北师大高中英语 unit 13 Lesson 4 First Impressions阅读公开课教案

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Lesson 4 First Impressions ------Reading 授课教师:____________ 学校:_______________ 一、教材内容分析 本课是13单元的第4课,以“第一印象”为主题,主要讲述的是两位好朋友初次相遇时的尴尬故事,目的是说明人与人之间要多些宽容和友好。本课是阅读课,侧重对学生阅读策略的培养,能够让学生掌握记叙文的阅读方法,并体会文中主人公心理活动的变化。 二、学生情况简介 教师所教班级是高二年级理科普通班,学生英语基础较差,在阅读中生词是主要的障碍,在口语和书面表达上都有所欠缺。但本班学生善于思考,课堂上比较积极,喜欢参加课堂讨论,学习热情较高。 三、教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 理清课文故事的大体情节和发展脉络; 2. 利用阅读策略判断故事的细节信息; 3. 描述作者心理活动的变化; 4. 利用提示词复述故事。 四、教学过程 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 Lead-in 5’ 1. Ask students to discuss the following questions: 1) Do you think first impression is important? 2) If you have a bad impression on someone when you first meet, will you become good friends? 3) Have you ever met someone you didn’t like but became your friend later? Tell the class. 通过回答这三个Discuss with their 问题,导入本课partners and answer the 话题“第一印questions. 象”,并激发学 生对本课的学习兴趣。 1

Step 2 Fast reading 8’ 1) Ask students to skim the passage and try to identify the style of the text. A. Narrative (记叙文) B. Exposition(说明文) C. Practical writing (应用文) D. Argumentation(议论文) 2) Ask students to fill the blanks and get the general idea of the story. 3) Ask students to match each part with its main ideas. Students read the story quickly and get style, general idea and structure of the text. 通过快速阅读,识别文章的文体,了解故事的情节以及故事的结构。 Step 3 Careful reading 12’ Ask students to read each part carefully and answer the questions. Read carefully and answer the questions. 通过仔细阅读获取故事的细节信息,并在阅读过程中体会作者的情感变化。 总结作者Jane的情感变化,体会两人友谊发展过程。 通过复述故事巩固所学内容。 Step 4 Ask students to summarize the Summarizing change’s of Jane’s feelings and impressions on Jenny. 5’ Step 5 Retelling 10’ 五、板书设计 Ask students to retell the story according to the key words. Discuss and fill in the blanks. Discuss in groups and retell the story. Lesson 4 First Impressions Feelings Impressions Beginning anxious, annoyed, angry Selfish Turning point upset, grateful, kind & helpful ashamed, guilty Ending lucky kind&reliable 2

