租船课堂笔记整理完美版 - 图文

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第一章 租船运输实务 第一节 租船经营概述


(1)班轮 (2)租船

(3)自备船——大型企业旗下的航运公司, Industrial Carrier


(1)光租 Bareboat/Demise Charter (2)期租 Time Charter (3)程租 Voyage Charter



*原则——减少空放现象 (2)适合运输大宗散货


*进口FOB,出口CIF可掌握运输成本及风险、避免欺诈 (3)租金、运费由市场行情洽谈


涉及到的问题是有关装卸费的费用哪方承担,且谁来承担装卸风险。 一般情况下船东不愿意承担,最常见的是租船合同中有FIO合同条款,是装卸费的承担者去与装卸港工人签订合同,也就涉及到装卸责任和风险问题。装卸工装卸不当造成的货损船损装卸合同给付钱的一方要负责。(Shipowner FIO/FO/FI/FIOST) (5)通常情况下通过租船经纪人洽谈租船合同 (6)各种租船方式均有相应的标准格式 eg. 中租SINOTIME1980——偏向承租人;GENCON——保护船东利益更多;NYPE——偏向承租人;BALTIME——偏向船东 (7)合同自由原则

如强制法的规定与租船合同的冲突:CMC-A94与金康A3相冲突,以强制法为准。 对货源没把握情况下多用TCT


1,光租方式 Bareboat C/P——CMC-A144

海商法:第一百四十四条光船租赁合同,是指船舶出租人向承租人提供不配备船员的船舶,在约定的期间内由承租人占有、使用和营运,并向出租人支付租金的合同。 a,船东和租船的特殊要求


·有时采用hire/purchase (租购)形式 ·承租人融资有问题,但有能力经营。





所以在租船中,若船上所有船员都是租船人雇佣,称为bareboat charter;若船东派了1个船长在出租的船上,称为demise charter(该情况下,hire要提高) d,租船人负责经营及相关费用 费用划分:


租方——燃油费、港口使费、货物装卸费、扫洗舱费、垫舱物料费、空航费、船舶保险费(自定)、船舶检验费(自定)、代理费(订舱揽货费用)、货物索赔、船员工资伙食、维修保养、物料供应品及设备、润滑油、淡水、企业管理费。 e.租金约定支付

按天计——per day/按每吨·每天——per MT·per day “Barecon A”中每月支付1次租金 Barecon A: “A10 (b) Payment of hire??shall be made in cash without discount every month in advance on the first day of each month in currency…” f.新建船

需要约定ship description

早期Barecon A是营运船光租,Barecon B是新造船条款,后来合并了。 g.租购协议

最后一次租金付完视为买卖完成,可以看做是分期付款购买船舶。 h.银行担保

Barecon A:“A22 The Charterers undertake to furnish, before delivery of the Vessel, a first class bank guarantee or bond in the sum and at the place as indicated in Box 25 as guarantee for full performance of their obligation under this Charter. 2,期租方式


b,是财产租赁还是运输合同——以运输性质为主 [案]鞍钢vs富春航业有限公司 案情:





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( *该案例能不能找D索赔,要看C和B之间的C/P如何签订,有没有在C/P中明示或约定实际承运人是D,且有没有约定C与D之间负连带责任还是分段责任。)






附一张及其好看的表——租船下成本费用划分表 VC(COA) TC(TCT) BC I O O O II O O C III O C C 注:O:shipowner ; C: charterer

I:建造及融资成本;II:固定成本(running cost);III:可变成本(variable cost)或称经营成本

e.自动递延条款(Escalation Clause)

每年营运成本上涨部分,超出约定的原租金一定的百分比由租方承担补足 f.集装箱仓位租赁(Slot Charter)

船东将仓位出租给租船人一定的仓位时间。此内容的格式条款是SLOTHIRE 1993(BIMCO) BIMCO——Baltic International Maritime Council *在每次航次开始后的几天里支付租金。


a,定义:CMC-A92 b,船东负责营运费用 装卸费由双方约定

c,一般约定:laytime, demurrage, despatch d.航次租船分类

a)Single/Return Voyage b)Consecutive Voyage

c)COA-Contract of Affreightment/ Quantity Contract/ Tonnage Contract COA特征


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(2)规定合同有一定期限 (3)规定货物名称数量


Eg. 1,000,000MT,100,000MT/per batch ,5% MOLCO/MOLOO (4)船名不指定 MV. TBN(To Be Named/Nominated)

*第一次派船承租人如不接受,可以Renominated,如果再不接受,合同取消 (5)运费、每船次名称、费率是固定的——存在运费风险 (6)有燃油涨价条款Bunke Escalation Clause

Bunker Escalation Clause 燃油涨价条款 租家只支付上涨油价(单方补偿) Bunker Escalation & De-escalation 燃油涨跌条款(双方补偿)

相比上一个条约,在油价上涨时,租家付上涨油价,油价下跌时,船东返还不当得利 (7)汇率浮动条款 (1)Currency Clause

(2)Exchange Parity Clause 汇率条款的宗旨是船东在汇价上不会吃亏。

如船东挣得运费25,000$,假如兑换当时英镑是12,000£; 当£:$=1:2,即船东能获得500£的额外收入;

当£:$=1:2.5,£升值、$贬值,只能兑换10,000£,少的2,000£还由租家补足。 (3)Space Charter(部分仓位租船)

一般会在合同中写明此票货是complete of或者是part of以区分货物,这样提单持有人看到以上记载可以分清这个航次的货是谁的。 部分仓位租船方式最容易产生纠纷: 一船有多家货主,收货人并不知道一个航次上有多少家货主的货,进港卸货总会有先后顺序,因此会发生延迟交货或者发生扣船、卸货事故等多原因使得越在后面的货主风险越大。纠纷也多。

船东在签订Space Charter时往往加入自由加载条款,使自己脱离未按约定时间交货的责任。 该“自由加载条款”要并入B/L,且共同等泊时间不能算3倍;其他C/P的滞期不能算到他人头上。

第二节 租船市场 Charter Market


1,为船东和租船人提供服务、贸易机会,委托人通过经纪人谈判 2,调节世界航运市场

3,为船东和租船人提供信息 二、分类


(1) Dry Cargo Market

a)Bulker Market 散货:矿、粮食

b)Tween-deck Market 传统杂货船(非洲航线) c)Container Market 集装箱 d)Roll On Roll Off 滚装船

e)Feeder Market 小型集装箱船(支线船市场) f)Special Market 特殊用途船

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(2) Tanker Market (3) Reefer Market (4) Passenger Market


(1)Spot Market 航次租船 (2)Period Market 期租


1, London: The Baltic Mercantile & Shipping Exchange 2, New York: ASBA 3, Hamburg & Oslo 4, Tokyo 5, Hong Kong

四、船舶经纪人 Shipping Broking Practice 1,租船经纪 Charting Broker

伦敦皇家经纪人协会:The Institute Of Chartered(皇家特许的) Shipbrokers 2,作用 a. 调节市场 b. 为船东和承租人快速有效成交业务 c. 减轻船东和承租人大量事物性操作(除了做mailbox broker 还应give advice) d. 减少船东和承租人的风险 3,佣金 Commission——行规各付1.25%


但在代理行业中Agency中,只要做事就有Fee,是固定价格。按船舶吨位收取。 4,经纪业务中遇到的法律问题 (1)经纪业委托受权不明 (2)代理权转让问题:


a)Owner's Broker 船东经纪人

b)Charterer's Agent/Broker 租方经纪人 c)Cable Broker 经纪人的经纪人

d)Loading Broker 班轮代理人(船代) e)Port Agent 港口代理人(租家)

f) Sale & Purchase Broker船舶买卖经纪人 (3)无权代理、越权代理及与第三人的关系


实例1:一Greece船在长江搁浅,海事局要求48小时必须处理问题。Greece的中国船代请求救捞局协助,但要价十几万。船代出于为船东省钱的目的便私自以船东名义紧急期租两条船帮助分运。该租约日租金是London市场的2倍。事后船东认为罚金过高,要求申请减轻罚金,并拒绝付租金,理由是租价离谱,是船代越权行为。 解决:罚金是行政行为,不容商量。而租金确实离谱,但考虑到是紧急租用,租金应当比London市场价高一点。

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*一般broker 都会买“过失责任保险” 承保该责任险的有ITIC:International Transport Intermediate Club 国际海运中介人保险协会

原则——经纪人要对自己的过错行为承担责任。 案例:The Constanza M [1980] 1 Lloyds Report 505

中外运委托经纪公司向挪威二船东签订V/C,二船东与大船东又签订另一份背靠背V/C,二船东在收到中外运的运费后就跑了。当大船东将货运到目的港后,由于没有收到挪威二船东的运费,要求中外运付运费,否则扣货。中外运只得又付了一遍运费。 解决:中外运起诉经纪公司,诉因是经纪公司在选定船东时存在过错。最后经纪公司为了声誉赔付了中外运。



通常几种合同签字的写法: a) Owner: COSCO

Signed by: SSY as agent: only

此写法说明SSY仅仅是租方的代理人,但不透露租方是谁——隐名代理 b) For & on behalf of Owner Signed by: SSY

c) For & on behalf of owner Signed by: SSY

此写法表明SSY没有说明自己是委托人——未透露委托人的代理 【代理问题】


a.显名代理(上例的b) b.隐名代理(上例的a)



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A402 受托人以自己的名义,在委托人的授权范围内与第三人订立的合同,第三人在订立合同时知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,该合同直接约束委托人和第三人,但有确切证据证明该合同只约束受托人和第三人的除外。 A403 受托人以自己的名义与第三人订立合同时,第三人不知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,受托人因第三人的原因对委托人不履行义务,受托人应当向委托人披露第三人,委托人因此可以行使受托人对第三人的权利,但第三人与受托人订立合同时如果知道该委托人就不会订立合同的除外。 受托人因委托人的原因对第三人不履行义务,受托人应当向第三人披露委托人,第三人因此可以选择受托人或者委托人作为相对人主张其权利,但第三人不得变更选定的相对人。 委托人行使受托人对第三人的权利的,第三人可以向委托人主张其对受托人的抗辩。第三人选定委托人作为其相对人的,委托人可以向第三人主张其对受托人的抗辩以及受托人对第三人的抗辩。 用上述三种情况解释合同法A402,A403:







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第三节 租船实务洽谈




ORDER OPEN -----------------------------------------------询价

STEEL BILLETS 9000/1000 MT ATONRS OPTN-------钢条 9000到10000吨 船东来选择 \DALIAN/ 2 SPS

OSAKA-TOKYO BAY---------------大连2个安全港装货 大阪东京湾卸货 \

LCAN JUNE 25/ JULY 10 2009-----------------------装港时间 2009年6月25日到7月10日 \

L/D CQD/3000 MT WWDSHEX UU----------------------装卸费率按习惯3000每吨 不包括周日和节假日,除非已经开始 \

\Customary quick despatch \

weather working days

Sunday & holiday excluded,

Unless used

FRT USD 11.00/MT F.I.O.ST------------------------------运费每吨11美元, 船东不负责装卸、积载、理仓 \


GENCON DETAILS---------------------------------------------金康标准合同为细节条款 3.75 PCT PASTUS----------------------------------------------佣金率3.75% PLS OFFER FIRM-----------------------------------------------请实盘回复 \



A/C PACIFIC OPEN 12 MOS T/C PERIOD-----兹由太平洋公司期租12个月的询价 \


25,000/30,000 TONNER GRD/GLESS---------租金两万五到三万,船有无装卸工具皆可 \

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DELY W.C.N.A--------------------------------------运送到北美西海岸 \


LAYCAN PPT/15 MAY----------------------------------即刻装船,5月15号取消合同 \\

REDEL DOP 1SP JAPAN-HK RANGE-----------日本到香港范围出港引水运送1个安全港\\出港引水 \

MAX LOA 600' / MAX BEAM 80'---------------------最大长度600ft;最大宽度80ft \宽

NYPE 2.5 ADDRESS PASTUS--------------------------使用NYPE,版本自选, 2.5%回扣佣金\PASTUS\回扣佣金

PLS OFFER------------------------------------------------请回实盘 二、市场报告Market Report BFI:运费运价指数 BDI:干散货运价指数

BHI:灵便型船舶运价指数 BPI:巴拿马型船舶运价指数 BCI:好望角型运价指数 三、一般信息

如Fairplay, BIMCO等杂志


通讯工具常用的有Email, FAX, Telephone


1,市场行情因素:是租方市场还是卖方市场 2,组织结构、公司规模的因素 3,谈判者的信誉

六、选择对自己有利的标准格式合同 常见的标准格式合同:

Dry Cargo- V/C:- Gencon 76, 94

- Scancon 1993:用于北欧 -AMWELSH:用于煤炭

-POLCOALVOY 1997:用于煤炭 -FERTIVOY: 北美化肥格式合同


-STEMMER C/P:是C(ORE)T合同修订版,用于铁矿 -T /C:-BALTIME 1939/2001

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-NYPE 1913, 1946, 1981, 1993

-SLOTHIRE 1993仓位期租

Liquid Cargo- V/C:-ASBATANKVOY航次油轮






第四节 租船洽谈程序


Firm Order/ Please Offer Firm

Prospective order/ Indication/ Please Propose 二、报价offer-要约/发盘 Offer: Firm Offer——发实盘;


谈判有两大步骤:1,主要条款 Main Terms

2,细节条款 Details

Example I: V/C

Owner's Full Name----------------------------------船东名(经纪人可以先不透露)

Ship's Name & Particulars-------------------------船名和船相关信息(程租里船东负责相关费用) Freight Rate & Condition For Payment---------运费率及支付方式(到付or预付) LAYCAN------------------------------------------------装船日期及解约期 L/D Ports----------------------------------------------装卸港(租家填写) Laytime------------------------------------------------装卸时间 L/D Costs----------------------------------------------装卸费率 Demurrage-------------------------------------------滞期费 Commission------------------------------------------佣金 C/P Form to be used-------------------------------格式合同 Period for which the offer is valid--------------要约有效期

Example II: T/C

Owner's Full Name---------------------------------船东名

Ship's Name & Particulars------------------------船名和相关信息(期租里租家负责相关费用) Description of T/C engagement-----------------期租方式 Places of Delivery & Redelivery-----------------交船还船地点 LAYCAN-----------------------------------------------装船日期及解约期

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Trading Limits---------------------------------------期租船限制航行区域(涉及保险) Hire Rate & Condition for Payment------------租金支付方式、条件

Other clause which the owner whishes to negotiate to as the main term-----其他条款 Commission-----------------------------------------佣金 C/P Form to be used------------------------------格式合同 Period for which the offer is valid-------------要约有效期



要约有效期的表述最好为“Please reply within 48h.” 以小时为时间节点可以有效防止因时差导致的误解。如果说“Please reply tomorrow noon.”就不知道是哪个地方为准。同时,若“Please reply 2 days”一定要写明是否包括今天——Please reply 2days (including/excluding) today.



·主条款达成,合同成立——\ ·细节条款未达成,合同是否成立?

中国法:合同法A31:非实质性变更承诺有效 美国法:细节未谈不影响合同成立

英国法:细节未谈合同没有达成(Junior K [1998] LLP 583) ·有关带有Subject to的承诺——不构成承诺

(1)Subject to board approval 等待上级确认——视为Counter


(2)Subject to shipper's(CIF)/receiver's(FOB) approval 等待租方确认 (3)Subject to L/C obtainable——拿到信用证才算成立 (4)Subject to stem——等待贸易合同成立后才成立 (5)Subject to contract——等待租约签字落定后才成立


五、租约确认书Fixture/Fixture Recap/Fixture Note

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第二章 航次租船主要条款

第一节 船舶规范条款


1. It is agreed between the party mentioned in Box 3 as the Owners of the Vessel named in Box 5, of the GT/NT indicated in Box 6 and carrying about the number of metric tons of deadweight capacity all told on summer loadline stated in Box 7, now in position as stated in Box 8 and expected ready to load under this Charter Party about the date indicated in Box 9, and the party mentioned as the Charterers in Box 4 that:

The said Vessel shall, as soon as her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10 or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo (if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at the Charterers' risk and responsibility) as stated in Box 12, which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the Vessel shall

proceed to the discharging port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 11 as ordered on signing Bills of Lading, or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there deliver the cargo.

一、Name of the vessel船名——条件条款——填入BOX5 ·船名表示方式:

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MV Titanic------------------------指定Titanic船

MV Titanic or Sub---------------Titanic船或替代船,替代船指标不得低于Titanic


MV TBN---------------------------船名To Be Named/Nominated:(1)姐妹船

(2)二船东待租船 (3)COA


第九十六条 出租人应当提供约定的船舶;经承租人同意,可以更换船舶。但是,提供的船舶或者更换的船舶不符合合同约定的,承租人有权拒绝或者解除合同。因出租人过失未提供约定的船舶致使承租人遭受损失的,出租人应当负赔偿责任。 ·航次租约不得随意更换船,必须经过租船人同意。 ·船东可单独转船条件

(1)共同海损发生,转船费作为共同海损共同承担 (2)船发生海难,航次终止

a)到付运费:船东可自行转船将货运送到装货港仍可以收取运费 b)预付运费:船东可保留运费

二、Flag船旗——Intermediate Clause




四、DWT/Capacity吨位和仓容 ——中间性条款 (1)Bale Capacity 件装 (2)Grain Capacity 散装

注意:这里不是一个准确数字,可以有\来规范一个范围。 DWT载重吨包括货物重量、淡水、燃油等重量;BOX 7 CARGO是货物重量。

e.g. DWT 11500MT,(租金报价以DWT为基础,不以Cargo为基础)

Cargo 10000MT of steel bar, 5% MOL owner's OPTN——船东选择10500MT,租家一定要配满,否则租家赔偿亏仓费

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五、Type 船型——条件条款——填入BOX5

【案】租船合约订立时要求是Bulker,但来的是OBO船(Ore Bulker Oil)。纽约仲裁认为船型不同,不得接受。


CQD下,承租人原因造成的损失,船东可以向承租人索赔Detention Laytime下,约定Demurrage


七、Hatch Measurement/Size 舱口大小


八、Derrick/Crane吊杆 -Geared Vessel船有船吊 -Gearless Vessel船无船吊

在租约上的表述:Crane 5 * 10MT——有5个克朗吊,每个吊10吨。

【误述责任】看受害方的合同目的是否还能达到。不能达到,受害方可以要求解约。 船吊无法满足要求时,可能要雇用浮吊或岸吊,费用由双方约定,多为船东出。

Eg. 水泥运输 3个可吊5吨的Crane ,实际上船吊无法满足吊水泥,要用岸吊,等了9天——因为是船东误述,所以不能把这9天算进滞期。

九、Age船龄(Year of building)

涉及保险的问题——船东必须如实告知: 保费费率:小于15年——保险标的1%



第二节 适航条款

一、绝对适航Absolute Warranty Of Seaworthness 英国Common Law采用绝对适航原则; 在C(ore)7也采用绝对适航原则

绝对适航的阶段原则:doctrine of stage——每一个航段都要保证航段所需要的适航要求 潜在缺陷的不适航,也是不适航——只要船东知道此缺陷而不在开航前修理好,就是不适航。

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二、海牙-维斯比规则下的适航原则 Exercise Due Diligence 海牙规则 Article 3 1. The carrier shall be bound before and at the beginning of the voyage to exercise due diligence to: (a) Make the ship seaworthy. (b) Properly man, equip and supply the ship. (c) Make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.

维斯比规则 Article IVbis Application of Defences and Limits of Liability 1. The defences and limits of liability provided for in these Rules shall apply in any action against the carrier in respect of loss or damage to goods covered by a contract of carriage whether the action be founded in contract or in tort. 2. If such an action is brought against a servant or agent of the carrier (such servant or agent not being an independent contractor), such servant or agent shall be entitled to avail himself of the defences and limits of liability which the carrier is entitled to invoke under these Rules. 3. The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, and such servants and agents, shall in no case exceed the limit provided for in these Rules. 4. Nevertheless, a servant or agent of the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of - 18 -

the provisions of this Article, if it is proved that the damage resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent done with intent to cause damage or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result. 船员的责任可以以承运人身份享受责任限制。 潜在缺陷下船东可以不负责。


2. Owners' Responsibility Clause The Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss, damage or delay has been caused by personal want of due diligence on the part of the Owners or their Manager to make the Vessel in all respects seaworthy and to secure that she is properly manned, equipped and supplied, or by the personal act or default of the Owners or their Manager. And the Owners are not responsible for loss, damage or delay arising from any other cause whatsoever, even from the neglect or default of the Master or crew or some other person employed by the Owners on board or ashore for whose acts they would, but for this Clause, be responsible, or from unseaworthiness of the Vessel on loading or commencement of the voyage or at any time whatsoever. 主体:Owner & Manager船东及其船舶经理人——


第三节 英国法下船东默示义务 合理速遣Reasonable/utmost dispatch

【案】中国木材化工公司vs 东风船务有限公司

发生纠纷,船公司自己抛锚,未尽合理速遣义务,船东自身承担货主损失。 CMC-A48:合理谨慎的运送Reasonable Dispatch 第四十八条 承运人应当妥善地、谨慎地装载、搬移、积载、运输、保管、照料和卸载所运货物。

第四节 绕航条款 Deviation

一、英国法下船东默示义务——不得不合理绕航 绕航定义:(英国法)从地理上是离开了航次航程

(中国法)CMC-A49 第四十九条 承运人应当按照约定的或者习惯的或者地理上的航线将货物运往卸货- 19 -

港。船舶在海上为救助或者企图救助人命或者财产而发生的绕航或者其他合理绕航,不属于违反前款规定的行为。 合理绕航情况:(1)救助人命——救助他船船员和本船船员、旅客送去就医

(2)避开海上危险——台风、冰封区、战争、海盗 (3)发生共同海损去避难港的绕航




二、海牙规则下的绕航规定 H/R-A4(4) 4. Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an infringement or breach of this Convention or of the contract of carriage, and the carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom. 4. 为救助或企图救助海上人命或财产而发生的绕航,或任何合理绕航,都不能作为破坏或违反本公约或运输合同的行为;承运人对由此而引起的任何灭失或损害,都不负责。 在合理绕航方面,比英国法多了一个“救助财产”视为合理绕航。 现在英国1971海上货物运输法也规定了“救助财产”为合理绕航。

合理绕航标准:要考虑与合同航次各方的利益,包括货主、保险人的利益。 海牙没有规定不合理绕航的事项。



【案】在Space Charter下,一个租约下有几票货物。



三、P&I Bunkering Clause保赔协会自由加油条款 金康A3 Deviation Clause自由绕航条款 3. Deviation Clause The Vessel has liberty to call at any port or ports in any order, for any purpose, to sail without pilots, to tow and/or assist Vessels in all situations, and also to - 20 -

deviate for the purpose of saving life and/or property. 此条不是说以任何目的都可以随便绕航,要遵循Main Object Rule。 【案】Glynn v Margetson 1893

虽有自由绕航条款,但依据Main Object Rule规则,绕航不能彻底脱离航线。轻微绕航是允许的。


第五节 有关航次的条款Voyage

一、船舶位置BOX 8——条件条款

【案】在订约时船方谎报船目前位置,在BOX8填入Now at HK,事实上船在London。如果在BOX21的Canceling Date之前租方有理由相信船不能在Canceling Date到,可以解约。

为了避免上述情况,船方一般在BOX8写Now trading/Currently Trading(正在航行中)


若租约里约定了LAYCAN: May 1st--10th 2008, 则BOX21的Canceling Date是2008,May 10th.


【案】1971 LLP 43 The Mihalis Angelos


三、预备航次 approach voyage/ preliminary voyage 上次一航次的目的港到本合同的装船港之间的航次。

航次租船合同从预备航次阶段-装货阶段-航行阶段-卸货阶段结束。 即合同不以船到装卸港为合同开始,而应在上一个合同结束时开始。

四、船舶受载期和解约日Laycan 1,何谓LAYDAYS

Lay days clause:租船合同约定的船舶到的装货港准备受载的日期(一般7天,可自由约定)

2,何谓Cancelling Days 9. Cancelling Clause (a) Should the Vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not) on the cancelling date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party. ·什么是解约日:Gencon A9(1)


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4,租船人的索赔权 索赔内容: (1)差额

(2)未尽到合理速遣 (3)其他费用


5,合时宣布解约——Midnight Rule(解约日0:00之后可解约) a,不能过早

b,不能过晚,否则视为放弃解约权 c,解约日午夜0:00之后,合理期限内

6,询问条款(如何保护租方) 9. Cancelling Clause (b) Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will not be ready to load by the cancelling date, they shall notify the Charterers thereof without delay stating the expected date of the Vessel's readiness to load and asking whether the Charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the Charter Party, or agree to a new cancelling date. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the Owners' notice. If the Charterers do not exercise their option of cancelling, then this Charter Party shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the Owners' notification to the Charterers shall be the new cancelling date. The provisions of sub-clause (b) of this Clause shall operate only once, and in case of the Vessel's further delay, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling the Charter Party as per sub-clause (a) of this Clause. 船东发现船无法如期到港时,船东可询问租方是否要求解约。收到船东询问通知后,租方要在预计到达目的港前48小时答复是否解约。不回答则视为接受新合同。一旦接受,为船新的估计可装日期之后第7天为解约日。且此项权利船东只能使用一次,船东在一个航次下再有迟延,不得使用此项权利,租方享有解约权。

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【例】解约日为May 10th,船东预计May 11th才到港。则船东通知租方,租方必须在May 9th之前回答是否接受。若租方没有回答,则视为接受。当船东May 11th到港时,新的解约日被推迟到May 18th。

7,准备就绪 Ready To Load

a,标准非常低(有别于装卸时间的起算)。解约日午夜00:00点到港就算“准备就绪”。 b, Major/Minor Defect 船即使到港,但未准备好装货,即存在Major Defect,解约日过了租方也享有解约权。

第六节 货物名称与数量条款

一、货名 第一百条 承租人应当提供约定的货物;经出租人同意,可以更换货物。但是,更换的货物对出租人不利的,出租人有权拒绝或者解除合同。因未提供约定的货物致使出租人遭受损失的,承租人应当负赔偿责任。 1,中国法下——中间性条款 (1)租方可以更换货物;

(2)更换的货物对船方不利、船方可以解约。——容易引起纠纷 2,英国法下——条件条款

只要更换货物名称,船东有权拒绝载货。 3,方式




e.g. 10,000 MT Steal Bar 5% more or less owner's option/ Charter's Option 简写——10,000 MT Steal Bar 5% MOL OO/CO 1,“宣载权”的争夺,谁得谁有利


e.g. 船方宣载9,800MT,则租方必须配齐9,800MT,少了付亏舱,多了自负。 2,亏舱费Dead Fright


(2)计算:亏舱费=运费-船东没有支付的费用 (问题) (3)支付时间:与运费同时支付

第七节 租方应提供货物的义务


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1,若未能及时备妥货物,需要船东等待,船东可索赔; 索赔内容看约定的时间方式

(1)明确约定Laycan的情况下:以滞期费索赔demurrage (2)按CQD方式下:以滞留损失索赔detention 2,船东在下列情况下可撤船解约 (1)租方明确表示无货可供

(2)过长的迟延供货——超出合理范围(一般与履约期限相较,即航行时间) (3)船东有证据证明租方无货可供 【案】\

合约写明 16,600t Sugar MOL OO;






第八节 船东解约权条款

GENCON没有该条款,由\案起,增加了船东解约条款。 1,在INTERTANKVOY-A7有解约权条款——船东享有滞期索赔权 以下任意一个情况发生,船东享有解约权

(1)租方10天内没有给船东航次指示或装货指示 (2)交通知书20天内没有货

2,在GENCON 94-A7 船东解约权 7. Demurrage Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the Charterers at the rate stated in Box 20 in the manner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the Owners' invoice. In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby. 若在96小时(4天)内没有指示,船东可节约。滞期费可以按日结算。

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第九节 有关港口的条款

一、装卸港的约定 1,列明港:装港上海

2,列明选择港:卸港上海/宁波 3,不列明选择港:卸港安全港

二、宣港——租方义务 1,租方指示

2,合理时间或合同约定的时间内——不得影响船东利益 e.g.船从北美来,指示one safe port in China,船已到日本,需宣港,若不宣,引起船东delay,租方负责。



2,租方为了避免上述不利,要在租约中加入“目的港条款”destination clause:“B/L上的卸港情况不视为宣港,不视为租家已选择港口,租方不承担船东的移泊费用。”


1,“1SB Shanghai”——上海港只靠一个安全泊位(如果两次移泊,船东就要多收费用) 2,“3SB Shanghai”——三次以上移泊费用租方就要承担 3,未写明的以可移一次来订,即2SBs (问题) 4,等泊的泊位不算,要装卸货的泊位 (问题)

五、适航平舱条款 Seaworthy Trim Clause

·GENCON没有该条款,是在有2个港装、2个港卸,移泊的情况下,在只装了部分舱的情况下要“倒舱” ·租方付费用

六、安全泊位 Safe Port/Berth 1,什么叫Safe Port? \[Judge]

The port was not be safe unless, in the relevant period of time, the particular ship can reach it, use it, and return from it without, in the absence of some abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger, which can not be avoided by good navigation and seamanship.


(1)自然因素:水深、桥高 (2)政治因素:扣留、扣押

3,谁负责港口安全? (1)列明港口:船东负责 (2)不列明选择港:租方负责

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2,条件二:各方面已准备就绪Vessel is ready for loading/discharging in all respects (1)Ready问题经常引起的问题1:【货舱清洁】

船方的清洁工作与货方的商检清洁标准不一样。如欧美运粮有Grain Standard,装粮舱必须经过严格清洁。 ·NORGRAIN

在北美粮食运输合同中规定如果发现船舱不满足标准,24小时内通过才把从船方提交NOR开始的天数算在laytime内。船方会有两次检查:第一次是船方自己出钱在等泊锚地的时候让商检部门预检,颁发预检证书,但在预检证书上会有\规定。则当进入泊位时,商检部门会进行正式检查,通过颁发正式的商检证书,可以装船。如果不通过,需要在24小时内扫舱,24小时内满足标准,则之前等泊的时间依然可以计入laytime。若24小时内扫舱还不满足标准,则前面等泊时期都不计算在Laytime。船东有损失。 ·GENCON 94-A6?(3) 6. Laytime If, after inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects to load/discharge time lost after the discovery thereof until the Vessel is again ready to load/discharge shall not count as laytime. Time used before commencement of laytime shall count. 在GENCON94中,只是从发现不合格到船舶满足检验的所用的清扫时间不算在laytime内,但之前等泊时间是计算在内的。对船东有保护,即清洁时间不算在内,剩下的时间依然算在内。


·在英美法下,履行例行手续不算“准备就绪”的一部分。除非合同另有规定。——尊重合同自由。 【例】船东希腊,租家香港。合同中没有规定关于例行手续的问题,在合同中有all formality in entry port have been completed。卸货广州港,需要联检。船在锚地等泊,发通知书。等了10天才进入泊位卸货。船东从等泊日开始计算Laytime,而租家认为应当从靠泊接受年检才计算,计算得出他们应当得到速遣费。仲裁认为:按合同关于\have been completed.\条款,卸港交通知书必须符合卸港地的规定,因此必须要在泊位上等到年检结束才计算laytime。最后租家如愿得到速遣费。

·在中国法下,在中国主要指联检。可以认为履行例行手续是“准备就绪”的必备部分。 【例】·1999 武汉海事法院 海法通商字19:联检是我国的法定程序,因此没有联检不构成“准备就绪”;

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GENCON A6?(2) 6. Laytime If the loading/discharging berth is not available on the Vessel's arrival at or off the port of loading/discharging, the Vessel shall be entitled to give notice of readiness within ordinary office hours on arrival there, whether in free pratique or not, whether customs cleared or not. Laytime or time on demurrage shall then count as if she were in berth and in all respects ready for loading/discharging provided that the Master warrants that she is in fact ready in all respects. Time used in moving from the place of waiting to the loading/discharging berth shall not count as laytime. WCCON: whether customs cleared or not. WIFPON: whether in free pratique


3,条件三:递交NOR (1)递交方式



·装港-交托运人;卸港-交收货人;交租方;交租方代理; ·船长通知自己的代理不算,一定要通知到以上四位之一; GENCON A6(c) (c) Commencement of laytime (loading and discharging) Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hours, if notice of readiness is given up to and including 12.00 hours, and at 06.00 hours next working day if notice given during office hours after 12.00 hours. Notice of readiness at loading port to be given to the Shippers named in Box 17 or if not named, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box 18. Notice of readiness at the discharging port to be given to the Receivers or, if not known, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box 19.



【案】The \


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(4)NOR必须提交:没有交通知书怎么办? ·从实际装卸开始计算Laytime.


(5)节假日交NOR是否算通知书? ·原则上不算。



·船舶满足上述三个条件后,扣除Notice Time/Turn Time后起算。





(1)租船合同约定不计算装卸时间的时间(Laytime Exception) ·WWD

·装卸时间除外条款:e,g,COR7-A5:战争、造反、骚乱、起义罢工、矿工、检阅等等;矿井事故;发货人or收货人工作场所、码头的事故等等自然、认为的不可抗力。 (2)船东违约延误的时间损失




五、装卸时间事实记录的编制(SOF) ·船代帮助装卸的流水账


1,什么叫Demurrage?(合同约定了费率) ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A24

24,\to the vessel beyond the laytime, for which the owner is to responsible. Demurrage shall not be subject to laytime exceptions. ·超出约定的装卸时间,是租船人给船东的金额。


2,什么叫Damage Detention(有or无约定费率) ·跟装卸无关的时间延误



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·租方在提单等方面的延误导致船方延误 ·Detention计算包括Demurrage + Profit/Day ·GENCON 76-A7

7. Demurrage See Rider Clause Ten running days on demurrage at the rate stated in Box 18 per day or pro rata for any part of a day, payable day by day, to be allowed Merchants altogether at ports of loading and discharging. 金康76下,可允许10天滞期,超过10天则船东可要求租方detention.

·GENCON 94-A7 7. Demurrage Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the Charterers at the rate stated in Box 20 in the manner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the Owners' invoice. 金康94下,无此约定,所有Demurrage时间按约定计算。


·总原则——一旦滞期,永远滞期,除非下列三种除外情况: (1)It counts as per like laytime

(2)Demurrage exception clause中规定的除外时间(注意:laytime exception不适用demurrage计算)



4,滞期费何时支付 按合同约定。


七,速遣费Despatch ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A25 25,\if the vessel completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired. ·表示方法:



DHD AWTS (DHD:dispatch money is half of demurrage)

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1,Common Law方法(英国法)

两港单独计算金额:装货港卸货港分别计算滞期金额。 2,to average laytime装卸货时间平均计算 ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A17

17, \loading and discharging and that any time saved in one operation is to be set off against any excess time used in the other. e.g. 装超期3天,卸节约1天:3滞期-1天速遣=2天滞期 3,Reversible latime/ all purpose/ total laytime for loading & discharging port ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A18

18, \time allowed for loading and discharging. Where the option is exercised the effect is the same as a total time being specified to cover both operations. e.g.约定“装5卸6”,在此方法下,在装超期3天,则“借用”卸港的3天用于装港,则到卸港时候只有3天laytime了。

第十二节 船东对货物的责任条款

一、GENCON-A2的规定 2. Owners' Responsibility Clause The Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss, damage or delay has been caused by personal want of due diligence on the part of the Owners or their Manager to make the Vessel in all respects seaworthy and to secure that she is properly manned, equipped and supplied, or by the personal act or default of the Owners or their Manager. And the Owners are not responsible for loss, damage or delay arising from any other cause whatsoever, even from the neglect or default of the Master or crew or some other person employed by the Owners on board or ashore for whose acts they would, but for this Clause, be responsible, or from unseaworthiness of the Vessel on loading or commencement of the voyage or at any time whatsoever. 【三层意思】

(1)船东对于货物的lost, damage, delay不负责



e.g. 无单放货(但必须是船东本人(personal)知道的船东才负责,若是船长自己放货船东并不知道,船东不负责)

1,船东本人和经营人谨慎处理使船适航 2,船东管货责任

·GENCON76:仅负Stowage责任(若Stowage也是租方负责,则船方没有管货责任) ·GENCON94:船东没有管货责任

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二、若合同附加首要条款(H/R, HV/R, COGSA36/71)

·船东要负责7个管货义务: load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care, discharge ·在GENCON94-A5中“FIOST”条款——管货皆由租家负责。

·但若并入了首要条款,则依首要条款船东负责管货。但是A5中关于租方负责支付上述费用的规定依然适用,即租方负责支付费用,船方负责管货。 GENCON94-A5 5. Loading/Discharging (a) Costs/Risks The cargo shall be brought into the holds, loaded, stowed and/or trimmed, tallied, lashed and/or secured and taken from the holds and discharged by the Charterers, free of any risk, liability and expense whatsoever to the Owners. The Charterers shall provide and lay all dunnage material as required for the proper stowage and protection of the cargo on board, the Owners allowing the use of all dunnage available on board. The Charterers shall be responsible for and pay the cost of removing their dunnage after discharge of the cargo under this Charter Party and time to count until dunnage has been removed.


·金康合同下,船东不负责管货;提单下船东负责管货。 ·管货发生了问题,非租方的提单持有人依提单要船东赔付。

·船方在赔付提单持有人后,依据GENCON94-A2,转而向租方要求indemnify是可以的。 ·若加了首要条款,提单持有人向船东索赔卸货中的货损,船东应当赔,且船东无法向租方要回赔款。

第十三节 船东转运货物权利条款



1,船在中途发生海事或遭遇自然灾害使合同受阻,则可以转船。 在到付运费下,船东才愿意转船。 CTL: Construct Total Lost ATL: Actual Total Lost




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第十四节 租船人责任中止和留置权条款

Cesser & Lien Clause

一、什么叫Cesser Clause?


GENCON94没有此条款,因为船东不希望租方仅在装船就中止责任; GENCON76隐藏在留置权条款中。 GENCON76-A8

二、什么叫Lien Clause

船东对于某种债权,合同中设置了货物留置的担保手段。 1,Common Law下规定的船东留置权

因为有Cesser Clause,租方自货物装船后责任中止,船方为了保证装船后的利益,设立Lien Clause

(1)为了运费(主要指到付运费),可以留置 (2)为了共同海损分摊,可以留置

(3)为了保存货物发生的管理费用,可以留置 2,CMC下法定留置 ·CMC-A87

第八十七条 应当向承运人支付的运费、共同海损分摊、滞期费和承运人为货物垫付的必要费用以及应当向承运人支付的其他费用没有付清,又没有提供适当担保的,承运人可以在合理的限度内留置其货物。 包括运费、共同海损、滞期费和承运人为货物垫付必要费用


GENCON76-A8: freight, dead-freight, demurrage, damages for detention. GENCON94-A8: freight, dead-freight, demurrage, claims

-A5: claims for stevedore's damage

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三、与运费有关的问题解释 (一)运费计算 1,重量吨G/T 2,尺码吨M/T



(二)B/L上运费支付载明\(运费根据租约) 1,如何在B/L上确认是预付运费还是到付运费?


·应当根据实际情况,船东可以留置货物,B/L为collection 【案】The Constanza M [1980]





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(4)支付运费在英美法下是condition,连续航次下只要有一个航次不付运费即可以解约。 (5)运费不可扣减,除非合同另有规定(cargo claim中尤其不能扣)

第十七节 船长签发提单条款


二、提单格式 (1)GENCON76-A9 10. Bills of Lading The Captain to sign Bills of Lading at such rate of freight as presented without prejudice to this Charterparty, but should the freight by Bills of Lading amount to less than the total chartered freight the difference to be paid to the Captain in cash on signing Bills of Lading. 船长应签发租方呈上的任何格式的B/L; (2)GENCON94-A10 10. Bills of Lading Bills of Lading shall be presented and signed by the Master as per the \of Lading form, Edition 1994, without prejudice to this Charter Party, or by the Owners' agents provided written authority has been given by Owners to the agents, a copy of which is to be furnished to the Charterers. The Charterers shall indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities that may arise from the signing of bills of lading as presented to the extent that the terms or contents of such bills of lading impose or result in the imposition of more onerous liabilities upon the Owners than those assumed by the Owners under this Charter Party. 船长只得签发CONGENBILL格式的B/L。


1,违法B/L:倒签、预借、保函保不清洁提单 2,与租约完全不一致的B/L


1,根据[Voyage Charter] p393,不讨论GENCON76-A9, GENCON94-A10,判例表明出明示租约条款约定或船东直接授权外,船长可以不签与V/C下不一致的B/L。


五、租约条款B/L(并入条款)Incorporation Clause




- 41 -

(1)并入条款的措辞决定V/C哪些内容可以并入 \


\与装卸有关的条款 \写明liberty才并入 ·加入\的条款能否并入?


-C/P中的L&A条款明示租约下和租约下签发的B/L纠纷条款中提示仲裁才有效 【案】 The \ (2)并入条款的效力如何认定?





(3)当有多份租约时,哪份应当并入? ·Head Voyage Charter

【案】The \

判决:航次租约中下的FIOST条款并入B/L是有效的。 分析:B/L中有并入条款,其中有FIOST条款,海牙规定规定承运人有七大义务,任何减轻、免除义务的条款都无效,依海牙规则,FIOST应是无效的。




·主要看签字(大部分是船长签字,很少有船东授权租方签字)——承运人是船东。 ·若合同约定租船人签提单,租方亦可以成为承运人(一般是大的无船承运人或货代这样签),实际承运人是船东。

(2)Demise Clause/ Identity of carrier clause——承运人识别条款

·本条款主要是推掉自己是承运人身份,如租家说是为船东签订,自己不是承运人。 ·此条款在我国海商法下是无效的——与托运人签发提单的是承运人。 【案】\

提单里有Demise Clause。提单持有人来告船东,船东说是租方签的,自己不是提单下的承运人。英国1971货运法中没有实际承运人的概念,只有寄托关系。并不存在合同关系法官判定demise clause有效,即租方签提单是代表船东签的,因此船东是提单下的持有人 ·告船东是Demise clause有效;告租家Demise clause无效。——出自William Tetley < Maritime Claim>一书。

第十八节 免责条款

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General Exception Clause


GENCON94-A16 16. General Strike Clause (a) If there is a strike or lock-out affecting or preventing the actual loading of the cargo, or any part of it, when the Vessel is ready to proceed from her last port or at any time during the voyage to the port or ports of loading or after her arrival there, the Master or the Owners may ask the Charterers to declare, that they agree to reckon the laydays as if there were no strike or lock-out. Unless the Charterers have given such declaration in writing (by telegram, if necessary) within 24 hours, the Owners shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party. If part cargo has already been loaded, the Owners must proceed with same, (freight payable on loaded quantity only) having liberty to complete with other cargo on the way for their own account. (b) If there is a strike or lock-out affecting or preventing the actual discharging of the cargo on or after the Vessel's arrival at or off port of discharge and same has not been settled within 48 hours, the Charterers shall have the option of keeping the Vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time provided for discharging until the strike or lock-out terminates and thereafter full demurrage shall be payable until the completion of discharging, or of ordering the Vessel to a safe port where she can safely discharge without risk of being detained by strike or lock-out. Such orders to be given within 48 hours after the Master or the Owners have given notice to the Charterers of the strike or lock-out affecting the discharge. On delivery of the cargo at such port, all conditions of this Charter Party and of the Bill of Lading shall apply and the Vessel shall receive the same freight as if she had discharged at the original port of destination, except that if the distance to the substituted port exceeds 100 nautical miles, the freight on the cargo delivered at the substituted port to be increased in proportion. (c) Except for the obligations described above, neither the Charterers nor the Owners shall be responsible for the consequences of any strikes or lock-outs preventing or affecting the actual loading or discharging of the cargo. (a)装港罢工






GENCON94新增加\be payable until the completion of discharging.\



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GENCON94-A17 17. War Risks (\ (1) For the purpose of this Clause, the words: (a) The \managers or other operators who are charged with the management of the Vessel, and the Master; and (b) \hostilities, revolution, rebellion, civil commotion, warlike operations, the laying of mines (whether actual or reported), acts of piracy, acts of terrorists, acts of hostility or malicious damage, blockades (whether imposed against all Vessels or imposed selectively against Vessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews or otherwise howsoever), by any person, body, terrorist or political group, or the Government of any state whatsoever, which, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, may be dangerous or are likely to be or to become dangerous to the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel. (2) If at any time before the Vessel commences loading, it appears that, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, performance of the Contract of Carriage, or any part of it, may expose, or is likely to expose, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel to War Risks, the Owners may give notice to the Charterers cancelling this Contract of Carriage, or may refuse to perform such part of it as may expose, or may be likely to expose, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel to War Risks; provided always that if this Contract of Carriage provides that loading or discharging is to take place within a range of ports, and at the port or ports nominated by the Charterers the Vessel, her cargo, crew, or other persons onboard the Vessel may be exposed, or may be likely to be exposed, to War Risks, the Owners shall first require the Charterers to nominate any other safe port which lies within the range for loading or discharging, and may only cancel this Contract of Carriage if the Charterers shall not have nominated such safe port or ports within 48 hours of receipt of notice of such requirement. (3) The Owners shall not be required to continue to load cargo for any voyage, or to sign Bills of Lading for any port or place, or to proceed or continue on any voyage, or on any part thereof, or to proceed through any canal or waterway, or to proceed to or remain at any port or place whatsoever, where it appears, either after the loading of the cargo commences, or at any stage of the voyage thereafter before the discharge of the cargo is completed, that, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, the Vessel, her cargo (or any part thereof), crew or other persons on board the Vessel (or any one or more of them) may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks. If it should so appear, the Owners may by notice request the Charterers to nominate a safe port for the discharge of the cargo or any part thereof, and if within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice, the Charterers shall not have nominated such a port, the Owners may discharge the cargo at any safe port of their choice (including the port of loading) in complete fulfilment of the Contract of Carriage. - 44 -

The Owners shall be entitled to recover from the Charterers the extra expenses of such discharge and, if the discharge takes place at any port other than the loading port, to receive the full freight as though the cargo had been carried to the discharging port and if the extra distance exceeds 100 miles, to additional freight which shall be the same percentage of the freight contracted for as the percentage which the extra distance represents to the distance of the normal and customary route, the Owners having a lien on the cargo for such expenses and freight. (4) If at any stage of the voyage after the loading of the cargo commences, it appears that, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks on any part of the route (including any canal or waterway) which is normally and customarily used in a voyage of the nature contracted for, and there is another longer route to the discharging port, the Owners shall give notice to the Charterers that this route will be taken. In this event the Owners shall be entitled, if the total extra distance exceeds 100 miles, to additional freight which shall be the same percentage of the freight contracted for as the percentage which the extra distance represents to the distance of the normal and customary route. (5) The Vessel shall have liberty:- (a) to comply with all orders, directions, recommendations or advice as to departure, arrival, routes, sailing in convoy, ports of call, stoppages, destinations, discharge of cargo, delivery or in any way whatsoever which are given by the Government of the Nation under whose flag the Vessel sails, or other Government to whose laws the Owners are subject, or any other Government which so requires, or any body or group acting with the power to compel compliance with their orders or directions; (b) to comply with the orders, directions or recommendations of any war risks underwriters who have the authority to give the same under the terms of the war risks insurance; (c) to comply with the terms of any resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, any directives of the European Community, the effective orders of any other Supranational body which has the right to issue and give the same, and with national laws aimed at enforcing the same to which the Owners are subject, and to obey the orders and directions of those who are charged with their enforcement; (d) to discharge at any other port any cargo or part thereof which may render the Vessel liable to confiscation as a contraband carrier; (e) to call at any other port to change the crew or any part thereof or other persons on board the Vessel when there is reason to believe that they may be subject to internment, imprisonment or other sanctions; (f) where cargo has not been loaded or has been discharged by the Owners under any provisions of this Clause, to load other cargo for the Owners' own benefit and carry it to any other port or ports whatsoever, whether backwards or forwards or in a contrary direction to the ordinary or customary route. - 45 -

(6) If in compliance with any of the provisions of sub-clauses (2) to (5) of this Clause anything is done or not done, such shall not be deemed to be a deviation, but shall be considered as due fulfilment of the Contract of Carriage. (1)(a)定义owner

(b)定义war risk (2)装货前发生战争 (3)航行中发生战争

“near clause”附近港条款:如果装港或卸港是不安全的,船东应当合理的选择附近安全港。

48小时内通知要求该港,如果租家不选,船东来选。 (4)听从船旗国的指示 (5)船东有选择权


GENCON94-A19 18. General Ice Clause Port of loading (a) In the event of the loading port being inaccessible by reason of ice when the Vessel is ready to proceed from her last port or at any time during the voyage or on the Vessel's arrival or in case frost sets in after the Vessel's arrival, the Master for fear of being frozen in is at liberty to leave without cargo, and this Charter Party shall be null and void. (b) If during loading the Master, for fear of the Vessel being frozen in, deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so with what cargo he has on board and to proceed to any other port or ports with option of completing cargo for the Owners' benefit for any port or ports including port of discharge. Any part cargo thus loaded under this Charter Party to be forwarded to destination at the Vessel's expense but against payment of freight, provided that no extra expenses be thereby caused to the Charterers, freight being paid on quantity delivered (in proportion if lumpsum), all other conditions as per this Charter Party. (c) In case of more than one loading port, and if one or more of the ports are closed by ice, the Master or the owners to be at liberty either to load the part cargo at the open port and fill up elsewhere for their own account as under section (b) or to declare the Charter Party null and void unless the Charterers agree to load full cargo at the open port. Port of discharge (a) Should ice prevent the Vessel from reaching port of discharge the Charterers shall have the option of keeping the Vessel waiting until the re-opening of navigation and paying demurrage or of ordering the Vessel to a safe and immediately accessible port where she can safely discharge without risk of detention by ice. Such orders to be given within 48 hours after the Master or the Owners have given notice to the Charterers of the impossibility of reaching port of destination. (b) If during discharging the Master for fear of the Vessel being frozen in deems it - 46 -

advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so with what cargo he has on board and to proceed to the nearest accessible port where she can safely discharge. (c) On delivery of the cargo at such port, all conditions of the Bill of Lading shall apply and the Vessel shall receive the same freight as if she had discharged at the original port of destination, except that if the distance of the substituted port exceeds 100 nautical miles, the freight on the cargo delivered at the substituted port to be increased in proportion. 装港

(a)如果有冰冻,在没载货前,船东可以解约,或者在航行中解约,合同无效 (b)船有可能被冻住,船东有权拒绝载货

(c)三个港口只要有一个是冻港,船东有权去不冻港,拒载去冻港的货,且有权载其他人的货。 卸港


(b)卸港时有可能冻住,船东有自由权带着没有卸下的货去另一个港口 (c)去其他港口超过100kn需要按比例增加运费。

第十九节 代理人条款

GENCON A14 14. Agency In every case the Owners shall appoint their own Agent both at the port of loading and the port of discharge. ·装卸港代理有船东指定,除非有其他合同条款。 ·指定不等于它就是委托人。 ·船东指定的代理忠诚船东。



·合同约定租方指定代理,但代理代表船东签发提单。 ·代理与卖方签倒签提单。

·船到港发生问题,收货人找船东。 ·船东是实际承运人,先赔偿。


代理早已消失无踪。 ·船东风险极大。


【Protective agent】

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第二十节 佣金条款

GENCON A15 15. Brokerage A brokerage commission at the rate stated in Box 24 on the freight, dead-freight and demurrage earned is due to the party mentioned in Box 24. In case of non-execution 1/3 of the brokerage on the estimated amount of freight to be paid by the party responsible for such non-execution to the Brokers as indemnity for the latter's expenses and work. In case of more voyages the amount of indemnity to be agreed. ·A15(2)如果合同签订以后由于某方的违约和合同没有执行,违约方应当承担经纪人的1/3费用。


·经纪人合同狭义上时居间合同,实际上还身兼行间代理和委托合同。 ·实务中经纪人很少会找船东要钱,留个人情。

·若租约合同约定船东给经纪人付费,没付租方的经纪人,租方经纪人可否告船东? ·英国法可以:Contract (Right to 3rd party) Act 1999,第三方若在合同中受益,则第三方视为合同的当事人。

·中国法:《合》A64——债务人应向第三人履行债务而没没有履行,应当向债权人承担违约责任。——若租方的经纪人没有拿到佣金,则只能由租方出面。 ·FONASBA 英国代理人协会:international broker's commission contract ·ASBA美国代理人协会

第二十一节 仲裁和适用法条款

GENCON94 A19 19. Law and Arbitration * (a) This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising out of this Charter Party shall be referred to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration Acts 1950 and 1979 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. Unless the parties agree upon a sole arbitrator, one arbitrator shall be appointed by each party and the arbitrators so appointed shall appoint a third arbitrator, the decision of the three-man tribunal thus constituted or any two of them, shall be final. On the receipt by one party of the nomination in writing of the other party's arbitrator, that party shall appoint their arbitrator within fourteen days, failing which the decision of the single arbitrator appointed shall be final. For disputes where the total amount claimed by either party does not exceed the amount stated in Box 25** the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Small Claims - 48 -

Procedure of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association. * (b) This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Title 9 of the United States Code and the Maritime Law of the United States and should any dispute arise out of this Charter Party, the matter in dispute shall be referred to three persons at New York, one to be appointed by each of the parties hereto, and the third by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two of them shall be final, and for purpose of enforcing any award, this agreement may be made a rule of the Court. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc.. For disputes where the total amount claimed by either party does not exceed the amount stated in Box 25** the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Shortened Arbitration Procedure of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc.. * (c) Any dispute arising out of this Charter Party shall be referred to arbitration at the place indicated in Box 25, subject to the procedures applicable there. The laws of the place indicated in Box 25 shall govern this Charter Party. (d) If Box 25 in Part 1 is not filled in, sub-clause (a) of this Clause shall apply. * (a), (b) and (c) are alternatives; indicate alternative agreed in Box 25. ** Where no figure is supplied in Box 25 in Part 1, this provision only shall be void but the other provisions of this Clause shall have full force and remain in effect. (a)适用英国法,在伦敦仲裁 (b)适用美国法,在纽约仲裁

(c)双方可以选第三地仲裁,在BOX25约定 (d)如果不选第三地,视为英国法在伦敦仲裁


·GENCON 94没有选第三地则是伦敦。

第二十二节 其他条款

一、TAX and Dues Clause 13. Taxes and Dues Clause (a) On Vessel -The Owners shall pay all dues, charges and taxes customarily levied on the Vessel, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. (b) On cargo -The Charterers shall pay all dues, charges, duties and taxes customarily levied on the cargo, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. (c) On freight -Unless otherwise agreed in Box 23, taxes levied on the freight shall be for the Charterers' account.

二、 New Jason Clause

- 49 -

12. General Average and New Jason Clause General Average shall be adjusted in London unless otherwise agreed in Box 22 according to York-Antwerp Rules 1994 and any subsequent modification thereof. Proprietors of cargo to pay the cargo's share in the general expenses even if same have been necessitated through neglect or default of the Owners' servants (see Clause 2). If General Average is to be adjusted in accordance with the law and practice of the United States of America, the following Clause shall apply: \danger, damage or disaster before or after the commencement of the voyage, resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether due to negligence or not, for which, or for the consequence of which, the Owners are not responsible, by statute, contract or otherwise, the cargo shippers, consignees or the owners of the cargo shall contribute with the Owners in General Average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General Average nature that may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in respect of the cargo. If a salving vessel is owned or operated by the Owners, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the said salving vessel or vessels belonged to strangers. Such deposit as the Owners, or their agents, may deem sufficient to cover the estimated contribution of the goods and any salvage and special charges thereon shall, if required, be made by the cargo, shippers, consignees or owners of the goods to the Owners before delivery.\ ·NEW JASON:由过失造成的共同海损也成立共同海损

三、Both-to-Blame Collision Clause

11. Both-to-Blame Collision Clause If the Vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglect or default of the Master, Mariner, Pilot or the servants of the Owners in the navigation or in the management of the Vessel, the owners of the cargo carried hereunder will indemnify the Owners against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of, or damage to, or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners to the owners of said cargo and set-off, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying Vessel or the Owners. The foregoing provisions shall also apply where the owners, operators or those in charge of any vessel or vessels or objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision or contact. ·主要针对载货船的货主在对方船可以得到全赔,对方船再向载货船东要钱,载货船东再依照BBCC条款向本船货主把免责的钱退回。兜了一圈。



第三章 定期租船合同主要条款 (NYPE46/93)

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