
更新时间:2023-12-17 08:40:02 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



(1)What percentage of aircraft accidents have been deemed to have been directly attributed to human factors-rated related causes?

? ? ?

A.80-90% B.about 75% C.40-50%


(2)Night vision is enhanced by


A.looking slightly to one side of the object you wish to view


B.fixing your gaze director on the object you wish to view


C.ensuring that the cockpit remains brightly illuminated


(3)Who is exposed to a high glare environment while on the ground (beach sand or snow), which would help to enhance night vision?

? ? ?

A.Don't read small print within one hour of flying. B.Wear good quality sunglasses during the day. C.Avoid using contact lenses.


(4)Which arctic flying hazard is caused when a cloud layer of uniform thickness overlies a snow or ice covered surface?

? ? ?

A.Whiteout B.Blowing snow C.Ice fog


(5)The two different types of light sensitive elements on the retina are classified as


A.rods which are sensitive to color and cones which work best in dim light


B.cones which are sensitive to color and rods which work best in dim light


C.rods and cones both of which are responsible for color vision


(6)What is the most effective way to use the eyes during night flight?

? ? ?

A.Look only at far away, dim lights. B.Scan slowly to permit off-center viewing. C.Concentrate directly on each object for a few seconds.


(7)In the dark, a stationary light will appear to move when stared at for a period of time. This illusion is known as

? ? ?

A.somatogravic illusion B.ground lighting illusion C.autokinesis


(8)The most effective way to scan the sky for other aircraft during level flight is to


A.move the head in a continuous arc from side to side

? not look anywhere but straight ahead unless you detect movement


C.move the head about 200 or 300 at a time, pausing after each movement to allow the peripheral vision to detect any movement


(9)The eye moves in what are termed “saccades” jerks and rests. In visual searching a saccade/rest cycle usually occupies roughly?

? ? ?

A.0.3 s B.1.0 s C.3 s


(10)The function of the ciliary muscles in the eyes is to

? ?

A.move the eyes from left to right in the socket B.change the size of the pupil to vary the amount of light entering the eye


C.alter the shape of the lens to allow the eye to focus on objects at various distances


(11)When light passes through the lens it is brought to focus at the back of the eyeball on the

? ? ?

A.retina B.cornea C.iris


(12)With age increases, the lens of eye generally becomes

? ? ?

A.cracked B.too stiff C.too elastic


(13)After been in exposed to normal lighting, dark adaptation (night vision) returns after a recovery period of about


A.30 minutes

? ?

B.1 hour C.5 minutes


(14)If a pilot whose eyes have fully adapted to darkness is exposed to a bright flash of light, the time required for dark adaptation to be re-established is most likely to be

? ? ?

A.3 minutes B.15 minutes C.30 minutes


(15)How long is needed for full dark adaptation?

? ? ?

A.10-20min B.35-45min C.20-30min


(16)Empty Field Myopia is the tendency of the ciliary muscle to relax when there are no close objects in the field of view. This causes the eye to take up a focal length of approximately

? ? ? to two meters B.five meters C.infinity


(17)The part of the eye which bends in coming light the most is the

? ? ?

A.refractive disc B.lens C.cornea


(18)The eye adapts to different level by

? ? ?

the lens becoming progressively opaque chemical changes in the retina chemical changes in the cornea


(19)Relying on the instruments and believing what they tell you, are the keys to avoid vestibular illusion. The statement is

? ? ?

A.right B.wrong


(20)Scanning procedures for effective collision avoidance should constitute


A.looking outside for 15 seconds, then inside for 5 seconds, then repeat.


B.1 minute inside scanning, then 1 minute outside scanning, then repeat.


C.looking outside every 30 seconds except in radar contact when outside scanning is unnecessary.


(21)The blind spot is


A.the area of the lens which is screened by the iris

? ? the junction of the optic nerve and the retina area on the cornea which does not respond to light


(22)Sinus barotraumas is most likely to occurred during

? ? ?


B.Takeoff from a high altitude C.Level flight in turbulence


(23)Age-related hearing loss is called

? ? ?

A.presbycusis B.presbyopia C.presbyterianism


(24)Perception involves creation of mental models of the outside world which are based

? ?

A.entirely on experience and expectation B.mainly on sensory information but also on experience and expectation to some degree


C.entirely on sensory information


(25)When flying orientation is most reliably determined through information sensed by the

? ? ?

A.somatic sensory system B.visual system C.vestibule apparatus


(26)The brain perceives the body's orientation in space by

? ? ?

A.processing information from the eyes B.processing information from the inner ear combining and comparing visual, vestibular and postural cues


(27)A mismatch between the real world and the mental model is termed

? ? ? illusion hallucination C.a dream


(28)The Coriolis illusion can produce an unpleasant tumbling sensation. It is most likely to occur when


A.The head is turned rapidly from left to right during visual flight.


B.The head is bowed forward rapidly during instrument flight.


C.An aircraft which has been in a shallow turn for some time rolls back to level flight.


(29)The illusion of being in a noseup attitude which may occur during a rapid acceleration takeoff is known as

? ? ?

A.inversion illusion B.autokinesis

C.somatogravic illusion


(30)Sudden penetration of fog can create the illusion of

? ? ?

A.pitching up B.pitching down C.leveling off


(31)Haze can give the illusion that the aircraft is


A.farther from the runway than it actually is


B.the same distance from the runway as when there is no restriction to visibility


C.closer to the runway than it actually is


32)On approach to a long thin runway with rising terrain towards the threshold with provide which of the following apparent visual effects?


A.No effect a normal approach path will be experienced

? ?


C.Overshoot than undershoot when on short final


(33)A pilot engaged in a prolonged constant bank and in a balanced turn will perceive himself to be flying?

? a constant angle of bank

? ? a turn in the apposite direction C.straight and level


(34)When making a landing over darkened or featureless terrain such as water or snow, a pilot should be aware of the possibility of illusion the approach may appear to be too

? ? ?

A.shallow B.high C.low


(35)The most effective way to deal with an episode of disorientation in flight is to


A.keep a constant look-out for glimpses of the natural horizon outside

? ?

B.rely absolutely on the aircraft instrument C.keep the control column central and maintain a constant power


(36)The perception of color is a function of the


A.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting


B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting


C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions


(37)Greyout generally occurs at

? ?

A.+3G B.+2.5G




(38)The proprioceptive system generates sensation from

? ? ?

A.the semicircular canals

B.the skeletal muscles, joints and tendons C.the otolith


(39)Which organic of the body sense(s) acceleration?

? ? ?

A.The vestibular apparatus. B.The eustachian tabe. C.The tympanic membrane.


(40)The somatogravic illusion falsely identifying a level acceleration as a steep climb, is most likely to be encountered


A.during a go-around in a high performance aircraft when flying visually


B.during and just after take-off in a high performance aircraft on a dark night


C.during an approach to a poorly lit runway on a dark night


(41)The static organ is responsible for the perception of linear acceleration. The statement is

? ? ?

A.right B.wrong


(42)What illusion, if any, can rain on the windscreen create?

? ? ?

A.Does not cause illusions. B.Lower than actual. C.Higher than actual.


(43)Which of the following organs mediates the sense of balance?

? ? ?

A.Eustachian tube B.The cochlea

C.The semicircular canals


(44)Which of the following is the most likely cause of disorientation?


A.A change in the information coming from the inner ear.


B.A conflict or ambiguity in the information coming from visual, vestibular and postural cues.


C.Poor lighting reducing the amount of visual information received.


(45)Which procedure is recommended to prevent or overcome spatial disorientation?


A.Reduce head and eye movement to the greatest possible extent.

? ?

B.Rely on the kinesthetic sense.

C.Rely entirely on the indications of the flight instruments.


(46)While making prolonged constant rate turns under IFR conditions, an abrupt head movement can create the

illusion of rotation on an entirely different axis. This is known as

? ? ?

A.autokinesis B.Coriolis illusion C.the leans


(47)The leans is a state of disorientation which often occurs when

? abrupt change from a climb to straight and level flight

? aircraft which has been in a shallow turn for some time rolls back to level flight

? abrupt recovery or a rapid correction is made


(48)A pilot is more subject to spatial disorientation when


A.ignoring or overcoming the sensations of muscles and inner ear


B.eyes are moved often in the process of cross-checking the flight instruments


C.body sensations are used to interpret flight attitudes


(49)An absence of visible ground feature, such as when landing over water, darkened areas or terrain made featureless by snow, can create the illusion that


A.the aircraft is at a lower altitude than is the case, which may lead descends too low on approach


B.the aircraft is at a higher altitude than is the case, , which may lead a pilot descends too low on approach


C.the aircraft is at a higher altitude than is the case, , which may lead a pilot descends too high on approach


(50)In sensing the orientation of the body in space, the brain assigns the highest priority to information coming from

? ? ?

A.the eyes B.the inner

C.the proprioceptive system


(51)In relation to accelerate stop distance

certification rules allow a period of time for engine failure recognition and pilot reaction, how long is this period

? ? ?

V1 plus 2 second 2 second

VEF until V1 plus 2 second


(52)When using the Earth's horizon as a reference point to determine the relative position of other aircraft, most concern would be for aircraft

? ? ?

A.on the horizon with little relative movement. B.above the horizon and increasing in size. C.on the horizon and increasing in size.


(53)Which observed target aircraft would be of most concern with respect to collision avoidance?


A.One which appears to be ahead and moving from right to left at slow speed.


B.One which appears to be ahead with no lateral or vertical movement and is increasing in size.


C.One which appears to be ahead and moving from left to right at high speed.


(54)When making an approach to a narrower-than-usual runway, without VASI assistant, the pilot should be aware that the approach

? ? ?

A.attitude may be higher than it appears B.attitude may be lower than it appears C.may result in leveling off too high and landing hard


(55)When making an approach to a wider-than-usual runway, without VASI assistant, there is a tendency

? ? ? fly a lower-than -normal approach fly a higher-than -normal approach fly a normal approach


(56)If a pilot completes a difficult task successfully and is faced with a similar difficulty a few days later, he should experience

? ? ?

about the same degree of stress great stress less stress


57)Which will result in the max jet lag?

? ? ?

Long haul flight across ten time zones to the east. Long haul flight across six time zones to the west. Long haul flight across five time zones to the east.


