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I. Multiple Choices:

1. We are __ receipt ___ your letter of March 18 offering us the goods ___ US$ 80 per dozen on the usual terms.

A. of…of…on B. in…of…at C. in…of…for D. of…of…at 2. Could you make us a firm offer ___ 3,000 metric tons ___ fertilizer. A. for…of B. on…in C. of…for D. for…for

3. We acknowledge with thanks ___ your letter dated December 14. A. receipt B. receive C. receipt of D. receiving

4. ___ requested, we are enclosing a quotation sheet ___ our silk garments. A. As…about B. At…about C. At…for D. As…for

5. We are making you the following offer, subject ___ your acceptance ___ us before April 20.

A. to…reach B. with…reaching C. to…reaching D. to…arrive 6. We suggest your order ___ a minimum quantity of 10,000 tons. A. call for B. calls for C. call on D. call up

7. If you can make us an offer ___ competitive price we can sell a large quantity ___ your products ___ our area.

A. for…for…in B. at…of…in C. on…for…for D. in…for…at 8. This offer is ___ your acceptance by E-mail on or before March 15. A. effective of B. effective for C. effective to D. effectively for

9. ___ you reduce your price by $5 per dozen, we will have to decline your offer. A. Unless B. While C. When D. Except

10. While appreciating good quality of your products, we are sorry to say that your price appears to be ____.

A. in the high level B. at the high end C. of the high standard D. on the high side

11. A fair comparison of your offer with ____ of other suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable.

A. what B. which C. this D. that

12. This offer is valid, subject ___ before November 25.

A. to your reply arriving at us B. for your reply reaching us C. to our receiving your reply D. for your reply reaches us

13. Your quotation ___ Washing Machines is too high to be workable. A. in B. against C. with D. of

14. As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we regret that we are unable to ___ any counter-offer.

A. accepting B. entertain C. receiving D. take

15. We would like to quote you our most favorable price ___ 800 pieces Electric Blankets ___.

A. of…as follows B. at…as following C. for…as follows D. with…as followed

ANSWER: 1B 2A 3C 4D 5C 6A 7B 8B 9A 10D 11D 12C 13D 14B 15C

16. Considering the friendly business relations between us, we are prepared to offer you bath towels ___ prices that are 5% ___the prevailing prices. A. in…off B. by…of C. with…under D. at…below

17. Having made a special purchase ___ electrical typewriters ___ very favorable terms, we could offer them to you ___ very competitive prices.

A. of…with…in B. in…on…at C. of…on…at D. on…in…with

18. ___ developing the market in your area, we are airmailing you new models of our products.

A. With a view to B. Due to C. Owing to D. In order to

19. If you compare the prices we quoted ___ theirs, you will agree that our prices are not high at all.

A. with those of B. with C. for those of D. for

20. The rising cost of raw materials ___ us to increase our selling prices. A. has compelled B. have compelled C. has been compelled D. are compelling

21. They have ____ a price which we think will be acceptable ____you. A. bided…to B. bid…to C. bidden…by D. bid…with

22. A sample of our new beef extract has been sent to you today ____ parcel post, and we hope it will reach you ____ perfect condition.

A. with…in B. in…by C. on…with D. by…in

23. It is possible that you couldn’t find the new patterns ___ you are looking in this catalogue.

A. for what B. which C. for which D. that

24. The gloves are made ____ superior genuine leather and can be supplied ____ various designs and colors.

A. of…in B. from…with C. with…in D. in…at

25. The price of our new products is 8% ____ than ____ of similar products of Japanese origin.

A. lower…that B. below…those C. under…that D. lower…those

26. WE feel sure that a fair comparison ____ quality between our canned goods and those of other suppliers will convince you ____ the reasonableness of our quotation. A. with…of B. in…of C. for…in D. on…in

27. As this product is now _____ great demand and the supply is rather _____, we would recommend you to accept this offer as soon as possible.

A. in…limited B. in…limiting C. of…limited D. at…limiting

28. _____ view of the huge demand ____ this article, we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us the soonest possible. A. In…at B. In…for C. With…for D. With…to

29. We deem it ____ your advantage _____ avail yourself ____ our offer for 2,000 tons Linseeds.

A. in…to…of B. in…as…for C. to…to…of D. of…as…for

30. This offer is made ____ the clear understanding that if they are not completely ____ your liking, you can return them to us without any obligation whatever and

_____ our own expense.

A. at…to…at B. in…for…for C. in…in…for D. on…to…at

ANSWER: 1D 2C 3A 4B 5A 6B 7D 8C 9A 10A 11B 12A 13B 14C 15D

31. We are prepared to inform you ___ your order will be ready ____ dispatch ____ next month.

A. that…for…/ B. that…to…in C. of…in…for D. of…for…/ 32. It is necessary that the specifications ____ the requirements. A. confirm to B. conform to C. confirm with D. conform

33. These are the only terms ___ we can do business.

A. on what B. in what C. on which D. in which

34. We are prepared to give you this special accommodation with the view ____ encouraging further business. A in B. to C. on D. of

35. WE price this new product economically with a view ____ promoting the transaction.

A. to B. of C. in D. on

36. We shall appreciate it very much if you will give us indication ____ you think you could conclude business.

A. to which B. at which C. in that D. on that

37. _____ our S/C No. 44 in duplicate for your signature and please return one copy for our file.

A. Enclose please find B. We are enclosed C. WE enclose D. Enclosing please find

38. Would you please see to it that our Order No.P8800 is executed with ____ delay? A. no least delay B. least possible C. least any D. the least possible

39. If the A B C Co. can renew the offer for a further days, we think we shall be able to put ___ the business.

A. through B. on C. into D. forward

40. We are pleased to confirm ____ with you the transaction of 3,000 metric tons soybean.

A. having concluded B. to have concluded C. having come to terms D. to have carried out

41. We confirm the sales to you of 3,500 cartons Health Tea ____ faxes and E-mail exchanged between us.

A. resulting in B. resulting from C. resulted in D. resulted from

42. We have accepted your Order No.TR22. Please open the relative L/C, ____ here four weeks before the date of shipment.

A. that should reach B. which should reach C. when it reaches D. which should arrive at

43. ____ we would like to conclude this deal with you, we find your bid unacceptable. A. As B. Since C. Much as D. As much as

44. Please give your prompt attention ____ Order No. EM0801.

A. for the performance of B. to execute C. by carrying out D. to the execution of

45. We confirm our sale of the following commodities __ terms and conditions __ set forth below.

A. in…that B. on…which C. for…as D. on…as

ANSWER; 1A 2B 3C 4D 5A 6B 7C 8D 9A 10A 11B 12B 13C 14D 15D

46. ____ the stipulations of S/C No. 167, you are to open the relative L/C before the end of November.

A. According B. Per C. In compliance with D. Depending on

47. Please see to ____ that the L/C is opened 30 days before the date of shipment. A. them B. the matter C. it D. your way clear

48. When submitting our quotation, we suggest that the relevant L/C ___ as early as possible.

A. be established B. establishes C. is established D. would be established 49. Attached to this letter ___ a copy of B/L, along with copies of invoice and weight memo.

A. are B. is C. have been D. /

50. You must be responsible for all the losses ___ from your delay in opening the covering L/C.

A. rising B. arising C. arousing D. raising

51. Our bank will accept your 60 days’ draft _____ them for the amount of your invoice value.

A. for B. to C. on D. with

52. Please amend L/C No. 283 to read “The L/C will ____ on February 28, 19…in Singapore.”

A. expire B. valid C. due to time D. due

53. _____ receipt of your L/C we shall make shipment immediately. A. In B. On C. By D. With

54. We are glad to inform you that the L/C is now ____ the way to you. A. on B. in C. starting D. setting of

55. As the goods are ready for shipment, we ____ your L/C to be opened immediately. A. hope B. anticipate C. await D. expect

56. _____ into consideration our business relations, we accept payment by D/P. A. Take B. Taken C. Taking D. Takes

57. Regarding payment, we prefer D/P at sight _____ L/C at 90 days’ sight. A. then B. rather C. to D. for

58. In accordance with our agreement, we have ___ at 30 days’ sight for the amount of the enclosed invoice.

A. drawn on you B. written to you C. called on you D. dispatched to you by airmail

59. Please extend your two relative ____ for 15 days.

A. letter of credits B. letters of credit C. L/Cs D. L/C 60. The cheque will soon fall ____. A. due B. short C. out D. in

ANSWER: 1C 2C 3A 4B 5B 6C 7A 8B 9A 10D 11C 12C 13A 14B 15A

61. In order to ___ handling and shipping expenses as ____ as possible, we suggest that you ship the large order in containers.

A. cut down…much B. cut out…much C. subtract…low D. decrease….high 62. This particular material ____ quite well, and we believe it will turn out ____ your satisfaction.

A. is…in B. has been …for C. uses…with D. sells…to 63. We consider it advisable to delay ____ the matter.

A. to discuss B. of discussion of C. discussing D. in discussing for 64. WE regret that we have suffered heavy loss ___ your improper packing. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. resulting from D. resulting in 65. We wish to ____ your attention to this matter. A. call B. ask C. bring D. pay

66. We would suggest that you ____ the carton with double straps. A. secure B. will secure C. securing D. facilitate

67. Metal handles should be fixed to the boxes to ____ carrying. A. make B. convenience C. easy D. facilitate

68. The adoption of containers facilitated ____ to a great extent.

A. to load and unload B. the loading and unloading C. us to load and unload D. to have loaded and unloaded

69. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking which must be strictly ____.

A. observed B. abide by C. signified D. submitted

70. Your comments on packing will ____ on to our manufacturers for their reference. A. be passed B. passed C. be passing D. passing

71. The introduction of containers in transport greatly ____ carriage of goods. A. facilitate B. speeds C. facilitates D. economizers

72. For ____ commodities as oil, sand and water, rail is cheaper than ____ road. A. unpacked B. unpackaged C. bulk D. bundled 73. This container can be easily opened ____ both ends. A. on B. at C. in D. by

74. We give you on the attached full details ____ packing and marking. A. regarded B. regarding C. be regarded D. regard

75. Taking into consideration the transport condition _____ your end, we have improed our packing so as to avoid damage to the goods. A. in B. on C. with D. at

ANSWER: 1A 2D 3C 4C 5A 6A 7D 8B 9A 10A 11C 12C 13B 14B 15D

76. The ___ of the S/C and Order should be printed on cases to be shipped in addition to other shipping marks.

A. numeral B. figure C. number D. numbers 77. Shipping marks are to be ____ by sellers.

A. chosen B. selected C. optional D. optional 78. We find your L/C needs ____.

A. to amend B. being amended C. amending D. to be amending 79. The stipulation of the L/C must be ____ those of the L/C.

A. agree to B. in compliance to C. in conformity with D. conform to 80. ____ orders to our satisfaction, we would have regarded them as promising customers.

A. Had they executed B. If they have executed C. If they would execute D. Have they executed

81. The consignment will be sent ____ to reach the final destination by the end of May.

A. as B. so as C. duly D. in order

82. In compliance with the request ____ in your letter of March 28, we are sending you a complete set of shipping documents.

A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. which contained 83. The free supply of goods can ___ a declining market. A. result from B. result C. result in D. result of

84. If you can allow us a 5% discount and give priority to shipment, we will regard ____ as a personal favor.

A. you B. your discount C. priority to shipment D. it

85. Enclosed please find a cheque _____ all commissions due to you for this transaction.

A. covered B. covers C. covering D. covering with

86. In the financing of international trade L/C is a reliable and safe means of payment, ____ trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers. A. speeding B. facilitates C. facilitating D. conveniencing

87. WE will do our best to ____ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expedite D. arrange

88. Passenger liners often take a certain amount of _____. A. cargoes B. cargo C shipments D. quantities

89. Before deciding which form of transport to use, a ____ will take into account the factors of cost, speed and safety.

A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. shipowner

90. They intended to lower the cost of the products. _____ they did not succeed in reducing the package cost.

A. Therefore B. And C. However D. Furthermore

ANSWER: 1D 2C 3C 4C 5A 6C 7B 8C 9D 10C 11C 12C 13A 4B 15C

II. Translating the following English into Chinese or vice versa 1. specialize in 专门经营

2. upon receipt of 一收到…即

3. for your information 供你方参考 4. pamphlets 小册子

5. be in the market for 想要购买

6. a well-established exporter 信誉良好的出口商 7. with cost charges on our own 费用由我方负担 8. place an order with sb. 向某人订购 9. with a view to 为了,以…为目的

10. acquaint sb. With sth. 使某人熟悉或了解 11. terms of payment 支付条款 12. quantity discounts 数量折扣 13. place regular orders 定期订购

14. a wide range of 各种各样的, 范围很广的 15. on behalf of 代表

16. enclosed please find 附上…请查收, 随函寄去 17. promote the sales of 促销

18. profit margin 盈余, 利润幅度 19. by separate post 另邮

20. be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事 21. in return for 回报

22. conditions of sales 销售条件 23. be in receipt of 收到 24. quotation 报价 25. as per 按照

26. annual total purchase 每年总购买量 27. similar products 类似产品 28. make sb. an offer 向某人报盘

29. assure sb. of sth. 使某人确信, 向某人保证 30. commission on a sliding-slide basis 递加佣金 31. redound one’s credit 增加某人的信誉 32. have a good market 畅销

33. extend the scope of business 扩大业务范围 34. a prompt response 立即答复 35. be aware of 知道, 了解 36. prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿 37. current prices 现行价格 38. A1 grade products 甲级产品 39. dealers 商号, 商人

40. to reach a standard 达到标准 41. on usual terms 按通常条件

42. effect shipment 装运, 装船 43. a good market for… 畅销 44. with regard to 关于

45. additional orders 额外订购, 追加订购 46. prompt shipment 立即装运 47. confirm an order 确认订单

48. shipping instructions 装运须知, 装船指示 49. come to terms 达成交易 50. reserve goods 保留货物

51. payment in advance 预付货款 52. mail transfer 电汇 53. collection 托收

54. sight draft 即期汇票 55. credit standing 资信情况

56. cash against documents 凭单证付现 57. the amount of 达到若干金额 58. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 59. pay in installments 分期付款 60. consular invoice 领事发票 61. inner packing 内包装 62. as per 按照

63. deadline 截止期

64. tariff compact 关税协定 65. EMP 欧洲主要口岸 66. gross weight 毛重 67. see to it… 注意

68. crate 大木箱, 板条箱 69. in quadruplicate 一式四份 70. shipping container 运输集装箱 71. extension of an L/C 信用证延展期 72. in the event of 如果发生

73. on board S.S. “Nellore” 装载在“NELLORE”货船 74. prior to 先于

75. loading berth 装运地点

76. be entitled to 有…权利, 被赋予

77. well organized and managed 组织管理完善的 78. COSCO 中国远洋运输公司 79. be in urgent need of 急需

80. take the form of 采取...的形式 81. cover insurance 投保 82. CFR 成本加运费价 83. at your end 你地

84. the captioned shipment 标题货物 85. insurance contracts 保险合同

86. for our account 记入我方帐户

87. handle insurance bushiness 处理保险业务 88. insurance rate 保险费率 89. issue a policy 开出保单 90. regular customers 常客

91. claim for damage 因毁坏而索赔 92. inferior quality 质量低劣 93. cannot but 只能

94. inspection report 检验报告 95. improper packing 包装不良 96. get into 调查

97. refund A to B 将A还给B

98. credit A to B 将A记入B方帐户

99. lodge a claim against sb. 向某人提出索赔 100. amounting to 金额总计

101. 商务参赞处 the Commercial Counsellor’s Office 102. 建立贸易关系 establish business relations 103. 另函 under separate cover

104. 商会 the chamber of commerce

105. 平等互利, 互通有无 on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods

106. 工艺品 art and craft goods 107. 密切合作 close cooperation

108. 轻工产品 light industrial products 109. 进出口 import and export

110. 商品目录和价格表 a catalogue and a price list 111. 竞争性的价格 competitive prices

112. 资金情况, 业务能力和信誉 financial standing, business capacity and character

113. 销售季节 selling season 114. 现货供应 supply from stock 115. 以我方为受益人 in our favor 116. 进口许可证 import licence 117. 形式发票 proforma invoice 118. 即期信用证 L/C at sight

119. 报CIF伦敦价格 quote CIF London

120. 保兑的, 不可撤销的信用证 confirmed, irrevocable L/C 121. 虚盘 non-firm offer 122. 实盘 firm offer

123. 以我方最后确认为准 subject to our final confirmation 124. 最低起订量 the minimum quantity for order 125. 试订, 试购 a trial order 126. 售后服务 after-sales service

127. 分三个月每月平均装运 make shipment in three equal monthly


128. 由买方选择 at buyer’s option

129. 推销新产品 push the sales of new products

130. 各种不同的花色,型号和品种搭配 different colours, patterns 131. 精湛的工艺 fine craftsmanship and assortments 132. 中小型企业 medium and small-sized enterprises

133. 世界发明国际博览会 the International Fair of World Invertions 134. 促销,推销 sales promotion

135. 一套产品说明书 a set of literature

136. 工艺先进,性能稳定,价格合理 advanced workmanship, stable performance and reasonable price

137. 优惠的条款和条件 favorable terms and conditions 138. 储备存货 lay in stock

139. 一系列的商务洽谈 a series of business discussions 140. 申请进口许可证 apply for the import licence 141. 商业发票 commercial invoices

142. 每盒4打, 每箱10盒 4 dozen per box, 10 boxes per carton 143. 指示银行开证 instruct the bank to open an L/C 144. 商标 trade mark

145. 首次订购 an initial order 146. 履行合同 execute a contract

147. 受到客户欢迎 be popular with customers 148. 价格差距 the difference in price 149. 急需货物 need the goods urgently 150. 电汇 mail transfer 151. 票汇 demand draft

152. 不可撤消信用证 irrevocable L/C 153. 出票人 drawer

154. 承兑交单 documents against acceptance, D/A 155. 汇票 bill of exchange (or: draft) 156. 商业发票 commercial invoice

157. 即期付款交单 documents against payment at sight 158. 议付 negotiation 159. 付款人 payer 160. 码头 dock

161. 适于海上运输的包装 seaworthy packing 162. 装船标识 sipping mark 163. 运费 freight

164. 防水的 watertight 165. 捆 bales/ bundle 166. 装箱单 packing list

167. 中性包装 neutral packing 168. 净利 net profit 169. 木箱 wooden cases

