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Do you know…?


Objectives and Requirements

Target: Learn the alphabet (Aa --- Zz) from Do you know?

·Sing a alphabet song together.

·Show the picture and the word about the picture’s meaning. Have Ss regonize the first alphabet of the word.

·Play the tape, have Ss read after the tape. Have Ss read one by one. ·Game: Have Ss read the alphabet one by one, if one student make a mistake, let him/her sing the “A, B, C… song”.

First Period

Teaching contant: Do you know

Time duration: 40 minutes

Teaching aims:By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

One, Using Alphabet Let students sing.

Two,Teach students to read and say alphabet.

Three,Provide students learn in English interest.

Four,Talk about their own abilities in English.

Teaching important:

Teach students learning ,read and say.

Teaching difficult:

Learning the chant

Teaching aids:pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step one:Learn the chant

A,the teacher says the chant lead into learn

B,the teacher say the chant by pointing to the picture

On the blackboard “sing”

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Xx Yy Zz

Now you see

I can say my Aa,Bb,Cc

C,Teach student report after the teacher sing

D,Say the chant by pointing one’s own corresponding pants E,Say by groups in actions.

Step two:Learn alphabet.

A,Using “picture”let’s students read and say.

B,Let’s students read after A—Z

C,Practice:Let’s student group read and actions

Step three:Sum up

A,Let’s students alphabet sing.

C,Let’s action

Step four:assignment

A,Practice chant

B,Read alphabet

Teaching phate:

Teaching contant: Unit(4) Review

Teaching aims:A,encourage students listen and games ability.

B,Teach students say ability.

C,Using words play games.

Teaching important:

Let’s students study English happiness.

Teaching difficult:Provide students study confidence and interest. Teaching aids:tape,picture

Teaching procedures:

Step one: Listen,look and match.

Review A,Refresh Ss’ memories on the target language from Unit one through three

by creating informal greet map.

B,Using the book

1,play the tape for pant A and then pause

T: point to the picture

T: Can you see the line from the letter A?

2,trace the line with you finger

3,continuce with B-E and have Ss draw the lines

S tep two:Let’s say and circle

1,copy alphabet cards A-I

2,when you call out words.Ss would hold up the corresponding letter. 3,using activity review unit 1 through 3 words.

4,cut them out and distribut them to.

1,point the picture A, what’s this? [ss:it is a goat]

2,do the same with the other pictures

Step three:listen and say

A, point to each picture in the boxes. Ask Ss what they are? B, listen to tape and circle the picture say words

Step four: read and circle

A)let’s get into pair and play slap.

T: I say the word.how touch the pictur.

B)model the activity

C)using words let’s action provide learn interest

Step fine:assignment

write words:draw ,book ,eraser ,swim ,fly,cook,desk”Teaching phate:

Third Period

一、Teaching objective:

1. Language functions:Alphabet and numbers

2. Language structures:A---Z, a---z, one---ten

二、Teaching key points :Learn to read and write the alphabet and numbers.

三、Teaching difficult points :Write the alphabet correctly.

四、Teaching aids :The alphabet cards and the picture cards

五、Teaching steps:

1. Greeting. (Teacher to students)

2.The teacher say:“Do you know these things?” show the pictures cards to the students.

3. Lead the students to read the words and the alphabets together.

4. Teach the writing.

5. Learn the numbers from one to ten.

6. Play games:

(1)The students read the alphabets one by one.

(2)Sing the alphabet song.

(3)Pick up the card to the students and let them say the number words. 7. Revision the alphabets and the numbers.

Unit One Hello!

一. Teaching objective:

1. Language functions:Greeting and farewells

2. Language structures:What's your name? I’m ...

3. New vocabulary:

hello , hi , goodbye, bye ,

apple banana cat

ant bear carrot

二、Teaching key points :

Ask someon e’s name and answer

三、Teaching difficult points :

What’s your name? I’m...

四、Teaching aids :

(1) pictures cards

(2) Recorder.

五、T eaching steps:

First Period

( Conversation ,vocabulary, target, practice 1,2 )


2.Sing the song “Good morning to you .”

Ask one of the students to come out to sing.

3.The teacher say like this:

T: Hi, I’m M r Wen .

S: Hi, I’m Tom.

T: Hi , ---. Now , it’s your turn.

4. The teacher walks among pupils and demonstrates.

T: Hi , I’m M r Wen. S: Hi, I’m Kate.(The teacher may help .) 5. Open the books and listen to the recordings. First , pupils listen to the recorder silently .Then read the dialogue after the recorder . Later on , practice in pairs and groups .

6.Ask one student out or just let him stay behind his desk .

T: Hi , I’m Mr Wen. What’s your name?

S: I’m Tony.

7.Read the sentences after the teacher several times .And ask the pupils to

guess the Chinese meanings .

8.Conversation: Listen to the recorder. Read after the tape .

Activity: Group 1,2 act Gogo, group 3, 4 act Tony read the

conversation together.

9.Learn the vocabulary. Write down the words on the blackboard.

10.Listen to the tape and read the target together.

11. Listen to the tape and do the practice 1,2.

Homework: a Read the text more than 5 times .

b. Prepare a greeting Performance in pairs for the next period. 板书设计:

Unit one Hello!

Hello, I’m Gogo. What’s your name? hello goodbye Hi, I’m Tony. hi bye

Second Period

(Song, activity1,2 alphabet ,chant.)

1.Show two words I and I’m . T: I’m Tom. I am Tom.

S:I am Zhang Fang . T: I am Mr Wen .( Writing on the board .I and I am ).

T: I am Mr Wen. S:I am Man Hong. I am Chen Tian . I am Mei Qi.

The class read the sentences after the teacher .

2.Holding up the names .

T: I am Zhang Dong. I am Mr Wen.

I’m Cheng Hong. I ’m Zhang Gang.

S: I’m ---. I am ----.

1.T ake away the names.

T: you, please.

Courage him \ her to say . I am Tom. I am Kate. I am Chong Hong. I am Miss Li. Let them to say one by one.

2.S howing the action and say slowly with emphasis.

T : Hello, I am Mr Wen. Write down the sentences on the blackboard . Ask the pupils to read after the teacher with emphasis on the word “ Hello ”.

3.( Showing action and say.)

T: Now open your books, please.

Ask the pupils to read, playing attention to the pronuciation of “am ”.

Then the teacher gives commanding words the pupils say very quickly .

4.T: Pointing to the two students. S: Hello,---. Hello, ---. The pupils acts ,he \she stand up .)

T: Thank you, ---. Ask the other students to act as the teacher .

5.Play a game .Ask the pupils to read and match the names. (Activity 1)

6. Activity 2: Point and say about the picture.

7.Listen to the recordings to sing a song and read the words of alphabet.

8. Listen and chant.

9. Homework: Read the words of page 8 and write them four times each word.


Unit one Hello!

Hello, I’m Gogo. What’s your name? apple banana cat

Hi, I’m Tony. ant bear carrot Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Third Period


Getting ready

·Review the Alphabet chant from Do you know......?

·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters.

·T: Sing and point.

·Model pointing to the letters in the song.(Ss sing and point to the letters.)

Using the book

·Point to T’s mouth.

·T: Look and repeat.

·Point to the letter A.

·T: A. (Ss: A.)

·Open your mouth wide so that Ss can see.

·T: Apple. (Ss: Apple.)

·Continue with the letters B and C.

·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.

·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.

·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.

Unit 2 My classroom

Objectives and Requirements


Target: -What’s this? -It’s a desk. -And this? -Oh, it’s an eraser. Alphabet: d , e , f


Key: table , desk , chair , book , pencil , ruler Alphabet: dog , duck , elephant , egg , fish , fox


Picture Cards 3—8, plastic/real apple,book,desk,ruler ,pen,pencil,chair…

The first period

Teaching target

What ’s this? It ’s a desk .And this? Oh, it ’s an eraser.

Teaching key points

The words: table desk .chair. book .pencil. eraser

Teaching difficult points

What ’s this? It ’s a/an ……

Teaching aids



real apple . table. desk. chair. Book. Pencil. Eraser.

Teaching Procedure



2、Ask and answer

(1) What’s this? Is this a /an……?

二、Teaching V ocabulary

Flashing the pictures, teaching the new words.

1、This is a /an ……

2、Is this a/an……?

三、Teaching target

The teacher flashing the pictures asks the questions

1、what’s this? It’s a/an

2、The students ask and answer.

3、Act it out

4、Closing your books. Listen to the tape and read after it.

5、Play games

A、Mouthing games Look at the teacher’s mouth say the words.

B、Put the pictures in the right words.

四、Teaching conversation

T: Open your books. What’s this? (Point to the picture of a book.) [Ss:Book.] Repeat. It’s a book.[Ss:It’s a book]

Do the same with the picture of an apple.

T: Listen.Play the tape.

T: Listen and repeat.

Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.

Shor Ss how to act out the dialogue. Mmmmm!with an exaggerated facial expression,etc.)and have Ss mimic.

Divide the class into two groups.

One group takes the roble of Gogo and the other half Jenny.

Assign one student to take the role of the worm in the apple.

Have each group repeat after the T.



1、Copy the words

2、Recite target

3、Do WB for unit Two

七、Blackboard Writing

1、table desk chair book pencil eraser

2、What’s this? It’s a/an……

The second period

Teaching target.

Sing the song for Book、pen、desk、chair.

Teaching key points

Sing the song for Book、pen、desk、chair.

Teaching difficult points

Using the method for “an”.

Teaching aids tape

Teaching procedure



2、Ask and answer


T: Listen

1、Play the tape for number I, and then pause.

2、Point to each picture with a questioning expression.

3、Once the Ss identify the correct box, model writing the number I in the box .Have Ss do the same in their books.

4、Play the tape for number 2 and pause .

5、Point to each picture again until the Ss identify the correct box. Model writing the number 2 and have the Ss do the same .

6、Continue with 3 and 4,but let the Ss identify the correct box in their books on their own.


1、Have Ss look at the pictures.

T: Listen and answer.

2、Play the tape and have Ss answer in unison.

3、Pause the tape and point to Picture A.

4、Play the tape for Picture B and do as above .



1、play the tape.

T: Point to the picture.

2、Model this by pointing to the pictures while chanting.

3、Play the tape.[Ss point to the pictures accordingly.]

T: Chant together

4、Play the tape and chant along.

5、Divide the class into two groups . One group asks the questions and the other answers in the chant.


1、Have Ss look at the pictures.

T: Look and repeat. Book.

[Ss :Book.]

2、Continue with the rest of the pictures.

T: Listen and repeat .A book.

3、Continue with the rest of the pictures with alan.

4、Give Ss a few minutes to circle the correct phrases.



Revise the song

Blackboard Writing

What’s this? It’s a/an…

The third period

Teaching target

1、What ’s this? It ’s a/an …

2、The letters: Dd 、Ee 、Ff and how to pronouce in the words. Teaching key pointes

1、The letters Dd.Ee.Ff.

2、The words dog 、duck 、egg 、elephant 、fish 、for 、 Teaching difficult points

The letter Dd 、Ee 、Ff how to pronouce in the words Teaching aids. The pictures of dog 、duck 、elephant 、egg 、fish 、for

Teaching procedure


1、What ’s this? It ’s a/an …

2、Sing the song for Book 、pen 、desk 、Chair

二、Teaching the letters and the words.

1、Review the letter Aa 、Bb 、Cc and chant.

2、Teaching the letters and words with pictures.

3、Point to the letters and read after the teacher

4、Continue with the letters E and F.

5、Play the tape and have Ss repeat.


After enough practice ,give Ss one sound and have them.

7、Give Ss one word and have them point the corresponding letter.

三、Listen and chant

Point to the picture of the duck in the lyrics.

T: What’s this?[Ss: It’a duck.]

2、Ask the same question with egg and fish. Make sure the Ss practices It’s

(a fish/an egg). pattern. (T: Listen)

3、Play the tape once. (T: Listen and point.)

4、Play the tape and have Ss point to the pictures. (T: Chant together.)

5、Play the tape again and have Ss chant along.

四、Activity 2

1、Have Ss work in pairs.

2、For the first three pictures, one asks questions and the other answers using a complete sentence.

3、Ss which roles for the last three pictures.

4、Walk around the room and help Ss if needed.

5、After the pair work, choose some pairs to perform the dialogue. Check the answers together.

五、Activity 3

1、Review book, banana,pencil,eraser,apple and cat.

2、Show Student Cards of these words or place them on the board.

3、T: What’s this?[Ss: It’s(a book).]

4、Under a thin cloth or sheet, place as many items from previously learned

vocabulary as you can gather.

T: What’s this?

5、Point to each item.

6、Continue until Ss have guessed the items.

7、Have Ss work in pairs.They take turns asking question and answering about the items in the book.

六、WB: Listen to the tape for part 1 and part 2.


八、HW: Writing book for Unit 2.

Blackboard Writing


2、What’s this? It’s a/an…

Unit Three Animals Objectives and Requirements


Target: - Is this a panda? -No, it isn’t.

- Is this a panda? - Y es, it is.

Alphabet: g, h , i


Key:elephant , panda ,monkey, lion , tiger , rabbit

Additional: bird

Alphabet: girl , goat , hat , hippo, ice cream , insect, ink,


picture card, pictures of a dog, a bird and a cat. Animal word cards,

headband, paper, scissors, glue

