linux多路径配置HP - P2000

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HP P2000+RHEL 5.5多路径配置



将安装包用tar命令解开后,直接编辑install文件,修改sub check_OS_version() {字段里的内容,可以照抄添加一行



配置好LUN之后在主机上执行一下操作: multipath -ll fdisk -l


chkconfig --add multipathd chkconfigmultipathd on modprobe dm-multipath modprobe dm-round-robin service multipathd start multipath –v2


tar -xzvf HPDMmultipath-4.4.1.tar.gz

cd /tmp/HPDMmultipath-4.4.1

[root@localhost HPDMmultipath-4.4.1]# ./INSTALL

** HPDMmultipath-4.4.1 kit Installation. Date : Tue Feb 14 15:58:58 CST 2012 **

Checking for the Operating System version. Please wait...

HP Device Mapper Multipath v4.4.1 kit - Installation Menu

1. Install HPDM Multipath Utilities 2. Uninstall HPDM Multipath Utilities 3. Exit

Enter choice [1/2/3] : 1

Note: This will install HPDMmultipath-4.4.1 tools for HP StorageWorks disk arrays.

Warning: If you are retaining the existing /etc/multipath.conf file, you will have to manually edit the file with HP recommended parameters. Please refer user documentation for more details.

Would you like to overwrite the existing /etc/multipath.conf file with the new multipath configuration file ? (y/n) : y

Saving /etc/multipath.conf file to /etc/multipath.conf.savefile

Copying new multipath configuration file multipath.conf to /etc directory

Configuring multipath services to start at boot time....OK

Installation completed successfully!

3. vi /etc/multipath.conf

### Donot edit the first two lines of this file or remove this file ### HP Device Mapper Multipath Enablement Kit v4.4.1

### The Device Mapper Multipath Template configuration file for RHEL5U4 ### or later releases to be used with HP Storageworks Arrays.

### Use this configuration file as your /etc/multipath.conf file. ### If you already have a valid working configuration file, refer here ### for the recommended configuration for HP arrays.

### For a list of configuration options with descriptions, please refer ### to /usr/share/doc//multipath.conf.annotated

# The defaults section

defaults { udev_dir/dev polling_interval10 selector\path_grouping_policyfailover

getuid_callout\prio_callout\path_checkertur rr_min_io100

rr_weight uniform failbackimmediate no_path_retry12 user_friendly_namesyes }

# The blacklist section - use this to blacklist a multipath device based on # it's wwid ( using wwid ) or device names ( using devnode ) or # vendor and product id ( using device block).

blacklist {


devnode\devnode \#devnode\#device { #vendor \#product\#} }

# The blacklist_exceptions section - to list device names to be treated # as multipath candidates even if they are on the blacklist.

# Note: blacklist exceptions are only valid in the same class.

# It is not possible to blacklist devices using the devnode keyword # and to exclude some devices of them using the wwid keyword.

#blacklist_exceptions { #wwid2345234245647657 #devnode\#device { #vendor\#product\#} #}

# The multipaths section - uncomment this section to define a per multipath # device settings.

multipaths {

# uncomment the multipath block to modify the settings of a multipath device # based on its wwid

multipath {

wwid 3600c0ff000134c44f69f3a4f01000000 alias mpath1

path_grouping_policy group_by_prio path_selector \ failback immediate rr_weight uniform no_path_retry 10 rr_min_io 100 }

multipath {

wwid 3600c0ff000134c44bc9f3a4f01000000 alias mpath0

path_grouping_policy group_by_prio path_selector \ failback immediate rr_weight uniform no_path_retry 10 rr_min_io 100 }


# The devices section - used to define per storage array model settings

devices {

# If you are already using a valid configuration file and do not have a

# device subsection for HP arrays, please add the appropriate device subsection # for the respective arrays from the entries below.

# If you already have a device subsection for HP arrays which has different # parameters from the entries below, modify it appropriately.

# For EVA A/A arrays

#device {


#product \#path_grouping_policygroup_by_prio

# getuid_callout\# path_checkertur

# path_selector\

# prio_callout\# rr_weightuniform # failbackimmediate #hardware_handler\# no_path_retry18 #rr_min_io100 #}

# For HP P2000 family device {

vendor \

product \ path_grouping_policy group_by_prio

getuid_callout \ path_checker tur

path_selector \

prio_callout \ rr_weight uniform failback immediate hardware_handler \

