the united kingdom 教学案例

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高中英语必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom阅读课的教学案例分析 府谷中学 外语组 张娜

一、Target goals教学目标



二、 Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点

Important points(教学重点)




Difficult points(教学难点)



三、Teaching methods 教学方法

a. 略读 精读

b. 问答法

c. 讨论法


Step I 学案导学 Ask the students to do the exercises before class.


Step II 小组讨论 Ask the students to discuss their exercises in groups and find and solve their problems.


Step III 展示评价

Ask the group leaders to show their answers on the blackboard and praise the one

who does well.


Step IV导引探究

1. Lead in Show some pictures about London, like Big Ben, London Tower Bridge.

[设计思路] 通过多媒体展示图片Big Ben, London Tower Bridge,引出英国----本课的内容。本活动由学生熟知的英国标志性事物导入,调动了学生兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当地引入了本节课的主题

2. Pre-reading. Q: Who rules the country?

A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. both

[设计思路] 考察学生对英国的了解,激活学生已有知识储备。如果学生不了解的,可以鼓励学生课后在百度或者谷歌去搜索更多关于英国的消息,积累他们的知识,培养学生探索问题的能力。

3. Fast reading

【Activity】Read the passage quickly and divide the passage into 3 parts and choose the main idea of each part.

Part 1(Paragraph 1—3) A. About England

Part 2(Paragraph 4) B. How was the UK formed

Part 3(Paragraph5--6) C. About London

[设计思路] 本活动培养学生概括文章段落大意、快速捕捉文章表层信息的能力,从整体上理解文章。由于本篇文章讲述了英国的发展历史,故以时间发展顺序作为阅读的线索,可以有效的提高阅读速度和准确率。

4. Careful reading

【Activity 1】Read the first part(Paragraph 1—3) and do the exercises of T or F.

(1) The UK includes England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. ( )

(2) The three countries were united by war instead of peacefully. ( )

(3)The four countries have developed different educational and legal systems but they do work together in some areas as well. ( )

【Activity 2】Read the part 2(Paragraph 4 ), and do the following exercises.

Most population settled in ___________________.

Most of the large industrial cities are in ____________________.

Many cities have famous ___________________.

【Activity 3】Read the part 3(Paragraph5--6 ),and do the following match exercise. What did the invaders leave?

The Romans a. left their language and their government Anglo-Saxons b. left their towns and roads

Vikings c. left castles and words for food

Normans d .influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North


Step V典题检测

1. Would it be________for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport? B.vacant C.handy D.convenient

2.The medical team ________6 doctors and 10 nurses.

A.consists of B.makes up of consisted of made of


Step VI反馈提升Discussion and presentation

If you are a guide and your partner is going to the UK, how will you introduce it to her /him?

[设计思路] 通过学生合作,交流,讨论并展示使输入的语言转变成语言输出,既加深了学生对课文的理解,激发了学生的学习兴趣,更训练了学生的口语表达能力,是对本堂课语言学习情况的一个检测,同时提高了学生综合运用语言的能力,实现了本堂课的能力目标。

H omework:Get ready to retell the text in your own words

[设计思路] 检验学生本堂课的知识掌握情况,为下节课内容做预备。




3.在教学中有效地使用图片能大大提高学生对学习的兴趣。 在使用中,要根据实际需要做好筛选工作,用最恰当的表达最多的内容。


