人教版八年级上 UNIT1-5期末复习

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期末考复习 Unit1-Unit5

Unit 1

【重点语法】 1.一般过去时

I.一般过去时态:表示发生在过去的动作或表示过去的状态 Be句型:主语+was/were+其他 行为动词句型:主语+did+其他 【即学即练】

1. Today __________ (be)a beautiful day. My father and I __________(go) to Penang Hill again, but this time we __________(walk) to the top. We __________(start) at 9:30 a.m. and __________(see) lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way. About one hour later, we __________(stop) and __________(drink) some tea. Then we __________(walk) for another two hours before we __________(get) to the top. I __________(be) quite tired, but the city __________( look) wonderful from the top of the hill!

2不定代词的用法 for people someone某人 anyone任何人 no one无人 everyone没人 somebody某人 anybody任何人 nobody无人 everybody每人 for things something某事,某物 anything任何事物 nothing无物,没事 everything每件事,一切 for places somewhere某处 anywhere任何地方 nowhere无处 everywhere到处 1. 除no one以外,其他的不定代词要写成一个词 2. 不定代词做主语时,当作单数看待,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式 3. 与形容词连用时,形容词要置于不定代词之后

someone,somebody,something通常用于肯定句,anyone,anybody,anything通常用于否定、. 【即学即练】买特别的东西 做无聊的事

没有什么好玩的事 去令人放松的地方 遇见有意思的人 吃美味的东西

【重点短语】到达 决定去做某事 尝试

散步 感觉好像 下大雨 由于 一个小时之后


1. 你去哪儿度假了?我去海边了。 2. 上周末你做了什么?我待在家里。 3. 昨天他买了什么东西吗?没有,他什么都没买 4. 上周天气怎样?下雨、很冷。 5. 吃得怎么样?所有的东西尝起来味道偶很好。 6. 你的旅途怎样?很有趣


【重点语法】 I.重点词汇

1.用how often提问表示频率的词或者短语。


用how many提问东西的数量 格式为how many+名词/量词…..

e.g. How many percent of the students do not exercise at all?

( )1. ----- ________ do you watch TV , Tom ? ----- Only once a week . A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How much ( ) 2. ---- Are you late for school ? -----________ .

A. Yes, never B. yes, sometimes C. No, ever D. No , usually ( )3.- ______ students in your class are from Beijing? -Only one. A.How often B.How many C.How much D. What

【重点短语】帮忙做家务 感到惊讶 至少 询问某人有关… 上网 上舞蹈课

表示频率的副词:总是 通常 经常 有时 几乎不 从不 一周一次 一月两次 一年三次 【即学即练】


1. ------What does she usually do after school? -----She __________ does homework. 2. I can’t swim. So I __________ never go swimming in summer.

3. He__________ goes to bed early, so he’s__________ late for school. 4. ----What do you do on Sundays?

----I usually watch TV, but__________ I go out with friends.

5. The weather is dry because it __________ rains here. __________ 【重点句子】

1. 周末你通常做什么?我通常去购物。 2. TINA晚上通常做什么?她常常做作业,但有时看电视。

3. 我周末总是呆在家里,我几乎从不运动。

4. 你多久看电视一次?我每周看电视两次。 5. 你妹妹多久帮忙做一次家务?他每月帮忙一次。 6. 你经常运动吗?我几乎从不运动。




单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er,-est来构成比较级和最高级。 构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 tall taller tallest 一般单音节词末尾加_________ _______ great greater greatest nice nicer nicest 结尾e+ ________ __________ large larger largest bigger biggest big hotter hottest 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音 hot thinner thinnest thin 节词,________结尾的辅音字母, redder reddest red 再加-er,-est wetter wettest wet


“以辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 改_________为________,再加-er,-est 少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词末 尾加-er,-est easy easier busier easiest busiest clever cleverer cleverest narrow narrower narrowest important more important most important easily more easily most easily 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面 加 loudly more loudly most loudly _________, _______来构成比较级和最高级 clearly more clearly most clearly quickly more quickly most quickly 【备注】 2.不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good; well bad; ill old much/many little far 形容词和副词比较级及最高级练习:根据句意填入单词的正确形式


A:形容词比较级结构:A+be +形容词比较级+than+B 表示A比B更 翻译:


2.她的头发比我的短。________________________________________ B: A+行为动词+副词比较级+than+B 表示A(做....)比B更 翻译:

1. 他学英语比我更努力。______________________________________ 2. 我唱歌比她大声.____________________________________________

C: A+be/行为动词+as+形容词或副词原级+as+B 表示A 与B(在某方面) 一样...... 翻译:

1. 数学和英语一样重要。____________________________________________ 2. 我爸爸和我妈妈年龄一样大。______________________________________



1.—Who do you think is ________________________(outgoing), Kate or Lucy?

—Mary is. And she is also ____________________________(hardworking) than Kate. 2.He is as___________________(tall)as me, but he’s a little_______________(heavy). 3.Is your sister ______________________(young) than you? Yes, she is. 4.Who is_________________(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.

5.Ben _______________ (jump) ______________(high) than some of the boys in his class. 6._____________Nancy sing_______________(well) than Helen?Yes, she_________. 7.My eyes are _________________(big)than _________________(she).

8. _____________the girls get up___________(early) than the boys? No, they_________. 9. Jim runs ______________(slow). But Ben runs _________________. 10. This bag is much ________________(good) than that one.


在….方面有天赋 关心、在意 做与某人相同的事 擅长运动


和…相同 与….不同 与….相像


1. 我比我的妹妹外向。 2. 他比他哥哥聪明多了 3. 我的好朋友十分善良、幽默。 4. 谁唱歌更好,汤姆还是萨姆? 5.我和我妹妹很不同。她头发比我短,我比她瘦。



形容词副词的最高级 1.表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加the,副词最高级前常省略the, 后面通常带of(in)短语来说明比较的范围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间范围)。

①在我们班上他最高。 He is __________ ( tall) _____ our class. ②玛丽是这三个学生中最小的。

Mary is __________ (young) ______ the three students.

2. 形容词最高级的前面常有the,my等形容词性物主代词,China's名词所有格,最高级前不加the

This is ______ ______ day. 这是我最忙的一天。

3 在which…A ,B orC_? 句中,表示三者或三者以上比较 Which is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 太阳,月亮,地球,哪一个最大?

4. 形容词最高级表示“最...之一”时,可用“one of the+最高级+复数名词” Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world. 爱迪生是世界上最为大的发明家之一。

5.“the +序数词+最高级”表示“第几个最…”;

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China 【即学即练】

1. Let’s go to Danny’s. The food there is_____________ (cheap) than any other place in town. 2. The radio station Oldies 102.1FM is pretty_____________(bad). It’s_____________(bad) than All Talk 970AM.

3. He is _____________(quiet) boy in my class. He almost never talks. 4. Zhou Xingchi is_____________(funny) movie star I know. 5.This book is _____________ (expensive) than that one.

【重点短语】忍不住大笑 各种类型的 在某方面起作用 在…方面有相同的特征

认真对待某人/某事 才艺展示节目


1. 你认为这个才艺表演怎么样?

2. 才艺展示节目越来越受欢迎。


3. 谁弹钢琴弹得最好? 4. 这儿最好的电影院是哪家? 5. 这附近有电影院吗?


【重点语法】动词不定式做宾语的用法: 1.动词不定式的形式:to + 动词原形

Jack wants to buy some flowers for Mr. Wu. 杰克想给吴老师买些花。 2.常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词:

想要 want, 期望 expect, 希望hope, 计划plan, 决定decide ,开始begin,开始start 【拓展】省略to 的不定式

有些动词后面跟动词不定式时常常将不定式符号to省去。常见的动词有let, make, feel, help, watch, hear等。 例句: 让我来帮助你。 Let me help you. 你能帮助我打扫房间吗? Can you help me clean the house? 【即学即用】


1. She expects _________ (arrive) tomorrow. 2. Let’s _______ (watch) talk shows tonight.

3. They hope _________ (visit) the Great Wall next year. 4. Do you plan _______ (find) a part-time job? 5. When do you want _____ (go) swimming?

6. My uncle often helps me ________ (learn) math and English.


想到、认为 主要原因之一

代替,替换 总是准备好做某事 尽力,竭尽全力 干得好


1. 晚上我想看电视。你想要和我一起看吗? 2. 你今晚打算看什么节目?我打算看体育节目。我每天晚上都看。

3. 你期望从情景剧里能学到什么? 4. 你喜欢看什么类型的电视节目?

【课堂练习】 一、单选

1. ---_______does your mother watch the Talk show? ---Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How son D. How many

2. When the Greens moved into the house last week,____ was at sixes and sevens, so they did a big cleanings.

A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

3. The weather in Guiyang in summer is ___than that in Tongren. They are different. A. cool B. much cooler C. hot D. much hotter


