
更新时间:2024-01-24 01:10:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、单项选择 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案.(共 15 小 题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.Look!There is bottle on the table.( ) A.a

B.an C.the D./

2.My father gave me a bike on my birthday.( ) A.ten B.a tenth C.the tenth


3.﹣Which is your new English teacher?

﹣The young lady red over there.( ) A.with B.in C.on D.for

4.Fruit is good for health,so I often have breakfast with one .( ) A.candy

B.cake C.banana D.hamburger

5.Jack's mother was so tired.She fell asleep she lay down on the bed.( ) A.until B.as soon as 6.Jenny










when getting on it.( ) A.nervous B.interested

C.relaxed D.happy

7.﹣Can I come today or tomorrow?

﹣ is OK.I'm busy today and tomorrow.( ) A.Either

B.Neither C.Each D.None

8. we work at English,the better grades we will get.( )

A.Harder B.The hardest C.Hardest D.The harder

9.Teenagers have to be 18years old before they to drive a car.( )

A.are allowed B.will be allowed C.allow


10.﹣ do you go to a movie? ﹣Twice a week.( ) A.How long

B.How soon

C.How often D.How far

11.These oranges look nice,but very sour.( ) A.feel B.taste

C.sound D.look

12.We should keep quiet in the cinema.We speak loudly.( )21*cnjy*com A.can B.must

C.needn't D.mustn't

13.As a volunteer,the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital them up.( ) A.to cheer B.cheer

C.cheering D.cheered

14.You can the word in the dictionary if you don't know it.( ) A.give away

B.cut off C.take after

D.look up

15.﹣Excuse me,do you know ? ﹣On foot.( ) A.what Alice came to do

B.where Alice came from

C.how Alice came here D.who Alice came with

A 篇为判断正二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案.(A)误(B)题,B、C 篇为选择题.(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 16.Our skin is like a bag that we live in.Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water.Our water is like the water in the sea.It is very salty.Also,like the ocean,we can lose our water.The wind and the sun could take it away.Our bag of skin keeps our body's ocean from drying up.

Our skin keeps out sunshine.Too much sunshine can hurt us.Skin also keeps out dirt.That's important because some kinds of dirt can make us sick.Our skin feels things.It feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt it.A campfire feels warm.A snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts us.A hug is


the touch of another person's skin on our own.

Our hair is a special kind of covering.It helps us keep things out of our eyes,ears and nose.Hair is also good for keeping us warm.When we get goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩),our body hairs stand up.Then the hairs hold air close to our skin like a thick blanket (毯子).Hair keeps animals warm,too.

Some animals have more hair than others,so they have a better blanket for cold weather.

Our nails (指甲) are another special skin which are very hard.They help keep our fingers from

getting hurt.Our nails aren't as strong as the nails that animals have.But they are good for picking up coins.

16.Our skin is like a bag full of salt. (判断对错) 17.Our skin keeps out dirt and sunshine. (判断对错)

18.Our skin helps us feel things,touch or hurt others. (判断对错) 19.Our hair helps protect our eyes,ears and nose. (判断对错) 20.Our nails are weaker than the nails that animals have but can keep our fingers safe. (判断对错) 21.

Uncle Sam

Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games and exciting dances?Uncle Sam will be ready to teach children of all ages all these things at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00.Free. Walking Tour

Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes! Movie Time

Two films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See March of the Penguins at 1:30.Kung Fu Panda will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898. International Picnic


Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00p.m.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It's October,and this Saturday night is your last chance to see the Redbirds this

year.Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold.Don't forget sweaters and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear The Zoo?

The Zoo,a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert this Saturday night at 8:00at Rose Hall,City College.

21.You probably eat Chinese,Italian and Indian food at. A.City Hall B.Central Park C.the City Theatre D.City College 22.We can see movies at. A.10:00a.m.B.9:30 a.m. C.3:45p.m.D.8:00p.m. 23.The Zoo here is a.

A.music group B.US concert C.popular park D.museum theatre 24.From the passage,we can know.

A.if you are 8years old,you have to pay to learn exciting dances B.you can call 4987898to get a ticket to go to Rose Hallwww.21-cn-jy.com C.you can learn local history on a walking tour on Sunday morning D.the Redbirds'last match this year will be held outside 25.The passage is mainly about. city newsB.weekend activities C.music weekD.food festival.

26.Ray Charles,a black singer and pianist of the USA.He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world.Many musicians called him simply\(天才).


Ray Charles was born into a poor family,without a father.When he was 5 years old,his younger brother died,and around the same time,Charles started to lose his sight.By the age of 7he was completely blind.He had already been learning the piano for a year,and when he went blind,his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future.All his life,Charles remembered her saying:\,or don't do it at all.\

Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children.There the teachers also encouraged him to study music.Sadly,while he was still at school,his mother died.He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organized a group of players.He sang,played the piano and wrote music.

He made many classical CDs with famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles. In 2003 a film of his life Ray was made.The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Foxx.The film director brought Foxx to meet Charles.After they had been playing together for two hours,Charles,then aged 73,jumped up and said:\.\74.The film of his life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles'music will live on.

26.What can we learn from Ray's childhood story? A.His father died when he was 5 years old. B.He started to go blind at the age of 7. C.He was born in a rich musician family. D.He started to learn the piano at the age of 6.

27.Ray Charles'mother encouraged him to play music because. A.his father was a musician as well

B.because it would help him get used to being blindwww-2-1-cnjy-com C.it was a good way for a blind person to get money D.his teacher thought he was a genius 28.Ray Charles went to a school for.

A.normal children B.deaf and blind children



C.talented children only D.children without parents 29.Ray Charles thought that Jamie Fox. A.was the right person to play him in the film B.was a good film maker

C.was the wrong person to play him in the film D.was a good director

30.What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A.Becoming a musician. B.Childhood story. C.The film of Ray's life. D.Master of many styles.

三、综合填空(共 20 小题,A 每小题 2 分,B、C 每小题 1 分,共 25 分)


31.A.用所给词的适当形式填空.每词限用一次. share divide hit plant sleep

31.Don't make any noise.Your grandfather in bed.

32.My sister likes making friends.She often her ideas with them. 33.Next week the students in our class into different teams to play basketball.

34.It snowed heavily last night,so a car a tree by accident a moment ago.

35.People in this city lots of trees in the last few years. .

四、 根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子.每空一词.(5 分) 36.Her ways of solving problems are different from (我的). 37.The hotel is (在…的后面) the police station.

38.People in some countries eat many (土豆) as their main food. 39.The exam is very important to us,so we must take it (严肃地). 40.After doing sports for a long time,Tina is (瘦的) than before.

五、C. 选择恰当的单词填空.每词限用一次.(有两个多余的选项)(10 分)



What will our world be like in 2050?We asked a group of experts to make their predictions about our future.

By 2050 we will have\We won't have so many accidents,(41) .(42) they will be able to communicate with each other.Cars will slow down by themselves

or stop in(43) situations.Also,our cars will (44) on electricity or water.

By 2050 our homes will be more eco﹣friendly (环保).We will use solar (太阳的) energy,and we

will clean and (45) our water.There will be many more people in the world (46) our houses will be smaller.Many houses will be underground and we will have (47) to help clean,cook and do (48) home shopping.

We won't die!We will put our brains onto computers and live (49) .The computers of the future won't look like machines.They'll look like humans. By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and (50) 100 million people will be living on the moon and other planets.We will be able to travel to Mars and back in just three days.

六、阅读表达(共 20 分)


Everywhere in the world there are different ways of behaving.When we meet someone,everything we say and do expresses our cultural background.So if you want to get on with someone from another culture,it helps to understand something about these differences.21·cn·jy·com

Even how we stand depends on our culture.English people talk to each other at an average (平均【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

的) distance of 130 cm,while Italians chat at an average distance of 80 cm.So Italians can think that


English people are unfriendly because they stand too far away!And English people can think that Italians are too close.

Touching is also cultural.The French touch much more than Americans.A French couple may touch 100times in half an hour while an American couple may only touch twice!And French teenagers touch each other much more than American teens.

任务一请将划线句子 When we meet someone,everything we say and do expresses our cultural background翻译成汉语.


1.In which coutry should you arrive on time for a meal?

2.What do French people do when they eat out?


According to the passage,Italians stand (51)American than English people.teens touch(52) than French teenagers.

七、阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务.(共 7 分)

53.A survey of young people around the world looked at their ideas of today's teenagers.It shows how different they are to those of their parents and grandparents.The survey wanted to try and understand the next generation ( 一 代 人 ) of adults better and these are some of the results.They show that there are many more (A) similarities between young people around the world than differences. (53)


Gap years ( 间隔年 ) between school and university are becoming more and more common.Today's teenagers want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures.They regard this as an important part of their character development. (54)

For most teenagers,family and friends are the most important side of life.According to the survey,60 percent of British young people said their relationship with their family was of the highest importance to (B) them. (55)

75percent of teenagers in Western Europe expect to have enough money to live when they are adults.They are a happy generation.Eight out of ten believe they will have a good profession with a job they enjoy.They also expect that they will be happy and healthy. (56)

Young people now are hungry for all kinds of information on mass media.57percent of teenagers in the UK read at least one magazine every week,which is one of the highest totals in the world.

任务一 根据文章内容,把相关的信息匹配.将答案的字母代号填入对应的横线上.

A.Hopeinthefuture B.Crazyforinformation C.Discoveringtheworld D.Familyandfriends (53) (54) (55) (56) .

任务二 根据上下文,猜测文中(A)处划线单词 similarities 的中文意思. 任务三 找出(B)处划线单词 them 所指代的内容.

任务四 请从文中找出与They have strong interest in learning about all kinds of

information from radio,television,Internet and so on.意思相近的句子. .


八、阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务.(共 7 分)

65.Every year animals all around the world take part in some wonderful journeys.Here are the stories of two amazing animal travelers.

Humpback whales ( 座 头 鲸 ) prefer a slow journey.The


which travel over 10,000kilometers on their journey from Alaska to Hawaii,swim at a relaxing speed of about 1.6kilometers an hour.Although they don't swim fast,humpback whales travel farther than any other kinds of2·1·c·n·j·y


Every August a fantastic sight can be seen in the skies above Ontario and

Montreal﹣millions of amazing Monarch butterflies ( 帝 王 蝶) beginning their 4,000﹣kilometer journey from Canada to Central Mexico.In fact,the journey,


which takes about 3months,is longer than the average ( 平 均 的 ) life of the butterfly.Finally many of the butterflies reaching their final place are the great grandchildren or even the great great grandchildren of the butterflies who began the journey in Mexico the year before.


Humpback whales swim at a speed of (65) an hour from Alaska to (66) .They travel slowly but (67) among all whales.Monarch butterflies spend (68) flying from Canada to Central Mexico.It lasts

longer than their average life.The ones which arrive at the final place are (69) or even the great great grandchildren.



keep quiet in the cinema.We speak loudly,可知我们应该在电影院里保持安静.我们不能大声说话.这里表示明令禁止的事情,这里用mustn't.故选D.

13.As a volunteer,the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital them up.( ) A.to cheer B.cheer

C.cheering D.cheered




根据句意可知这个女孩想去看望医院里生病的孩子的目的是使他们振作起来,故该空处填入动词不定式作目的状语,故填to cheer,故选A

14.You can the word in the dictionary if you don't know it.( ) A.give away

B.cut off C.take after

D.look up


【分析】如果你不认识这个单词你可以在字典里查一下. 【解答】答案:D

根据各个选项的意思.give away\赠送;分发\;cut off\切断,切掉\;take after\与…相像\;look up\,查阅,查找\根据语境可知:如果你不认识这个单词你可以在字典里…对照选项的意思可推知查阅字典,故填look up,故选D

15.﹣Excuse me,do you know ? ﹣On foot.( ) A.what Alice came to do

B.where Alice came from

C.how Alice came here D.who Alice came with 【考点】K5:宾语从句.





根据Do you know可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序;再根据On foot,可知这里表示的是出行方式,所以宾语从句的引导词是how,时态应该用一般过去时.故选C.

A 篇为判断正二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案.(A)误(B)题,B、C 篇为选择题.(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 16.Our skin is like a bag that we live in.Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water.Our water is like the water in the sea.It is very salty.Also,like the ocean,we can lose our water.The wind and the sun could take it away.Our bag of skin keeps our body's ocean from drying up.

Our skin keeps out sunshine.Too much sunshine can hurt us.Skin also keeps out dirt.That's important because some kinds of dirt can make us sick.Our skin feels things.It feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt it.A campfire feels warm.A snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts us.A hug is the touch of another person's skin on our own.

Our hair is a special kind of covering.It helps us keep things out of our eyes,ears and nose.Hair is also good for keeping us warm.When we get goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩),our body hairs stand up.Then the hairs hold air close to our skin like a thick blanket (毯子).Hair keeps animals warm,too.

Some animals have more hair than others,so they have a better blanket for cold weather.

Our nails (指甲) are another special skin which are very hard.They help keep our fingers from

getting hurt.Our nails aren't as strong as the nails that animals have.But they are good for picking up coins.

16.Our skin is like a bag full of salt. F (判断对错) 17.Our skin keeps out dirt and sunshine. T (判断对错)


18.Our skin helps us feel things,touch or hurt others. F (判断对错) 19.Our hair helps protect our eyes,ears and nose. T (判断对错)

20.Our nails are weaker than the nails that animals have but can keep our fingers safe. T (判断对错) 【考点】PA:阅读判断题. 【分析】文章大意:


【解答】16.F,判断对错题,文中提到\.Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water\我们的皮肤就像是一个袋子,我们生活在里面,里面大部分的成分都是水,不是盐,由此推测此题错误.

17.T,判断对错题,文中提到\我们的皮肤能够阻挡阳光,同时\皮肤还能够阻挡灰尘,由此推测此题正确. 18.F,It feels warm things,cold things,判断对错题,文中提到\.things it touches,and things that hurt it\我们可以通过皮肤来感知冷暖,来判断触摸和伤害皮肤的物件,并不能用于伤害别人,由此推测此题错误.

19.T,It helps us keep 判断对错题,文中提到Our hair is a special kind of covering.things out of our eyes,ears and nose我们的毛发是一种特殊的附属物,可以帮助我们保护眼睛,耳朵和鼻子,由此判断此题正确.

20.T,判断对错题,文中提到\(指甲) are another special skin which are very hard.They help keep our fingers from getting hurt.Our nails aren't as strong as the nails that animals have\我们的指甲很有用处,很硬,可以帮助保护手指,虽然没有动物的指甲硬,由此判断此题正确. 21.

Uncle Sam

Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games and exciting dances?Uncle Sam will be ready to teach children of all ages all these things at the City Theatre on


Saturday morning at 10:00.Free. Walking Tour

Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes! Movie Time

Two films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See March of the Penguins at 1:30.Kung Fu Panda will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898. International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00p.m.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It's October,and this Saturday night is your last chance to see the Redbirds this

year.Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold.Don't forget sweaters and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear The Zoo?

The Zoo,a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert this Saturday night at 8:00at Rose Hall,City College.

21.You probably eat Chinese,Italian and Indian food at. B A.City Hall B.Central Park C.the City Theatre D.City College 22.We can see movies at. C A.10:00a.m.B.9:30 a.m. C.3:45p.m.D.8:00p.m. 23.The Zoo here is a. A

A.music group B.US concert C.popular park D.museum theatre 24.From the passage,we can know. D

A.if you are 8years old,you have to pay to learn exciting dances


B.you can call 4987898to get a ticket to go to Rose Hall

C.you can learn local history on a walking tour on Sunday morning D.the Redbirds'last match this year will be held outside 25.The passage is mainly about. B city newsB.weekend activities C.music weekD.food festival. 【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.


【解答】答案:21.B 细节理解题.根据倒数第三行句子Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.你是否厌倦了每天吃同样的食物?在星期六来中央公园和享受到来自世界各地的美食,可知你可能吃到中国、意大利和印度的食物在中央公园.故选B.

22.C 细节理解题.根据第三行句子See March of the Penguins at 1:30.Kung Fu Panda will be at 3:45.可知看电影在下午3:45.故选C.

23.A 细节理解题.根据最后一行句子The Zoo,a popular rock group from Australia,动物园,一个受欢迎的来自澳大利亚的摇滚乐队.可知是一个摇滚乐

【出处:21教育名师】 队.故选A.

24.D 细节推理题.根据倒数第二行句子Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold.Don't forget sweaters and jackets.到门口去拿票,可能会很冷,别忘了毛衣和夹克衫.可知今年的比赛将在室外举行.故选D.

25.B 主旨归纳题.根据整篇文章内容及其第一行句子Uncle Sam will be ready to teach children of all ages all these things at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00.Free.可知文章主要说的是周末活动.故选B.

26.Ray Charles,a black singer and pianist of the USA.He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world.Many musicians called him simply\(天才).

Ray Charles was born into a poor family,without a father.When he was 5 years old,


