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第一节(共12小题,每小题1分,满分12分) 第一部分

听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 1. A. Sorry.

B. You’re welcome. C. Thank you very much.

2. A. I’d like some tomatoes, please. B. Yes, I want you to help me. C. Yes, you can.

3. A. I love them very much. 4. A. Why not? 第二部分

听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 6. Where does the woman want to go? A. Supermarket. A. She loves them. B. She can’t stand them. C. She doesn’t mind them. 8. What is Kate doing? A. She’s writing an e-mail. B. She’s playing computer games. C. She is in Sydney. 9. What does Linda’s father do? A. He’s a doctor.

B. He’s a reporter

C. He’s an actor.

10. What did Mike do on vacation? A. He went to the beach.


B. He likes them. B. I like running. B. Yes, I do.

C. They don’t mind them. C. Sorry, I won’t. C. I wear scarfs in winter.

5. A. She likes it very much.

B. Bank. C. Post office.

7. What does Sue think of game shows?

B. He went to the Great Wall. C. He went to the mountains. 11. Where did Lily go?

A. The Great Wall and the Palace Museum. B. Beijing Hutong and the Great Wall. C. The Summer Palace and the Great Wall. 12. What is Mary doing in the classroom?

A. Talking with her partner. B. Listening to music. 第二节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)


13. What is Mike doing now? A. He is playing basketball. B. He is playing volleyball. C. He is watching TV.

14. Which of the following does Mike like? A. Animal World.

B. Sports shows.

C. Computer games.

15. What does Mike think of Animal World? A. He likes it very much.

B. He doesn’t like it because it’s boring. C. He thinks it is interesting.

听第14段材料,回答第16至第18题。 16. How was David’s last weekend? A. Great.

B. OK.

C. Not good. C. Two hours.

17. How long did he do his homework? A. One hour.

B. Three hours.

18. What did he do after he read the books? A. He watched TV.

B. He went to the park to fly kites. C. He played basketball.

听第15段材料,回答第19至22题。 19. What would the man like?

A. Some noodles, some chicken and 15 dumplings.


C. Singing a song.

B. Some chicken, a cup of tea and some noodles. C. Some chicken, a small bowl of soup and 15 dumplings. 20. Does the restaurant have apple juice? A. Yes, it does. A. 586-5846. A. ¥34

B. No, it doesn’t. B. 596-5856. B. ¥32

C. We don’t know. C. 596-5846. C. ¥30

21. What’s the man’s phone number? 22. How much is the food altogether? 听第16段材料,回答第23至25题。 23. It was ______ yesterday. A. rainy

B. cool

C. cloudy

C. went to the beach C. his parents

24. In the afternoon, they ______. A. went to the movies A. his friends

B. went shopping B. his cousin

25. The boy bought some things for ______. 二、选择填空(本题共15题,每小题1分) 26. --- How was your vacation?

--- ______! I had a great time in London as a volunteer. A. Fantastic

B. Awful

C. Not good

D. Terrible

27. --- Let’s go shopping this afternoon.

--- Oh, no! It’s too tiring. Why not try to online shopping? You can buy ______

you want on the Internet. A. something

B. everything

C. anything

D. nothing

28. --- What’s the weather like?

--- It’s very ______. Let’s go to fly kites. A. clean --- ______. A. Not at all

B. No, it’s old

C. You’re right

D. Thank you

30. --- Is Tom at school today?

--- No. He’s at home ______ he has a bad cold. A. because

B. if

C. until

D. before

31. --- I want to pass the English exam. --- You will ______ it if you work hard at it. A. make

B. go


B. clear C. rainy D. snowy

29. --- Your skirt is very beautiful, Lucy.

C. take D. get

32. --- How’s the weather there in Xiamen?

--- It’s raining all day, so we ______ stay at home. A. can --- ______.

A. I’m afraid I can’t

B. Sorry, I won’t D. Why not?

C. Yes, I don’t think so

B. must

C. may

D. have to

33. --- Don’t eat in class.

34. --- What’s wrong? She looks ______. --- She is the last one in the exam. A. asleep

B. tired

C. unhappy

D. naughty

35. --- My brother is going to Sanya.

--- ______. Two years ago I went there and had a great time. A. You’ll like it!

B. He’ll like it. D. It’ll be a bad trip.

C. He needed to go there.

36. --- I can’t stand wearing the school uniform every day. --- But you can’t break the school ______, right? A. calls

B. news

C. jokes

D. rules

37. --- Could you speak more ______, please? I can’t hear you clearly(清楚地). --- Of course. A. slowly --- No, I ______. A. Were, weren’t 39. --- ______? --- He is tall and thin. A. What’s your father

B. How is your father

D. What does your father look like

C. What do your father like 40. --- Would you like ______ tea? --- Yes, ______. A. some, please

B. any, please

C. any, I will

D. some, I would



Martin is an American boy. He is eight years old. He is now __41__ with his grandmother in New York.


B. quietly C. loudly D. quickly

38. --- ______ you at home yesterday afternoon?

B. Were, wasn’t

C. Are, am not

D. Did, didn’t

One morning, Jimmy, one of his classmates, came to his home with an exercise book in his __42__. “Would you help me with this maths problem?” Jimmy __43__ as soon as he came into the room. “It’s too __44__ for me and I can’t work it out.”

“Let me __45__,” Martin said.

Martin tried his best but he couldn’t work it out, __46__. “If we had a small computer, all the problems would be __47__ for us to do.” Jimmy said.

“A small computer…,” Martin thought for a minute, then he said, “I’ve got a(n) __48__. We can __49__ one in a shop.”

“A computer is very __50__, and we don’t have enough money.”

“That’s OK,” said Martin. “We can ask the new president(总统) for some money. He said he would help anyone in __51__. I’m sure he will help us. He is very rich, you know.”

So they decided to write a letter to the new president. Soon the letter was finished and they hurried to the post office.

In front of the post office stood a small box. They __52__ the letter into the box carefully and went home __53__. The next morning, they __54__ the post office on their way to school. __55__, they found the box was not a post box but trash-box(果皮箱). 41. A. living 42. A. head 43. A. talked 44. A. easy 45. A. try

B. moving B. hand B. told B. hard B. do B. either B. rule B. lend B. cheap B. home B. took B. sadly B. At first

C. starting C. arm C. spoke C. fun C. ask C. too C. idea C. bring C. need C. put C. ran

D. going D. back D. said D. scary D. work D. also D. letter D. buy D. useful D. order D. bring D. friendly D. looked D. In fact

46. A. neither 48. A. bridge

47. A. easy enough 49. A. borrow 50. A. expensive 51. A. school 52. A. place

53. A. angrily 54. A. passed

B. enough fun C. difficult enough D. enough room

C. important

C. happily C. In the end

B. walked

55. A. To their surprise




Mr Johnson had a son and he loved his son very much, because the boy was his only son. However, the boy was not very cute and often made other people unhappy by some bad words. One day, Mr Johnson was invited(被邀请) to a party. His son wanted to go there, too. But Mr Johnson said, “No, my good friend will have the party in his house. It is for the first birthday of their daughter. There will be a lot of important people to join in the party, and I’m afraid that you may say some bad words.” The son said to his father, “I will not say anything rude(粗鲁的) at the party”. So the father agreed. After they got to the friend’s home, the son did not say anything at the party. Then when the party finished and everyone stood up, he also stood up and said, “You know, everybody, I didn’t say anything today. So if the baby dies(死) this year, it is not my fault.”

56. How many sons did Mr Jackson have? A. One

B. Tow

C. Three

D. Four

57. How old is the friend’s daughter? A. One year old

B. Two years old D. Only one month old C. meeting C. 祝福 C. sad

D. dinner D. 晚会 D. tired

C. Three years old A. picnic A. 话语

58. The good friends will have a ______ for the baby girl.

B. birthday party B. 错误 B. angry


Children in England mustn’t work until they are 13. They need to have a work permit(许可) to start working.

The jobs teenagers(13 and 14 years old)can do Delivering(送) newspapers deliver newspapers to houses in their local area before going to school. They are known as Paperboys or Papergirls. Babysitting Looking after young children in their 6

59. What does “fault” mean in the last sentence? 60. The boy’s words at the party will make others ______. A. excited

The hours teenagers can work Not more than 2 hours in one Morning: 7 am---start of school Evening: Close of school---7 pm. Saturdays: Many teenagers will get up early to day during the following periods: home when their parents go out for the evening money for watching children and television all at the same time! Helping the Milkman From the age of 14 some teenagers help the milkman deliver milk to houses. Other popular jobs Working in a shop; Office work; Washing cars; Working in a cafe or restaurant. Up to 5 hours between 7 am Sundays: Up to 2 hours between 7 am and 11 am Term time: Up to 12 hours a week (Including(包括) weekends) is a popular job for teenagers, as they get and 7 pm. 61. In England how old do children have to be before they can work? A. 15

B. 14


Old John went to see a doctor. The doctor examined and said, “Medicine can’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar(雪茄) a day.”

“Thank you very much,” said Old John, “I will do everything you say.”

A month later Old John came to the doctor again. “Well,” said the doctor, “I’m glad to see you. You look much younger.”

“Oh, doctor,” said Old John, “I feel quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk, and I walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you asked me to smoke one cigar a day, and one cigar a day nearly killed me at first. It’s no joke to start smoking at my age.”


C. 10 D. 13

62. What do children in England need to start working? A. money

B. a work permit D. time B. at noon D. in the evening B. working in a night club D. delivering newspapers C. 17

D. 20

C. working experience A. early in the morning C. in the afternoon

63. Paperboys and Papergirls deliver newspapers ______.

64. Teenagers in England can do all of the following except(除…以外) ______. A. working in an office C. looking after young children A. 10

B. 14

65. How many hours a week many teenagers work during the term time?

66. The doctor ______.

A. asked him to take some medicine 67. Old John ______ after a month. A. didn’t get well 68. Which one is true?

A. Old John smoked before.

B. Old John didn’t smoke before. D. Old John smoked less than before. C. younger

D. older

C. Old John didn’t smoke a cigar a day. 69. When Old John was ill, he looked ______. A. young

B. old

70. The best title of this passage should be ______. A. Old John

B. Old John is ill

D. Old John did as the doctor asked him

C. The doctor’s advice

B. got well

C. was young

D. was old

B. asked him not to take any medicine D. gave him some medicine

C. didn’t say any word about medicine


also, asked, most, did, visited, watched Yesterday, we __71__ ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they __72__ last weekend. For __73__ kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids __74__ played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids __75__ a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sundays, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports. 六、阅读理解填词(本题共10分,每小题1分)


Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. He works very hard in a shop. Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening. He is very t__76__ when he gets home. After a q__77__ shower he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who l__78__ downstairs(楼下) is satisfied(对…很满意) with him.

One day, on the way home, he m__79__ one of his old classmate Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she a__80__ happily. And they talked about their school, t__81__ and classmates. They talked for a long time. “Have a look at your watch, please.” said the girl, “What time is it now?”

“What time is it now?”

“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch.” said Jack. “Where is yours?”


“I l__82__ it at home.”

Jack thought a minute and f__83__ a way. He began to stamp(跺脚) his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The s__84__ woke up his grandma. The old woman shouted downstairs, “Be q__85__, Jack! It’s twelve o’clock at night. Why are you still jumping upstairs?” 76. t________ 77. q________ 78. l________ 79. m________ 80. a________ 81. t________ 82. l_________ 83. f________ 84. s_________ 85. q________ 七、书面表达(本大题15分)

你有一个新笔友,名叫Mary,她来自美国。上个月她来到武汉,你招待了她。请根据以下信息,写一篇60-80字的短文。要点如下: 1. 她名叫Mary,来自美国,今年14岁。会讲点中文。 2. 她很漂亮,中等身材,长着一头棕色卷发。

3. 上个月她来到武汉呆了一个星期。上周末天气很好。你们去了武汉动物园。你们拍了很多照片。玩得很开心。

4. 下午你们去了中山公园,晚上在公园隔壁的一个小餐馆吃四川食物。餐馆很拥挤但食物很可口。

5. 谈谈你们的一至二点感受。

注意:1. 参考词汇:crowded 拥挤的;good-looking 漂亮的;restaurant 餐馆

I have a new pen pal, _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Johnny is a middle school student. He is nice, but sometimes he is __1__. Once he didn’t do his homework, he __2__ to himself, “I don’t want to be punished(惩罚), so I need a good __3__. He thought long and __4__ about excuses, “I could say I __5__ my homework in an earthquake or maybe a flood. But, __6__, last night everything is fine.” “I could say my mother was ill yesterday, so …” He kept trying to __7__ excuses until it was time for __8__. But Johnny didn’t have any good excuses.

__9__ when the teacher asked to see his homework, Johnny said, “Um…, my dog __10__ my homework.” The teacher looked at Johnny for a long time and then said __11__, “But Johnny, you don’t have a dog!” Johnny’s excuse didn’t __12__. Have you ever met the same thing? What should you do? When we do __13__ wrong, it’s better to be honest instead of trying to make an excuse. By making an excuse we think we are avoiding(避免) __14__, but we’re really making the problem bigger. By being honest, you’ll be a better person and people will like you more. Even your dog will like you more, especially __15__ he isn’t blamed(责备) for eating your homework. 1. A. pretty 2. A. read 3. A. example 4. A. hard 5. A. put 6. A. ok

B. dirty


C. heavy C. went

C. excuse C. slowly C. lost C. no

D. lazy D. wrote D. reason D. quickly D. left D. not D. study for D. bed D. Finally D. ate D. quietly D. arrive D. nothing D. fact D. if

B. thought B. teacher B. well B. yes B. class B. Then B. took B. angrily B. come B. school B. but

B. forgot B. talk about

7. A. think of 8. A. home 9. A. First 10. A. did

C. put down C. dog C. Next C. threw C. pass C. trouble

11. A. happily 12. A. work

C. friendly C. anything C. because

13. A. everything 14. A. homework 15. A. and

B. something


George lives in a small town of Germany. He is sixty years old. He has never been to England before, so he wants to go to London for a holiday this summer.

George came to London by plane and lived in a small hotel. He was afraid of getting lost because he didn’t know a w__16__ of English, so when he left his hotel the next day, he copied down the hotel’s name. Then he walked to the street c__17__ and copied the name of this street in his notebook. “I won’t be afraid of getting lost” he thought. He walked on. He went into some shops and some other places.

When it was getting dark, he w__18__ to go back to his hotel, but he didn’t know where he should go. He lost his way. He bought a map of the city, but there were all English words in the map and he couldn’t find his hotel or the street. He f__19__ a policeman and asked for help. He tried his best to tell the policeman where his hotel was, but the policeman couldn’t understand what he said. Then George s__20__ him the notebook. In it the words were “HOTEL” and “One-way-street”.

16. w________ 17. c________ 18. w________ 19. f________ 20. s________



George lives in a small town of Germany. He is sixty years old. He has never been to England before, so he wants to go to London for a holiday this summer.

George came to London by plane and lived in a small hotel. He was afraid of getting lost because he didn’t know a w__16__ of English, so when he left his hotel the next day, he copied down the hotel’s name. Then he walked to the street c__17__ and copied the name of this street in his notebook. “I won’t be afraid of getting lost” he thought. He walked on. He went into some shops and some other places.

When it was getting dark, he w__18__ to go back to his hotel, but he didn’t know where he should go. He lost his way. He bought a map of the city, but there were all English words in the map and he couldn’t find his hotel or the street. He f__19__ a policeman and asked for help. He tried his best to tell the policeman where his hotel was, but the policeman couldn’t understand what he said. Then George s__20__ him the notebook. In it the words were “HOTEL” and “One-way-street”.

16. w________ 17. c________ 18. w________ 19. f________ 20. s________


