MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

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MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

MEDDEV 2.12/2 rev2 January 2012





The present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical Devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interest parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts where circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interest parties in the medical devices sector. 注释







Circumstances where a post market clinical follow up study in indicated Elements of a post-market clinical follow up study

The use of study data

The role of the notified body in post-market clinical follow up 目录










This document is intended to be a guide for manufacturers and Notified Bodies on how to carry out Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) studies in order to fulfil Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) obligations according to Section 3.1 of Annex II, Section 3 of Annex IV, Section 3 of Annex V, Section 3.1 of Annex VI or Section 4 of Annex VII of the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) and Section 3.1 of Annex 2, Section 3 of Annex 4, Section 3.1 of Annex 5 of the Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EEC). These Sections refer to requirements of Annex X of Directive 93/42/EEC and Annex 7 of Directive 90/385/EEC, respectively. 前言


Attention is drawn to paragraph 8 of Article 15 of Directive 93/42/EEC which spells out the provisions of Article 15 that are not applicable to clinical investigations conducted 提请注意指令93/42/EEC的第15条第8款,其阐述了第15条规定并不适用于CE标志器械用途范围内所进行的临床研究。

MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

using CE-marked devices within their intended use. Similarly when PMCF studies are conducted using CE marked devices within their intended use, the provisions of section 2.3.5 of Annex X of Directive 93/42/EEC do not apply. However, the provisions of Directive 93/42/EEC concerning information and notification of incidents occurring following placing devices on the market are fully applicable. 同样,在CE标志器械用途范围内进行PMCF研究时,指令93/42/EEC 附录ⅹ第2.3.5条的规定也不适用。然而,指令93/42/EEC的条款关于在市场上放置以下设备出现的事件信息和通知是完全适用的。

1. Introduction

While clinical evidence is an essential element of the premarket conformity assessment process to demonstrate conformity to Essential Requirements, it is important to recognise that there may be limitations to the clinical data available in the pre-market phase. Such limitations may be due to the duration of pre-market clinical investigations, the number of subjects and investigators involved in an investigation, the relative heterogeneity of subjects and investigators and/or the controlled setting of a clinical investigation versus the full range of clinical conditions encountered in general medical practice. 1介绍


A precondition for placing a product on the market is that conformity to the relevant Essential Requirements, including a favourable benefit/risk ratio, has been demonstrated. The extent of the data that can be gathered in the pre-market phase does not necessarily enable the manufacturer to detect rare complications or problems that only become apparent after wide-spread or long term use of the device. As part of the manufacturer’s quality system, an appropriate post-market surveillance plan is key to identifying and investigating residual risks associated with the use of medical devices placed on the market. These residual risks should be investigated and assessed in the post-market phase through systematic Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) study(ies). 在市场上放置一种产品的先决条件是符合相关基本要求,其中包括一个合适的利益/风险比,这一观点已被证实。器械经广泛和长期应用后,上市前阶段收集的数据也并不一定能让生产商可以检测出罕见的并发症或是仅有在经过长期使用后才呈现的问题。作为生产商质量体系的一部分,一个合适的上市后监测程序的关键是识别和调查与投放市场的医疗器械应用相关的残余风险。这些残余风险应该在上市后阶段通过系统的上市后临床跟踪研究进行调查和评估。

Clinical data obtained from post-market surveillance and during PMCF studies by the manufacturer are not intended to replace the pre-market data necessary to demonstrate conformity with the provisions of the legislation. However, they are critical to update the clinical evaluation throughout the life-cycle of the medical device and to ensure the long term safety and performance of devices after their placing on the market. 生产商在上市后监察和上市后临床跟踪研究中获得的临床数据并不能替代必要的上市前数据,其用来证实有关法例的规定。然而,关键是更新医疗器械的整个生命周期的临床评价并确保投放于市场上后的器械长期安全性和性能性。

PMCF studies are one of several options available in post-market surveillance and

contribute to the risk management process.


2. Scope

The objective of this document is to provide guidance on the appropriate use and conduct of PMCF studies to address issues linked to residual risks. The intention is not 2 范围


MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

to impose new regulatory requirements.

PMCF studies are an important element to be considered in PMCF or PMS plans. The principles for PMCF studies set out in this guidance are not intended to replace PMCF or PMS plans. They are or may be applicable to PMCF studies conducted for other purposes. PMCF研究是在PMCF或PMS计划中要考虑的一个重要因素。载列于本指引的PMCF 研究原则并不旨在取代PMCF或者PMS计划。它们是或者可以适用于其他目的进行的PMCF研究。

This document provides guidance in relation to:

i) the circumstances where a PMCF study is indicated;

ii) the general principles of PMCF studies involving medical devices;

iii) the use of study data (for example to update instructions for use and labelling); and

iv) the role of a notified body for medical devices in the assessment of PMCF plans and of the results obtained from the plans as part of conformity assessment.

This document does not apply to in vitro diagnostic devices. 本文件提供了相关指导:






3. References

Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices as last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of

5 September 2007.

Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007. 3.参考文献

1993年6月14日关于医疗器械的理事会指令93/42/EEC 于2007年9月5日根据欧洲议会和理事会的指令2007/47/EC最后一次修正。


Interpretative Documents

MEDDEV 2.7.1 Clinical Evaluation: A Guide for Manufacturers and Notified Bodies MEDDEV 2.7.1, Appendix 1

Evaluation of Clinical Data – A Guide for Manufacturers and Notified Bodies – Appendix 1: Clinical Evaluation of Coronary Stents

GHTF Final Documents:

SG1/N41:2005 Essential Principles of Safety & Performance of Medical Devices

SG1/N44:2008 The Role of Standards in the Assessment of Medical Devices

SG1/N065:2010 Registration of Manufacturers and Other Parties and Listing of Medical Devices

SG2/N47:2005 Review of Current Requirements on Post-Market Surveillance

SG5/N1:2007 Clinical Evidence – Key Definitions and Concepts 解释性文件

MEDDEV2.7.1 临床评估:针对生产商和指定各方的指引



SG1/N41:2005 医疗器械的安全性和有效性的基本原则

SC1/N44:2008 医疗器械标准评估的作用

SG1/N065:2010 生产商和其他各方以及所列医疗器械的注册

SG2/N47:2005 上市后监察的当前要求审查

SG5/N1:2007 临床证据-关键的定义和概念

SG5/N2:2007 临床评估

SG5/N3:2010 临床调查

MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

SG5/N2:2007 Clinical Evaluation SG5/N3:2010 Clinical Investigations

International Standards:

EN ISO 14155:2011 Clinical investigation of Medical Devices for human subjects Good clinical practice; Second edition 2011-02-01

EN ISO 14971:2009 Application of risk management to medical devices


US Department of Health and Human Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:

Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: a User’s Guide (Executive Summary, April 2007). 国际标准:

EN ISO14155:2011 人类受试者的医疗器械临床调查良好的临床实践;2011-02-01第二版

EN ISO14971:2009 医疗器械的风险管理应用




4. Definitions

Clinical Data 1 :

The safety and/or performance information that is generated from the use of a device. Clinical data are sourced from:

- clinical investigation(s) of the device concerned; or

- clinical investigation(s) or other studies reported in the scientific literature

of a similar device for which equivalence to the device in question can be demonstrated; or

- published and/or unpublished reports on other clinical experience of either

the device in question or a similar device for which equivalence to the device in question can be demonstrated. 4定义







Clinical Evaluation 2 :

The assessment and analysis of clinical data pertaining to a medical device to verify the clinical safety and performance of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer. 临床评估:


Clinical Evidence 2 :

The clinical data and the clinical evaluation report pertaining to a medical device. 临床证据:


Clinical Investigation 2 :

Any systematic investigation or study in or on one or more human subjects, undertaken to assess the safety or performance of a medical device. 临床调查:


Device Registry 3 :

An organised system that uses observational study methods to collect defined clinical 器械注册:


MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

data under normal conditions of use relating to one or more devices to evaluate specified outcomes for a population defined by a particular disease, condition, or exposure and that serves predetermined scientific, clinical or policy purpose(s). Note: The term “device registry” as defined in this guidance should not be confused with the concept of device registration and listing. (See GHTF SG1N065) 确定的临床数据,以便评估已确认患有特定疾病、病症或曝光的种群的特定结果,并且其服务于预知科学,临床或者政策目标。

注释:本指引中定义的术语“器械注册”不应与器械注册和上市概念相混淆。(详见GHTF SG1N065)

Post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF) study:

A study carried out following the CE marking of a device and intended to answer specific questions relating to clinical safety or performance (i.e. residual risks) of a device when used in accordance with its approved labelling. 上市后临床跟踪研究:


PMCF plan:

The documented, proactive, organised methods and procedures set up by the manufacturer to collect clinical data based on the use of a CE-marked device corresponding to a particular design dossier or on the use of a group of medical devices belonging to the same subcategory or generic device group as defined in Directive 93/42/EEC. The objective is to confirm clinical performance and safety throughout the expected lifetime of the medical device, the acceptability of identified risks and to detect emerging risks on the basis of factual evidence. PMCF计划:


Residual Risk:

Risk remaining after risk control measures has been taken . 残余风险:


5. Circumstances where a PMCF study is indicated

Following a proper premarket clinical evaluation, the decision to conduct PMCF studies must be based on the identification of possible residual risks and/or unclarity on long term clinical performance that may impact the benefit/risk ratio.

PMCF studies may review issues such as long-term performance and/or safety, the occurrence of clinical events (e.g. delayed hypersensitivity reactions, thrombosis), events specific to defined patient populations, or the performance and/or safety of the device in a more representative population of users and patients. 5.PMCF研究表明的情况



Circumstances that may justify PMCF studies include, for example:

innovation, e.g.

, where the design of the device, the materials, substances, the principles of operation, the technology or the medical indications are novel;

significant changes to the products or to

its intended use for which pre-market clinical evaluation and re-certification has been completed;

high product related risk e.g. based on design, materials, components , 可证明PMCF研究的情况包括,例如:





MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

invasiveness, clinical procedures;


igh risk anatomical locations;

high risk target populations e.g. paediatrics, elderly;

severity of

disease/treatment challenges;

questions of ability to generalise clinical investig

ation results;

unanswered questions of long

-term safety and performance;

results from any previous clinical investigation, including adverse events

or from post-market surveillance activities;

identification of previously unstudied

subpopulations which may show different benefit/risk-ratio e.g. hip implants in different ethnic populations;

continued validation in cases of discrepancy between reasonable

premarket follow-up time scales and the expected life of the product;

risks identified from the literature or other data sources for similar

marketed devices;

interaction with other medical products or treatments;

verification of safety and perform

ance of device when exposed to a larger and more varied population of clinical users;

emergence of new information on safety or performance;

where CE marking was based on equivalence.












PMCF studies may not be required when the medium/long-term safety and clinical performance are already known from previous use of the device or where other appropriate post-market surveillance activities would provide sufficient data to address the risks. PMCF研究可以不需要,在从之前的器械应用中已得知中期/长期的安全性和临床有效性时,或者在其他合适的上市后监察活动提供了足够的数据来应对风险时。

6. Elements of a PMCF study

Post-market clinical follow-up studies are performed on a device within its intended use/purpose(s) according to the instructions for use. It is important to note that PMCF studies must be conducted according to applicable laws and regulations and should involve an appropriate methodology and follow appropriate guidance and standards. 6. PMCF研究原理


PMCF studies must be outlined as a well designed clinical investigation plan or study plan, and, as appropriate, include:


stated research question(s), objective(s) and related endpoints;

scientifically sound design with an appropriate rati

onale and statistical analysis plan;

a plan for conduct according to the appropriate standard(s); PMCF研究必须可概括和设计为临床调查计划或者研究计划,并适当包括:明确提出研究课题,目标和相关终点;




MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

a plan for an analysis of the data and for drawing appropriate conclusion(s).

Objectives of PMCF studies

The objective(s) of the study should be stated clearly and should address the residual risk(s) identified and be formulated to address one or more specific questions relating to the clinical safety or clinical performance of the device. A formal hypothesis should be clearly expressed. PMCF研究目标


Design of PMCF studies

PMCF studies should be designed to address the objective(s) of the study. The design may vary based on the objective(s), study hypothesis research question and endpoints and should be scientifically sound to allow for valid conclusions to be drawn. PMCF研究的设计


PMCF studies can follow several methodologies, for example:

the extended follow

-up of patients enrolled in premarket investigations;

a new clinical investigation;

a review of data derived from a device registry; or

a review of relevant retrospective data from patients previously exposed to the device. PMCF研究可遵循几个方法,例如:





PMCF studies should have a plan describing the design and methodologies appropriate for addressing the stated objectives. The clinical investigation plan/study plan should identify and where needed justify at a minimum:

the study population (co

rresponding to the CE-mark scope);

inclusion/exclusion criteria;

rational and justification of the chosen study design including use of

controls/control groups (where relevant; randomised or not);

the selection of

sites and investigators;

study objectives and related study endpoints and statistical considerations;

the number of subjects involved;

the duration of patient follow


the data to be collected;

the analysis plan including any inte

rim reporting where appropriate to

ensure continuous risk management based on clinical data; and

procedures/criteria for early study termination;

ethical considerations;

methods of quality control of data where appropriate.















MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

The points above may not all apply to a retrospective data review.

Implementation of the PMCF study, analysis of data and conclusion(s)

The study should:

be executed with adequate control measures to assure compliance with the

clinical investigation or study plan;

include data analysis with conclusions drawn according to the analysis plan by

someone with appropriate expertise; and have a final report with conclusions relating back to original objective(s) and hypothesis/hypotheses. PMCF研究的实施,数据分析和结论




7. The use of study data

The data and conclusions derived from the PMCF study are used to provide clinical evidence for the clinical evaluation process. This may result in the need to reassess whether the device continues to comply with the Essential Requirements. Such assessment may result in corrective or preventive actions, for example changes to the labelling/instructions for use, changes to manufacturing processes, changes to the device design, or public health notifications. 7.研究数据的应用


8 The role of the notified body in PMCF

When auditing the quality system of the manufacturer in the framework of one of the conformity assessment annexes of Directive 90/385/EEC or of Directive 93/42/EEC, the Notified Body (NB) shall review the appropriateness of the manufacturer’s general post-market surveillance procedures and plans, including plans for PMCF, as relevant. 8.PMCF中公告机构的作用


The Notified Body shall verify that PMCF as part of the overall clinical evaluation is conducted by or on behalf of the manufacturer by appropriately competent assessors (as per section 10.3 of MEDDEV 2.7/1). 公告机构应确认作为整体临床评估一部分的PMCF是由或通过代表生产商的适当主管评估员进行的.(根据MEDDEV2.7/1节10.3)

The NB shall verify that clinical investigations conducted as part of PMCF plans are conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex X (as per Article 15.8 of 93/42/EEC), related guidance and relevant standards. 公告机构应确认以PMCF计划一部分实施的临床调查需依据附录X(依据93/42/EEC 中15.8条款)相关规定,相关指引和相关标准来进行。

The NB shall as part of its assessment of a specific medical device 5 :

verify that the manufacturer has appropriately consider

ed the need for PMCF as part of post market surveillance based on the residual risks including those identified from the results of the clinical evaluation and from the characteristics of the medical device in accordance with section of the guidance;

verify that PMCF is conducted when clinical evaluation was based

exclusively on clinical data from equivalent devices for initial conformity assessment and that PMCF 作为特定医疗器械评估中的一部分,公告机构需:



评估由生产商提供的任何理由的适当性,不进行作为上市后监察一部分的特定PMCF 计划,并在理由无效时寻求适当的补救措施;

MEDDEV 2.12.2rev2Post Market Clinical Follow-up studies上市后临床跟踪中英文

addresses the residual risks identified for the equivalent devices;

assess the appropriateness of any justification presented by a manufacturer

for not conducting a specific PMCF plan as part of post market surveillance and seek appropriate remedy where the justification is not valid;

assess the appropriateness of the proposed PMCF plan in demonstrating the

manufacturer’s stated objectives and addressing the residual risks and issues of long term clinical performance and safety identified for the specific device;

verify that data gathered by the manufacturer from PMCF, whether favourable or unfavourable, is being used to actively update the clinical evaluation (as well as the risk management system);

consider whether, based on the specific device a

ssessment, data obtained from PMCF should be transmitted to the NB between scheduled assessment activities (e.g. surveillance audit, recertification assessment);

consider an appropriate period fo

r certification of the product in order to set a particular time point at which PMCF data will be assessed by the NB or specific conditions relating to certification for subsequent follow up. (This decision may be based on the residual risks, the characteristics presented in section 5 and the clinical evaluation presented at the time of initial assessment. Conditions the NB may consider could include the need for the manufacturer to submit interim reports between certification reviews, of the clinical data generated from the PMCF and post-market surveillance system). 评估所提PMCF计划在表明生产商既定目标和解决剩余风险及对特地设备长期临床有效性、安全性的已定问题时的恰当性;




