen(17 7-1678)3Th eniudstrali rgowthl deto itnens setair wint Brhtian.iT h erBitis hgoernvemntt rid toe supprss tehir geowtrh eoncomcalil,ya nd urel themd rofm arobdapoli ticalyla dn lveie dheav tyax o nteh.m heTse rausedo bttie rrsentmeneti nc loonies C.onstat conflncits rseulet dni meArican reovltuonaiyr aw.r
775,1Le xngiot,n egibnnignof t h ewa Jurne4th , 176,7Tho as Jemfefron,s Dcealrtionaof ndepIndeneec177 , 8lalanci withe rFane, tucnrignpo ni tofrAmer ica anmyr 1787, ngEilsh arym surrnederd e781, 3ormalfr cegnitooinf orm Biratin goevrmnentLea
dng wriiter sand thire worsk
Thoam sJeffreon(s74311-286:)T he Delcraaiontof Indepen ednce( 717) Thomas6 Paie(n7371-801):9C ommo neSsn (e177) B6enjain Fmarnlkn AiutboiogapryhP ihlp iFenreu “ahTeW ldiHo ny Suekce”l
eBjanminFra knlni (70161-79)0
riPtern ,ivennor, tcisntesit, tatessmna ,idlpomt Aai dJeffersnoin witirg ThneDec laarton if Inoedpndenece. Seekh le frpm oranFc en Aierimca nIdneendept nWar.
sPoro iRcard’hsAlm naa《穷理查的c历年 》Mdelodeon f amrer’ sanuanlcale nar; kdpte pblusiinh gfor man yyaesr;inc ldesum na clasysiacls ayings, uchs s “A penayn saedvi sa pennye rande”.“Well d oe in sbteert tanh ell swiad.说得好 ”不做得如 “Go好dhe pls htos weoh hlp ehtesmelesv.”
Ea“ry lotb ed,ear ylto isre ames akman heltahy, ewatlhy, na disw.e”“Sl to mahke sall hitnsg dffiiuctl,i ndusrty all eays”.惰懒 使切一都办;难勤使凡奋事顺皆 利It“i shrad fr ona mety spcakto sandt puigrh.”t空袋 难立 Ne“ecssty never miaeda ogdobarg ia.”急n难买需便宜货 “K ee ypur eyoe sidwe opn befeor earmriaeg ha,l shftu atfreawrds” “W.hneth ewe l li dsyr,t he ynok thwe owth ofr awter.
Th Aeutoboigaphry riWtngi hen whe aw s65In lcuidn gour parftsw irtetn i difnerefn ttime ithWi th ese thte frm osaa g eren.
raFknlin’ Csotniburionstto S oietyce Hhlepe doufdnth eennsPlvyania oHsitpl. aH eofuden an dcadeamy whichl e dot te hnUveisriytof Pnenylsvnia. anA dehhe plde ofud tnehAm eirac nhPlisoohipal cScoeity.rFnkainls’Con tirbutoni sto ScenieHce as waso lreemberme fdr ovountelerfire dep ratmnes, etfectfivestr etel igtingh, het Farklninst ov,eb focialg alsess na dfeicfent hieaingt eviced.s ndA fr his olgihtnnigrod, -e hwa casleld “hten we rPmoehtes whu hodas tolne irf fromeh eaenv ”
.Fanklinr’s Cotrnbuiitons to he tU..Se was Hteh oly Amneiranc o stgn ihet ofrud couemnts hatt ceaterd th eniUtde Satte: shTe Dclaretain oof nIepdndenee,cTh eTreaty fo Alianle wcih tFanrc,eThe reTaytof eaPec itw Ehnlgadn,The Co ntisttiuno
发现闪电的实了质;造创许了多学方面电专门名词的 对各种电;象的理现(如电荷的论产生、荷的电移转 、静感电应)作等了统阐系述发明;避雷了、针摇、 双椅焦眼距、宾夕镜法尼亚炉、火高取架书;架 还创 立美了第国所一图书馆改;了善邮政系;发统现西哥墨 暖流;阐述了湾传导热论;研理过利用蒸发取究低得温的 法;方近通风代的法 方各;植物种的移植;传染病 的防…治
Autoiobgaphry Inpisinr accgunt of a opor boo’ysr sie t ao ighh poistin.oIt is aho -wt-oodit -boo,kon one hteart of s elfmpirvemoent r,s illtwel l-erad otdy,ahi svlaue snad tsly enfiluncedel ost f omericans
Contetsn I:tco eredvF raklnnis’ lfei onlyun tl i7175 whe he wna 5s1 eaysrold. I tedcsribedh i lifes a sashr wed (精)明 nad idusntiros ubsineussmna ad nanrrteashow he onwe thedc nstaon feticliyt(幸 )运 o hfi lisfe hi, losn-gcotinneud ehalth an dacqiustioi(获n得 )of for unt.
e Stlye: imslep ,lcae rin roedr, irecdt adn occins (eNo“hing stouhd be exprlssedei n twow odrs hatt ca as nellwb expeessre dnione .)” Pu(rtinaisms’inf ulneec)Singiicfacen: t Irpsenetsa p otrotype o Afemriacns uccssewh ic inspirhe dgneraeiotn ofsAm eiracns. I tsian mboedienmt 体(,化身现 )fo uPrtiaisnma n denlghteinngis iritp.s
E valuaiot nTeh Autoibograph yi as erocdrof slf-eexamnatioina nd elsfmirpoveentm. BenjmainFr nalin kwas a
spoksmeanfo r te nhw oreerd fot eh 8th 1cntuer enyilhtgemenn. Wttihit h e est the frm oof ruaotiogbrpay hasa ge rne
TehA tobiuograhp yis aho wt--dooit- oob,k abookon th ear to selffim-poreventm.
Trohghute liln ag uccess sstor ofys elf-elrince, ahe tbokocele braest,i fnac, ttehfu lflilmne of thet Amercaindr ame.
TehA tuoboiraghyp s init e hattepn ofrP ritau nsmpliciit,dirycteens,s na dcnoicsion.W
y Fhrnkail nis amdreid and ear widdeyl?
He isa ytpialc Ameriacn, model f toh eself-mdae man a ,ucturla hlreow ohe sifel exepmilfei thd Ameeicanr rdeamo fhe toorp byo whoma edg od.oHe st erssd teh emiortapcn eofwo rikgn ahrdt moaek onmey,ha pinepss deepdningin th eifrt plsac en oecnomoi succecssan dpoitimstiaclly belieedv tht evary Ameeirac noculd od os .H was coneivncde htat n mao couln be divrutosuor h app uylessnhe idd hi sestbto im porv thee ile ff ohi ssocetiyan dhis on wifel.
Thmaso Panie
Popagrandist ,papmhleteer a, amter ofs persusioa whnoun erdtsnda sthe powr eoflangu aegt moov ae mnat octaino.Mai norwks C:mmoo Senns ehe AmerTianc risCi sTheRi hgt sfo amnT heAge ofR esano
《 常识这类朴素而又》真实的说言成,一种为大的启巨蒙 力,量在们人中心引起“一了种大的变极化(华盛 顿语”,深刻)鼓地舞殖民地了人的民斗。志常《识》, 当时在足2不00人万北的,美乎每一几个年成男子都人手 一册;盛华顿率的士领兵口袋,也差不多中都一 有本—尽—管被已看翻模的不清。因为《糊识》常的出,版 整个美人民北知都应该道样怎行动。了说一部常识《 》动推美了国的国进程建,或为过。不就连美“坚合众 国”这利名个,以称及《立独言宣》若干的内容也是出,自 恩潘手。独立之战争间,期整在个国英以及北,美 《常,识》是仅次于《圣》经影的力响大、最播范传围最广的一 本书事。上实它,已影响了经个整世。界
mao Jsffeeson r(174-38126)
Enlihtenger, plntear l,waeyr, a symblo ofAmer ian cdmeorcacy T.hid rrePsdinte (108-1809) 1Mnaof amnyt lentsa sc:intesti,in vneto,rm siciun,al niguits, racihtcet, dplomiat and wirtr.e
heT eDcalatior no InfdepndeencehT esseya, nt onlo anynonuce the dirthb ofa ne nwtaoni ,ut blsa oets fort ha phiolsohyp foh uamnf eerod.m(Jul y 4,1 767 )I tis asatetmetnof A ericanm rpicnpiles, prsentedeth emerAcain ivw et oteh orwdlw it hlacssicdignity. It nistliedl(渗 透 )mango tehcomm n opeploea s enseo tfhiero n impowtrnae and icnpsrides tuggrl fer poreonalsf reedom, elfsg voremennt ad andign ifedip alecin s ciety.
Chapter 2 Franklin08-14
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- Franklin
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