数字信号处理 期末试题A
更新时间:2023-05-16 04:06:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
(时量:120分钟 总分100分)
1. (15 points) The impulse response h n and the input sequence x n of and LTI discrete system are denoted as,
x n R8 n , h n R4 n
(a) Determine the zero-state response y n .
(b) Let H k and X k be the 16-point DFT of h n and x n and
Y1 k H k X k k 0,1,2,3, ,15
y1 n IDTFT Y1 k n 0,1,2,3, ,15
Determine the sequence of y1 n .
(c) Plot the DFT-based implementation of determining y n and determine the point L of the DFT used in the DFT-based implementation.
2. (15 points) Consider a sequence:
x n {1,0,1,0,1,0,1},0 n 6
(a) Determine DTFT X(ej ) of x n .
(b) Determine the 8-point DFT X8(k) of x n using DIT-FFT approach.
3. (10 points) Prove the Parseval’s Theorem: The total energy of a
length-N sequence g[n] can be computed by summing the square of the absolute values of the DFT samples G[k] divided by N, that is
1N 1
|g[n]| |G[k]|2 Nk 0n 02N 1
4. (20 points) Using bilinear transformation method, design a high-pass IIR digital filter based on Butterworth or Elliptic analog filter. The specifications are,
Pass-band edge frequency: 900Hz
Maximum pass-band attenuation: 0.1dB
Stop-band edge frequency: 600Hz
Minimum stop-band attenuation: 60dB p pSpectral transformation: s , where, sdenotes the Laplace s
transform variable of the prototype analog low-pass filter HLP(s) and s
). the variable of the desired analog filter HD(s
(a) Give the main design steps.
(b) Give the corresponding MATLAB program statements for each step.
5. (20 points)Consider the following three IIR transfer functions of a causal digital filter,
6 5z 1 z 2
i. H1 z 1 21 0.1z 0.56z
3 7z 1 2z 2
ii. H2 z 1 21 0.1z 0.56z
1 5z 1 6z 2
iii. H3 z 1 21 0.1z 0.56z
(a) Are the transfer functions BIBO stable?
(b) What is the relation between their magnitude function?
(c) What is the relation between their phase function?
(d) Develop a canonic direct-form II realization for H3 z .
6. (20 points)Suppose a FIR digital filter shown in Figure 1.
x(n 1
1 1
Figure 1
(a) Determine the transfer function H(z).
(b) Is it a linear-phase FIR filter and why?
(c) Determine the magnitude function and the phase function of the FIR digital filter.
数字信号处理 期末试题A05-16
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