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第十一章 Claims索赔 第一节 Claims Letters索赔信

一、The Steps of Writing Claim Letters索赔信的写作步骤


赔偿内容可以有如下几个方面: (1)请求赔偿损失。


(3)请求调换。货物的品质不符或规格不符,可请求调换。 (4)请求修理。机器发生故障或损坏时,可要求修理。

(5)请求减价或折让。如交货延迟、品质不佳,皆可要求减价或贬值折让。 (6)拒收货物请求退还货款,并赔偿损失。 通常写作索赔信可以遵循下列格式:


品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(Detailed information to explain the problem. This explanation should give dates, name and quantity of goods, contract number or any other specific information that will make a recheck easier for the reader)

●We have just received…evidencing…(我们刚收到……证明……)

●We regret having to inform you that …arrived in…(很遗憾通知你方……到


●20% of the packages had been broken…(……20%的包装破损……) ●It was found that upon examination……(检查后发现……)

2〃说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A statement of

the inconvenience or loss that has resulted from this error. This strengthens your argument)

●The materials are quite unsuited to…(货物很不适合……)

●These goods are entirely useless to us…(这些货物对我们毫无用处……) ●This has caused us much inconvenience…(这给我们带来了很大不便) 3〃说明希望对方如何解决问题。如何不知道哪种解决方式为宜,可敦促对方采

取必要的行动。(A statement of how you wish the reader to act. The writer who doesn’t know what adjustment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action)

●We wish to get your early reply.(希望收到你方早日答复)

●We look forward to your settlement at an early date.(盼早日收到你方解决办法)

二、The Principles of Claim Letters索赔信的写作原则

当写索赔信时,应照顾到读者的荣誉和权利,清楚地解释发生了什么事情,而不要讲一些不相关的事情。清楚地说明你的不便或者所造成的损失,还应说明你需要什么样的赔偿。 投诉应该立即进行,因为任何拖延对供应商来说都会使事情复杂化。应该认为卖方会采取补救措施。 一般来说,索赔的目的是为了获得更好的服务。信写的越具体就越容易使对方处理索赔。所以写索赔信时措辞要谨慎,语气要委婉,同时注意陈述事实,做到有理有据,这样才能够被对方所接受。

三、Text Explanation and VocabularyⅠ课文分析和词汇1 Dear Mr. Smith:

We have recently received a number of complaints1from customers about your clocks. The clocks are clearly not giving satisfaction2and in some cases3we have had to refund4the purchase price.(说明自己的实际情况)

The clocks complained about are part of the batch5of five hundred supplied to our order No. 908 of 2nd April. This order was placed on the basis of6a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves compared7the performance8of this sample with that of a number of the clocks complained about and there is little doubt9that many of them do not tell the right time10.(详细解释状况)

The complaints received relate11only to clocks from the batch referred to12. Clocks supplied before these have always been satisfactory13. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return14of the unsold balance15, amounting to 503 clocks in all16, and to replace17them by clocks of the quality our earlier dealings with you have led us to expect.(具体索赔要求)

Sincerely, 讲解: 第一段:

We have recently received a number of complaints1from customers about your

clocks. The clocks are clearly not giving satisfaction2and in some cases3we have had to refund4the purchase price.

1. complaint抱怨,不满,名词。 例:

(1)We received your letter of complaint of 12 June with regret.(收到你方6


(2)Recently we received many complaint from our customers.(最近我们收到许



例:Many customers complain about products.(许多客户投诉我们的产品。) claim索赔。register one’s claim with sb/against sb提出索赔,也可以用file a

claim,lodge a claim,raise a claim,make a claim。后面接with you/against you。 例:

(1)Claims are payable only for that part of the loss, that is over 5%.(损失只


(2)We register our claim with you as follows: …(我们就下列问题向你们提出


(3)Claims for shortage or incorrect material must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.(对短重或错发的索赔必须在货到后30天内进行。)

(4)Your claim on this cargo has been settled.(你方就这批货的索赔已经解决。)

(5)We lodge a claim with you for the short-weight.(我们就短重向你方提出索


(6)We lodge a claim with you on fertilizer.(我们就化肥向你方提出索赔。) 2. giving satisfaction 令人满意。意思同satisfactory。事物作主语。 satisfaction满意,名词。 例:

(1)The pens are not giving satisfaction.(这些钢笔很令人不满意。)

(2)The first shipment of pens has turned out to the satisfaction of the users.(第


3. in some cases有时候。

例:In some cases,the goods are returned to us.(有时货被退回来了。) 4. refund偿还,归还(款项)。 例:

(1)We have had to refund the purchase price.(我们不得不退回货款。) (2)The sellers promise to refund the buyers the full invoice value of the goods.


(3)We will refund the transportation expenses.(我们会退回运费。) 讲解: 第二段:

The clocks complained about are part of the batch5of five hundred supplied to our

order No. 908 of 2nd April. This order was placed on the basis of6a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves compared7the performance8of this sample with that of a number of the clocks complained about and there is little doubt9that many of them do not tell the right time10.

5. batch一批货。

6. on the basis of在……基础上,以……为依据。

例:On the basis of the SCIB’s Survey Report,we lodge a claim with you for the


7. compare比较,动词。用法为compare sth with…(把某物与……相比);compare sth to…(把某物比作……)

例:When we compare the goods with the samples you sent,we found that……(当


8. performance性能,表现。

例:The performance of the machine is not satisfactory.(机器的运转令人不满意。) 9. there is little doubt意思同there is no doubt。毫无疑问。 例:

(1)There is little doubt that it is caused by rough handling.(毫无疑问这是由


(2)There is little doubt that he is in trouble.(毫无疑问他有麻烦了。) 10. tell the right time走时准确。 讲解: 第三段:

The complaints received relate11only to clocks from the batch referred to12. Clocks

supplied before these have always been satisfactory13. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return14of the unsold balance15, amounting to 503 clocks in all16, and to replace17them by clocks of the quality our earlier dealings with you have led us to expect.

11. relate to与……相关;与……有关。 例:

(1)This is a problem relating to pollution.(这是一个与污染有关的问题。) (2)The loss is related to his negligence.(损失与他的疏忽有关。) 12. refer to 参阅,提及,谈到。 例:

(1)We refer you to our bank for our financial standing.(请你们向我方银行了


(2)You can refer to the bank for our financial standing.(请你们向我方银行了


13. satisfactory令人满意的。 例:

(1)The pens are not satisfactory.(这些笔令人不满意。)

(2)The users have found your pens satisfactory.(用户们觉得你们的钢笔令人



例:We are satisfied with his performance.(对他的表现我们感到满意。) 14. return退回,动词。

例:Please return the goods and we will replace them for you.(请退回货物,我


15. unsold balance没卖出去的货物。Balance指剩下的部分。 16. in all 总共。

例:Your claim for shortage of weight amounts to 84.82 tons in all.(你方短重索


17. replace替换,换货,动词。用法replace sth by sth else。

例:We will replace Black-White Television Receiver Sets by Color TV Sets at a

difference of RMB ¥1,000 per set,our favor.(我们愿意以彩色电视机来调换黑白电视机,每台须补差价人民币1000元。)


例:We will send you the replacement as soon as possible.(我们会尽快给你方寄


译文: 先生:








四、Text Explanation and VocabularyⅡ课文分析和词汇2 Dear Sirs:

Our order No.098 of 9 March for plastics has now been delivered. We have examined the shipment carefully and, to our great disappointment1, find that they are not of the quality2we ordered.(表示收到货物,并说明事实)

The materials do not match3the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them is so poor that we feel that a mistake has been made in making up4the order. The goods do not match the requirements5of our company. We have, therefore, no choice6but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them with materials of the quality we ordered.(详细解释情况,提出具体要求)

We are very keen to7resolve this matter amicably8. If you can replace the materials, we are prepared to9allow the agreed delivery time to run10from the date you confirm that you can supply the correct materials.(希望友好解决问题)

We look forward to your early reply.(希望早日答复) Yours sincerely, 讲解: 第一段:

Our order No.098 of 9 March for plastics has now been delivered. We have

examined the shipment carefully and, to our great disappointment1, find that they are not of the quality2we ordered.

1. to our great disappointment令人非常失望的是。用great表示强调。有时也用

much强调,如much to our disappointment。这是习惯用法,类似的说法有:much to our surprise,to our regret等。这种短语一般用于句首。 例:

(1)To our great regret, we learn that you are not satisfied with goods.(很遗憾


(2)Much to our disappointment, we found that many cases are broken.(我们很


2. of the quality产品质量。

例:The goods are of the best quality.(这些货物的质量是最好的。) 讲解: 第二段:

The materials do not match3the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them is

so poor that we feel that a mistake has been made in making up4the order. The goods do not match the requirements5of our company. We have, therefore, no choice6but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them with materials of the quality we ordered.

3. match匹配,相符。动词。

例:These shoes do not match;one is large and the other is small.(这双鞋不相


4. make up准备,凑足。

5. requirement需要的货,也可以是要求,需求。满足要求用:meet (satisfy, supply,

fill)one’s requirement。

例:We can meet your requirements for 50,000 kilos soybeans.(我们能够满足你


6. have no choice but…别无选择,只能……。后面接动词不定式。 例:

(1)We have no choice but to give up.(我们别无选择只能放弃。)

(2)He has no choice but to accept their advice.(他别无选择,只能接受他们的


讲解: 第三段:

We are very keen to7resolve this matter amicably8. If you can replace the materials,

we are prepared to9allow the agreed delivery time to run10from the date you confirm that you can supply the correct materials.

7. are very keen to非常希望。

例:Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we regret being unable to

satisfy your request for a reduction in price.(虽然我方想满足你方要求, 但很抱歉不能按照你方要求降低价格。)

8. amicably友好地。

例:We hope this will be settled amicably.(我们希望友好地解决这件事。)

9. are prepared to准备好作某事…… 例:

(1)Are you prepared to accept their terms and conditions?(你准备好接受他们


(2)We are prepared to give you a 6% discount if you place a large order.(如果


10. run开始计算。 译文: ——先生:









五、Useful Language索赔信的常用句式

1〃We regret to inform you that the goods shipped per S.S. “peace” arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we cannot but lodge a claim against you.



2〃Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodge within 15 days

after their arrival.


3〃We are of the opinion that you did not take these factors into consideration in

your inspection.


4〃After re-inspection we found that the quality of the goods was not in conformity

with the contract stipulations.


5〃We have received many complaints from the customers concerning the

toothbrushes under our Order No. 1176.


6〃In view of the above, we regret that we have to return the defective goods to you

for replacement at your expense.

鉴于以上情况,很遗憾我们不得不将次品退回你处调换,费用由你方支付。 7〃We regret to inform you that the goods received are not in accordance with your



8〃We are sorry to say that quality of your shipment for our order No. 758 has been

found not in conformity with the agreed specification.

很遗憾,你们运来的我方758号订单的货物与双方谈定的规格不符。 9〃The buyer has the right to lodge a claim on the defective goods. 对于不合格的货物,买方有权提出索赔。

10〃The educational instruments we have just received from you are of very poor

quality, which is far below the standard that can be sold in this market.


第二节 Adjustment Letters理赔信

一、The Steps of Writing Adjustment Letters理赔信的写作步骤



1〃对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the


情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)

●We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident…(对这个不


●We are extremely sorry for the late delivery of…(我们为迟交……感到非常遗憾) ●We regret the inconvenience you have experienced…(我们对你方经历的不便表


2〃解释问题出现的原因并表示同意索赔;(Explaining the reasons of the problem and expressing the wish to grant the claim)

情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions) ●It happened that…(事情是……)

●Another thorough check-up reveals that…(再次彻底检查发现……) ●The wrong pieces may be returned…(发错的货可以退回……)

●We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation.(我们准备给你方合理


3〃表示希望继续与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)

●We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我


●We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生


●In view of the …(鉴于我们之间的友好关系……)




1〃对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the


情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions) ●We very much regret that…(很遗憾……)

●We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident…(对这个不


●We regret the inconvenience you have experienced…(我们对你方经历的不便表


2〃解释问题出现的原因并表明自己的立场;(Explaining the reasons for the problem and making clear your position)

情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)

●After a check-up we found that…(检查后我们发现……) ●The shipment you complained…(你方抱怨的货物……) ●We are of the opinion that…(我们的意见是……)

●In order to settle the claim quickly…(为了尽快解决索赔……) 3〃直接拒绝或建议可能的解决办法; 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)

●We regret being unable to accept your suggestion to…(很遗憾不能接受你方……


●As this is a matter concerning insurance, we hope you will refer it to…(由于这


●We can not but…(我们只能……)

4〃希望表示继续与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)

●We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我


●We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生


●In view of the …(鉴于我们之间的友好关系……)

第二节 Adjustment Letters理赔信

二、The Principles of Adjustment Letters理赔信的写作原则





●如果你不能立即处理索赔,也要立即回信表示对对方的索赔正在处理中。 ●如果索赔没有理由,客气委婉地指出来。

●如果确实是你的错,应承认并表示遗憾还要承诺你会纠正自己的错误。 ●不要批评你的员工,因为你应对他们的行为负责。 ●不管你理赔还是拒绝,都应感谢客户告诉你事实。例如:

1〃We assure you that we are doing all we can to speed up delivery and offer our

apologies for the inconvenience the delay is causing you.(我们向你方保证我们正在尽快交货,并对给你们带来的不便和拖延致歉。)

2〃We hope you will be satisfied with the arrangements we have now made and apologize for the inconvenience you have had to undergo.(我们希望你会对我们的安排满意,并对你方经历的不便表示歉意。)









三、Text Explanation and VocabularyⅠ课文分析和词汇1 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 20 May.(感谢对方的来信)

We agree with1you that our shoes should last2longer than one month. If they do not, we like to know the reason why.(对货物进行评价)

We have carefully examined the pair you returned to us. Our production manager reports that the shoes have been thoroughly3soaked4and then dried5by heat. Even the best quality shoes will not withstand6this treatment7.(陈述事情发生的原因)

For this reason8, we regret that we cannot agree to your request for a replacement pair.(对不能同意换货表示遗憾) Yours sincerely, 讲解:


We agree with1you that our shoes should last2longer than one month. If they do not, we like to know the reason why.

1. agree with同意某人的意见

例:We agree with you on this point.(在这点上我们同意你的观点。)


例:We agreed that we will give you an increase in commission.(我们同意给你方增加佣金。) agree to同意或接受(建议、办法、条件)

例:We agree to your proposal.(我们同意你的建议。) agree on(upon)双方同意或商定。

例:L/C terms were agreed on(upon).(以信用证付款是双方商定的。)

agreement协议,协议书。用法有come to an agreement,reach an agreement。

例:We are glad that we have come to an agreement on this matter.(很高兴我们已经就这个问题达成一致。)

2. last持续,动词。

例:The game lasts for 4 hours.(比赛持续了4小时。)

last 上一个,形容词。

例:Our last class was not very interesting.(我们上一节课不太有兴趣。) 讲解: 第三段:

We have carefully examined the pair you returned to us. Our production manager reports that the shoes have been thoroughly3soaked4and then dried5by heat. Even the best quality shoes will not withstand6this treatment7.

3. thoroughly彻底地,全面地。

例:The police checked the room thoroughly.(警察彻底地检查了屋子。)


例:After a thorough examination,we found that...(彻底调查之后,我们发现......) 4. soak浸泡。


例:We dry our clothes near the fire.(我们在火边烘干衣服。)

6. withstand承受,禁得住。

例:We have made it clear that the packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.(我们已经说明了包装必须结实得禁得住粗鲁装运。)

7. treatment待遇,对待。

例:His treatment of the animal was cruel.(他对待这只动物很残忍。) 讲解: 第四段:

For this reason8, we regret that we cannot agree to your request for a replacement pair. 8. for this reason由于这种原因。

例:For this reason, we cannot accept your request for a replacement.(由于这种原因,我们不能接受你方换货的要求。) 译文: ——先生:


贵公司认为本公司生产的鞋子理应非常耐穿,不应只穿着一个月便损坏;本公司亦赞同此意见。 经仔细检查贵公司退回的鞋子后,本公司生产经理认为该鞋曾被彻底浸湿,其后再经烘干。这样的处理方法就是质料最好的鞋子,耐用程度也会减低。 基于上述原因,本公司非常抱歉未能接受更换要求。 谨上,

四、Text Explanation and VocabularyⅡ课文分析和词汇2

Dear Sirs,

Your letter of July 12 has been received, and we were very sorry to hear about1the problem you experienced2with our Color TV sets.(对对方索赔表示遗憾)

We maintain3rigid4inspection5standards6, but occasionally7an imperfection8does slip by9, as it unfortunately did in the case of10your Color TV sets.(解释原因)

We have entered a replacement11order to be shipped to you at once. Your satisfaction is

extremely12important to us and we apologize for13the inconvenience you have been caused.(具体理赔办法---换货)

Thank you for purchasing our products.(对对方订货表示感谢) Yours sincerely, 讲解: 第一段:

Your letter of July 12 has been received, and we were very sorry to hear about1the problem you experienced2with our Color TV sets.

1. hear about听说。

例:We hear about the news from a friend.(我从一个朋友那里听说这个消息。) 2. experience经历,动词。 例:

(1)We regret the inconvenience you have experienced…(我们对你方经历的不便表示遗憾……) (2)He has experienced the war.(他经历过战争。) 讲解: 第二段:

We maintain3rigid4inspection5standards6, but occasionally7an imperfection8does slip by9, as it unfortunately did in the case of10your Color TV sets. 3. maintain维持,保持,持续。动词。 例:

(1)The sales are maintained in the first quarter.(第一季度销量保持不变。) (2)The situation is maintained.(形势没有变化。)


例:Our maintenance staffs are the fastest.(我们的维修是最快的。) 4. rigid严格的。

例:Our products have to experience rigid examination.(我们的产品必须经过严格的检查。) 5. inspection检查,检验。

例:Commodity Inspection Bureau商检局。 6. standard标准。


(1)It is required that the equipment and technology to be provided by you should be up to advanced world standard.(你方所提供的设备和技术应达到国际先进水平。)

(2)We feel it necessary to inform you that your last delivery of our order is not up to the usual standard.(我们有必要通知你们上次交货标准与以往不一样。) 7. occasionally有时候,不时地。 例:

(1)We have to occasionally tell them to watch for errors.(我们不得不不时地提醒他们注意错误。) (2)Occasionally, we encounter difficulties.(我们不时遇到困难。) 8. imperfection不完美。名词。是perfection的反义词。

例:Imperfection is common in writing letters.(写信时的不完美是常见的。) 9. slip by悄悄地溜过,没被注意到。

例:He slipped by.(他悄悄地溜过去了。)

10. in the case of在……情况下。

例:We shall do our best to satisfy you in the case of shipment.(在装运方面我们会和你们合作。) in this case如果这样,在这种情况下。

例:In this case,we will not fail to cable you an offer.(如果这样,定去电给你报盘。) in no case决不,后面句子倒装。

例:You may rest assured that in no case will the L/C be delayed.(你可以放心,信用证决不会迟开。) such being the case情况既然这样。

例:Such being the case,we regret being unable to make you an offer at present.(情况既然这样,抱歉我们目前无法报盘。) 讲解: 第三段:

We have entered a replacement11order to be shipped to you at once. Your satisfaction is extremely12important to us and we apologize for13the inconvenience you have been caused. 11. replacement换货。

例:We will send you the replacement as soon as possible.(我们会尽快给你方寄去换货。) 12. extremely非常。 例:

(1)We are extremely satisfied with you.(我们对你们非常满意。) (2)He is extremely interested in the art.(他对艺术非常感兴趣。)

13. apologize for为……致歉。 例:

(1)We apologize for the inconvenience caused.(我们为引起的不便表示歉意。) (2)He has apologized for his negligence.(他为他的疏忽表示歉意。) 译文: 先生:


虽然我们有严格的检查标准,但是错误也时有发生,正如你方彩色电视机中不幸遇到的一样。 我们立即安排了装运换货。你们的满意对我们极其重要,我们对给你方造成的不便表示歉意。

感谢你们购买我们的产品。 谨上,

五、Useful Language理赔信的常用句式

〃1Thank you for your help and understanding. We truly appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the near future.

感谢你们的帮助和理解。我们非常感谢你方的生意并希望在将来再次为您服务。 2〃Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. 感谢你方把此事告诉我方。

3〃We are sorry for the confusion and delays and will take effective measures to

have your orders filled correctly in the future.


4〃I am sorry to learn about the damage to the fax machine that you purchased from



5〃We regret that we sent you a LP-300 instead of the LP-301 Laser Printer that you


很遗憾我们给你方发送的是LP-300而不是你们定的LP-301激光打印机。 6〃Thank you for informing us about the damage to our consignment. 感谢你们告知我方货物的损失。

7〃We will ship the correct items to you immediately at our expense. 我们将立即装运正确的货物,费用由我方承担。

8〃We will deliver a replacement to you as soon as possible. 我们会尽快地发给你们换货。

9〃We are now sending you a replacement and a refund check for the $45.50

handling expenses.

我们现在正寄给你方换货和45.50美元处理费用的退款。 10〃Please accept our apologies for this error. 对错误请接受我们的歉意。

11〃Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. 对我们给你方造成的不便,请接受我们的歉意。

12〃Please accept our sincere apologies. We hope the inconvenience to you is small. 请接受我们真诚的歉意。我们希望不会给你方带来很大的不便。


Letter 1

Dear Sirs,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of the above order and to inform you that there

is an error in the shipment.(感谢收到货物)

The merchandise I ordered was Model 8, while the merchandise I received is Model

7. (说明事实)

Upon receiving your instructions for the return of goods, I will send the same to


I would like to receive the correct merchandise as quickly as possible and will

appreciate your expeditious handling of this matter.(希望对方早日处理此事)

Yours sincerely,








Letter 2

Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter regarding your order no.343, delivered last week. (对


We are sorry to hear of the breakages which occurred in transit. We pack our

shipments with great care but there are occasions when the merchandise is mishandled along the way. (对造成的问题表示遗憾)

I have your inventory of the broken items. We shall make up a consignment of

replacements which should reach you shortly. (具体解决办法)

Please hold the broken items for possible insurance inspection. I have lodged a

claim with our insurer for the loss. (请对方做的事)

Our apologies for the inconvenience. (再次表示抱歉)

Yours faithfully,







已就有关损失向保险公司索偿,烦请保留破损货物供保险公司检查。 不便之处,敬希见谅。 谨上

Letter 3

Dear Sirs,

We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up your usual

standard. The goods seem to be too roughly made. By separate mail we have sent you a sample of this article so that you can compare it with your original sample and see the inferiority of the goods dispatched.(对索赔表示遗憾并说明采取的行动)

We have always been able to rely on the excellent quality of your goods and we are

all the more disappointed in this case because we have to supply these articles to new customers. We ask you to let us know immediately what you can do to help us in overcoming this difficulty.(希望对方早日解决问题)

Yours faithfully,








