更新时间:2024-04-05 14:05:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




In which United Nations committee(s) or program(s) are you particularly interested in? 2.

Which region of the world and what current international issues interest you the most?


There are two questions which I want to be a Model United Nations member people to answer.

Now,let me introduce myself first,I am a staff of the United Nations who devote to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

If you ask me why do you choose this council?And which program are you particularly interested in? I will tell you my private view which you will be shocked.

At first , I have to say become a member of United Nations Economic and Social Council is one of my best wish. Because as we all known that the ECOSOC serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United

Nations system.It is a principal organs of the United Nations.

The ECOSOC devote to the social development and focus on the status of women, crime prevention, treatment of narcotic drugs, environmental protection and other issues.

I concern about the pollution of the environment. Because you know environmental hygiene is one of the most direct and real - life issues, has been the hottest public concern. In recent years,the“haze ”a real headache for all the whole of China.According to the investigation, the particles air pollution outdoor can lead to about 1150000 premature deaths each year. So solve the haze pollution has become one of the problems of environmental.

As a member of ECOSOC, I will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion and formulation of the decision - making. I will be a participant to deal with what I concerned.For example ,one of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) chief scientist Joseph Arkamo has put forward important advice to the haze phenomena of the China. He suggested that in order to solve this problem we should make a multi-pronged effort ,which is a very difficult process. With the help of modern technology, China will reproduce the \

Then what action of the ECOSOC in response to the \pollutants\

Just like the scientist of UN said the modern technology can solve these problems. So China should consider to join this alliance, or observe the work of the union , they can provide a lot of help for Chinese.Second,ECOSOC will hold many meetings to discuss the problem of China air pollution. And then we will establish a project for this issue to promote environmental protection measures.The Council is the main policy makers ,which can promote the country execute the policy.

At last ,I am deeply honored to be a member of ECOSOC. I saw it with my own two eyes the attempts to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the environment and the effort to keep the ecological balance. Earth is our home, which provides us necessary environment and space living. UN need our support and contribution to make a better world for us all.

So the second question is my most interest international issues and region of the world. I'm bound to say that it is also environmental and social issues.

That’s issue about“It is not worth the expense and risk to make a manned flight to mars”.And the region of cause is the Asia area. It seems that they are unconnected.But as we all known that Asia is also the most populous continent.A large population also causes many difficulties for the whole region. Such as the low employment

rate, the housing problems, and very low per capita in many fields for example,China's water resources are nearly the lowest per capita the world and China's available water supply per person is one - fourth the world average. So this area will be very different and have a good future if we can opening up a new field to live.

But is it worth the expense and risk to make a manned flight to mars?I have researched and made a analyze. I also think it is

meaningful to sending a manned mission to Mars. Because we can to find out if there’s life beyond the Earth. Mars shows signs that there is water on it which is an essential factor to life. The exploration of space it’s also an investment in the future.Missions would require new technologies and skills. This would boost the economies of participating nations.But there are also have some problems we have to face with,as follow:

Owing to the limitation of our science,we lack of the key essentials of life for human beings,such as food shortages. And this problem can scarcely ever be solved in the short run.Long distance is very dangerous for the human to live and fly between two plants.And it is also along with risks.We don’t know enough about long-term exposure to radiation and other effects of microgravity on human body. It is too dangerous for spacemen to get away from earth for such a long time, and it’s a challenge to supply enough food and

water to them.The fundamental reason is the the lack of oxygen. Human can live without oxygen so that if we want to live on mars we have take many the oxygen bottles there.But we all know that Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.So subsistence is not possible in such conditions As we all known that the Martian natural disaster are still can’t be predicted by our existing science and technology so that humans can't resist them.Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation. My only point is that we will pay too dearly for your whistle.

Overall,we should take both sides into account. A manned mission to Mars is just the starting for people to search the outer space.So the risks of space exploration can’t stop the spacemen step. Humans need to find a balance with nature and honor the nature when we face with challenges and risks.

Now that we are all part of the global village,and the member of UN,we have the duty to concern the current issue.

The world will become even better so long as every one dedicates just a bit of love!

