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Lesson 1 A private conversation

二、【New words and expressions】生词和短语(12)

private adj. 私人的 angry adj. 生气的 conversation n. 谈话 angrily adv. 生气地 theatre n. 剧场,戏院 attention n. 注意 seat n. 座位 bear v. 容忍 play n. 戏 business n. 事 loudly adv. 大声地 rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 1、private (1)adj. 私人的 同义词:personal

private life 私生活

private school 私立学校 private letter 私人信件

private conversation 私人谈话 private company 私人公司 private secretary 私人秘书 private affairs 私事

That is for your private ear. 那是说给你一个人听的秘密。 It's my private letter. (如果妈妈想看你的信)

It's my private house. (如果陌生人想进你的房子) private 强调隐私

personal 仅指个人的,不强调隐私,没有秘密可言

(2)adj. 秘密的 同义词:secret

a private/secret place 一个秘密的地方 (3)adj. 普通的

private citizen 普通公民

I'm a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民) private soldier 大兵 《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》)

(4)public adj. 公众的,公开的(private 的反义词)

public school 公立学校 public letter 公开信 public place 公共场所

(5)privately adv. 私人、秘密 =in private publicly adv. 公开 =in public (6)privacy n.隐私

It's privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) 2、conversation n.谈话

talk 内容可正式可不正式,也可以私人。 Let's have a talk。

chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧要的事。 dialogue 对话,可以指正式国家与国家会谈。

China and Korea are having a dialogue。


conversation 指非正式谈话。一般用于正式文体中。

(1) 交谈 subject of conversation 话题

They are having a conversation。

gossip 名词变动词 嚼舌头,说长道短。

say vt. 表示说的内容

speak 表示讲语言时,是及物动词;speak English、speak Chinese


speech n. 谈话,交谈

discuss 有着严肃目的的讨论 discussion n. 讨论

talk conversation

(2) have a dialogue with sb. 与某人交谈 chat gossip

have a talk with sb.=talk with sb.

have a conversation with sb.=conversate with sb. have a chat with sb.=chat with sb. talk with/to sb. 和某人谈话 talk about 谈论

talk with/to sb. about sth. 和某人谈论某事

I have a quiet consation with my closest friend. 我和我最好的朋友进行密谈。 I saw him in conversation with a friend. 我看见他在和朋友谈话。 No conversation while I’m talking. 我讲话的时候不要谈话。 We had a long chat about old times. 我们聊了许多关于过去的事。 be in conversation with sb. 和?在聊天 表示状态 be having conversation with sb.

He is nothing but a gossip. 他就是个爱嚼舌头的人。 (3)converse v. 谈话,交谈

converse with sb. 和某人谈话

(4)have words with sb. 与?争吵

3、theatre=theater(美式用法)n.剧场(=play house(口语化)),戏剧 类似的单词:metre=meter(美式用法) centre=center(美式用法) theatre goer 戏迷 play goer cinema n.电影院 drama

戏剧 opera 多指歌剧 play


cinema 看电影=go to the movies=go to the film go to the theatre 看戏

concert 听音乐会 (2)地点名词前通常不加定冠词的


school 上学 hospital 住院 church 作礼拜 go to prison 坐牢 college 上大学 sea 洗海澡 town 进城

以上的名词表示地点时前面可以加the,意为“去?地方” 表达某种身份时不能加the。

He is in prison. 他在坐牢。 He is in the prison. 他在监狱里。 go to college 上大学 go to the college 去大学办事

4、seat (1)n.座位

take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐

take a/one’s seat 请坐 one’s 指对号入座

have a 指随便就座


offer sb. a seat 给某人让座 get a seat 找个座

have a good seat/place 坐的位置不错 这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair。 Is the seat taken? 这个位置有人吗? 英语最为地道的说法 (2)seat vt.让某人就座

seat sb. 让某人就坐,后面会加人

he seated me in/on a comfortable sofa. 他让我坐在一张舒服的沙发上。 在沙发上、椅子上用on或in均可。 (3)请坐的4 种说法:

Sit down,please. (命令性) 口语化的 Take your seat,please. Seat yourself,please.

Be seated,please. (更礼貌) 代表状态

(4)作为动词的seat与sit 的区别

sit(sat,sitten) vi. 就座

He is sitting there. 他坐在那儿。 Seat yourself。 sit down 坐下

be seated=take a seat 就坐

(5)有一些动词的宾语是反身代词时,等于它的被动语态 hurt hurt dress oneself = be dressed devote devoted seat seated

He devoted himself to the education. 他把自己奉献给教育事业。 He was devoted to the education.

be seated = be sitting 正在坐着 表示状态


I found him sitting in/on a comfortable sofa. (宾补)我发现他坐在一张舒服的沙发上。 seated in/on a comfortable sofa.

I found that he was seated in/on a comfortable sofa. (that从句) was sitting in/on a comfortable sofa. find

think 后接宾语补足语或从句 多用宾补 believe

I found him listening to th music. I found her beautiful.

(6)vt. 容纳 相当于hold、accommodate

The hall can seat 100 person. 这个大厅可以容纳100人。 5、play(1)vt.进行?的活动

①玩运动项目时,前面不加定冠词the play football 踢足球 play cards play basketball 打篮球 play chess play volleyball 打羽毛球

②玩乐器时,前面要加定冠词the play the violin 拉小提琴 play the piano 弹钢琴

play the guitar 弹吉他


打牌 下棋 (2)vi. 玩

play with 玩弄、摆弄 play with fire 玩火 toys 玩玩具 (3)n. 戏剧

go to the theatre 去看戏 go to see a play comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧 playwright n. 剧作家 6、loudly adv. 大声地

(1) loud adv. &adj. 强调声音大

aloud adv. 强调出声,不一定是大声 loudly adv. 不但声音大而且嘈杂 (2)read aloud 朗读 laugh loud 大声笑 talk loud 大声讲话 knock loudly 大声敲打 ring loudly 大声按铃

Louder,please. 大声点 loud在使用时一般都用比较级 loud speaker 扬声器 loud adj.

He speaks in a loud/high voice. 他大声讲话。 In a low voice 低声

In a strong voice 不但声音大而且有底气 In a weak voice 声音小且微弱 7、angry adj. 生气的 (1) angry =cross

I was angry. /He was cross。 annoy trouble disturb

annoyed 恼火的;

be blue in the face 脸上突然变色 程 I was annoyed。 有些闹心 度 I was angry/cross。 生气

加 I was very angry。 非常生气

深 I am blue in the face. 脸色发青(脸色都青了,相当生气了) (2)be angry woth sb. 生某人的气

be angry at/about/over sth. 因为?而生气 (3)anger n. 怒气

He’s full of anger. 他很生气。=he is very angry. 表达心中的情感通常用be full of 来表达,最为地道。 (4)angrily adv. 生气地=with anger

He is looking at me angrily.


with anger.

介词词组表达情感时用with,等于它的副词。 difficultly=with difficult smlingly=with a smile

8、attention n. 注意(U.) 词根:attend 参加、照顾 Attention,please. 请注意(口语)

pay attention 注意

pay attention to ? 对??注意 to是介词 You must pay attention to that girl. pay a little attention 稍加注意 pay much attention 多加注意 pay more attention 更多注意 pay no attention 不用注意 pay little attention 不太注意 pay close attention 特别注意 pay enough attention 足够关注 pay some attention 注意

Attention! 立正 口语化 Stand to attention. 正式用法 Stand at ease. 稍息

9、bear(bore,born) v. 容忍 (1)vt. 承受,支撑,承担,负担

Can the ice bear my weight?

Who will bear the cost? 谁来承担这笔费用?

(2)vt. 忍受(一般与表示“能够”的字眼,如can、could、be able to 连用于疑问句及否定句中)

She eats too fast. I can’t bear to watch/watching her. 她吃得太快。我看着受不了。 How can you bear living in this place? 你怎么能受得了住在这个地方? I can’t bear it.


stand bear/stand/endure 忍受的极限在加大

忍受,容忍 endure

put up with

suffer 多指承受自然、病痛等


be born 生于?

bear a child 生育孩子 比较生硬 give birth to sb. 委婉的说法 (4)vt.怀有?的情感

bear sth. in mind 把?记在心里

I’ll bear it in mind. 我会把它记在心里。

(5)记住 remember/recall/recollect 记起(原来记过) memorize 记住(原来没记过) 背诵 recite


learn sth. by heart (6)bear n.熊

bear hug 热情(热烈)的拥抱 give sb. a bear hug 10、business n. 事,生意 (1) n. 生意

business man 生意人 do business 做生意 go on business 公出

(2)n. 某人自己的私人的事情

thing 所有的事都可以用thing来表示 matter 多指麻烦事

事 affair(s) 指国际大事

business 多指商业、生意上的事

incident 指特殊的一件小事,尤其指巧合的小事 It's none of your business. 不关你的事。


What’s your job? 你是做什么工作的? What do you do? What are you?

What line/business are you in? What’s your occupation? 11、rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地

(1)rude adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 同义词:impolite 反义词:polite

be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁 a rude answer 粗鲁的回答


rudeness n. 粗鲁 kindness goodness

(3) shout at at表示近距离,且多含有侮辱的意思

cry at

shout to to表示远距离,不含有侮辱成分 cry to

call out to

point at sb. 指着某人(很不礼貌的)

(4)It’s + 被动语态 that从句 名词 +of/for sb. + doing 表语形容词 to do sth.

It's rude of sb. to do sth.

①It’s + adj. + for sb. ? 表示这件事对某人的影响结果,人是动作的执行者



It’s important for you to study English.


It’s easy for them to help you.

It’s dangerous for him to walk outside.

②It’s + adj. + of sb. ? 表示这件事反映某人的品质 此类形容词有:rude、kind、friendly、polite、nice、cruel ③It’s+ n. + of/for sb. ?

常用的名词有:a pity、a shame、fun It’s a pity for him to miss the class. ④ It’s no use doing ? no good

It’s no use crying now. 12、pay vt. &vi. 支付

(1)vt. &vi. 支付(价款等)

Have you paid the taxi-driver?

You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds? 您可以先付30 英镑的定金?? I’ll pay by instalments。

I paid 50 dollars for this skirt. (pay?for sth. 花/支付??(钱)买??) (2)vt. &vi. 给予(注意等);去(访问)

They did not pay any attention。

We paid a visit to our teacher last Sunday. 上星期天我们去拜访了老师。 (3)n. 工资,报酬

I have not received my pay yet. 我还没有领到工资。 二、【Grammer】 (一)一般现在时 1、结构


(2)主语+be动词+非动词 2、常用的时间副词 (1)频率副词

always、usually、often、sometimes、ever、never、seldom(=rarely)、frequently (2)in the morning、at night、on Sunday、every+时间名词 (3)次数+时间段

以上的词均用how often 提问。 测试答案:

(1)The teacher asked us to read aloud. 老师让我们朗读。 The teacher let us read aloud.

(2)He laughed at(made fun of) me in public, and I couldn’t bear him. 他在公共场合嘲笑我,我无法忍受他。

(3)It's dangerous for you to play with fire in thde street. 在大街上玩火是很危险的。

that you play with fire in the street.

(4)He cried/shouted at me angrily/with anger. 他生气地向我喊叫。 (5)I seated him in a comfortable place.

(6)I often go to the theatre. 我经常去看戏。 see a play.


(7)He doesn’t pay any attention to may words. 他根本不注意我的话。 He pays on attention to may words.

(8)Can the hall seat 500 people. 这个大厅能容纳500人吗?

(9)By the end of last year, he had been in college for three years. 到去年年底,他已经上大学三年了。

(10)This is a private computer, you can’t use it. 这是一部私人电脑,你不能用它。 3、一般现在时的用法: (1)表示经常发生的动作。 (2)表示客观规律或自然现象。

The earth runs/moves/travels around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。 Light travels fast. 光速很快。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 (3)表示主语的特征、身份、状态等等。

He’s a teacher. They’re happy.

以下动词能表达主语的身份、状态等:live、work、study I live in Panjin. He studies hard.


I like English. like、know、understand 永远不会有进行时。 I speak English well. well在这里表达能力。


表示时间状语从句的连词:when、as soon as、after、before 适用于此种情况的 表示条件状语从句的连词:if、unless(=if not)

表示让步状语从句的连词:no matter how 虽然?但是

I will run into the room as soon as it rains. 主将 从现


Unless he comes, I will call him.=If he doesn’t come, I will call him. 如果他不来,我将给他打电话。 no matter 不管

no matter+疑问词=疑问词+-ever

No matter how much advice you give, he won’t follow. However much advice you give, he won’t follow.



The train leaves at eight. 火车8点钟开。

The meeting starts/begins at eight. 将在8点钟召开会议。 (二)现在进行时 1、构成

主语+be+doing 2、时间词



now=at present=at the moment=for the time being (2)表示时间段

this days、this year、this month 表示这段时间一直在做一件事,但说话这一刻不一定在做。

(3)前或后有祈使句,用进行时 The train is coming. Hurry!

(4)前面的句子有时间条件,后面的句子用进行时。 it 可以表达天气、距离、时间等

It’s 3, the students are studying in the classroom. It’s fall, the leaves are falling.

(5)表示发展、变化的动词,用进行时来表达 常用的动词有:get、become It’s getting colder. (6)always、frequently用在现在时表达陈述事实,用在进行时表示报怨或赞美的语气。 He always helps others. 他总是帮助别人。

He’s always helping others.

They are always making noises. 他们总是弄出噪音。 They always make noises.

(7)短暂动词用进行时表达将来时。 Come、go、die、leave

He is dying. 他快死了。

When is he coming? 他什么时候来?

(8)以图片为背景,介绍图片里的情况时,用进行时。 (9)可以表达说话者非常关切的口气。 How are you feeling?

(三)一般将来时 十一种:

1、主语+be+going+to do 2、主语+will/shall+do

3、短暂动词用进行时表达将来时。 4、打算性动词用现在时表达将来时

want、hope、mean、intend、aim、plan 后接to do,永远没有进行时 5、主语+be+to do

6、主语+be +about+to do 7、主语+set out/off+to do 8、主语+set about+doing 9、主语+情态动词+do 10、祈使句可代表将来时 11、主语+be+due to+do (二)将来时的时间词 1、tomorrow类的 tomorrow、the day after tomorrow、tomorrow evening、the day after tomorrow in the evening(后天晚上)



next year、the year after next 3、in+时间段=in+时间段’s+time 2011-07-24

soon=shortly=before long 不久之后 in the future 遥远的将来,未来

in future 很近的将来=from now on 从现在开始的时间 after+时间点 after May in+时间段 some day

one day 有可能用将来时,也可以用过去时 3、一般将来时的用法 (1)主语+be+going to

表达个人打算主观意图比较强烈 (2)will

表达客观或自然性 Next year will be 2002. I will be 12 next year.

Fish will die without water.

Turn right,you will see the school.

There will be a class tomorrow. 明天将会有一堂课。 There is going to be a class tomorrow. There be 结构表示“存在”,某处有某物 Have 表示“有,拥有”,主语必须为有生命的名词。 There is going to be rain tomorrow.

There will be rain tomorrow. 正式用法 It will rain tomrrow.

will含有个人的祝愿和意愿的意思,对于一件事情的可能性、遥远的事情也用will will含有个人心甘情愿的意思


I believe that China will be stronger and stronger. Oil and water can’t mix together. won’t 可以表达“不能”,相当于can’t. My pen won’t work. 我的笔坏了。

表示“容量”时,可以用will表达,相当于can. The hall will seat 100 people. (3) be to do

直接表打算,表示命令或要求的口气 (4)be about to do


be about to do没有特别的时间词,后面往往接when引导的时间状语从句

He was about to die when we found him. 当我们发现他的时候,他眼看就要死了。 The train will leave at 8. 火车将在8点钟开。


The train leaves at 8 The train is leaving at 8.

(5)be due to do 表达有一定的时间点 (6)set out/off to do 着手去做 set out/off 单独用时,意为“出发” 四、一般过去时 1、结构


主语+动词的过去式 助动词是did used to do would do 2、时间词

(1)yesterday last night the day before yesterday the year before last The day before yesterday in the evening (2)last+时间名词 (3)时间段+ago (4)明确的过去时间

(5)long long ago=once upon a time (6)before + 单词 从句

(7)one day 一天 once 曾经 the other day 几天前in the old days 在过去的时光then 那时


(1)应用于现在时的时间副词都可以用在过去时,但要有明确的过去时间 (2)谈到死去的人要用过去时 LeiFeng was a nice comrade.



He said he would tell you when he saw you. 他说他见到你就会告诉你。 (5)wish、wonder、hope、think用它们做主句的头,从句表示试探性的语气

I thought you may have some advice. 我想你应该有些建议。=Can you give me some advice?

(6)when引导的从句是一般过去时,主句以过去类为主。 五、过去将来时 1、结构

主语+was/were going to do Would do

Was/were to do

Was/were about to do

过去将来时不能单独使用,需放在各种从句中使用。 He asked me if there was going to be rain tomorrow.

They wondered(wanted to know) when I could finished the task. 他们想知道我什么时间完成任务。



主语+was/were+doing (1)用在讲故事的背景

It was a winter, the wind was blowing strongly/hard, the snow was falling, a little girl was walking in/on the street.


①at that time/moment=then 在那时 At that time, he was smoking. ②at this time+过去时间

At this time yesterday, he was sleeping. ③at+钟点+过去时间

At 3 o’clock yesterday, he was playing basketball.



When I came in, she was cooking dinner. When she was cooking dinner, I came in. (七)现在完成时

有两种形式:已完成式,到现在为止,已经做完某事 动词都是短暂动词 He has left.

未完成式,到现在为止,尚在发展进行当中 动词都是延续性动词 He has lived here for three years. 和过去时的区别 He was a teacher. He has been a teacher. 过去时有明确的时间 完成时的时间比较模糊 1、结构

主语+have/has+done have/has是助动词 2、时间状语

(1)时间副词:already、still、just、yet、ever、never、before、lately、recently ①already 在肯定句中,行前be后 He has already come.

用在疑问句句尾,表达惊讶的语气 Has he come already?

②still 在肯定句和疑问句中译为“仍然、还”,位置是行前be后 It’s still early.

在否定句中译为“尚未”,位置是助动词之前 He still hasn’t come.

still作为形容词时,意为“宁静的,寂静的” still 作为连词用时,意为“但是,然而”,属委婉转折,可以和“虽然”放在一起。

③yet 用在否定句或疑问句句尾 ④hardly ever=almost ever


hardly any=almost no

I have hardly any money.=I have almost no money.

He hardly ever goes shopping.=He almost never goes shopping. ⑤before可以用在时间段之后,也可以单独使用。 ⑥lately和recently 意为“最近”,通常用在完成时

(2)包括“现在”在内的时间词,now、today、this year可以用于各种时态,所用的时态需要看具体情况

(3)so far、by far、up to now/the present 到现在为止 用在句首或句尾 (4)第几次、最?

It(或主语) is(will be)+序数词或形容词最高级+名词+完成时 is可以换成was,后边用过去完成时 She’s the most beautiful girl that I’ve seen.

It will be the second time that I have read the book. It is the first time that I have been to Shanghai.

(5)for+时间段,不是完全的完成时的特征,没有明确的时间段时用现在完成时 (6) 介词+名词或代词 后边必须加时间点 since 连词+句子

副词(副词放在句尾) 用作副词时,肯定有个前提 Since March, he has lived here.

Since I knew him , he has lived here. Since the film began, he has slept.

The film began at 8, he has slept (ever) since. 加ever是为了强调。 (7)在过去的时间段之内

during/in /over the past/last+时间段

They have planted/grew many trees during/in/over the past/last three years. (8)有次数的话,要用完成时 He has seen the person twice. (9)完成进行时的结构:

have/has+been+doing 选择题中出现时,有完成时和完成进行时,以完成进行时优先。

有两项不能用完成进行时: 有截止次数的话一定用完成时。

前边主干句子用否定句的话用完成时。 He hasn’t seen the man for three years. He hasn’t cried since the rain stopped. (10)has gone 去?还没回来 has been 去?已经回来了

has been to 去了已经回来了

in 去了还没回来,待在那里 He has been away from Shanghai for 3 years. He left Shanghai 3 years ago. It’s 3 years since he left Shanghai.

3 years has passed since he left Shanghai.

He has been away from Shanghai since 3 years ago. (八)过去完成时





He had finished homework when I saw him. 用before、after的都适用于此条。 用在各种从句的间接引语中 He said he had seen him. (九)将来完成时 will have done (十)将来进行时

will be+doing 将来进行时陈述的可能性比一般将来时更大 (十一)将来完成进行时

will have been doing (十二)过去将来完成时

would have done


would have been doing


