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I. Vocabulary and structure: choose the best answer.

1. As she was reading the newspaper, Granny ________ asleep. A. falling B. fell C. had fallen D. falls 2. You have to act ______ if you are to save his life. A. lastly B. immensely C. firstly D. immediately 3. I?m sorry I?m late. I was held up in a traffic _____________. A. block B. crush C. group D. jam 4. The weather in Guilin _________ that in San Francisco. A. is likely B. just likes C. is same D. is similar to 5. The Prime Minister was _____ by five or six attendants when he got off the plane. A. followed B. directed C. commanded D. enjoyed 6. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. wherever D. whenever

7.As so many English words sound similar, misunderstandings among English-speaking people are uncommon. A. not B. very C. so D. quite

8. The bell _________the beginning of class rang, interrupting our game of basketball. A. indicating B. indicated C. indicates D. indicate

9. ________is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

10. __________the poem a second time, the meaning of it will become clearer to you. A. Your having read B. If reading C. When you read D. While reading 11. I was so angry that I felt like _________ something at him.

A. throw B. to throw C. throwing D. thrown

12. The experiment ________the discovery of a cure of cancer.

A. happened to B. led up C. resulted in D. set up 13. He asked her so many times to do it that ___________ shi did so.

A. on end B. by the end C. to the end D. in the end

14. I received a ___________parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have send it. A. maximum B. mysterious C. fortunate D. sincere 15. He is talking so much about American as if he ________ there. A. had been B. has been C. being D. has gone 16. If only I _______ my watch!

A. hadn?t lost B. haven?t lost C. am not losing D. don?t lose 17. The exciting play has been skillfully _______ from the original short story.

A. adopted B. adapted C. accepted D. avoided

18. She came to the scene ________ she heard the news. A. the moment B. while C. lest D. so as 19. I?m very sorry to have _________ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A. interfered B. impressed C. bothered D. appreciated 20. “I?m absolutely excited _________ what I?ve done,” he declared.

A. to do B. to have done C. doing D. having done 21. I?m sorry I am late. I never _______ the taxi would take so long to get here. A. thought B. planned C. waited for D. expected

22. Mr. Benson?s assistants enjoy working for him because he _______ them with respect. A. receives B. considers C. expects D. treats 23. Don?t ______ that you can succeed without hard work.

A. intend B. suppose C. guess D. seek 24. He claimed _________ in the supermarket when he was shopping yesterday.

A. badly treated B. treating badly C. to have been badly treated D. to treat badly

25. Once you have cured the water pollution problem, you will have to take steps to avoid it _________again. A. to happen B. happens C. happening D. happened


26. Jack was about to announce our plan but I _________.

A. gave him up B. put him through C. turned him out D. cut him short

27. Having sold the house, she had a large sum of money ___________.

A. at a loss B. at her disposal C. in a sense D. in black and white 28. The boy _______ to his teacher for coming to school late.

A. apologized B. pardoned C. forgave D. excused 29. He accepted his friend?s ________ to swim across the river in the depths of winter. A. charge B. challenge C. position D. claim

30. His _________ goal as an athlete is to represent his country and win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. A. immediate B. extraordinary C. numerous D. ultimate 31. The food smells very good, but what does it _________ like? A. bite B. eat C. taste D. chew

32. She forced herself to eat ________ bread, washing it down with a small amount of water.

A. many more B. some more C. any more D. several more

33. We mustn?t laugh at slow children whose _______ development lags behind their physical development.

A. mental B. natural C. chemical D. spirited

34. He ______ the test, but he wasn?t careful enough.

A. must have passed B. were able to passed C. could have passed D. had passed

35. I get caught in a traffic jam __________ I go to Nanjing.

A. everywhere B. since C. every time D. until

36. Helen said the work would be done by October, ________ personally I doubt very much. A. it B. that C. when D. which 37. You?d better come back earlier ________ it is getting colder. A. as B. and C. but D. or 38. The _______ of this task filled him with great satisfaction.

A. agreement B. equipment C. accomplishment D. punishment 39. The house _________ roof was damaged has now been repaired.

A. whose B. who?s C. that D. of which

40. Tony was very unhappy for ______ to the party.

A. not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited 41. We were all very much worried over the fact _______ you were ill.

A. that B. which C. on which D. about which 42. We are lucky. We live in a quite street but all the necessary shops are close _________.

A. out of hand B. at hand C. in hand D. on hand 43. He _______ from among his friends as he is 2 meters tall.

A. sent out B. turned out C. stood out D. made out 44. Some criminals were printing _______ dollar bills until they were arrested. A. fault B. fake C. wrong D. mistake 45. If you ______ your money to mine, we shall have enough.

A. add B. combine C. join D. unite

46. Man must stop ________ the earth?s atmosphere. A. filling B. wasting C. polluting D. giving off 47. Animals that are similar in some ways usually belong to the same _______. A. origin B. variety C. catalogue D. species 48. The policeman didn?t ________ with us; he just told us what to do. A. describe B. argue C. explain D. offer 49. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ______ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. would have worked C. is working D. was working


50. ________ Bill _________ his parents are at home.

A. Or…nor B. Either…nor C. Neither…or D. Neither…nor 51. It wasn?t as a good dinner ______ she had promised us. A. what B. which C. as D. all

52. I often visited the British Museum _________ I was staying in London. A. while B. since C. during D. throughout 53. He ought to have come by now. I ________ that some accident has delayed him. A. consider B. suspect C. regard D. claim 54. I?m one of the boys ______ never late for school.

A. that is B. who am C. who is D. who are 55. She is very sensitive and always _______ of our intentions.

A. ignorant B. short C. proud D. suspicious 56. Don?t allow your mind to ______ past failure.

A. dwell on B. keep on C. go on D. sit on 57. I am writing _________ my mother to express her thanks for your gift. A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. with respect to D. due to

58. It is ________ who saved the drowning boy. A. man B. that C. he D. her 59. He smiled as if he _________ my thought. A. is read B. was reading C. had read D. has read 60. All the poor girl had got was that little ________ her parents had left her. A. expense B. weight C. advantage D. legacy 61. They have always regarded a man of _______ and fairness as a reliable friend. A. integrity B. relation C. dishonesty D. combination 62. Early in the day _______ the enemy were gone.

A. the news that come B. came the news that C. did the news come that D. came the news which 63. When the book was first _______ it was not well received by the reviewers. A. brought up B. brought down C. brought on D. brought out 64. Susan _______ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband came home. A. has left B. was left C. had left D. leaves 65. It shocked me to see _______ my neighbours treated their children. A. when B. how C. that D. why

66. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was a person _______. A. to send B. sending it to C. to send it to D. for sending it 67. Nuclear power stations need very litter fuel to produce ________ amounts of power. A. effective B. efficient C. enormous D. extreme 68. If _______ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.

A. give B. giving C. given D. being given 69. Solar energy will be an important source of energy which we can _____ in future. A. use for B. come into use C. use up D. make use of 70.The little girl living in the castle longed for company and hated _______.

A. neighborhood B. socializing C. attitude D. solitude 71. Much to the students? _______, the exam was postponed.

A. burden B. problem C. resolution D. relief

72. ________ to do the work, I should do it some other way. A. If were B. I were C. Were I D. Was I 73. After two hours of hard fighting, the northern army won the ______. A. attack B. order C. force D. battle 74. In some countries skilled workers can still get high __________. A. wages B. cost C. wealth D. money


75. She could not help _______ as she heard the sad news.

A. weep B. weeping C. to weep D. to be weeping

76. Medical care reform has become this country?s most important public health ____. A. question B. issue C. stuff D. matter 77. If you drive like that, ______ you?ll have an accident.

A. more or less B. sooner or later C. over and over D. by and by

78. At that time, they were planning to provide a medical service which would _______ both the rich and the poor. A. gain B. oppose C. injure D. benefit 79. The ______ news _______ Jim. He could hardly believe it.

A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprising C. surprised; surprised D. surprising; surprising 80. The earthquake was the greatest _______ the country had ever experienced.

A. injury B. disaster C. fault D. loss

81. We sent a truck to ______ the goods.

A. pick out B. pick up C. pick on D. pick at 82. Everyone has the right to live where he wants, _______ the colour of his skin.

A. owing to B. because of C. in regard to D. regardless of 83. The question of _______ they are old or young is not important. A. what B. how C. when D. whether 84. How can James seriously ______ to my going away with you? A. turn B. come C. object D. see

85. _______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding 86. The students are busy ______ their lessons.

A. to review B. review C. reviewing D. reviewed

87. I don?t have any particular taste for western food and ______ you choose from the menu is all right with me. A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever 88. An old lady was living next door. I heard her ______ as I passed her room last night. A. coughing B. is coughing C. coughed D. to be coughing 89. _________, I think he was quite to act as he did under those circumstances.

A. On the whole B. Once for all C. By chance D. By no means

90. ____ is no good ____ without doing anything. A. It; talking B. This; talking C. It; be talking D. That; to talk 91.There were several ______ that we should build a nuclear power station. A. items B. proposals C. purposes D. choices 92. We all _______ the achievements he has made in his experiments. A. admire B. adopt C. advise D. adjust

93. We _______ no news of him since he left for England . A. have B. have had C. had D. had had 94. Cats have a very well developed sense of balance. They can change position while falling ______ they land on their feet. A. just as B. so that C. lest D. although

95. The two sisters have got a lot _______. A. all over B. for all C. in common D. in all 96. They won?t buy any new clothes because they ______ money to buy a colour TV set. A. save B. were saving C. have saved D. are saving 97. I had intended ____- to the party, but I had a very important meeting to attend. A. came B. having come C. to come D. come

98. If his lectures make so little ________, why have they been allowed to continue? A. sense B. content C. interest D. index 99.For a beauty competition you need a pretty face and a good _________. A. factor B. frame C. figure D. fashion


II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. A

immediately similar wonder traffic serious get on head for pull over by the time instead of mysterious estimate object at least think of 1. When mother saw my face she knew ___________ that something was wrong. 2. These two Chinese words look quite _______, but they are opposite in meaning. 3. I haven?t seen Mary in years. I ________ what she looks like now.

4. On street and highways, a red __________ light tells drivers to stop and a green light tells them to go.

5. Traffic police in Shanghai are again warning that overloaded vehicles are dangerous and can cause ________ accidents. 6. I ran to the railway station as fast as I could but found the train was almost full by the time I _________.

7. Having finished his work ahead of time, Philip was happy to leave his office and ______ the airport to enjoy his holiday. 8. When a policeman saw the bus driver running a red light, he called to him to ______ and walked towards the bus. 9. _________ we got to the bus stop, the last bus had already left.

10. I can?t understand why they chose him ________ you ---- you can do the job much better than he. 11. Many Westerners think that Chinese is ________ language that they can never understand. 12. Can you _________ how many more days you will need to finish the book you are writing? 13. Look, there is a strange ________ in the sky.

14. To work as a translator, you need to know ______ two languages well. 15. They?re trying hard to ________ an appealing title for their new film.


companion officials recognized vacant describe at one?s disposal at the same time turn one?s back on look around apologize impatient relations for free in reply to give away

1. Lisa is looking for a traveling __________ to China.

2. A number of foreign _________ attended the forum last week. 3. I hadn?t seen him for 20 years, but I __________ him immediately.

4. Turn left to Mirror Street, and you will find a ________ spot in the parking lot there. 5. Could you please _________ what we are supposed to do?

6. Guests will find a television room, a swimming pool and a library _________. 7. You?ve got to be firm, but __________ you must be sympathetic.

8. You cannot __________ this problem and leave us with the responsibility.

9. ____________ in your garden or school --- plants and flowers are growing everywhere. 10. I must ________ for not replying sooner to your letter. 11. She got very ________ with his habit of always being late. 12. They have business _________ with many American firms. 13. I bought this T-shirt for $5.00 and got the other one ____________. 14. “I am here,” shouted Frank _________ his wife?s anxious call.

15. We have 60 CDs to ________ to the first readers who answer the following question. C

mental failure challenge reasonable otherwise realistic step by step apply to move on to concentrate on anxious partly perform looking forward to stand out

1. I have a very clear _______ picture of what happened to me when I took my first examination in primary school. 2. She never tries anything new because she?s afraid of __________. 3. He offered a ________ to anybody to come and beat him at chess.

4. I thought her request for more information was __________, but it was rejected. 5. Don?t eat so much chocolate, _________ you?ll be sick.

6. It?s not ________ to expect my parents to lend us any more money.


