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八年级(上)Units 1-4 综合单元能力测试题


I. 听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。(共3小题,每小题1分)

( ) 1. A. The Big Banana was made in 1969. B. The Big Banana was made in 1964. C. The Big Banana was made in 1946. ( ) 2. A. This kind of animal can live in cold weather. B. This kind of animal can live in wet weather. C. This kind of animal can live in dry weather.

( ) 3. A. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for less than 150 million years. B. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. C. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for over 150 million years.

II. 听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出与你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。每小题念两 遍。(共2小题,每小题1分) ( ) 4. A. I didn’t see anything on the desk. B. I didn’t have anything on the desk. C. I had nothing to say about the desk. ( ) 5. A. The computer cost me 4,918 yuan. B. The computer cost me 4,189 yuan. C. The computer cost me 4,198 yuan.

III. 听句子, 选择最佳答句。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 6.A. Leonardo da Vinci.

B. So it is. C. Let’s go. ( ) 7. A. I agree with you. B. I think you are right.

C. It depended on my teacher’s help.

( ) 8. A. Not at all.

B. OK, I won’t. C. The same to you. ( ) 9. A. I want to be an inventor. B. It must be very hard. C. I don’t think so.

( ) 10. A. It’s so good.

B. Writing.

C. No why.

IV. 听短文, 根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 11. What let Leonardo da Vinci make important scientific discoveries? A. His quick mind.

B. His family. C. His teacher.

( ) 12. When was Leonardo da Vinci born? A. In 1425.

B. In 1452. C. In 1542.

( ) 13. What did Leonardo da Vinci help his teacher? A. He helped his teacher finish writing some books. B. He helped his teacher finish a painting. C. He helped his teacher do some housework. ( ) 14. When did Leonardo da Vinci move to Milan? A. In 1472.

B. In 1430. C. In 1482.

( ) 15. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Leonardo da Vinci liked animals. B. Leonardo da Vinci was born in a city. C. Leonardo da Vinci died in 1516.


I. 词语释义。(每小题1分,共15分)

从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Nowadays, a computer is not expensive, so almost everyone has it. A. beautiful B. helpful C. cheap

( ) 2. The company developed a new mobile phone last month. A. produced

B. challenged C. achieved

( ) 3. The book is very practical. It tells us how to get along well with our parents. A. interesting

B. useful C. lively

( ) 4. I want to be a great inventor after growing up. A. person who is good at a thing B. person who is interested in a thing C. person who invents things

( ) 5. They found out he helped them when they were in trouble. A. knew

B. identified C. agreed

( ) 6. It is wise of human beings to invent the computer. A. kind

B. friendly C. clever

( ) 7. We look forward to visiting you during the next holidays. A. want to visit B. are pleased to visit

C. are interested in visiting ( ) 8. She has the ability to do the work. A. wants

B. is able C. decides

( ) 9. If we don’t protect the environment, some animals will die out. A. disappear

B. get hurt C. hurt humans

( ) 10. A long time ago, only children in rich families could go to school. A. At first B. Twenty years ago C. Long long ago

( ) 11. When he got home, he realized he made a big mistake just now. A. found

B. worked out C. caught

( ) 12. When I grow up, I want to work as a doctor to help others. A. see

B. help C. be

( ) 13. She was unaware of her mistake until I told her. A. didn’t want

B. didn’t realize C. didn’t correct

( ) 14. After I returned home, I still keep in touch with my roommates. A. want to play

B. want to stay C. stay in touch with

( ) 15. This place has something special in local people’s eyes.

A. unusual B. interesting C. wonderful

II. 语法填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

Mr Hunt always gets up early in the morning and does morning (16) _____ (exercise). He thinks (17)_____ (him) is healthy and never goes to see (18) ______ doctor.

(19) ______ this week Mr Hunt looks (20) ______ (worry). Because last Friday morning when (21) ______ (walk) near the garden he (22) ______ (sudden) fell to the ground. There (23)_______ nobody around him. So he stood up and went back slowly. He was afraid that something was wrong with him.

This morning Mr Hunt came to the hospital. He (24) ______ (tell) the doctor what happened to him. (25)_______ young doctor looked him over carefully and then said, “I’m so sorry to tell you, Mr Hunt. You must give up coffee if you want to be healthy.” III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


Robert Sabuda is a leading children's pop-up book (立体图书) artist in America. His new__26__, like The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Alice in Wonderland, and The Little Mermaid, are all very famous.

He grew up in Michigan. Every __27__ in his sweet home, his mother would read him a story before he went to bed. When he held a crayon, he felt like he was an artist. He __28__ lots of time drawing, painting, cutting and gluing. His bedroom was __29 __ full of his unfinished works. At school his __30__ asked him to decorate (装饰) the classroom because they knew he loved art very much.

One day, his mom took him to a dentist. To make him feel __31__, the dentist showed him a special book. When opening the book, he suddenly watched __32__ jump right off the page. He was really surprised. It was a pop-up book! That __33__him a lot.

Later, he decided to attend Pratt Art School in New York. Before he became successful, he did many jobs and often helped others color books for kids. Although picture books were

wonderful to him, he always hoped that he could __34__ a pop-up book, too. So he took out his old pop-up books and practised making eyen better ones. Today his books are very __35__ with readers of different ages. He just never gives up his dream. ( ) 26. A. movies C. songs

( ) 27. A. morning C. night

( ) 28. A. spent C. had

( ) 29. A. never C. always

( ) 30. A. parents C. doctors

( ) 31. A. easy C. cold

( ) 32. A. anything C. something

( ) 33. A. interested C. asked

( ) 34. A. buy C. make

( ) 35. A. friendly C. mad

IV. 阅读理解。(每小题1.5分,共30分)



A long time ago, a king put a huge rock in the middle of a roadway, and then he hid (藏) himself to watch because he wanted to know who would move the huge rock out of the roadway. Some of the richest people came by and simply walked around it. Many of them loudly blamed (谴责) the king for not keeping the road clean, but none did anything to get the rock out of the way.

B. popular B. get

B. hurt B. nothing B. hard B. teachers B. seldom B. got B. noon

B. books

Then a farmer came along carrying a heavy bag of vegetables. Upon walking close to the rock, the farmer put down his heavy bag and tried to move the rock to the side of the road. After much pushing, he finally succeeded. After the farmer picked up his bag of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying on the road where the rock had been. The purse included many gold coins and a note from the king saying that the gold was for the person who moved the rock away from the roadway. The farmer learnt what many of us never know! Every obstacle (障碍) means an opportunity to improve our condition. ( ) 36. Why did the king hide himself?

A. Because he didn't want anyone to find that he was watching. B. Because he wanted to make himself have a rest quietly. C. Because he knew who would move the rock away.

D. Because he didn't want to see anybody. ( ) 37. What does the underlined word \ A. The ordinary people: B. The young people. C. The richest people. D. The poor people.

( ) 38. What did the farmer do when seeing the rock? A. He walked around it.

B. He blamed the king for not cleaning it. C. He saw the rock for a while and said nothing. D. He tried his best to move the rock out of the roadway. ( ) 39. Who got the purse?

A. A rich man. B. The farmer.

C. A king. D. No one.

( ) 40. What can we learn from the passage? A. Solving a problem will make you go further. B. Do good things when others won't do them.

C. We will always get money after doing a good thing. D. The richest persons don't like to help people.


Let's take a look at the cool inventions in science and technology. Robot-teacher

Some students in South Korea have a new language instructor: the English-teaching robots. The robots help students practise speaking English. Many foreigners teach English in South Korea. The robot-teachers can help solve a shortage(短缺) of English teachers. Can robots replace(代替) human teachers one day? Superhero suit

Have you ever dreamt of becoming a superhero? There's a real Iron Man suit, XOS 2. The suit provides the power to lift (举起)200 pounds and break the wood easily. It was made to help lift the heavy things. One person in the suit can do the work of three persons. Hard-working robot

The EMIEW2 robot is a perfect office helper. It can guide visitors 'to the place they want to go. The three-foot-tall robot can know different human voices and react to instructions. One day, it may work as a guard.

( ) 41. What do the robot-teachers teach? A. Maths.

B. English.

C. Chinese.

D. History.

( ) 42. A man in the superhero suit can do the work of _____ persons.

A. two B. three

C. four D. five

( ) 43. The EMIEW2 robot may work as a _______in the future according to the passage.

A. teacher B. superhero

C. soldier D. guard

( ) 44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Robot-teachers help students in South Korea.

B. The Iron Man suit, XOS 2 provides the power to lift 200 pounds. C. The Iron Man suit, XOS 2 is a robot. D. The EMIEW2 robot is a perfect office helper.

( ) 45. Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. The robot-teacher. B. The superhero robot. C. The hard-working robot. D. Three cool inventions.


Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. His father was a well-known doctor and the son of a still greater doctor and scientist. Darwin's father hoped that his son would also become a doctor. As a boy, Darwin liked to watch nature and compare what he saw with something he had read in science books. But he did not study very well at school. At sixteen, Darwin was sent to Edinburgh University to become a doctor. But he was interested in the history of nature. Then he was sent to study at Cambridge University. There he studied until 1831.

Some time later he heard that a ship, the Beagle, was going on a trip to South America. As he wanted to be a scientist, his professor advised him to go. He left England by the ship in December

1831. After five years he returned home. In 1842, Darwin lived in Kent and continued his studies there. Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same and they really change.

In 1859, Darwin finished his famous book The Origin of Species. It made a great voice in the world of science. In 1872, Darwin wrote another important book. Darwin continued his studies in science until he died in 1882. ( ) 46. What did Darwin's father do?

A. A scientist.

B. A doctor.

C. A worker. D. A professor.

( ) 47. Why did Darwin study in Edinburgh University? A. Because he wanted to be a doctor. B. Because he didn't study well at school. C. Because his father wanted him to be a doctor.

D. Because Edinburgh University was good.

( ) 48. How old was Darwin when he finished his study at Cambridge University?

A. 22 years old. B. 32 years old.

C. 28 years old. D. 24 years old.

( ) 49. Which of the following is the correct order about Darwin's experiences? a. He lived in Kent.

b. He took a trip to South America. c. He studied at Cambridge University. d. He studied at Edinburgh University. e. He wrote another important book. f. He finished The Origin of Species.

A. c-d-a-e-b-f B. d-c-b-f-a-e C. d-b-c-a-f-e D. d-c-b-a-f-e

( ) 50. What is the passage mainly about? A. Darwin's works. B. Darwin's inventions. C. Darwin's life. D. Darwin's family.


If you are writing or studying, it makes much difference where the light comes from. People who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work.

Every house gets its light either from daylight through the windows or from lamps; but no matter what kind of light it is, the way it shines towards our book or work is important to the eyes. Take a book, sit with your back towards the window, and try to read. Your shadow falls across the page and makes it bad for your eyes as if (好像) you were in a dark room.

Now turn around and face the window. The page is in the shadow again, while the bright light is in your eyes.

Try sitting with your right side towards the window. This is very good for reading, but if you are writing, the shadow of your hand will fall across the page and bother (打扰) you a little. There is one other way: sit with your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing too.

Whatever kind of light is in the room, the rule about the right way to sit is always the same.

( ) 51. Which of the following is TRUE? A. How the light shines on our work is important.

B. The way the light shines on your work makes no difference. C. We needn't care about where the light comes from.

D. People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction. ( ) 52. Why should NOT you sit with your back towards the window? A. Because the light is too dark. B. Because the light is bad for your eyes.

C. Because your shadow can make you feel yourself in a dark room. D. Because you can't see anything.

( ) 53. When you sit with your face towards the window,______. A. you can't see the light B. your book is in a shadow C. the light in the room is still dark D. the light is on your page

( ) 54. The best way both for reading and for writing is to_______. A. sit facing the light

B. let the light shine from your back C. sit with your right side towards the light D. sit with your left side towards the window ( ) 55. What is the main idea of the passage? A. How to use the light without the shadow. B. Daylight is much better than any other light. C. Different lights make a difference. D. The rule about the right way to sit. V. 书面表达。(1 5分)

上周, 一位中学生在自己班级就新校服(uniform)问题进行了调查(survey), 下面是调查结果, 请参照以下提示内容写一篇题目为Report on the survey about our new school uniform的报告。80词左右。 提示:

1. 58%的同学喜欢新校服。他们认为新校服更酷, 颜色更好看。他们穿新校服感觉更舒服; 2. 30%的同学不喜欢新校服。他们认为新校服穿着并不舒服, 颜色不好看而且过时了, 3. 12%的同学对新校服没有看法。 生词提示: 过时old-fashioned


阅读训练营 Reading comprehension

Everybody wants to have a happy life. The problem is that no one teaches you how to live a happy life. There are many ways but here are three of them to help you start. Define (定义) what happiness is

I often hear people say they want to be happy. But when I ask them what happiness is to them, they can hardly explain it. If you don't know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word. Have goals (目标)

If you know what makes you happy, you need to have goals to get those things. You can't get happiness if you only want it, but do nothing. Don't do things that make you unhappy

This may look very easy but you would be surprised how many people do things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life, you have to do things that make you happy. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( ) 1. According to the passage, everybody wants to________. A. have a good job B. travel around the world C. have a lot of money D. live a happy life

( ) 2. For many people, it is ______ to explain what happiness is.

A. easy B. boring

C. difficult D. exciting

( ) 3. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. We don't know what happiness is.

B. Happiness will come to the people who do nothing. C. We should do something to get happiness. D. We can get happiness easily. ( ) 4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. If you know what makes you happy, you need to have goals to get those things. B. If you don't know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word. C. Many people do things that make them unhappy. D. Everybody knows clearly how to live a happy life. ( ) 5. What is the best title for this passage? A. Three ways to have a good job. B. Three ways to start a happy life. C. Three things that make you successful. D. Three things we can't do in our life.

完形小测 Cloze test

In the United States, teachers usually punish students in several ways. The teachers often call the students __l__. Sometimes students have to stay for another hour after school. If a student behaves (表现) very badly, the teacher can __2__ the student having classes. The student can't come to school for one, two __3__ three days. Mr Johnson, the teacher of a middle school in Ohio, did not __4__ to do so. When he didn't let the students come to school, they were __5__. \they thought.

One day, a boy was in Mr Johnson's office. The boy didn't behave __6__ in class. Mr Johnson

called his parents. He let the father and the boy __7__ classes together. Other students often __8__ at the boy and his father in class. The boy was very embarrassed (尴尬的). After that he behaved better. And, of course, other students behaved __9__ too.

Now many teachers in the USA are __10__ to copy Mr Johnson's idea. They think his idea is very great.

根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. A. brothers B. sisters ( ) 2. A. let ( ) 3. A. or ( ) 4. A. hate ( ) 5. A. sad ( ) 6. A. well ( ) 7. A. having

B. help

C. parents D. friends C. keep

D. stop D. nor D. work D. happy D. quickly D. leave D. knocked D. better D. bringing

B. so B. tell B. bored B. badly B. have

C. but C. like

C. worried C. slowly C. leaving C. put C. worse

( ) 8. A. looked B. shouted ( ) 9. A. fewer ( ) 10. A. doing

B. less B. trying

C. finishing

非常解读 Read & do


Kenny and Bobbi MeCaughey live in Iowa. They have a big family. Mikayla is the oldest child in the family. She is six years old. The other children are Brandon, Joel, Kelsey, Natalie, Alexis, Ted and Nathan. They are all five years old.

Why are they all of the same age? (1) _______ They are septuplets!

It is hard work to look after seven babies at the same time. (2)______ At the beginning, many people helped them. They helped feed, clean and dress the babies. Every week, the septuplets used about 170 diapers(尿布) ! (3)_______

(4) _____ The septuplets started school this year. But they studied at home, like their big sister Mikayla. When Mikayla was ready for school, Kenny and Bobbi MeCaughey decided to teach her at home. (5)______ Now Bobbi MeCaughey is all the eight children's teacher.

A. They drank a lot of milk too. B. Because they were born together. C. Last year, Bobbi MeCaughey was Mikayla's teacher. D. Kenny and Bobbi are interested in cooking. E. Now the children are older. F. They were cleverer than other children. G. But Kenny and Bobbi didn't look after them alone.

A. They drank a lot of milk too. B. Because they were born together. C. Last year, Bobbi MeCaughey was Mikayla's teacher. D. Kenny and Bobbi are interested in cooking. E. Now the children are older. F. They were cleverer than other children. G. But Kenny and Bobbi didn't look after them alone.

