
更新时间:2024-03-01 14:17:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Fears of new food crisis as prices soar

The bill for global food imports will top $1,000bn this year for the second time ever, putting the world “dangerously close” to a new food crisis, the United Nations said. The warning by the UN’s Food and

Agriculture Organisation adds to fears about rising inflation in emerging countries from China to India. “Prices are dangerously close to the levels of 2007-08,” said Abdolreza Abbassian, an economist at the

FAO. The FAO painted a worrying outlook in its twice-yearly Food Outlook on Wednesday, warning that the world should “be prepared” for even higher prices next year. It said it

was crucial for farmers to “expand substantially” production, particularly of corn and wheat in 2011-12 to meet expected

demand and rebuild world reserves.

But the FAO said the production response may be limited as rising food prices had made other crops, from sugar to soyabean and cotton, attractive to grow. The agency raised its forecast for the global bill for food to $1,026bn this year, up nearly 15 per cent from 2009 and within a whisker of an all-time high of $1,031bn set in 2008 during the food crisis.

“With the pressure on world prices of most commodities not abating, the international community must remain


联合国粮农组织(FAO)的警告加重了人们对中国、印度等新兴经济体通胀上扬的担忧。FAO经济学家阿普杜勒礼萨?阿巴斯安(Abdolreza Abbassian)说:“粮食价格十分接近2007-08年的水平,


FAO周三发布了每年两期的《粮食展望》(Food Outlook),其中描绘了一幅令人担忧的前景,警告世界应该为明年粮价继续上涨“做好准备”。FAO提出农民“大幅扩大”生产对于满足预期的需求并重建全球储备至关重要,尤其是2011-12年度的玉米和小麦产量。




vigilant against further supply shocks in 持警惕。”2007-08年粮食危机前的十年2011,” the FAO added. In the 10 years before 中,全球粮食进口费用平均低于每年the 2007-08 food crisis, the global bill for 5000亿美元。 food imports averaged less than $500bn a

year. Agricultural commodities prices have surged following a series of crop failures 由于受到恶劣天气影响,农作物一再歉收,农产品价格出现大幅上涨。而caused by bad weather. The situation was aggravated when top producers such as Russia and Ukraine imposed export restrictions, prompting importers in the Middle East and North Africa to hoard supplies. The weakness of the US dollar, in which most food commodities are denominated, has also

contributed to higher prices.



