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James Naismith was a Canadian. He invented basketball in 1891. At

that time, he was a P.E. teacher at Springfield College, in the U.S.A. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather.

Do you know how to score in the game? Well, just put the ball into the other side’s basket. You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the court and you can throw it with one hand or both hands. But you must follow the rules.

Now over a century later, more and more people play basketball. In the U.S.A., the NBA is very popular. People all over the world like to watch and play basketball. They love this game.

The Olympic Games had a long history. In the eighth century B.C., Greece held the first Olympic Games, but there were only races and they lasted for one day. Only men could be in the games. Women had no right to take part in the Olympic Games until 1912.

The Olympic Games were stopped in the fourth century. Then they

started again in Athens in 1896. This was the beginning of the modern Olympics. Since then, the Olympic Games have been held every four years.

The IOC(国际奥委会)makes rules for the games, so all the athletes have the same chance to win. Winning in the Olympics is a great honor. An athlete who wins at the Olympics is the best in the world. “Faster, higher, stronger” is the motto of the Olympics.

i love my family. i have a good father. He is very tall and strong. His hair is short. He is a driver. i love my mother. she is also very tall, but she is shorter than my father. she is very beautiful. My mother always gets up early in the morning, because she will cook the breakfast for us. The food is very good. we all like the food. i have a beatiful sister. she is very kind. she is taller than me. her hair is very long. she always wears a blue skirt. she often goes shopping with my mother. now my father is watching TV, my mother is cooking the dinner and my sister is playing the computer games. i am writing my homework. we are a happy family.

How to improve English score

english is more and more important for people in daily life. students also try their best to learn it well and get high mark. so if one wants to improve english score, the most important point is to

remember as many words and expressions as possible. then try to read a lot of passages to exercise the ability of reading and learn the writing skills from them. at last one should find the chance to talk with the foreigners to make oneself have a good feeling of the english. only when you like it, you can study it well and get high score. How to improve our english grade

english is most important language in the world. also it is number one language in the world. in feature everyone should know this kind of language. people who learn about english, you can find some english books you are interesting, or you can watch english tv

everyday, also you can speak in english every single day.it can make you improve your speaking, listening, and reading. The other better way to study english is read an essay at loud volume for 15 minutes each day. everyday you study english, you will be interesting,and you will think it is fun. so however when you like the english, you can study it well and get high grade.

She is poor girl, her parents borrow for reading university, she just out of school, JiLaoChengJi father found lung cancer.

And not to kiss, YuKuWuLei girl: job, house, even poor hopeness is sold blood, also do not have hospitalization expenses. She graduated from medical nursing will settle in the home, the father mother took care of, then head to the hospital for followed from.



成本分担协议,将其之时产权转移到海外税率较低的国家或地区,以便按照、低税率缴纳所得税。 苹果公司在避税领域的创新上远远落后与其在手机的创新上,苹果公司所沿用的是跨国公司运用了多年的避税策略,来将全球的税负负担最小化。避税策略看上去很复杂但是目标很简单:将净利润多配置在低税率国家、将成本部置在高税率国家。 苹果公司基本采用了国际上采用的三种避税策略:延期、转移定价和俗称。在延期策略中,苹果公司只有将利润转移到美国本土时,才开始缴税;在转移定价策略中,厂商会将成本分摊到多个下属公司中。比如:向海外下属公司征收象征性的知识产权使用费,以此增加海外下属公司的利润,减少美国本土子公司的收入。





PPT; 在辽宁省沈阳市同样具有各自知名品牌的两家大型食品企业。在履行纳税义务的过


其一是“沈阳市好利来食品有限公司” 该企业自创立以来,采用先进的管理体制,实行统一管理、统一核算,统一实行纳税申报,统一缴纳税款的方式。为国家的税收事业做出了巨大的贡献。该企业每年销售收入约达到1亿多元人民币。年集中为国家缴纳税款达

















据悉,为了在英国避税,亚马逊2006年采取了一项措施,将英国业务的所有权转移到亚马逊欧盟有限责任公司(Amazon EU Sarl),这是一家位于卢森堡的实体。而亚马逊在英国的业务则被归为配送和订单履行,所以该国的销售额都被划归到卢森堡的实体。









星巴克 每个人都知道如果星巴克在英国不赚钱,它就不会在英国继续存在。这不禁让人们想象这一已经蔓延到英国每个角落的咖啡连锁店只是为了维持不断减少的品牌出现频率或者是为了提供就业的社会优势。该公司每年向其总部缴纳6%的经营特许费,其总部位于荷兰,地理位置优越,那里是公司避税国,这似乎表明这一企业根本就没有那么糟糕。但是星巴克在这里只是为了给英国喝咖啡的人带来好处的说法很可笑。

