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机床调试步骤: 1. 到现场先验货。 2. 标记各轴电缆。 3. 更换电机及编码器
4. 检查电柜外观及重要的接线,如动力回路,24V等 坐标系 FRAME CHAIN 序名称 号 MCS(machine coodinate system) BCS(basic coodinate system) Home position offset 描述 Kinematic transformation(运动变 换),机床坐标系经过运动变换叠加形成BCS DRF offset,superimposed movment,(zero offset external)。手轮偏置或附加移动 Chained system frames for Frame chain PAROT,PRESET,scratching,zero offset external Chained field of basic Frame frame,chanel spec. and/or NCU chain global
BZS(basic G54-G599settable frame,chanel Frame chain Frame chain zero system) spec.and/or NCU globle System frame(torot toframe) Frame cycle,programmable Frame chain frame,transfomation WCS 最终的坐标是由上向下一级级叠加
1. MCS(Machine Coordinate System):由机床物理轴构成的坐标系。 2. BCS(Basic Coordinate System):由3个垂直轴和其他指定轴组成。如果没有运动变换,BCS=MCS;如果有运动变换,几何轴和机床轴名称一定要不一样
3. additive offset,是轴方向的平移偏置,没有旋转镜像缩放功能。由PLC激活 db3x.dbx3.0上升沿(自动模式下生效),PLC激活后,在下一个motion block 执行完后,偏置生效。Md28082可以配置Chanel spesific system frame;编程$AA_ETRANS[axis]=xx。DRF偏置;superimposed movement只能用同步功能通过$AA_OFF[axis]实现。重新上电后,最后一次生效的additive offset不生效,除非用PLC重新激活,可以在MD24008修改。MD24006 bit1=1复
位后external zero offset还生效。执行SUPA是不受zero offset external影响。
4. BZS(Basic Zero system),BZS is the basic coordinate system with basic offset.BZS=BCS+zero offset external或DRF或superimposed motion或Chained system frames或Chained basic frame。
5. SZS(Settable Zero system) is the workpieace coordinate system with a programmable frame from the viewpoint of the WCS.The workpiece zero is defined by the settable frame G54 to G599.SZS=WCS(由G54-G599定义)+programmable frame。MD9424默认=0系统只显示WCS值,如果改为1,则显示SZS。如$P_PFRAME[X,10],在WCS里看不到多出的10。
6. WCS里各轴组成的坐标系都是可编辑的,WCS由几何轴和其他轴组成,几何轴互相垂直组成笛卡尔坐标系,工件坐标系可以平移旋转放大缩小或镜像。
7. 18601为NCU全局settable frame个数,如果大于0,则28080不起作用。占用static memory修改此参数backup data会丢失,请注意。需重启HMI才能观察到
8. 28080为通道指定Settable zero frame个数,默认5个(G54-G57和G500),每打开一个Settable zero frame占用约400byteBackup memory。占用static memory修改此参数backup data会丢失,请注意。需重启HMI才能观察到
9. G53:非模态,Deactivation of current settable zero offset and programmable zero offset 10.
18602为NCU全局base frame个数,如果大于0,28081不起
作用。 11. 12.
MD9248为0,在JOG对刀小界面默认显示G54设定偏置。 13.
MD42440 =1默认,表示在设定零点(如G54)里,走的位置=设
定零点+G91的编程值。=0,走的位置=G91编程值。 14. 15.
号(如G54是1,G56是3)x是通道轴名字如X Y Z A等.TR代表平移(trans) 用OPI总线连接840D
1. 首先保证用MPI方式连接正常,并把硬件组态和netpro的组态下载到PLC里
2. 更改PGPCMPI,速率改为1.5M。
3. 更改netpro里,把840DMPI接口地址改为13。
4. 连接OPI,读一下网络状态和总线上所有地址,正常的话就可以用OPI总线调试PLC。 基本功能调试:
1. 前提是把所有的接线都接好,包括电机 手轮 等
2. PCU50的开关打到Operating硬盘可以启动,打到Non Operating可以运输PCU50。
3. NC总清(S3打到“1”,然后按复位,再打回“0”)+PLC总清(S4打到“2”,再打到“3”,等ps红灯亮后快速打“2”“3”“2”,然后打回“0”
4. 最好在下载PLC程序和修改NC参数及调试驱动之前,把轴通道方式组分配好。
5. 新建PLC项目,把对应版本TOOLBOX里的程序和符号表考到新建项目里。调用FC19或FC25,下载PLC程序到840D,此时机床操作面板灯不闪了。
6. PLC程序里编写各轴使能。DB3x.dbx1.5(测量系统1有效);DB3x,dbx1.6(测量系统2有效),如果断掉测量系统有效,那么还需要重新回零;DB3x,dbx2.1(轴伺服使能);DB3x,dbx21.7(轴脉冲使能)。注意DB3x可能需要设定19100(系统最大轴数),同时和20070激活几个轴有关。 7. 此时轴可以点动了。
8. 如果修改HMI上的INI文件,最好把对应文件拷到uesr文件夹,然后编辑,保留修改的部分即可。这样可以保持原ini文件的完整性
9. 定长润滑,33050设置每个轴的定长润滑长度,接口为db3x.dbx76.0(到设定长度状态反向),每个轴独立润滑。但如果机床是集中润滑,可以把12300改为1,这样每次润滑后,所有轴
start-up. This will prevent a warning message being output during traversing motion.
In cases where an excessively high additional torque is acting on the drives due
to misalignment between the leading and synchronized axes, the gantry
grouping must be aligned before the axes are traversed. The gantry axes must
then be referenced as described in Section 2.2 and References: /FB/, R1 “Reference Point Approach”. After the leading and synchronized axes have been referenced, the difference
between them must be measured (comparison of position actual value
indication in “Service axes” display of “Diagnosis” operating area). This
difference must be applied as the reference point offset (MD34080:
REFP_MOVE_DIST and MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR). The differences in distance between the zero mark and reference point must
also be calculated for each gantry axis and adjusted in MD 34080:
REFP_MOVE_DIST and MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR in such a way
that the position actual values of the leading and synchronized axes are
identical after execution of the compensatory motion. Synchronizing gantry axes
The gantry synchronization process must be activated with IS “Start gantry
synchronization” (see Section 2.2). Once the axes have been synchronized (IS
“Gantry grouping is synchronized” = 1), the dimensional offset between the
leading and synchronized axes must be checked to ensure that it equals 0.
Corrections may need to be made in the machine data mentioned above. Input of gantry warning limit
Once the reference point values for the leading and sync
hronized axes have
been optimized so that the gantry axes are perfectly aligned with one another
after synchronization, the warning limit values for all axes must be entered in
To do this, the value must be increased incrementally until the value is just
below the alarm (limit exceeded) response limit. It is particularly important to check the acceleration phases.
This limit value also determines the position deviation value at which gantry
synchronization is automatically started in the control. Calculating and activating compensations
In cases where the gantry axes require compensation (backlash, sag,
temperature or leadscrew error), the compensation values for the leading axis
and the synchronized axis must be calculated and entered
in the appropriate parameters or tables.
References: /FB/, K3 “Compensations” Special cases
If individual axes have to be activated, the gantry groups must be temporarily canceled. As the second axis no longer travels in synchronism with the first axis, the activated axis must not be allowed to traverse beyond the positional tolerance.If the gantry grouping is canceled, the following points must be noted:
_ Always activate the traversing range limits and set them to the lowest possible values (position tolerance) _ Synchronize the gantry grouping first if possible and then execute a POWER-ON-RESET without referencing the axes again. This ensures that the traversing range limits always refer to the same position (i.e. that which was valid on power ON).
_ Avoid using the step-change function. Position step changes are only permissible if they stay within the permitted tolerance.
_ Always use an offset of 0 for the function generator and measuring function in contrast to the recommendations f
or normal axes.
_ Set the amplitudes for function generator and measuring function to such low values that the activated axis traverses a shorter distance than the position tolerance allows. Always activate the traversing range limits as a check (see above).
References: /FBA/, DD2 “Speed control loop” Start-up support for gantry groupings SW 5.1 and higher
The start-up functions “Function generator” and “Measurement” are
parameterized via PI services, as in earlier SW. All parameterized axes
commence traversing when the NC Start key on the MCP panel is pressed in JOG mode.
A window is displayed in the “Measuring function and function generator in
gantry grouping” operator interface. Two amplitude values, each with an offset
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