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Unit 1

Period Two(Reading II)

Step 1 Greetings Step 2 .Presentation

Ask Ss what they usually do during the summer vocation. Ask them if they have some good friends, and if they have a penfriend. (Explain the word “penfriend”) . Do you often write a letter to your penfriend?

What language do you use to write to your penfriend(s) ? What do you often write about in a letter? (Sport)

Tell students that they are going to read a letter to a pen-friend.

The Ss to imagine that they are writing to a new penfriend for the first time. Have the Ss work in pairs and make a list of things which they could tell their new friend. For example, they could give their name, age, weight, personal description of their home, possessions, pets, their school, their favourite subjects, sports, hobbies, singers actors, films, books, best friends, dreams, and so on. Make a list of their ideas on the board.

Ask Ss what they know about the UK. Ask if they think that any Chinese people live in the UK. Tell them that there are Chinese restaurants in almost every town in the UK, and many Chinese students in UK schools. Manchester and London have large Chinese populations. Any students who have visited the UK, or who have friends of relatives living there should be encouraged to talk about it/them. Step 3 .Presentation

Part B. Look and think.

1. Exercise B1 is designed to introduce the idea that different types of text

have different formats.

2. Explain the meaning of any words in this exercise which may be unfamiliar

to some students.

3. Exercise B2 is designed to develop the habit of finding answerings to

specific questions without reading the whole text. Stress this point to students.

4. Explain to Ss that layout in a letter is blocked as opposed to indented,

i.e., every line begins at the left margin and there is a space between paragraphs. Besides, the punctuation is open as opposed to full, i.e., no punctuation marks are used in the address, date, greeting(Dear May) or complimentary close (Best wishes). Remind them also that there is no indentation in an address.

Step 4 Reading passages.

This is a personal letter from Simon in Newcastle, the UK, to May in Shenzhen, China. Walker School is a real school in the north-east of England. The students mentioned in this chapter are based on real people, although their names have been changed.

B3. Tell Ss in many countries, a postal code is part of a person’s address,


It is usually a group of letters and numbers. What is Simon’s postal code? 1 2 3 4 a) b) c) d) e) 5

About a letter

Tell the students that the passage in this chapter is a letter. Question: How do you know it is a letter?

Ask the students to finish B Look and think, B1. Explanation on some new vocabulary items.

title n. the name of something, for example a book, film or picture corner n. a place where two lines, walls or roads meet at the top right corner

signature n. your name you have written in your own way

greetings n. words that you write to somebody at a special time

A postal code is sometimes an important of a letter. In many countries, a postal code is a part of a person’s address. In China, the postal code is a group of six numbers, such as, 200070. In some other countries, a postal code is usually a group of letters and numbers. A postal code makes it easier for the post office to deliver letter.

Explanation on ‘postal code’.

postal a. of the post

code n. a way of writing secret messages, using letters, numbers or

special signs

postal code

deliver v. take some- thing to the place where it must go deliver letters

Ask the students to write out Sidney’s postal code in B Look and think, B3, on page 3.

6 a) b) c) d) e) 7

Skimming the passage 1 Say: If you skim a passage before you read it, you can get a general idea of

it. Skimming means looking at titles and headings, pictures and diagrams, and certain sentences in the passage (e.g., the first and last sentences). This takes only a minute or two, and it helps you to read and understanding things more easily. 2 Ask the students to skim the letter according to the requirement in B Look and

think, B2 on page 2. 3 Check the answers orally.

Homework Finish C ,D ,E in your textbook


