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星际迷航12: 暗黑无界双语文档(带时间轴)
0:01:33.42,0:01:36.09, 该死,这是我们的坐骑。你刚刚击晕了我们的坐骑。 Damn it, man! That was our ride! You just stunned our ride! 0:01:38.13,0:01:39.18, 这下好了。 Oh, great.
0:01:40.43,0:01:41.47, 快跑! Run!
0:01:47.81,0:01:49.27, 你到底拿了什么鬼东西? What the hell did you take?
0:01:49.31,0:01:51.23, 我不知道,但他们对它鞠躬来着。 I have no idea, but they were bowing to it. 0:01:51.98,0:01:53.23, 柯克呼叫1号穿梭机。 Kirk to Shuttle One.
0:01:53.53,0:01:54.94, 当地人已经离开了危险区。 Locals are out of the kill zone.
0:01:54.98,0:01:56.28, 你们已经清障,重复。 You are clear. Repeat.
0:01:56.44,0:02:00.12, 斯波克,赶紧进去,把火山停息下来然后一起离开这里。 Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here. 0:02:07.12,0:02:09.17, 我们必须立即行动,我告诉过舰长 We have to do this now! I told the Captain
0:02:09.29,0:02:11.33, 穿梭机无法承受这种高温。 the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat.
0:02:11.63,0:02:13.80, 舰长,当地居民是否有察觉到你的存在? Captain, did the indigenous life forms see you?
0:02:14.05,0:02:15.71, 不,斯波克先生,他们没有。 No, Mr. Spock, they did not.
0:02:16.01,0:02:17.05, 最高指导原则明确说明 The Prime Directive clearly states 0:02:17.13,0:02:18.34, 我们不能干扰 there can be no interference
0:02:18.47,0:02:20.51, 外星文明的内部发展。 with the internal development of alien civilizations.
0:02:20.68,0:02:22.14, 我当然知道,所以我才穿着伪装 I know what it says! Which is why I'm running 0:02:22.18,0:02:23.60, 在丛林里狂奔 through the jungle wearing a disguise!
0:02:23.97,0:02:28.35, 赶快丢下你的超级冰块,然后离开这里!柯克通话结束 。 Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go! Kirk out! 0:02:28.64,0:02:29.77, 准备好了。 You're good.
0:02:30.02,0:02:31.48, 我们必须立即行动,没有时间了! If we're gonna do this, we've got to do it now!
0:02:32.65,0:02:34.32, 火山灰正在损坏我们的线圈 This ash is killing our coils.
0:02:34.57,0:02:35.82, 你确定不需要我代替你去吗? You sure you don't want me to go instead?
0:02:36.03,0:02:38.03, 这想法极不合逻辑,因为我已经整装完毕... That would be highly illogical as I am already outfitted... 0:02:38.32,0:02:39.74, 斯波克 我开玩笑的 Spock, I was kidding.
0:02:41.03,0:02:43.83, -你会成功的 -伙计们要出发了!赶快 -You got this. -Guys! We have to go! Now! 0:02:53.21,0:02:55.21, 他们想要干掉我们! They're trying to kill us!
0:02:56.05,0:02:57.67, 他们想要干掉我们,吉姆! They're trying to kill us, Jim!
0:02:58.21,0:02:59.34, 我们90秒后见。 I'll see you in 90 seconds.
0:03:04.89,0:03:06.51, 行动... 行动! Do it, do it!
0:03:23, 先决条件改变,2-7-3... Prerequisite change, 2-7-3... 0:03:26.58,0:03:27.74, 引擎过热 ENGINE OVERHEATING
0:03:27.87,0:03:29.37, 我无法停稳在这个位置上。 I can't hold this position.
0:03:29.58,0:03:30.91, 斯波克,我得拉你回来。 Spock, I've got to pull you back up.
0:03:31.04,0:03:33.71, 否决,这是拯救这个物种的唯一机会。 Negative. This is our only chance to save this species.
0:03:33.92,0:03:35.54, 如果火山喷发,这个星球就完了。 If this volcano erupts, the planet dies. 0:03:38.25,0:03:40.38 ,拉他回来。快! Pull him back up. Now!
0:03:54.40,0:03:56.90, 斯波克,你还好吗? Spock, are you okay?
0:04:02.28,0:04:03.74, 我, I am,
0:04:03.78,0:04:06.57, 不可思议,还活着。待命。 surprisingly, alive. Stand by.
0:04:06.74,0:04:08.83, 我们必须救他回来。我去换装。我要下去。 We have to get him back. I'll suit up. I'm gonna go down. 0:04:08.99,0:04:10.08, 我们要弃船了。 We have to abandon the shuttle.
0:04:10.25,0:04:12.08, ——我们不能丢下他,苏鲁 ——我们没有选择。 -We can't just leave him, Sulu! -We don't have a choice!
0:04:12.25,0:04:13.58, 乌胡拉,我很抱歉。 Uhura, I'm sorry.
0:04:14.33,0:04:15.75, 斯波克,我们正在返回企业号。 Spock, we're going back to the Enterprise. 0:04:15.79,0:04:16.79, 我们会回来救你的。 We'll get you out of there.
0:04:16.96,0:04:18.63, 舰长,我要弃船了。 Captain, I'm ditching the shuttle.
0:04:18.75,0:04:20.42, 你只能自己回企业号了。 You've got to make it to the Enterprise on your own. 0:04:20.51,0:04:21.84, 太好了。 Wonderful!
0:04:21.92,0:04:24.43, -乌胡拉,准备好游泳了么? -准备好了。 -Uhura! You ready to swim? -I'm ready. 0:04:26.68,0:04:27.68,吉姆 Jim!
0:04:28.60,0:04:31.52, 吉姆,海滩在那一边! Jim! The beach is that way!
0:04:31.77,0:04:33.27, 我知道,但我们不去海滩! I know! We're not going to the beach! 0:04:33.60,0:04:35.27, 不,不,不! Oh, no, no, no!
0:04:39.61,0:04:41.19, 我讨厌这样! I hate this!
0:04:41.48,0:04:42.49, 我知道! I know you do!
0:05:25.49,0:05:27.32, 你到底知不知道 Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is
0:05:27.41,0:05:28.82, 把星舰藏在海底是多么荒谬的主意? to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?
0:05:28.91,0:05:30.33, 我们从昨天晚上就一直待在这里! We've been down here since last night!
0:05:30.41,0:05:31.70, 海水会破环······ The salt water's gonna ruin the...
0:05:31.87,0:05:33.66, 斯科特!斯波克在哪? Scotty! Where's Spock?
0:05:33.83,0:05:34.83, 还在火山里,长官。 Still in the volcano, sir.
0:06:16.25,0:06:18.16, 舰长莅临舰桥! Captain on the bridge!
0:06:18.42,0:06:20.92, 上尉,我们能否联系到斯波克? Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mr. Spock?
0:06:21.04,0:06:23.25, 高温正在损坏他的通讯设备,但还能联系上。 The heat's frying his comms, but we still have contact.
0:06:25.30,0:06:26.59, 斯波克? Spock?
0:06:26.72,0:06:28.88, 我已经启动装置了,舰长。 I have activated the device, Captain.
0:06:28.93,0:06:29.97, 当倒计时结束以后。 When the countdown is complete,
0:06:30.05,0:06:31.55, 反应应该会平稳火山内部活动。 the reaction should render the volcano inert. 0:06:31.76,0:06:32.97, 他也会被“平稳”掉的! Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert! 0:06:33.22,0:06:34.39, 我们能用传送装置么? Do we have use of the transporters?
0:06:34.43,0:06:36.10, -不行,长官。 -这里磁场太强烈 -Negative, sir. -Not with these magnetic fields.
0:06:36.22,0:06:37.77, 我需要把斯波克传送回飞船。 I need to beam Spock back to the ship.
0:06:37.89,0:06:39.44, 给我想个办法。 Give me one way to do it.
0:06:39.69,0:06:41.73, 如果我们能够直接看到。 Maybe if we had a direct line of sight.
0:06:41.86,0:06:42.90, -如果我们能靠近点... -打住,小伙子! -If we got closer... -Hold on, wee man!
0:06:43.06,0:06:44.57, 那可是一个正在活动的火山! You're talking about an active volcano!
0:06:44.65,0:06:46.23, 长官,如果那玩意喷发了, Sir, if that thing erupts,
0:06:46.32,0:06:47.99, 我无法确保飞船是否能承受那种高温! I cannae guarantee we can withstand the heat!
0:06:48.15,0:06:50.24, 我无法确定我们是否能够维持在那种高度上。 I don't know that we can maintain that kind of altitude. 0:06:50.28,0:06:51.78, 穿梭机能藏在灰云里, Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud,
0:06:51.91,0:06:53.24, 但\企业号\太大了。 but the Enterprise is too large.
0:06:53.45,0:06:55.33, 如果用它来救援, If utilized in a rescue effort,
0:06:55.49,0:06:57.00, 那些土著会发现它。 it would be revealed to the indigenous species.
0:06:57.25,0:06:59.00, 斯波克 没有人比你更清楚那些规矩, Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you, 0:06:59.08,0:07:00.92, 但是总有破例的时候。 but there has got to be an exception.
0:07:01.08,0:07:03.25, 不行,这种行为会违背最高指导原则。 None. Such action violates the Prime Directive.
0:07:03.42,0:07:05.25, 闭嘴,斯波克,我们正在想办法救你,该死的! Shut up, Spock! We're trying to save you, damn it!
0:07:05.46,0:07:08.17, 医生,多数人之需重于少数人之求。 Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. 0:07:08.34,0:07:10.38, 斯波克,我们正在讨论你的性命啊! Spock, we're talking about your life!
0:07:10.59,0:07:11.59, 规矩不能被打破······ The rule cannot be broken... 0:07:12.93,0:07:14.14, 斯波克! Spock!
0:07:14.47,0:07:15.51, 尝试重新联系上他。 Try to get him back online.
0:07:16.31,0:07:18.64, 距离爆炸还有90秒。 Ninety seconds to detonations.
0:07:19.81,0:07:23.31,如 果斯波克在这里而我在那,他会怎么做? If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do? 0:07:26.32,0:07:27.98, 他会让你死的。 He'd let you die.
0:09:09.88,0:09:11.21, 斯波克! Spock!
0:09:11.88,0:09:13.21, 你没事吧? You all right?
0:09:13.80,0:09:15.05, 舰长,你让他们看到了我们的飞船。 Captain, you let them see our ship.
0:09:15.43,0:09:16.76, 他没事 He's fine.
0:09:16.89,0:09:18.89, -舰桥呼叫柯克舰长 -收到,上尉。 -Bridge to Captain Kirk. -Yes, Lieutenant.
0:09:19.10,0:09:21.06, 中校斯波克是否已经登舰,长官? Is Commander Spock on board, sir? 0:09:21.14,0:09:22.14, 毫发无损 Safely and soundly.
0:09:22.72,0:09:23.89, 请告诉他,他的装置 Please notify him that his device
0:09:24.10,0:09:25.52, 已经成功启动 has successfully detonated.
0:09:26.56,0:09:28.65, 你听到了么,恭喜你,斯波克。 You hear that? Congratulations, Spock.
0:09:29.73,0:09:31.07, 你刚刚拯救了世界。 You just saved the world.
0:09:31.32,0:09:33.07, 你违背了最高指导原则。 You violated the Prime Directive.
0:09:33.28,0:09:35.74, 哦,得了吧,斯波克。被他们看到而已,多大的事。 Oh, come on, Spock. They saw us. Big deal.
0:10:43.72,0:10:47.52, 2259年5月5日 伦敦 LONDON 2259.55
0:11:07.83,0:11:10.96, 皇家儿童医院 Royal Children's Hospital
0:12:14.06,0:12:15.73, 我能救她。 I can save her.
0:12:19.90,0:12:21.57, 你说什么? What did you say?
0:12:21.78,0:12:23.28, 你的女儿。 Your daughter.
0:12:24.41,0:12:26.24, 我能救她。 I can save her.
0:12:27.41,0:12:28.74, 你是谁? Who are you?
0:12:47.26,0:12:49.68, 吉姆,不要管那个。 Oh, Jim. Come on, let it go.
0:12:50.43,0:12:51.77, 吉姆 Jim!
0:12:51.81,0:12:54.69, 你不会真的想要接那个电话吧? You're not actually gonna answer that, are you? 0:12:55.15,0:12:56.35, 旧金山星际舰队总部 SAN FRANCISCO STARFLEET HQ
0:12:56.44,0:12:59.32, 斯波克,他打电话就是为了这事,我有预感。 Spock, I'm telling you, this is why he called. I can feel it.
0:12:59.61,0:13:01.65, 你的感觉先放一边 我觉得他显然不太可能 Your feeling aside, I consider it highly unlikely
0:13:01.78,0:13:03.95, 选择我们参加新的项目。 that we will be selected for the new program.
0:13:04.15,0:13:06.32, 那为什么派克想要见我们。 Why else would Pike want to see us? 0:13:06.66,0:13:07.78, 抛开资历不说。 Forget about seniority.
0:13:07.87,0:13:09.24, 他们给了我们舰队里最新型的星舰。 They gave us the newest ship in the fleet. 0:13:09.33,0:13:10.49, 除了我们还能有谁? I mean, who else are they gonna send out?
0:13:10.58,0:13:11.58, 我可以想到许多可能性。 I can think of numerous possibilities.
0:13:11.87,0:13:13.87, 五年任务,斯波克! A five-year mission, Spock!
0:13:14.33,0:13:16.33, 那可是深空,无人踏足的领域! That's deep space! That's uncharted territory!
0:13:16.42,0:13:17.46, 想像一下那会是多么棒。 Think how incredible that's gonna be.
0:13:17.88,0:13:20.05, 嗨,美女们。吉姆·柯克。 Hey, ladies. Jim Kirk.
0:13:21.09,0:13:23.17, ——“无事发生。” ——上将? -\
0:13:23.26,0:13:25.97, 你在舰长日志里是这么描述尼布鲁行星的观察报告的。 It's the way you described the survey of Nibiru in your captain's log.
0:13:26.13,0:13:28.18, 是的,长官。我不想让你在细节上浪费太多的时间。 Yes, sir, I didn't want to waste your time going over the details. 0:13:28.26,0:13:30.14, 再跟我说说这火山。 Tell me more about this volcano.
0:13:30.22,0:13:31.64, 资料显示它非常不稳定。 Data says it was highly volatile.
0:13:31.72,0:13:33.27, 如果喷发将毁灭整个星球。 If it were to erupt, it would wipe out the planet. 0:13:33.39,0:13:34.64, 希望它不会喷发,长官。 Let's hope it doesn't, sir.
0:13:34.81,0:13:35.98, 某些事情告诉我它不会。 Something tells me it won't. 0:13:36.85,0:13:39.02, 这个······长官。不稳定是相对的。 Well, sir, volatile is all relative.
0:13:39.11,0:13:40.77, 可能我们的资料有点过时。 Maybe our data was off.
0:13:41.11,0:13:42.15, 又或者因为它没有喷发 Or maybe it didn't erupt
0:13:42.23,0:13:44.82, 是因为斯波克先生在它内部引爆了一个冷聚变装置, because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device inside it
0:13:47.24,0:13:49.45, 你们还让一个连轮子都没发明的外星文明 right after a civilization that's barely invented the wheel 0:13:49.62,0:13:52.49, 目睹了一艘星舰从海洋升起。 happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean! 0:13:52.54,0:13:54.70, 你就是这么描述的,不是吗? That is pretty much how you describe it, is it not?
0:13:54.95,0:13:56.58, ——上将······ ——你写在报告里了? -Admiral... -You filed a report?
0:13:56.67,0:13:57.75, 为什么不事先和我说一下? Why didn't you tell me?
0:13:57.83,0:14:00.17, 我错误地认为你应该会在舰长日志里记录下事实。 I incorrectly assumed that you would be truthful in your captain's log. 0:14:00.67,0:14:02.84, 是的,如果不是为了救你的话。 Yeah, I would have been if I didn't have to save your life. 0:14:02.96,0:14:04.09, 关于这一点我表示非常感谢, A fact for which I am immeasurably grateful 0:14:04.17,0:14:05.67, 同时这也正是我觉得 and the very reason I felt it necessary
0:14:05.76,0:14:06.97, 有必要对此次行为负责的原因······ to take responsibility for the actions... 0:14:07.05,0:14:08.55, 负责,是啊。 Take responsibility, yeah.
0:14:08.64,0:14:09.64, 你真高尚,尖耳朵, That'd be so noble, pointy,
0:14:09.72,0:14:11.22, 如果你没有恩将仇报的话。 if you weren't also throwing me under the bus. 0:14:11.30,0:14:13.31, “尖耳朵”?你这是在贬低... \0:14:13.47,0:14:14.64, 先生们。 Gentlemen.
0:14:15.06,0:14:18.94, 星际舰队的任务是探索和观察,而不是干涉。 Starfleet's mandate is to explore and observe, not to interfere. 0:14:19.10,0:14:20.94, 如果那次任务按照计划推进的话,上将, Had the mission gone according to plan, Admiral, 0:14:21.02,0:14:22.19, 那些土著应该不会 the indigenous species would never
0:14:22.27,0:14:23.36, 察觉到我们的干涉。 have been aware of our interference. 0:14:23.53,0:14:24.73, 那是理论上的结果 That's a technicality.
0:14:24.82,0:14:26.65, 我是瓦肯人,长官。我们遵循理论上的结果。 I am Vulcan, sir. We embrace technicality.
0:14:26.74,0:14:28.36, 你就这种态度吗,斯波克? Are you giving me attitude, Spock?
0:14:28.53,0:14:30.37, 我在同时表达多种态度,长官。 I'm expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously, sir. 0:14:30.41,0:14:31.62, 您指的是哪一种? To which are you referring? 0:14:31.78,0:14:32.87, 出去。 Out.
0:14:33.74,0:14:35.50, 你可以离开了,中校。 You're dismissed, Commander.
0:14:43.92,0:14:47.09, 你知不知道你有多让人头疼? You have any idea what a pain in the ass you are? 0:14:47.92,0:14:49.09, 我也这么觉得,长官。 I think so, sir.
0:14:49.34,0:14:50.43, 那么告诉我你哪里做错了。 So tell me what you did wrong.
0:14:50.51,0:14:52.43, 你又学到了什么教训? What's the lesson to be learned here?
0:14:52.85,0:14:54.01, 永远不要相信一个瓦肯人。 Never trust a Vulcan.
0:14:54.10,0:14:56.64, 看,你甚至不能好好回答问题。你撒谎了。 Now, see, you can't even answer the question. You lied. 0:14:56.73,0:14:58.64, 在一份官方报告上撒谎了。 On an official report, you lied.
0:14:58.73,0:15:00.15, 你认为你可以不受规矩的约束 You think the rules don't apply to you
0:15:00.23,0:15:01.40, 只因为你不赞同它们。 'cause you disagree with them.
0:15:01.56,0:15:03.40, 您当初劝我加入正是因为我不守规矩。 That's why you talked me into signing up in the first place. 0:15:03.44,0:15:04.65, 这也是为什么您给了我您的飞船。 It's why you gave me your ship.
0:15:04.90,0:15:07.90, 我把飞船交给你是因为我看到了你的潜力。 I gave you my ship because I saw a greatness in you. 0:15:08.82,0:15:11.49, 而现在,我发现你毫无谦逊之心。 And now, I see you haven't got an ounce of humility. 0:15:11.57,0:15:12.82, 那我应该怎么做,让斯波克死么? What was I supposed to do, let Spock die?
0:15:12.91,0:15:14.03, 你没有抓住问题的关键。 You're missing the point.
0:15:14.12,0:15:15.66, 我不这么认为,长官。你会怎么做? I don't think I am, sir. What would you have done?
0:15:15.83,0:15:17.62, 首先我就不会用我的大副的生命去冒险! I wouldn't have risked my First Officer's life in the first place! 0:15:19.16,0:15:21.00, 你们本该去调查一个星球, You were supposed to survey a planet,
0:15:21.08,0:15:22.92, 而不是去改变它的命运! not alter its destiny!
0:15:23.08,0:15:25.09, 你违反了一大堆星际舰队的规定, You violated a dozen Starfleet regulations
0:15:25.17,0:15:27.34, 还几乎让你的手下全部丧命。 and almost got everyone under your command killed.
0:15:27.55,0:15:28.88, 但我并没有! Except I didn't!
0:15:28.97,0:15:30.30, 你知道损失过多少船员吗?一个也没有! You know how many crew members I've lost? Not one!
0:15:30.38,0:15:32.39, 这就是你的问题,你觉得你完美无缺! That's your problem, you think you're infallible! 0:15:32.47,0:15:33.64, 你认为你绝不会犯错误。 You think you can't make a mistake.
0:15:33.85,0:15:34.97, 你一向都是这样! It's a pattern with you!
0:15:35.06,0:15:37.31, ——以为规定是给别人看的! ——有些应该是。 -The rules are for other people! -Some should be.
0:15:37.39,0:15:39.10, 更糟糕的是,你仗着自己运气好, And what's worse is you using blind luck
0:15:39.18,0:15:41.31, 就以为自己是上帝了! to justify your playing God!
0:15:44.40,0:15:45.73, 这次事关重大, Given the circumstances,
0:15:45.77,0:15:47.78, 已经引起了马科斯上将的注意了。 this has been brought to Admiral Marcus's attention.
0:15:47.82,0:15:50.61, 他召开了一个特别法庭,而我却没有被邀请参加。 He convened a special tribunal, to which I was not invited. 0:15:50.70,0:15:53.45, 你明白按星际舰队的规定 You understand what Starfleet regulations mandate 0:15:53.53,0:15:54.62, 这么做是什么意义。 be done at this point.
0:15:58.66,0:16:00.71, 他们已经从你手中收回企业号。 They've taken the Enterprise away from you. 0:16:01.87,0:16:03.96, 他们还要把你送回学院。 They're sending you back to the Academy. 0:16:09.09,0:16:10.09, 上将,听着······ Admiral, listen...
0:16:10.17,0:16:11.22, ——不,我不听。 ——我可以解释······ -No, I'm not going to listen. -I can justify...
0:16:11.30,0:16:12.30, 我为什么要听?我不打算听。 Why should I listen? I'm not going to listen.
0:16:12.38,0:16:13.68, 你除了自己以外谁也不听! You don't listen to anybody but yourself!
0:16:13.76,0:16:15.55, 我明白规定,但我所做的每一个决定... I understand regulation, but every decision I've made... 0:16:15.64,0:16:16.64, 不,我不能听! No! I can't listen!
0:16:16.81,0:16:18.43, 你不服从规定, You don't comply with the rules,
0:16:18.52,0:16:20.64, 不为任何事情负责任, you don't take responsibility for anything,
0:16:20.73,0:16:22.77, 还都不拿舰长这位置当回事。 and you don't respect the chair.
0:16:24.81,0:16:26.31, 你知道为什么? You know why?
0:16:27.48,0:16:29.32, 因为你还没有准备好。 Because you're not ready for it. 0:16:44.00,0:16:47.67, 伦敦 LONDON
0:18:08.42,0:18:10.29, 开尔文纪念档案馆 KELVIN MEMORIAL ARCHIVE
0:18:39.07,0:18:41.03, 我需要三个钛······ I'm going to need three titanium...
0:18:41.12,0:18:44.04, 进入此区域前请做好防辐射措施。 Radiation protection is required in this area.
0:18:56.59,0:18:57.80, 通讯已发送 至: 马科斯上将 TRANSMISSION SENT -ADMIRAL A. MARCUS 0:19:51.52,0:19:52.56, 你怎么找到我的? How did you find me?
0:19:52.81,0:19:54.81, 我比你想像中更了解你。 I know you better than you think I do.
0:19:57.53,0:19:59.82, 我第一次看见你时就是在这种破酒吧里。 The first time I found you was in a dive like this.
0:20:00.90,0:20:03.74, 还记得吗?你被人打得满地找牙。 Remember that? You got your ass handed to you. 0:20:04.03,0:20:05.08, 不,我没有。 No, I didn't.
0:20:05.37,0:20:07.08, ——不记得了? ——不,事实不是那样... -You don't? -No, that's not what happened.
0:20:07.16,0:20:09.58, ——你被打得半死 ——不,不是。 -That was an epic beating. -No, it wasn't.
0:20:09.66,0:20:11.67, 你的鼻子塞了一大团纸巾。 You had napkins hanging out of your nose. 0:20:12.37,0:20:13.83, 没有吗? Did you not?
0:20:15.84,0:20:17.84, 对,那次打得很爽。 Yeah, that was a good fight.
0:20:18.71,0:20:20.38, “打得很爽。” \
0:20:23.26,0:20:25.60, 我想这就是你的问题所在。 I think that's your problem right there. 0:20:30.43,0:20:32.27, 他们把她还给了我。 They gave her back to me.
0:20:33.10,0:20:34.44, 企业号。 The Enterprise.
0:20:46.03,0:20:47.20, 恭喜。 Congratulations.
0:20:50.12,0:20:52.50, 多提防那位大副。 Watch your back with that First Officer, though.
0:20:54.12,0:20:55.54, 斯波克不会和我一起工作。 Spock's not going to be working with me. 0:20:55.71,0:20:57.25, 他被调职了。 He's been transferred.
0:20:58.13,0:20:59.80, 联邦星舰布拉德伯里号 U.S.S. Bradbury.
0:21:02.17,0:21:04.18, 你将会做我的大副。 You're going to be my First Officer.
0:21:05.05,0:21:07.39, 马科斯很难说服。 Yeah, Marcus took some convincing.
0:21:08.97,0:21:12.02, 但我偶尔也能说动他。 But every now and then I can make a good case. 0:21:15.35,0:21:16.86, 你和他说了些什么? What did you tell him? 0:21:17.94,0:21:19.11, 事实。 The truth.
0:21:19.40,0:21:21.15, 我说我相信你。 That I believe in you.
0:21:22.90,0:21:26.24, 如果有人有资格改过自新,这个人就是吉姆·柯克。 That if anybody deserves a second chance, it's Jim Kirk. 0:21:36.00,0:21:37.58, 我不知道该说些什么。 I don't know what to say.
0:21:38.67,0:21:40.13, 这是第一次。 That is a first.
0:21:42.01,0:21:43.80, 一切都会好起来的,孩子。 It's going to be okay, son.
0:21:51.26,0:21:52.97, “紧急会议,戴斯特洛姆大楼” \0:21:54.56,0:21:55.77, 我们一起。 That's us.
0:21:56.27,0:21:57.40, 好吧。 Yeah.
0:21:58.36,0:21:59.69, 穿上制服。 Suit up.
0:22:11.41,0:22:14.16, 所有星际舰队成员请注意, All Starfleet personnel, please be advised,
0:22:14.29,0:22:17.17, ——新安全规定已生效 ——舰长。 -new security protocols are in effect. -Captain.
0:22:17.33,0:22:19.33, 不再是了,斯波克,现在是大副。 Not anymore, Spock. First Officer.
0:22:20.75,0:22:23.17, 我被降职了,而你被调职了。 I was demoted and you were reassigned. 0:22:23.51,0:22:25.01, 很幸运后果没有 It is fortunate that the consequences 0:22:25.09,0:22:26.17, 比这更糟糕。 were not more severe.
0:22:26.26,0:22:27.59, 开什么玩笑。 You've got to be kidding me.
0:22:27.68,0:22:28.76, 舰长,我并未打算要······ Captain, it was never my intention...
0:22:28.84,0:22:30.01, 我不是舰长。 Not Captain.
0:22:30.35,0:22:31.43, 我救了你的命,斯波克。 I saved your life, Spock.
0:22:31.51,0:22:33.85, 你写了份报告,我的飞船就没了。 You wrote a report, I lost my ship.
0:22:35.60,0:22:38.40, 中校,我现在觉得我当初应该告诉你 Commander, I see now I should have alerted you 0:22:38.48,0:22:40.15, 我交了那份报告。 to the fact that I submitted the report.
0:22:40.23,0:22:42.07, 不,我了解你循规蹈矩的强迫症。 No, I'm familiar with your compulsionto follow the rules. 0:22:43,0, 但你看,我做不到 。 But you see, I can't do that.
0:22:45.53,0:22:47.57, 在我来的地方,如果某人救了你的命。 Where I come from, if someone saves your life, 0:22:47.65,0:22:48.86, 你就不该在背后暗算他。 you don't stab him in the back.
0:22:49.03,0:22:50.66, 瓦肯人不能说谎。 Vulcans cannot lie.
0:22:50.87,0:22:52.41, 那我就和你人类的那一半说。 Then I'm talking to the half-human part of you. 0:22:52.58,0:22:54.08, 好吗? All right?
0:22:54.33,0:22:56.62, 你知道我为什么回去救你么? Do you understand why I went back for you?
0:22:56.83,0:23:00.17, 斯波克中校? 我是弗兰克·阿伯特,联邦战舰布拉德伯里号。 Commander Spock? Frank Abbot, U.S.S. Bradbury. 0:23:00.38,0:23:01.71, 猜你是我的手下吧。 Guess you're with me.
0:23:03.55,0:23:04.88, 是的,舰长。 Yes, Captain.
0:23:12.55,0:23:14.14, 事实是 The truth is
0:23:16.06,0:23:17.56, 我会想念你的。 I'm going to miss you.
0:23:25.78,0:23:28.19, 马科斯上将,长官。 Admiral Marcus, sir.
0:23:29.11,0:23:32.37, 感谢各位在接到短讯后迅速集合。 Thank you for convening on such short notice. 0:23:32.41,0:23:33.66, 请就坐。 Be seated.
0:23:35.91,0:23:38.58, 现在,想必你们其中一些人已经听说了在伦敦发生的事件。 By now, some of you have heard what happened in London.
0:23:38.75,0:23:41.08, 被袭击的是一个星际舰队档案库。 The target was a Starfleet data archive.
0:23:41.17,0:23:42.33, 现在只剩下一个大坑留在地面。 Now it's a damned hole in the ground, 0:23:42.42,0:23:44.17, 42人身亡。 42 men and women are dead.
0:23:44.34,0:23:45.42, 一个小时以前, One hour ago,
0:23:45.50,0:23:47.26, 我收到一份来自星际舰队官员的信息, I received a message from a Starfleet officer,
0:23:47.42,0:23:49.26, 他承认自己制造了这次袭击, who confessed to carrying out this attack,
0:23:49.76,0:23:52.05, 是因为被这个人所胁迫的, that he was being forced to do it by this man,
0:23:52.14,0:23:55.06, 约翰哈里森上校,他是我们中的一员 Commander John Harrison. He's one of our own.
0:23:55.39,0:23:58.22, 同时也为这次野蛮的行为负责。 And he is the man responsible for this act of savagery.
0:23:59.23,0:24:00.94, 出于某种不知名的原因,约翰·哈里森刚刚发起了 For reasons unknown, John Harrison has just declared 0:24:01.02,0:24:03.48, 对星际舰队的单人战争。 a one-man war against Starfleet.
0:24:04.02,0:24:07.40, 无论如何,我们都不能让这个人逃离联邦星域。
And under no circumstances are we to allow this man to escape Federation space. 0:24:09.94,0:24:11.49, 今晚在坐的各位代表了本星区所有星舰的高级将领。 You here tonight represent the senior command of all the vessels in the region. 0:24:13.70,0:24:16.03, 以那些逝去之人的名, And in the name of those we lost,
0:24:16.12,0:24:18.37, 你们将会抓住这个混蛋。 you will run this bastard down.
0:24:19.12,0:24:22.71, 这是一场抓捕行动,简单有效,让我们开始吧。 This is a manhunt, pure and simple, so let's get to work. 0:24:23.21,0:24:25.13, 地球周边探测器尚未侦测到 Earth's perimeter sensors have not detected
0:24:25.21,0:24:26.84, 任何曲速信号离开了这个星系, any warp signatures leaving the system,
0:24:26.92,0:24:28.21, 所以我们知道他不会逃的太远 so we know he can't be far.
0:24:29.42,0:24:31.59, 你们的飞船将部署为封锁阵形, You will park your ships in a blockade formation
0:24:31.80,0:24:34.14, 同时派出搜索舰和地面部队 then deploy search vehicles and landing parties
0:24:34.18,0:24:36.97, 搜索任何一个可能的位置。 to run down every lead.
0:24:37.18,0:24:38.85, 这人会杀害杀害无辜的群众, This man has shown willingness to kill innocent people, 0:24:39.02,0:24:41.52, 所以交战规则非常简单。 so the rules of engagement are simple.
0:24:41.60,0:24:44.65, 如果你遇到此人,担心他伤及自己或周围人的生命, If you come across this man and fear for your life or lives of those nearby, 0:24:47:0, 你有权使用致命武器。
you are authorized to use deadly force on sight.
0:24:49.73,0:24:51.40, ——包里是什么? ——詹姆士,等下再说。 -What's in the bag? -James, not now.
0:24:51.57,0:24:53.70, 你不觉得他袭击档案馆有点奇怪么? It doesn't seem odd to you that he'd target an archive? 0:24:54:0, 这就像是去炸图书馆。 It’s like bombing a library.
0:24:55.49,0:24:57.03, 克里斯, 有事吗? Chris? Everything okay there?
0:24:57.41,0:25:00.08, 是的,长官,柯克先生还在适应 Yes, sir. Mr. Kirk is just acclimating
0:25:00.16,0:25:01.91, 他的新大副职位。 to his new position as First Officer.
0:25:02.08,0:25:03.71 , 如果你有任何想说的事情,柯克,现在就说。 You got something to say, Kirk, say it. 0:25:03.79,0:25:05.38, 明天就太迟了。 Tomorrow's too late.
0:25:07.50,0:25:08.55, 没事,长官,非常抱歉。 I'm fine, sir. My apologies.
0:25:09.17,0:25:11.55, 说出来,孩子,用不着害羞。 Spit it out, son. Don't be shy.
0:25:12.84,0:25:14.84, 为什么是档案馆? Why the archive?
0:25:15.34,0:25:17.64, 所有信息都是公开的。 All that information is public record.
0:25:17.72,0:25:19.72, 如果他真的想要摧毁星际舰队, If he really wanted to damage Starfleet,
0:25:21.93,0:25:23.52, 这有可能只是个开始。 this could just be the beginning.
0:25:23.69,0:25:25.19, 什么的开始,柯克先生? The beginning of what, Mr. Kirk?
0:25:25.35,0:25:28.11, 长官,在遭遇攻击时 按照规定, Sir, in the event of an attack, protocol mandates
0:25:28.19,0:25:31.07, 高级将领必须召集所有舰长和大副 that senior command gather captains and first officers 0:25:31.15,0:25:33.19, 到星际舰队指挥部,就是这里, at Starfleet H.Q., right here
0:25:34.70,0:25:36.57, ——这个房间。 ——奇怪的是 -in this room. -It is curious Harrison
0:25:36.78,0:25:38.70, 哈里森将要要夺取一艘没有曲速飞行能力的飞船······ would commandeer a jumpship without warp capabilities... 0:25:45.00,0:25:46.00, 撤离该房间! Clear the room!
0:25:51.25,0:25:52.38, 不! No!
0:25:54.30,0:25:57.14, 我们需要防空部队!戴斯特洛姆会议室 We need an air defense team! Daystrom Conference Room! 25:59:0, ——快走。 ——掩护我。 -Let’s go. -Cover me.
26:10:00, ——已瞄准目标。 ——带他离开这里。 -Target acquired. -Take him out. -26:58:30, 开火! Fire!
0:30:23.78,0:30:26.32, 中校,斯科特先生发现了一些东西 Commander, Mr. Scott has found something
0:30:26.40,0:30:28.24, 在哈里森的飞船残骸里。 in the wreckage of Harrison's ship.
0:30:28.57,0:30:30.91, 他希望立即会见我们。 He has asked to see us right away.
0:30:32.70,0:30:35.75, 舰长!我在这艘坠毁的飞船上发现了这个,长官。 Captain! I found this in the crashed jumpship, sir.
0:30:35.83,0:30:37.62, ——这个混蛋就是靠这个逃离的。 ——什么意思? -This is how the bastard got away. -What do you mean?
0:30:37.67,0:30:39.83, 这是一个便携式超曲速传送装置。 It's a portable transwarp beaming device.
0:30:39.88,0:30:41.17, 你能找出他去哪里了吗? Well, can you figure out where he went?
0:30:41.34,0:30:44.17, 我已经找到了,长官,而且你不会喜欢那个地方的。 I already did, sir. And you're no gonna like it. 0:30:45.47,0:30:47.13, 他去了一个我们... He's gone to the one place we...
0:30:47.68,0:30:49.51, 我们去不了的地方。 we just can't go.
0:30:52.06,0:30:53.97, 上将,他不在地球上。 Admiral, sir, he's not on Earth.
0:30:55.89,0:30:58.40, 他在克洛诺斯,长官。 He's on Kronos, sir.
0:30:58.48,0:31:00.06, 我请求复职, I request my command be reinstated
0:31:00.15,0:31:02.02, 并请您批准我去追捕他。 and your permission to go after him.
0:31:03.53,0:31:04.69, 我们稍后再议。 Give us a minute.
0:31:06.19,0:31:07.28, ——克洛诺斯。 ——是的,长官。 -Kronos. -Yes, sir.
0:31:07.36,0:31:09.86, 那么哈里森逃到了克林贡母星。 So Harrison's gone to the Klingon homeworld.
0:31:09.95,0:31:11.62, ——他背叛了吗? ——我们不确定,长官。 -Is he defecting? -We're not sure, sir. 0:31:11.70,0:31:13.12, 他正在凯萨区避难。 He has taken refuge in the Ketha Province, 0:31:13.20,0:31:14.20, 那里几十年都无人居住。 a region uninhabited for decades.
0:31:14.29,0:31:15.79, 他肯定藏在那里,长官! He's gotta be hiding there, sir!
0:31:15.87,0:31:17.58, 他知道如果我们靠近克林贡星区, He knows if we even go near Klingon space,
0:31:17.66,0:31:18.67, 那会引发全面战争。 it'd be all-out war.
0:31:18.75,0:31:21.04, 星际舰队无法追捕他,但我可以。 Starfleet can't go after him, but I can. 0:31:21.96,0:31:23.29, 求你了,长官。 Please, sir.
0:31:25.46,0:31:28.13, 与克林贡的全面战争是不可避免的,柯克先生。 All-out war with the Klingons is inevitable, Mr. Kirk. 0:31:28.22,0:31:29.55, 在我看来,战争已经开始了。 If you ask me, it's already begun.
0:31:29.80,0:31:31.26, 自从我们得知他们的的存在开始, Since we first learned of their existence,
0:31:31.34,0:31:33.47, 克林贡帝国已经侵占了 the Klingon Empire has conquered and occupied 0:31:33.56,0:31:34.72, 两个我们已知的星球 two planets that we know of
0:31:34.81,0:31:37.31, 并数次向我们飞船开火。 and fired on our ships half a dozen times.
0:31:39.44,0:31:40.98, 他们正在逐步逼近我们。 They are coming our way.
0:31:42.86,0:31:45.03, 伦敦并不是一个档案馆。 London was not an archive.
0:31:45.36,0:31:47.03, 那是星际舰队的绝密分支 It was a top-secret branch of Starfleet 0:31:47.11,0:31:49.61, 代号 31区。 designated Section 31.
0:31:49.82,0:31:51.24, 他们在那里研究防御科技, They were developing defense technology,
0:31:51.32,0:31:53.24, 训练官员去搜集 and training our officers to gather intelligence
0:31:53.41,0:31:54.78, 关于克林贡和其他任何可能威胁到我们的敌人的情报。 on the Klingons and any other potential enemy who means to do us harm. 0:31:57.29,0:31:58.71, 哈里森是我们最出色的的特工之一。 Harrison was one of our top agents.
0:31:58.87,0:32:01.12, 现在,他是一名逃犯,而我想要干掉他。 Well, now he's a fugitive and I want to take him out.
0:32:02.96,0:32:05.67, 派克一直说你是我们中最出色的也是最有出息的。 Pike always said you were one of our best and brightest. 0:32:06.30,0:32:08.55, 你应该听听他是怎么为你辩护的。 You should have heard him defend you.
0:32:09.42,0:32:11.68, 他劝你加入星际舰队的,是吗? He's the one who talked you into joining Starfleet, wasn't he? 0:32:12.80,0:32:13.97, 是的,长官。 Yes, sir.
0:32:14.51,0:32:16.77, 那他有没有说过是谁劝他加入星际舰队的呢? Did he ever tell you who talked him into joining? 0:32:20.98,0:32:22.98, 他的死责任在我。 His death is on me.
0:32:24.65,0:32:25.65, 我不能再让你去送死。 And yours can't be.
0:32:25.77,0:32:26.82, 长官,求你了,我只想······ Sir, please. All I...
0:32:26.90,0:32:28.40, 斯波克先生,你说哈里森隐藏的 Mr. Spock, you said the province
0:32:28.53,0:32:29.94, 那个区无人居住? where Harrison is hiding is uninhabited? 0:32:30.11,0:32:31.61, 没错,长官。 Affirmative, sir.
0:32:34.74,0:32:36.53, 作为我们防卫系统的一环, As part of our defensive strategy,
0:32:36.62,0:32:38.87, 31区开发了一种新型光子鱼雷。 31 developed a new photon torpedo.
0:32:41.50,0:32:42.96, 远程射击,无迹可寻, Long-range and untraceable,
0:32:43.04,0:32:45.17, 可以不被克林贡人的探测器所察觉 it would be invisible to Klingon sensors.
0:32:45.42,0:32:48.42, 我不想让你们受伤,但是我希望干掉那个家伙。 I don't want you hurt, but I want to take him out.
0:32:48.51,0:32:50.38, 你们将停泊在中立区的边缘, You park on the edge of the Neutral Zone, 0:32:50.47,0:32:52.34, 锁定哈里森的位置, you lock onto Harrison's position,
0:32:52.43,0:32:53.84, 发射鱼雷,干掉他,然后迅速离开。 you fire, you kill him and you haul ass.
0:32:55.51,0:32:58.68, 请求再任命斯波克为我的大副。 Permission to reinstate Mr. Spock as my First Officer. 0:33:00.35,0:33:01.35, 通过。 Granted.
0:33:09.03,0:33:10.11, 吉姆! Jim!
0:33:11.28,0:33:13.03, ——你去哪了? ——干嘛? -Where were you? -For what?
0:33:13.28,0:33:14.74, 你的医疗检查。 Your medical exam.
0:33:14.82,0:33:16.78, 10个小时以前,你刚参与过交火。 Ten hours ago, you were in a damn firefight.
0:33:16.87,0:33:19.12, ——现在这是我的职责······ ——我很好,老骨头。 -Now it's my duty as ship's... -I'm fine, Bones. 0:33:19.37,0:33:20.79, 好个鬼。 The hell you are.
0:33:22.87,0:33:24.29, 我没事。 I'm fine.
0:33:29.63,0:33:32.05, 报告情况,斯波克先生。 Status report, Mr. Spock.
0:33:32.13,0:33:33.47, 企业号等我们到达时应该可以出发了。 The Enterprise should be ready for launch by the time we arrive. 0:33:35.30,0:33:37.35, ——很好。很好。 ——舰长。 -Good. Good. -Captain.
0:33:38.72,0:33:40.68, 感谢你请求让我复职。 Thank you for requesting my reinstatement. 0:33:42.31,0:33:43.64, 不客气。 You're welcome.
0:33:44.56,0:33:46.65, 既然我再一次成为了你的大副,我有责任 As I am again your First Officer, it is now my duty
0:33:46.77,0:33:48.36, 强烈反对本次任务的方式。 to strongly object to our mission parameters. 0:33:48.86,0:33:49.86, 当然。 Of course it is.
0:33:49.94,0:33:51.40, 没有哪条条星际舰队规定表明 There is no Starfleet regulation
0:33:51.48,0:33:53.03, 可以不经审判而判决一个人死刑。 that condemns a man to die without a trial,
0:33:53.19,0:33:55.86, 你和马科斯上将都忘了这点。 something you and Admiral Marcus are forgetting. 0:33:55.99,0:33:58.20, 还有,率先发送鱼雷 Also, preemptively firing torpedoes
0:33:58.28,0:33:59.83, 到克林贡母星违反了······ at the Klingon homeworld goes against...
0:33:59.91,0:34:01.66, 你自己说那个区域没有人居住。 You yourself said the area's uninhabited.
0:34:01.70,0:34:02.75, 所以只有一个人会伤亡。 There's only gonna be one casualty.
0:34:03.33,0:34:04.37, 或许你刚才没有听到, And in case you weren't listening,
0:34:04.46,0:34:06.50, 我们的任务与星际舰队的规定无关。 our orders have nothing to do with Starfleet regulation.
0:34:06.75,0:34:08.25, 等等。我们要向克林贡人发射鱼雷吗? Wait a minute. We're firing torpedoes at the Klingons?
0:34:08.42,0:34:11.46, 且不谈规定,这次行动从道义上讲也是错误的。 Regulations aside, this action is morally wrong.
0:34:11.59,0:34:14.30, 且不谈规定,把你救离火山很合道义。 Regulations aside, pulling your ass out of a volcano was morally right. 0:34:14.38,0:34:15.43, 可我也没从中得到什么好处。 And I didn't win any points for that.
0:34:15.59,0:34:16.59, 吉姆,冷静点。 Whoa, Jim, calm down.
0:34:16.68,0:34:18.09, 我不会让一个机器人给我上道德课! I'm not gonna take ethics lessons from a robot!
0:34:18.26,0:34:19.97, 再次开始骂人说明你怀有戒心, Reverting to name-calling suggests that you are defensive 0:34:20.06,0:34:21.39, 因此也证明了我的观点是正确的 and therefore find my opinion valid.
0:34:21.43,0:34:22.60, 我不是在询问你的观点。 I wasn't asking for your opinion.
0:34:23.02,0:34:24.93, 老骨头,把那东西从我脸上拿开。 Bones, get that thing off my face.
0:34:25.02,0:34:27.73, 舰长,我们的任务可能会引发与克林贡人的战争 Captain, our mission could start a war with the Klingons 0:34:27.90,0:34:29.90, 同时这也十分不合道义。 and it is, by its very definition, immoral.
0:34:29.94,0:34:31.57, 也许你应该花些必要的时间 Perhaps you should take the requisite time
0:34:31.65,0:34:33.94, 为自己获得这个结论。 to arrive at this conclusion for yourself. 0:34:34.07,0:34:35.24, 柯克舰长。 Captain Kirk.
0:34:36.70,0:34:38.03, 科学专员华莱士。 Science Officer Wallace.
0:34:38.11,0:34:40.33, 受马库斯上将指派前往企业号星舰。 I've been assigned to the Enterprise by Admiral Marcus.
0:34:40.87,0:34:42.37, 这是我的调任令。 These are my transfer orders.
0:34:43.12,0:34:45.25, 你有请求增加一名科学专员吗,舰长? You requested an additional science officer, Captain? 0:34:45.37,0:34:46.41, 我希望我有。 I wish I had.
0:34:48.21,0:34:50.29, 卡罗尔·华莱士上尉。 \
0:34:50.46,0:34:51.75, 应用物理学博士, \
0:34:51.96,0:34:54.80, 擅长先进武器。 \
0:34:54.88,0:34:55.92, 令人印象深刻的简历。 Impressive credentials. 0:34:56.34,0:34:57.34, 谢谢。 Thank you.
0:34:57.47,0:34:58.93, 但是在我已经重归企业号的情况下,略显多余。 But redundant now that I am back aboard the Enterprise. 0:34:59.09,0:35:00.51, 才不是呢,多多益善。 And yet, the more the merrier.
0:35:00.60,0:35:02.64, ——请坐,博士。 ——谢谢。 -Have a seat, Doctor. -Thank you.
0:35:05.56,0:35:08.27, 穿梭机乘员,准备起飞 Shuttle crew, stand by for lift-off.
0:35:29.71,0:35:31.38, 不,我不会签署任何东西! No! I'm not signing anything!
0:35:31.46,0:35:33.67, 现在,把这些该死的东西丢出我的飞船!舰长! Now, get these bloody things off my ship! Captain! 0:35:33.75,0:35:34.92, 有什么问题吗,斯科特? Is there a problem, Mr. Scott?
0:35:35.01,0:35:36.97, 是的,长官。我正向这位先生解释 Aye, sir. I was just explaining to this gentleman 0:35:37.05,0:35:39.51, 我不能授权这艘星舰搭载任何 that I cannae authorize any weapons on board this ship 0:35:39.59,0:35:40.72, 内部构造未知的武器。 without knowing what's inside them.
0:35:40.80,0:35:42.60, 斯科特先生的意思是... Mr. Scott raises yet another point... 0:35:42.68,0:35:43.81, 报告到舰桥。 Report to the bridge.
0:35:44.14,0:35:45.14, 舰长。 Captain.
0:35:45.47,0:35:47.18, 斯科特,我明白你的担忧, Mr. Scott, I understand your concerns,
0:35:47.27,0:35:49.14, 但是我们需要这些鱼雷登舰。 but we need these torpedoes on board.
0:35:49.39,0:35:51.90, 恕我直言,长官,但是光子鱼雷需要燃料。 Due respect, sir, but photon torpedoes run on fuel. 0:35:51.98,0:35:53.57, 而我无法检测出这些鱼雷的 Now, I cannae detect the type of fuel
0:35:53.65,0:35:55.44,燃料舱里面装的是什么燃料, that's in the compartments on these torpedoes 0:35:55.53,0:35:56.57, 因为它们被遮蔽了。 because it's shielded.
0:35:56.65,0:35:58.99, 我问他要规格说明, 但他说······ Now, I asked for the specifications, but he said...
0:35:59.24,0:36:01.07, ——这是机密。 ——这是机密。 -It's classified. -It's classified.
0:36:01.16,0:36:03.24, 所以我说,不给说明,不给签字! So I said, \
0:36:03.32,0:36:04.33, 舰长。 Captain.
0:36:04.83,0:36:06.66, 飞行检测完毕,已经准备好出发,长官。 Flight check's complete. We're good to go, sir.
0:36:06.83,0:36:08.66, ——谢谢,苏鲁先生。 ——是,长官。 -Thank you, Mr. Sulu. -Yes, sir.
0:36:08.83,0:36:11.83, 现在,恕我失陪,长官,我还要启动曲速核。 Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I have a warp core to prime. 0:36:12.42,0:36:13.59, 下来! Get down!
0:36:13.79,0:36:15.25, 吉姆,你的身体情况不太好。 Jim, your vitals are way off.
0:36:15.34,0:36:17.67, 报告到医务舱。斯科特! Report to the med bay. Scotty!
0:36:17.76,0:36:19.34, 我需要你批准那些武器。 I need you to approve those weapons.
0:36:19.38,0:36:20.43, 你知道这是什么吗,舰长? Do you know what this is, Captain?
0:36:20.51,0:36:21.93, 我没有时间听你演讲,斯科特。 I don't have time for a lecture, Scotty.
0:36:22.01,0:36:24.85, -你知道这是什么吗? - 这是曲速核。 -Do you know what this is? -It's a warp core.
0:36:24.93,0:36:27.93, 是不可避免的放射性灾难。 It's a radioactive catastrophe waiting to happen. 0:36:28.18,0:36:29.98, 若电磁输出由于 A subtle shift in magnetic output from,
0:36:30.06,0:36:32.94, 比如说发射几枚或数十枚 say, firing one or more of six dozen torpedoes
0:36:33.10,0:36:34.48, 杀伤力未知的鱼雷而出现意外故障, with an unknown payload
0:36:34.69,0:36:36.02, 可能触发的一系列连锁反应将会杀死 could set off a chain reaction which would kill
0:36:36.11,0:36:37.78, 这艘舰船上的所有生命。 every living thing on this ship.
0:36:37.94,0:36:40.36, 让这些鱼雷装上企业号已经是我的下限了! Letting those torpedoes on board the Enterprise is the last straw! 0:36:40.53,0:36:42.32, ——那上限是什么? ——是什么······ -What was the first straw? -What was the... 0:36:42.49,0:36:44.24, 有很多难以忍受的事情。 There are plenty of straws.
0:36:44.32,0:36:46.95, 比如关于星际舰队收回了我的的超曲速传送方程? How about Starfleet confiscating my transwarp equation? 0:36:47.04,0:36:49.29, 然而现在某个疯子却用他横穿银河系! And now some madman's using it to hop across the galaxy! 0:36:49.45,0:36:50.46, 你觉得他从哪里搞来这东西的? Where do you think he got it from?
0:36:50.54,0:36:51.87, 我们都有令在身,斯科特! We have our orders, Scotty!
0:36:52.04,0:36:53.75, 这才是令我担忧的。 That's what scares me.
0:36:54.21,0:36:56.54, 这明显是一个军事行动, This is clearly a military operation.
0:36:56.88,0:36:58.42, 这是我们该做的吗? Is that what we are now?
0:36:58.51,0:36:59.59, 因为我以为我们只是探险家。 'Cause I thought we were explorers.
0:37:00.34,0:37:03.01, 签署这些鱼雷,这是命令。 Sign for the torpedoes, that's an order. 0:37:04.26,0:37:05.97, 好吧,你让我别无选择 Right, well, you leave me no choice
0:37:06.05,0:37:07.35, 只能辞职了。 but to resign my duties.
0:37:07.51,0:37:08.93, 别这样,斯科特。 Come on, Scotty.
0:37:09.14,0:37:10.68, 你让我没有选择,长官。我不会准备······ You're giving me no choice, sir. I will not stand by... 0:37:10.85,0:37:11.89, 你让我别无选择。 You're not giving me much of a choice.
0:37:12.06,0:37:13.23, 你就不能破个例签个字······ Will you just make an exception and sign...
0:37:13.35,0:37:14.60, 你到底接受我的辞职请求还是不接受? Do you accept my resignation or not?
0:37:14.81,0:37:16.02, 我接受! I do!
0:37:22.28,0:37:23.61, 我接受! I do.
0:37:25.87,0:37:27.87, 你解职了,斯科特先生。 You are relieved, Mr. Scott.
0:37:37.71,0:37:43.30, 吉姆,看在上帝的份上,不要使用那些鱼雷。 Jim, for the love of God, do not use those torpedoes. 0:37:54.89,0:37:58.94, 请注意。曲速核反物质密封检查 Attention. Warp core anti-matter containment check 0:37:59.11,0:38:00.48, 将在3分钟后开始。 in three minutes.
0:38:04.32,0:38:06.87, 舰长!对于派克上将的事我深感抱歉。 Captain! I'm so sorry about Admiral Pike. 0:38:07.24,0:38:08.58,我们都很遗憾。 We all are.
0:38:09.16,0:38:11.08, -你没事吧? -很好。谢谢你,上尉。 -Are you okay? -Fine, thank you, Lieutenant.
0:38:19.59,0:38:21.21, 实际上,斯科特刚刚离开了。 Actually, Scotty just quit.
0:38:23.17,0:38:26.26, 而你男朋友将不放过任何机会职责我。 And your boyfriend's second-guessing me every chance he gets. 0:38:29.35,0:38:31.01, 抱歉,我失言了。 I'm sorry, that was inappropriate.
0:38:31.10,0:38:34.77, 只是有时候我真想把他的刘海扯下来。 It's just sometimes I want to rip the bangs off his head. 0:38:36.19,0:38:38.10, ——你知道的,可能是我······ ——不是你的问题。 -You know, maybe it's me. I... -It's not you. 0:38:39.90,0:38:40.90, 不是吗? It's not?
0:38:43.61,0:38:45.70, 等下,你们两个······你们两个吵架了? Wait, are you guys... Are you guys fighting?
0:38:45.78,0:38:46.78, 我不想讨论这个话题,长官。 I'd rather not talk about it, sir.
0:38:46.86,0:38:48.95, 天哪!什么情况? Oh, my God! What is that even like? 0:38:54.54,0:38:55.83, 你耳朵烫吗? Your ears burning?
0:38:55.91,0:38:57.00, 舰长莅临舰桥! Captain on the bridge!
0:38:57.54,0:38:58.83, 舰长。 Captain.
0:38:59.54,0:39:02.59, 切科夫先生,你一直在斯科特先生手下做事。 Mr. Chekov. You've been shadowing Mr. Scott.
0:39:02.67,0:39:05.01, 你熟悉这艘飞船的工程系统吗? You are familiar with the engineering systems of this ship? 0:39:05.09,0:39:06.09, 当然,长官。 Affirmative, sir.
0:39:06.22,0:39:07.22, 很好。 Good.
0:39:07.80,0:39:11.01, 你就是我的新工程部长。去换上红色制服。 You're my new Chief. Go put on a red shirt. 0:39:14.60,0:39:16.10, 好的,舰长。 Aye, Captain.
0:39:20.27,0:39:21.69, 收回所有系泊器,苏鲁先生。 Retract all moorings, Mr. Sulu. 0:39:22.77,0:39:24.03, 是,长官。 Yes, sir.
0:39:28.36,0:39:30.82, 对接夹 1,2,3 号已释放。 Docking clamps one, two, and three are released. 0:39:30.87,0:39:31.87, 所有系泊器已收回。 All moorings retracted.
0:39:43.17,0:39:44.38, 乌胡拉上尉,开启全舰频道 Lieutenant Uhura, open a shipwide channel. 0:39:44.46,0:39:45.46, 是,长官。 Yes, sir.
0:39:46.17,0:39:47.84, 切科夫先生,下面的情况如何? Mr. Chekov, how we looking down there?
0:39:48.17,0:39:50.39, ——所有系统正常,舰长。 ——收到。 -All systems nominal, Captain. -Copy that.
0:39:50.47,0:39:51.97, 随时可以进行曲速飞行。 Warp available at your command.
0:39:52.05,0:39:53.64, 谢谢你,切科夫先生。 Thank you, Mr. Chekov.
0:39:54.60,0:39:56.27, ——好,我们出发。 ——是,长官。 -All right. Let's ride. -Yes, sir.
0:40:09.57,0:40:11.07, 频道开启,长官。 Channel open, sir.
0:40:12.03,0:40:14.41, 企业号船员请注意。 Attention, crew of the Enterprise.
0:40:14.58,0:40:16.70, 想必你们大多数人已经知道,克里斯托弗·派克, As most of you know, Christopher Pike,
0:40:16.75,0:40:19.71, 这艘飞船的前任舰长,我们的朋友, former captain of this ship and our friend, 0:40:21.37,0:40:22.79, 已经逝世。 is dead.
0:40:23.84,0:40:25.50, 杀死他的人已经逃离了我们的星系 The man who killed him has fled our system
0:40:25.59,0:40:27.34, 并且现在正躲在克林贡母星, and is hiding on the Klingon homeworld,
0:40:27.55,0:40:30.05, 躲藏在了他认为我们绝不会去的地方。 somewhere he believes we are unwilling to go.
0:40:31.47,0:40:34.05, 我们现在正在前往那里。 We are on our way there now.
0:40:34.18,0:40:38.06, 马科斯上将有令,我们的行动不能被敌人发现。 Per Admiral Marcus, it is essential that our presence go undetected. 0:40:38.14,0:40:39.77, 联邦和克林贡帝国的关系 Tensions between the Federation
0:40:39.85,0:40:41.56, 正处於高度紧张状态。 and the Klingon Empire have been high.
0:40:41.64,0:40:43.94, 任何不适当的行为都可能导致全面战争。 Any provocation could lead to an all-out war.
0:40:57.74,0:40:59.70, 我将会亲自领导一个地勤小队 I will personally lead a landing party
0:40:59.79,0:41:02.42, 前往位于克洛诺斯表面的废弃城市, to an abandoned city on the surface of Kronos
0:41:03.17,0:41:06.42, 我们将会在那里抓住逃犯,约翰·哈里森, where we will capture the fugitive, John Harrison,
0:41:06.63,0:41:10.59, 并将他带回地球让他为他的所作所为接受审判。 and return him to Earth so he can face judgment for his actions.
0:41:13.97,0:41:16.81, 好了,我么出发去抓住这个狗娘养的,柯克结束通话。 All right. Let's go get this son of a bitch. Kirk out.
0:41:22.14,0:41:24.60, 舰长,我认为你做了一个正确的决定。 Captain, I believe you have made the right decision. 0:41:24.65,0:41:25.65, 如果我可以帮忙的话, If I can be of assistance,
0:41:25.86,0:41:27.82, 我将非常乐意与你一起参与行动。 I would be happy to accompany you on the away team. 0:41:29.61,0:41:31.53, 你?乐意? You? Happy?
0:41:31.70,0:41:34.36, 我只是简单的尝试用你们的语言来表述我的想法。 I was simply attempting to use your to convey an idea. 0:41:36.53,0:41:38.28, 谢谢你?斯波克先生。 Thank you, Mr. Spock.
0:41:46.92,0:41:51.01, 全体人员请注意,储藏仓门即将关闭。 All personnel, prepare for the closing of payload bay doors. 0:41:58.81,0:42:00.93, 斯波克先生,你吓到我了。 Mr. Spock. You startled me.
0:42:01.93,0:42:03.44, 你在做什么?博士 What are you doing, Doctor?
0:42:03.56,0:42:05.44, ——检查这些鱼雷······ ——你误解了。 -Verifying that the torpedo's internal... -You misunderstand.
0:42:05.60,0:42:07.61, 你登上这艘飞船做什么? What are you doing aboard this ship?
0:42:07.69,0:42:10.53, 没有任何记录表明你被调任到企业号。 There is no record of you being assigned to the Enterprise. 0:42:10.69,0:42:12.03, 真的吗?那一定是哪里弄错了? Really? That must be some sort of mistake.
0:42:12.11,0:42:14.40, 我也是这么认为的,马科斯博士。 My conclusion as well, Dr. Marcus.
0:42:15.28,0:42:17.99, 除非你在自己的身份上撒了谎。 Except that you have lied about your identity. 0:42:18.20,0:42:20.58, 华莱士是你母亲的姓氏。 Wallace is the surname of your mother.
0:42:20.66,0:42:22.87, 我只能假设上将是你的父亲。 I can only assume the Admiral is your father. 0:42:26.25,0:42:27.58, 斯波克先生。 Mr. Spock.
0:42:28.21,0:42:30.71, 我知道我没有权利向你提出要求。 I'm aware that I have no right to ask this of you.
0:42:30.88,0:42:33.97, 但是求你了,不能让他知道我在这里······ But please, he cannot know that I'm here...
0:42:41.72,0:42:43.89, 工程部手动退出曲速,长官。 Engineering manually dropped us out of warp, sir.
0:42:43.98,0:42:45.73, 切科夫先生,你弄坏了我的飞船? Mr. Chekov, did you break my ship?
0:42:45.81,0:42:47.44, 抱歉,长官。我不知道发生了什么事! Sorry, sir. I don't know what happened! 0:42:47.52,0:42:48.65, 曲速核心过热。 The core overheated.
0:42:48.73,0:42:50.40, 我只能启动紧急停止。 I had to activate the emergency stop.
0:42:50.48,0:42:52.07, 一定是冷却管发生了泄漏,我需要点时间找到泄漏点。 It must be a coolant leak. I need time to find it.
0:42:52.23,0:42:54.40, ——抱歉,舰长。 ——该死。 -Sorry, Captain. -Damn it.
0:42:54.90,0:42:56.99, 苏鲁先生,到达目的地的时间。 Mr. Sulu, time to our destination.
0:42:57.24,0:42:58.41, 20分钟,长官。 Twenty minutes, sir.
0:42:58.49,0:43:00.62, 20分钟里我们将在敌方星域里飞行而且毫无准备。 That's 20 minutes in enemy space we weren't counting on. 0:43:00.70,0:43:02.37, 那我们最好抓紧时间了。 All right. We better hop to it.
0:43:02.45,0:43:03.91, ——斯波克在哪? ——这里,舰长。 -Where's Spock? -Here, Captain.
0:43:04.08,0:43:06.00, 你和我一起去克洛诺斯。 You're coming with me to Kronos.
0:43:06.08,0:43:07.08, 上尉,你克林贡语怎样? Lieutenant, how's your Klingon?
0:43:07.25,0:43:09.33, ——有点生疏,但没问题。 ——好,你也一起。 -It's rusty, but it's good. -Good, you're coming, too.
0:43:10.71,0:43:12.92, 你们两个合作不会有什么问题吧? This isn't going to be a problem, is it, you two working together? 0:43:13.09,0:43:14.67, 绝对没有。 Absolutely not.
0:43:17.38,0:43:18.39, 不确定。 Unclear.
0:43:19.26,0:43:20.60, 穿梭机舱见。 I'll meet you in the shuttle bay.
0:43:21.60,0:43:23.97, 吉姆,你不会真的要下去吧你? Jim, you're not actually going down there, are you?
0:43:24.10,0:43:27.69, 你不会想在汽车爆胎的情况下去抢银行吧。 You don't rob a bank when the getaway car has a flat tire. 0:43:28.90,0:43:30.40, 我相信工程部在我们回来的时候 I'm sure engineering will have us all patched up 0:43:30.44,0:43:31.48, 会处理好一切的。 by the time we get back.
0:43:31.69,0:43:33.65, 是这样吗,切科夫先生? Isn't that right, Mr. Chekov?
0:43:33.73,0:43:34.73, 是的,舰长。 Yes, Captain.
0:43:35.11,0:43:36.24, 我会尽力的,长官。 I'll do my best, sir.
0:43:38.24,0:43:39.61, 苏鲁先生,你来操舵。 Mr. Sulu, you have the conn.
0:43:40.70,0:43:42.37, 等我们出发以后,我要你对准 Once we're en route, I want you to transmit
0:43:42.45,0:43:44.70, 哈里森所在的位置,发射通讯信号。 a targeted comm burst to Harrison's location.
0:43:44.79,0:43:47.33, 告诉他有一大堆大头鱼雷正瞄准着他的脑袋, You tell him you have a bunch of real big torpedoes pointed at his head 0:43:47.41,0:43:50.17, 如果他不就范,你就会发射鱼雷。 and if he doesn't play nice, you're not afraid to use them.
0:43:50.38,0:43:52.13, ——有问题吗? ——没有,长官。 -Is that a problem? -No, sir.
0:43:52.34,0:43:54.05, 我只是从来没有坐过舰长椅。 I've just never sat in the chair before.
0:43:55.34,0:43:56.84, 你会做得很好的。 You're gonna do great.
0:43:58.51,0:44:00.01, 等等!吉姆! Jim! Wait!
0:44:00.14,0:44:02.68, 你刚刚让他参加了一场高风险的扑克游戏, You just sat that man down at a high-stakes poker game
0:44:02.76,0:44:04.89, 手上没有好牌,还让他虚张声势。 with no cards and told him to bluff.
0:44:05.02,0:44:07.35, 苏鲁确实是很出色,但他不适合做舰长。 Now Sulu's a good man, but he is no captain.
0:44:07.56,0:44:08.69, 在接下来的两个小时里,他就是。 For the next two hours, he is.
0:44:08.77,0:44:10.77, 还有不要再用比喻了,好吗?这是命令。 And enough with the metaphors, all right? That's an order.
0:44:10.94,0:44:13.36, 苏鲁先生,确保那艘柯诺米安飞船做好飞行准备。 Mr. Sulu, make sure that K'normian ship is ready to fly. 0:44:23.16,0:44:25.45, 代理舰长苏鲁呼叫2号穿梭机舱。 Acting Captain Sulu to Shuttle Bay 2.
0:44:25.49,0:44:27.37, 请把我们上个月在走私案件中没收的商用飞船 Please have the trade ship we confiscated
0:44:27.45,0:44:30.00, 注满燃料并做好飞行准备
during the Mudd incident last month fueled and flight ready. 0:44:30.21,0:44:32.21, 柯克舰长正在前往你们的路上。 Captain Kirk is en route to you now. 0:44:35.63,0:44:37.30, 准备出发,舰长。 Ready to deploy, Captain.
0:44:37.38,0:44:39.05, 上尉们,脱下红色制服。 Lieutenants, lose the red shirts.
0:44:39.47,0:44:41.01, 你们现在是柯诺米安军火商,穿上这些衣服。 You are K'normian arms dealers. Put those on.
0:44:41.68,0:44:43.05, ——长官? ——假如事情搞砸了, -Sir? -Look, if this thing goes south,
0:44:43.22,0:44:45.18, 绝对不可以把我们和星际舰队扯上关系。 there can be nothing tying us to Starfleet.
0:44:45.22,0:44:47.72, 除非你想引发战争,亨多夫先生。 Unless of course you want to start a war, Mr. Hendorff.
0:44:47.81,0:44:50.19, ——不想,长官。 ——不想,长官。 -No, sir. -No, sir.
0:44:50.35,0:44:51.48, 很好,我也不想。 Good. Me, neither.
0:45:09.37,0:45:12.08, 我检测到凯萨区有一个生命迹象。 I am detecting a single life sign in the Ketha Province.
0:45:12.17,0:45:14.25, 根据斯科特先生所提供的信息, Given the information provided by Mr. Scott,
0:45:14.33,0:45:15.59, 这个很有可能就是约翰·哈里森。 this is most likely John Harrison.
0:45:15.84,0:45:17.38, 苏鲁先生,我觉得我们找到他了。 Mr. Sulu, I think we found our man.
0:45:17.46,0:45:18.71, 告诉他我们我们不是开玩笑的。 You let him know you mean business.
0:45:18.80,0:45:19.96, 是,舰长。 Aye, Captain.
0:45:21.84,0:45:23.84, 请注意,约翰·哈里森。 Attention, John Harrison.
0:45:24.05,0:45:27.22, 这里是联邦星舰企业号舰长田光苏鲁。 This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
0:45:28.06,0:45:31.73, 一艘载有训练有素的军官的穿梭机正在前往你的位置。 A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location. 0:45:32.39,0:45:34.90, 如果你不立即向他们投降, If you do not surrender to them immediately,
0:45:35.06,0:45:39.23, 我将发射本舰上所有的高级远程鱼雷 I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes 0:45:39.32,0:45:41.36, 到你所在的位置。 currently locked onto your location.
0:45:41.95,0:45:44.91, 你有两分钟的时间来做出决定。 You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. 0:45:45.03,0:45:47.87, 拒绝将会导致你粉身碎骨。 Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. 0:45:50.04,0:45:53.37, 别试探我,你会失败的。 If you test me, you will fail.
0:45:57.71,0:45:59.21, 苏鲁先生, Mr. Sulu,
0:45:59.55,0:46:01.88, 记得提醒我永远不要惹毛你。 remind me never to piss you off. 0:46:05.59,0:46:06.85, 克洛诺斯 KRONOS
0:46:06.93,0:46:08.60, 我们将会在三分钟后到达哈里森的位置,舰长。 We will arrive at Harrison's location in three minutes, Captain.
0:46:10.27,0:46:11.77, 他不太可能会自愿跟我们走。 It is unlikely that he will come willingly.
0:46:11.85,0:46:15.65, 我计算出他试图杀掉我们的概率是91.6%。 I calculate the odds of him attempting to kill us at 91.6%. 0:46:15.73,0:46:16.90, 非常好。 Fantastic.
0:46:17.36,0:46:18.48, 还好你不太在意死亡。 Good thing you don't care about dying.
0:46:20.48,0:46:22.40, 抱歉,上尉。我没听清楚你刚才说什么······ I am sorry, Lieutenant. I could not hear what you said. 0:46:22.49,0:46:24.03, 我没说什么。 I didn't say anything.
0:46:25.91,0:46:26.95, 事实上,我很乐意告诉你 Actually, I'd be happy to speak
0:46:26.99,0:46:27.99, ——如果你愿意听我说。 ——伙计们······ -if you're willing to listen to me. -Guys...
0:46:28.16,0:46:29.74, 上尉,我建议我们私下讨论这个问题。 Lieutenant, I would prefer to discuss this in private.
0:46:29.91,0:46:31.20, 你根本就不愿意讨论这个问题。 You'd prefer not to discuss this at all.
0:46:31.37,0:46:32.37, 我们目前的情况······ Our current circumstances...
0:46:32.45,0:46:33.83, 你们非得现在扯这些吗? Are you really gonna do this right now?
0:46:34.0, 你唯一没有专注的事情······
What never seems to require your undivided focus... 0:46:35.54,0:46:37.00, 抱歉,舰长。就一会儿。 I'm sorry, Captain, just two seconds.
0:46:37.21,0:46:38.46, ——好吧。 ——就是我们的感情。 -Okay. -is us.
0:46:38.50,0:46:40.80, 在那火山里,你完全没有考虑我们的感情。 At that volcano, you didn't give a thought to us.
0:46:41.05,0:46:43.38, 你要是死了我怎么办,斯波克。 What it would do to me if you died, Spock. 0:46:44.47,0:46:46.43, 你什么都感觉不到。 You didn't feel anything.
0:46:47.30,0:46:48.72, 你根本就不在乎。 You didn't care.
0:46:48.80,0:46:51.64, 而且不只是我感到生气。舰长也是。 And I'm not the only one who's upset with you. The Captain is, too. 0:46:52.10,0:46:54.35, 不,不,不。别把我拉下水。 No, no, no. Don't drag me into this. 0:46:55.98,0:46:57.15, 她说的没错。 She is right.
0:46:57.31,0:47:00.36, 你举得我不在乎生死的观点是不正确的。 Your suggestion that I do not care about dying is incorrect.
0:47:00.44,0:47:02.11, 有意识上的生物若要最大程度发挥自身作用 A sentient being's optimal chance
0:47:02.19,0:47:04.32, 最佳选择是长久而富足的生命。 at maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life. 0:47:04.36,0:47:05.36, 好极了。 Great.
0:47:05.57,0:47:07.11, 这太不像话了,斯波克。 Not exactly a love song, Spock.
0:47:07.24,0:47:08.28, 你误解了。 You misunderstand.
0:47:09.78,0:47:11.83, 确实当时我选择了摒弃情感, It is true I chose not to feel anything
0:47:11.91,0:47:14.79, 因为意识到了自己命不久矣。 upon realizing that my own life was ending. 0:47:15.96,0:47:17.17, 派克上将临终前, As Admiral Pike was dying,
0:47:17.25,0:47:19.13, 我连接了他的意识, I joined with his consciousness
0:47:19.46,0:47:23.05, 感受到了他过世时的情感。
and experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing. 0:47:23.96,0:47:26.30, 愤怒。困惑。 Anger. Confusion.
0:47:26.38,0:47:27.80, 孤独。 Loneliness.
0:47:28.64,0:47:29.89, 恐惧。 Fear.
0:47:30.39,0:47:33.31, 我也曾经体会过这些情感, I had experienced those feelings before,
0:47:33.97,0:47:35.39, 在我的星球被摧毁那天这些情感变得极为强烈。 multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. 0:47:39.98,0:47:41.61, 这样的感觉 Such a feeling is something I choose
0:47:41.69,0:47:43.82, 是我选择永远也不想再次体会的。 never to experience again.
0:47:46.40,0:47:49.82, 妮欧塔,你误以为我选择摒弃情感 Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel 0:47:50.16,0:47:52.66, 是因为我不在乎。 as a reflection of my not caring.
0:47:53.49,0:47:57.37, 但我向你保证,事实恰好相反。 Well, I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite. 0:48:03.50,0:48:04.67, 那是什么鬼东西? What the hell was that?
0:48:05.42,0:48:06.76, 发生了什么事情?信号呢? What happened? Where's their signal?
0:48:06.84,0:48:09.01, 信号中断了。我正在尝试重新连接。 It cut out. I'm working to get them back.
0:48:12.35,0:48:15.39, 我们正被一艘克林贡D-4级飞船追击。 We are being pursued by a D-4 class Klingon vessel. 0:48:15.56,0:48:16.56, 我还以为这里是废墟呢! I thought this sector was abandoned!
0:48:16.64,0:48:17.81, 一定是路过的巡逻船。 It must be a random patrol.
0:48:17.93,0:48:18.94, 抓紧了! Hold on!
0:48:23.11,0:48:24.23, 这艘飞船没有任何还击能力。 This ship has no offensive capabilities.
0:48:24.27,0:48:26.15, 有我们就够了。把6块燃料电池全部装上。 It's got us. Give me all six fuel cells. 0:48:26.23,0:48:27.24, 是,舰长。 Aye, Captain.
0:48:41.67,0:48:42.67, 该死! Damn it!
0:48:44.50,0:48:46.67, 他们正在迅速逼近,方位285! They're closing fast, bearing 285!
0:48:49.34,0:48:50.84, 那里,我们可以在那里甩掉他们。 All right, there! There! We can lose them there.
0:48:52.34,0:48:54.22, 如果你想通过前方建筑物间的那条缝隙,
If you are suggesting that we utilize the passage between the approaching structures, 0:48:55.56,0:48:57.35, ——这艘飞船恐怕无法达到你的要求。 ——我们会通过。 -this ship will not fit. -We'll fit.
0:48:57.52,0:49:00.44, ——舰长,我们无法通过。 ——会通过。 -Captain, we will not fit. -We'll fit, we'll fit!
0:49:18.08,0:49:20.96, ——我说了可以通过。 ——我不确定这算不算。 -I told you we'd fit. -I am not sure that qualifies. 0:49:24.96,0:49:26.04, 有他们的信号吗? Any sign of them?
0:49:26.21,0:49:27.75, ——没有。这正是我担心的。 ——我们甩掉他们了! -No. Which worries me. -We lost them!
0:49:27.92,0:49:29.05, 或者他们正在干扰我们的探测器。 Or they're jamming our scanners.
0:49:29.21,0:49:30.22, 或者是我们甩掉他们了。 Or we lost them.
0:49:48.19,0:49:50.53, 他们命令我们着陆。 They're ordering us to land.
0:49:52.53,0:49:54.32, 舰长,他们会想知道我们为什么来这里的。 Captain, they're gonna want to know why we're here.
0:49:54.86,0:49:56.99, 而且他们会折磨我们。 And they're gonna torture us.
0:49:57.16,0:49:58.74, 审问我们。 Question us.
0:49:58.87,0:50:00.37, 然后在杀了我们。 And they're gonna kill us.
0:50:02.54,0:50:04.29, 那我们出去跟他们拼了 So we come out shooting.
0:50:07.54,0:50:10.46, 我们寡不敌众,火力不足。 We're outnumbered, outgunned.
0:50:10.71,0:50:13.72, 如果我们先动手,我们将没有生还的可能。 There's no way we survive if we attack first.
0:50:14.80,0:50:17.64, 你把我带来是因为我会说克林贡语。 You brought me here because I speak Klingon.
0:50:18.30,0:50:20.64, 就让我去和克林贡人谈谈吧。 Then let me speak Klingon.
0:51:08.86,0:51:10.40, 这样没用。 This isn't going to work.
0:51:10.44,0:51:12.48, 这是唯一合乎逻辑的选择。 It is our only logical option.
0:51:12.65,0:51:15.61, 如果你现在打断她,你不仅会激怒克林贡人, And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons 0:51:15.70,0:51:18.28, 同时也会激怒乌胡拉上尉。 but that of Lieutenant Uhura as well. 0:51:30.46,0:51:33.09, 我是来帮你们的。 I AM HERE TO HELP YOU.
0:51:50.40,0:51:52.07, -上尉。 -谢谢,舰长。 -Lieutenant. -Thanks, Captain.
0:52:00.62,0:52:01.95, 无意冒犯。 WITH RESPECT.
0:52:02.99,0:52:07.37, 有一个罪犯藏在了这片废墟里。 THERE IS A CRIMINAL HIDING IN THESE RUINS. 0:52:08.08,0:52:10.75, 他杀了我们很多人。 HE HAS KILLED MANY OF OUR PEOPLE.
0:52:23.68,0:52:27.23, 为什么我需要在意一个人类杀害人类。 WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT A HUMAN KILLING HUMANS? 0:52:28.98,0:52:30.98, 因为你在乎名誉。 BECAUSE YOU CARE ABOUT HONOR.
0:52:31.86,0:52:35.15, 而这个人毫无荣誉可言。 THIS MAN HAS NONE.
0:52:35.73,0:52:38.45, 你和你的人也有危险。 YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE ARE IN DANGER.
0:55:01.05,0:55:02.46, -放下武器。 -有多少枚鱼雷? -Stand down. -How many torpedoes?
0:55:02.51,0:55:03.51, 放下武器。 Stand down!
0:55:04.17,0:55:07.05, 那些鱼雷,你们在信息中威胁我的武器。 The torpedoes, the weapons you threatened me with in your message. 0:55:07.22,0:55:08.64, 有多少枚? How many are there?
0:55:10.56,0:55:11.56, 72。 Seventy-two.
0:55:18.52,0:55:19.86, 我投降。 I surrender.
0:55:36.79,0:55:38.79, 代表克里斯托弗·派克, On behalf of Christopher Pike,
0:55:39.33,0:55:40.42, 我的朋友, my friend,
0:55:41.29,0:55:42.67, 我接受你的投降。 I accept your surrender. 0:56:07.49,0:56:09.11, 舰长! Captain!
0:56:17.41,0:56:18.75, 舰长。 Captain.
0:56:30.68,0:56:32.01, 拷上他。 Cuff him.
0:56:51.91,0:56:54.16, -老骨头,到监禁室来见我。 -马上就到。 -Bones, meet me in the brig. -Be right there. 0:56:54.70,0:56:55.70, 上尉。 Lieutenant.
0:56:56.45,0:56:59.62, 联系星际舰队,让他们知道我们已经抓住了哈里森, Contact Starfleet, let them know we have Harrison in custody, 0:57:00.21,0:57:02.54, 且一旦曲速核修好将立即返回。 and we'll be on our way once the warp core is repaired. 0:57:02.63,0:57:03.92, 是,长官。 Yes, sir.
0:57:20.39,0:57:22.48, ——为什么那家伙投降了? ——我不知道。 -Why the hell did he surrender? -I don't know.
0:57:22.73,0:57:24.48, 但他凭一己之力解决了一整队克林贡人。 But he just took out a squad of Klingons single-handedly. 0:57:24.56,0:57:25.65, 我想要知道他怎么做到的。 I want to know how.
0:57:25.73,0:57:28.11, 看起来我们把一个超人带上了飞船。 Sounds like we have a superman on board. 0:57:28.19,0:57:29.53, 你说的。 You tell me.
0:57:37.20,0:57:39.95, 把你的手从洞里穿过来,我需要提取血液样本。 Put your arm through the hole. I'm gonna take a blood sample. 0:57:54.26,0:57:57.26, 我们为什么还没有启程,舰长? Why aren't we moving, Captain?
0:57:58.60,0:58:01.64, 一个意外故障,也许是在你的曲速核里, An unexpected malfunction, perhaps in your warp core
0:58:01.81,0:58:04.73, 恰好使你们滞留在了达克林贡星域边境? conveniently stranding you on the edge of Klingon space?
0:58:04.81,0:58:07.07, ——你是怎么知道这些的? ——老骨头。 -How the hell do you know that? -Bones.
0:58:07.48,0:58:11.24, 我觉得你会发现我的洞察力很可贵,舰长。 I think you'd find my insight valuable, Captain. 0:58:13.61,0:58:15.49, -好了吗? -是的。 -We good? -Yeah.
0:58:15.66,0:58:17.16, 发现任何结果记得通知我。 Let me know what you find.
0:58:17.91,0:58:22.25, 无视我的存在,你将会让这艘飞船上所有人死于非命。 Ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed.
0:58:28.75,0:58:31.34, 舰长,我认为他正在试图忽悠你。 Captain, I believe he will only attempt to manipulate you.
0:58:31.51,0:58:33.72, 我不建议继续同这名囚犯进行更多的交流。 I would not recommend engaging the prisoner further. 0:58:33.80,0:58:35.30, 给我一点时间。 Give me a minute.
0:58:47.69,0:58:50.03, 让我来解释一下这里发生里什么。 Let me explain what's happening here. 0:58:50.36,0:58:52.15, 你是一个罪犯。 You are a criminal.
0:58:52.49,0:58:54.82, 我看到你杀害了无辜的群众。 I watched you murder innocent men and women. 0:58:54.90,0:58:57.49, 我被授权消灭你。 I was authorized to end you!
0:58:57.87,0:59:01.16, 而你现在还活着的唯一原因 And the only reason why you are still alive 0:59:01.24,0:59:02.87, 是因为我允许你活着。 is because I am allowing it.
0:59:03.20,0:59:05.87, 所以闭上你的嘴。 So shut your mouth.
0:59:06.37,0:59:08.79, 舰长,你是不是还想一遍又一遍的揍我 Oh, Captain, are you going to punch me again
0:59:08.88,0:59:11.80, 直到你的手臂精疲力竭吗? over and over till your arm weakens?
0:59:11.88,0:59:14.22, 很显然你想这么做,那么告诉我, Clearly you want to, so tell me,
0:59:15.30,0:59:17.72, 你为什么还让我活着? why did you allow me to live?
0:59:18.09,0:59:19.14, 我们都会犯错。 We all make mistakes.
0:59:19.35,0:59:21.97, 不。我向你投降是因为, No. I surrendered to you because,
0:59:22.06,0:59:24.06, 除了你试图说服我以外, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise,
0:59:24.14,0:59:27.06, 你还貌似有那么点良心,柯克先生。 you seem to have a conscience, Mr. Kirk.
0:59:28.56,0:59:30.73, 如果你没有,那么我也不可能会 If you did not, then it would be impossible for me 0:59:30.82,0:59:32.90, 说服你接受事实。 to convince you of the truth.
0:59:33.90,0:59:38.74, 23-17-46-11
0:59:39.78,0:59:42.12, 离地球不远处的坐标。 Coordinates not far from Earth.
0:59:42.24,0:59:45.66, 如果你想知道我为什么做了我所做的, If you want to know why I did what I did,
0:59:45.75,0:59:47.08, 去看个究竟。 go and take a look.
0:59:47.58,0:59:50.17, 给我一个理由为什么我要听你的。 Give me one reason why I should listen to you.
0:59:50.34,0:59:52.30, 我可以给你72个。 I can give you 72.
0:59:52.75,0:59:55.42, 而且他们就在你的船上,舰长。 And they're on board your ship, Captain.
0:59:56.42,0:59:59.05, 他们一直都在。 They have been all along.
0:59:59.47,1:00:02.22, 我建议你打开一个看看。 I suggest you open one up.
1:00:27.83,1:00:30.17, 你知道真正使我纠结的是什么吗? You know what really bothers me, though?
1:00:30.25,1:00:32.92, 就是那些修正,那些改进。 It's the modifications, you know, the enhancements.
1:00:33.59,1:00:36.01, 对吗?然后就那样,我被赶下船了! Right? And then like that, I'm off the ship!
1:00:36.09,1:00:38.26, 就因为想要做正确的事! Just for trying to do what's right!
1:00:38.84,1:00:40.43, 而你当时在干什么? And what did you do anyway?
1:00:40.55,1:00:41.59, 你只是站在那里像只牡蛎一样傻傻的, You just stood there like an oyster, 1:00:41.80,1:00:43.01, 看着我! looking at me!
1:00:43.14,1:00:44.14, 什么事? What?
1:00:44.31,1:00:45.77, 斯科特,是我,柯克。 Scotty, it's Kirk.
1:00:45.93,1:00:47.35, 来得正是时候。 Well now!
1:00:47.52,1:00:50.48, 这不是詹姆斯·提比略斯舰长大帝吗? If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect Hair!
1:00:50.60,1:00:52.40, 你听到了吗?我叫他大帝? Did you hear that? I called him Perfect Hair.
1:00:52.52,1:00:53.94, ——你在哪里? ——你在哪里? -Where are you? -Where are you? 1:00:54.02,1:00:55.15, 你喝酒了?
Are you drunk?
1:00:55.53,1:00:58.32, 我在我私人时间干什么是我的事情,吉仔。 What I do in my private time is my business, Jimbo. 1:00:58.45,1:00:59.78, 我需要你帮忙一些事情。 I need you to help me out with something. 1:00:59.86,1:01:01.20, 你能记下这些坐标吗? Will you take these coordinates down? 1:01:01.28,1:01:04.41, 23-17-46-11 1:01:04.99,1:01:06.04, 你写了吗? Are you writing?
1:01:06.12,1:01:08.16, 什么?你觉得我记不住4个数字吗? What, you don't think I can remember four numbers? 1:01:09.29,1:01:12.33, 你个小信的人。第三个是什么? Ye of little faith. What was the third one? 1:01:12.88,1:01:14.50, 46 Forty-six.
1:01:15.05,1:01:17.46, 我不知道你到底要找什么, I don't know exactly what you're looking for,
1:01:18.30,1:01:20.72, 不过我有预感当你看到的时候会知道的。 but I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it. 1:01:21.47,1:01:23.60, 也许你对鱼雷的看法是正确的。 You may have been right about those torpedoes. 1:01:25.47,1:01:27.72, 我会把这个当做是道歉的。 I will consider that an apology.
1:01:27.81,1:01:29.60, 我会考虑接受这个道歉的。 And I will consider that apology.
1:01:30.89,1:01:32.19, 是你主动请辞的。 You are the one who quit.
1:01:32.40,1:01:34.02, 你逼我辞职的! You made me quit!
1:01:34.36,1:01:35.94, 斯科特先生? Mr. Scott?
1:01:36.65,1:01:37.69, 斯科特? Scott.
1:01:42.20,1:01:45.24, 我不会帮那家伙任何忙的! I am not doing that man any favors! 1:01:45.41,1:01:46.58, 不帮! No!
1:01:47.49,1:01:48.75, 好吧,走! All right, then!
1:01:48.91,1:01:50.87, 你那玉米脑袋出问题了吗? Are you out of your corn-fed mind?
1:01:51.04,1:01:52.79, 你不会真的想要听从那个家伙的话吧? You're not actually going to listen to this guy?
1:01:52.87,1:01:54.79, 他杀了派克,他还差点杀了你, He killed Pike, he almost killed you,
1:01:54.88,1:01:57.13, 然而现在你觉得这是一个好主意去撬开一个鱼雷, and now you think it's a good idea to pop open a torpedo 1:01:57.21,1:01:58.38, 因为他怂恿你这么做。 because he dared you to.
1:01:58.46,1:02:00.30, 那他为什么要救我们,老骨头? Why did he save our lives, Bones?
1:02:00.38,1:02:02.05, 医生说的没错,舰长。 The Doctor does have a point, Captain.
1:02:02.13,1:02:04.55, 别同意我,斯波克。这让我感到非常不适。 Don't agree with me, Spock. It makes me very uncomfortable.
1:02:04.64,1:02:07.56, 也许你也应该学学怎么控制自己的情感,医生。 Perhaps you, too, should learn to govern your emotions, Doctor. 1:02:07.64,1:02:08.93, 在这种情况下,根据逻辑... In this situation, logic dictates...
1:02:09.02,1:02:11.06, 逻辑?哦,天哪!这里有一个疯子 Logic? Oh, my God! There's a maniac
1:02:11.14,1:02:12.81, 想要让我们炸了自己这艘该死的飞船······ trying to make us blow up our own damn ship and...
1:02:12.89,1:02:14.65, 不是这样的······我不知道为什么他投降, That's not it. I don't know why he surrendered, 1:02:14.73,1:02:16.15, 但肯定不是这个原因。 but that's not it.
1:02:16.23,1:02:18.57, 听着,我们要打开一个鱼雷,问题是怎么做。 Look, we're gonna open a torpedo. The question is how.
1:02:18.65,1:02:20.24, 但是,吉姆,没有斯科特先生在这艘船上, But, Jim, without Mr. Scott on board, 1:02:20.32,1:02:21.74, 谁还有能力 who exactly is qualified
1:02:21.82,1:02:24.03, 去撬开一个4吨重的大炸弹? to just pop open a four-ton stick of dynamite?
1:02:24.11,1:02:25.74, 上将的女儿表现出
The Admiral's daughter appeared to have interest
1:02:25.82,1:02:27.83, 对鱼雷非常感兴趣,而且她是个武器专家。 in the torpedoes and she is a weapons specialist. 1:02:28.41,1:02:30.37, 也许她会有些用处。 Perhaps she could be of some use.
1:02:30.58,1:02:32.21, 什么上将的女儿? What Admiral's daughter?
1:02:32.37,1:02:34.75, 卡罗尔·马科斯。你的新科学官 Carol Marcus. Your new science officer
1:02:34.79,1:02:36.63, 伪造了她的身份以便登上这艘飞船。 concealed her identity to board the ship.
1:02:37.25,1:02:39.21, 你打算什么时候告诉我? When were you going to tell me that?
1:02:39.38,1:02:41.42, 当适当时候。就像现在。 When it became relevant. As it just did.
1:02:41.59,1:02:43.13, 那些鱼雷都在武器舱吗? Are the torpedoes in the weapons bay?
1:02:43.22,1:02:44.76, 已装填并且准备发射,它们是什么? Loaded and ready to fire. What are they?
1:02:45.01,1:02:46.34, 我不知道。所以我伪造了调任令, I don't know. That's why I forged my transfer
1:02:46.43,1:02:47.72, 到你的飞船上来弄清楚原因。 onto your ship to find out why.
1:02:47.76,1:02:49.51, 对此我深感抱歉。 I do apologize for that.
1:02:49.60,1:02:52.39, 还有,如果我造成了什么问题,我表示非常抱歉。 By the way, if I caused you any problems, I am sorry. 1:02:52.43,1:02:53.89, 我是卡罗尔·马科斯。 I'm Carol Marcus.
1:02:54.06,1:02:56.06, ——詹姆斯·柯克。 ——鱼雷。 -James Kirk. -Torpedoes.
1:02:56.94,1:02:59.11, 我父亲给了我访问任何项目的权限, My father gave me access to every program he oversaw,
1:02:59.19,1:03:01.86, 然后我听说了他正在研发这种原型鱼雷。 then I heard he was developing these prototype torpedoes.
1:03:01.94,1:03:05.53, 当我去向他探讨时,他甚至都不愿见我。 When I went to confront him about it, he wouldn't even see me.
1:03:05.61,1:03:07.74, 就在那个时候我发现这些鱼雷就此消失在了 That's when I discovered the torpedoes had disappeared 1:03:07.78,1:03:09.95, 所有的官方记录上。 from all official records.
1:03:10.29,1:03:11.95, 然后他把它们交给了我。 And then he gave them to me.
1:03:12.08,1:03:15.04, 你比传说中聪明多了,柯克舰长。 You're much cleverer than your reputation suggests, Captain Kirk. 1:03:15.29,1:03:16.79, 我还小有名气吗? I have a reputation?
1:03:16.92,1:03:19.04, 是的,我是克里斯汀·查普尔的一个朋友 Yes, you do. I'm a friend of Christine Chapel's.
1:03:19.63,1:03:21.05, 克里斯汀,是的,她还好吗? Christine, yes. How is she?
1:03:21.13,1:03:23.13, 她调到了外边境去做护士了。 She transferred to the outer frontier to be a nurse. 1:03:23.26,1:03:24.30, 她现在开心多了。 She's much happier now.
1:03:24.38,1:03:25.38, 那挺好。 That's good.
1:03:25.63,1:03:27.89, 你并不清楚我在说谁,对吗? You have no idea who I'm talking about, do you? 1:03:28.80,1:03:29.80, 我们在这里干什么? What are we doing in here?
1:03:29.89,1:03:30.89, 这艘穿梭机随时可以起飞吗? Is this shuttle prepped to fly? 1:03:30.97,1:03:32.31, 当然是的。 Of course it is.
1:03:32.39,1:03:34.02, ——你可以转过身去吗? ——为什么? -Would you please turn around? -Why? 1:03:34.98,1:03:36.48, 转过去就好。 Just turn around.
1:03:37.56,1:03:39.56, 在企业号上打开一个鱼雷太危险了。
It's too dangerous to try and open one of these torpedoes on the Enterprise. 1:03:41.90,1:03:44.40, 但是这附近有一个小行星。 But there is a nearby planetoid.
1:03:44.49,1:03:46.03, 我可以在那里打开它。 I can open one up there.
1:03:46.20,1:03:48.11, 但是我需要一些帮助。 But I will need some help. 1:03:48.49,1:03:49.99, 转过去。 Turn around.
1:03:51.08,1:03:52.33, 马上! Now!
1:03:53.83,1:03:55.33, 舰长莅临舰桥! Captain on the bridge!
1:03:55.58,1:03:57.00, 苏鲁先生, Mr. Sulu,
1:03:57.12,1:03:59.58, 马科斯博士和麦考伊医生已经在小行星上着陆了吗? have Doctors Marcus and McCoy landed on the planetoid yet?
1:03:59.67,1:04:02.34, 是的,长官,他们正在移动鱼雷到适当位置。 Yes, sir. They're moving the torpedo into position now.
1:04:02.67,1:04:04.67, 很好。克林贡人那边有什么动静吗? Good. Any activity from the Klingons? 1:04:04.71,1:04:06.01, 还没有。 Not yet.
1:04:06.17,1:04:08.09, 但如果我们继续呆在这里太久的话,他们会发现我们的。 But if we're stuck here much longer, they will find us.
1:04:09.09,1:04:10.80, 乌胡拉上尉,你是否已经通知星际舰队 Lieutenant Uhura, did you let Starfleet know 1:04:10.85,1:04:12.43, 我们逮捕了哈里森? we have Harrison in custody?
1:04:12.51,1:04:14.52, 是的,长官。还没有回应。 Yes, sir. No response yet.
1:04:15.52,1:04:17.27, 工程部呼叫舰桥。 Engineering to bridge.
1:04:17.35,1:04:19.56, 喂,舰长,你能听到我说话吗? Hello. Captain, can you hear me?
1:04:19.69,1:04:21.44, 切科夫先生,给我点好消息。 Mr. Chekov, give me some good news.
1:04:21.77,1:04:25.03, 我们找到泄露点了,长官,但是损坏相当严重。 We found the leak, sir, but the damage is substantial. 1:04:25.11,1:04:26.11, 我们正在抢修它。 We're working on it.
1:04:26.28,1:04:27.95, 知道是什么导致的吗? Any idea what caused it?
1:04:28.61,1:04:32.20, 不清楚,长官。但我会负全部责任的。 No, sir. But I accept full responsibility.
1:04:33.70,1:04:37.54, 某些东西告诉我这不是你的错,继续工作。 Something tells me it wasn't your fault. Stay on it. 1:04:37.79,1:04:39.71, 穿梭机正在待命,舰长。 Shuttle is standing by, Captain.
1:04:40.38,1:04:42.17, 老骨头,感谢你的帮助。 Bones, thanks for helping out.
1:04:42.21,1:04:44.42, 马科斯博士请求要舰上手最稳的人来帮忙。 Dr. Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship.
1:04:44.59,1:04:46.05, 你知道,当我梦想 You know, when I dreamt about being stuck
1:04:46.13,1:04:48.17, 和一个美女被困在荒无人烟的星球上的时候, on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman,
1:04:48.22,1:04:49.63, 并没有这个该死的鱼雷! there was no torpedo!
1:04:49.72,1:04:52.39, 麦考伊医生,我需要提醒你,你不是去那里泡妞的。 Dr. McCoy, may I remind you, you are not there to flirt.
1:04:52.47,1:04:55.02, 所以这双传说之手该怎么帮你?马科斯博士? So how can these legendary hands help you, Dr. Marcus? 1:04:55.10,1:04:56.18, 老骨头! Bones!
1:04:56.22,1:04:58.14, 为了搞清楚这些鱼雷的威力有多大, To understand how powerful these weapons are, 1:04:58.23,1:04:59.31, 我们需要打开这个弹头。 we need to open the warhead.
1:04:59.39,1:05:01.02, 要这么做,我们就需要进入燃料舱。 To do that, we need to access the fuel compartment. 1:05:01.06,1:05:02.11, 不幸的是, Unfortunately for us,
1:05:02.19,1:05:04.73, 这些武器弹头已经被激活了。 the warheads on these weapons are live. 1:05:04.90,1:05:05.90, 甜心,我曾经给 Sweetheart, I once performed
1:05:05.94,1:05:08.36, 一个怀孕的戈恩人做过紧急剥腹产手术。 an emergency C-section on a pregnant Gorn. 1:05:08.40,1:05:09.40, 八胞胎。 Octuplets.
1:05:09.53,1:05:11.70, 告诉你,那些小畜生会咬人。 And let me tell you, those little bastards bite.
1:05:11.82,1:05:14.49, 我觉得我可以给你的导弹施加点魔力。 I think I can work some magic on your missile.
1:05:14.58,1:05:17.45, 麦考伊医生,有一束光纤电缆 Dr. McCoy, there's a bundle of fiber optic cables 1:05:17.54,1:05:18.96, 抵住了内套管。 against the inner casing.
1:05:19.04,1:05:21.00, 你需要切断第23根线。 You'll need to cut the 23rd wire down.
1:05:21.08,1:05:22.75, 无论如何,不要碰到其他的东西。 Whatever you do, do not touch anything else. 1:05:22.88,1:05:23.88, 明白吗? Do you understand?
1:05:23.92,1:05:25.88, 明白。我从未有过这种想法。 Right. The thought never crossed my mind.
1:05:26.09,1:05:27.17, 麦考伊医生, Dr. McCoy,
1:05:27.30,1:05:29.26, 等我的指令。 wait for my word.
1:05:29.42,1:05:31.26, 我正在将引爆处理器改道。 I'm rerouting the detonation processor. 1:05:31.43,1:05:33.43, -准备好了吗? -是的。 -Are you ready? -And raring.
1:05:33.55,1:05:34.55, 祝你好运。 Good luck.
1:05:35.56,1:05:37.39, 长官,鱼雷自己启动了。 Sir, the torpedo just armed itself.
1:05:37.43,1:05:38.98, 弹头将在30秒后爆炸,长官! The warhead's gonna detonate in 30 seconds, sir!
1:05:39.06,1:05:41.39, 发生了什么? 我没法把我的手臂拔出来了! What the hell happened? I can't get my arm out!
1:05:41.73,1:05:43.06, 锁定他们的信号,马上把他们传送回来。 Target their signal. Beam them back right now.
1:05:43.27,1:05:46.94, 传送器无法区分麦考伊医生和鱼雷。
The transporter cannot differentiate between Dr. McCoy and the torpedo.
1:05:47.07,1:05:48.78, 我们无法把他单独传送回来。 We cannot beam back one without the other.
1:05:48.86,1:05:50.49, 马科斯博士,你能将它关闭吗? Dr. Marcus, can you disarm it?
1:05:50.57,1:05:52.78, 我正在尝试。我正在尝试。 I'm trying. I'm trying.
1:05:53.32,1:05:54.37, 吉姆,快把她弄离开这里。 Jim, get her the hell out of here!
1:05:54.45,1:05:56.12, 不行!如果你把我传送回去,他就死定了。 No! If you beam me back, he dies! 1:05:56.24,1:05:57.66, 就让我试一下! Just let me do it!
1:05:58.08,1:05:59.75, 10. 9. Ten. Nine.
1:05:59.91,1:06:00.91, 8. Eight.
1:06:01.12,1:06:03.58, 等待命令准备传送马科斯博士,长官。 Standing by to transport Dr. Marcus on your command, sir. 1:06:04.46,1:06:05.46, 4. 3. Four. Three.
1:06:05.67,1:06:06.71, 该死! Shit!
1:06:12.51,1:06:14.80, 成功解除激活,舰长。 Deactivation successful, Captain.
1:06:16.14,1:06:17.64, 麦考伊医生,你还好吧? Dr. McCoy, are you all right?
1:06:22.98,1:06:24.23, 老骨头! Bones!
1:06:25.31,1:06:26.48, 吉姆? Jim?
1:06:27.40,1:06:29.57, 你一定会想看看这个的。 You're going to want to see this.
1:06:37.53,1:06:42.62, 坐标: 木星 COORDINATES JUPITER
1:07:35.13,1:07:38.47, D队,把你们的推进器运到12号装货码头。 Delta team, deliver your thrusters to loading dock 12. 1:07:39.39,1:07:41.14, 联邦星舰复仇号,舰桥船员 U.S.S. Vengeance, bridge crew
1:07:41.22,1:07:43.56, 要求进入建设机库。 requesting entry to construction hangar. 1:07:46.02,1:07:47.23, 允许进入机库。 You are cleared to enter the hangar.
1:07:56.24,1:07:59.74, 我需要一个焊接小组前往1号机舱。 I need a welding team on the number one nacelle.
1:08:03.08,1:08:04.58, 我的天... Holy...
1:08:06.58,1:08:07.58, 有什么发现? What have we got?
1:08:07.71,1:08:08.71, 非常精明的设计。 It's quite clever actually.
1:08:08.75,1:08:10.92, 燃料舱从鱼雷中被移除 This fuel container's been removed from the torpedo 1:08:11.00,1:08:13.67, 并改装来隐藏这个的冷冻管。 and retrofitted to hide this cryo tube.
1:08:15.51,1:08:17.09, -他还活着吗? -他还活着。 -Is he alive? -He's alive.
1:08:17.93,1:08:19.39, 但如果我们尝试唤醒他 But if we try to revive him
1:08:19.59,1:08:21.89, 却没有按照正确的步骤的话,反而会害死他。 without the proper sequencing, it could kill him.
1:08:21.93,1:08:23.77, 这项技术超出我的专业范围了。 This technology's beyond me.
1:08:24.02,1:08:25.39, 有多先进,医生(博士)? How advanced, Doctor?
1:08:25.60,1:08:28.02, 不是先进,这个冷冻管非常古老。 It's not advanced. That cryo tube is ancient.
1:08:28.69,1:08:31.61, 自从我们发明了曲速飞行以后,就不需要再把人冷冻起来了。 We haven't needed to freeze anyone since we developed warp capability, 1:08:31.69,1:08:35.03, 这也解释了我们这位朋友身上最有意思的一点。 which explains the most interesting thing about our friend here. 1:08:36.03,1:08:37.36, 他有300岁了。 He's 300 years old.
1:08:46.25,1:08:48.04, 为什么会有个人在鱼雷里? Why is there a man in that torpedo?
1:08:48.96,1:08:50.42, 所有的鱼雷里都装着人,舰长。 There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. 1:08:52.38,1:08:54.09, 我把他们放进去的。 I put them there.
1:08:57.26,1:08:58.34, 你到底是谁? Who the hell are you?
1:09:02.43,1:09:05.10, 历史的遗迹。 A remnant of a time long past.
1:09:06.27,1:09:08.23, 通过基因改造变得强大 Genetically engineered to be superior
1:09:08.31,1:09:11.27, 以便领导其他人从战争走向和平。 so as to lead others to peace in a world at war.
1:09:12.44,1:09:17.44, 但我们被裁定为罪犯,被迫流放。 But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile.
1:09:18.65,1:09:20.49, 我们沉睡了数个世纪, For centuries we slept,
1:09:21.61,1:09:25.29, 期待当醒来时,一切都会有所不同。 hoping when we awoke, things would be different. 1:09:25.66,1:09:27.83, 但瓦肯星的毁灭带来的结果是, But as a result of the destruction of Vulcan,
1:09:28.12,1:09:30.29, 你们的星际舰队开始积极探索 your Starfleet began to aggressively search 1:09:30.33,1:09:31.62, 浩瀚遥远的宇宙空间。 distant quadrants of space.
1:09:31.67,1:09:34.46, 我的飞船在太空中飘荡被发现,我独自一人被唤醒。 My ship was found adrift. I alone was revived. 1:09:34.50,1:09:36.30, 我查过约翰·哈里森, I looked up \
1:09:36.50,1:09:37.84, 在一年以前,他还不存在。 Until a year ago, he didn't exist.
1:09:37.92,1:09:41.47, 约翰·哈里斯是我在被马库科斯上将唤醒时所创造的化名, John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken 1:09:41.51,1:09:44.76, 为了帮助完成他的事业。 by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause. 1:09:45.01,1:09:48.43, 一个用以掩盖我真实身份的障眼法。 A smokescreen to conceal my true identity. 1:09:49.64,1:09:51.69, 我的名字叫 My name is
1:09:51.77,1:09:53.19, 可汗。 Khan.
1:09:58.11,1:10:00.78, 为什么星际舰队上将 Why would a Starfleet Admiral
1:10:01.11,1:10:04.74, 会向一个300岁的冰冻人寻求帮助? ask a 300-year-old frozen man for help? 1:10:04.91,1:10:07.54, 因为我更加优秀。 Because I am better.
1:10:07.79,1:10:10.12, ——什么方面? ——所有方面。 -At what? -Everything.
1:10:11.62,1:10:13.63, 亚历山大·马科斯需要在文明时期 Alexander Marcus needed to respond to
1:10:13.71,1:10:15.79, 对抗一个不文明的威胁, an uncivilized threat in a civilized time
1:10:15.88,1:10:18.30, 为此他需要一个战士的头脑。 and for that he needed a warrior's mind. 1:10:18.38,1:10:19.55, 我的头脑。 My mind.
1:10:19.88,1:10:21.97, 来设计武器和战舰。 To design weapons and warships.
1:10:22.13,1:10:24.05, 你是说上将 You are suggesting the Admiral
1:10:24.22,1:10:26.10, 违反了每一条他发誓要遵守的规定 violated every regulation he vowed to uphold
1:10:26.18,1:10:28.22, 仅仅是因为他想利用你的智慧。 simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect. 1:10:28.43,1:10:30.77, 他想利用我的野性。 He wanted to exploit my savagery.
1:10:30.89,1:10:33.56, 战斗光靠智慧是不够的,斯波克先生。 Intellect alone is useless in a fight, Mr. Spock.
1:10:33.69,1:10:35.44, 你······你甚至都不能打破一条规矩。 You... You can't even break a rule.
1:10:35.52,1:10:38.32, 又怎么会想象得出击碎骨头的场景? How would you be expected to break bone? 1:10:39.15,1:10:41.78, 马科斯利用我来设计武器。 Marcus used me to design weapons.
1:10:41.99,1:10:44.74, 以帮助他实现他建设军事化星际舰队的愿望。 To help him realize his vision of a militarized Starfleet. 1:10:44.91,1:10:47.58, 他派你们去使用那些武器。 He sent you to use those weapons.
1:10:48.03,1:10:52.04, 将我的鱼雷发射到一个毫无戒心的星球。 To fire my torpedoes on an unsuspecting planet.
1:10:52.71,1:10:55.42, 然后他故意在敌方星域里弄坏你们的飞船, And then he purposely crippled your ship in enemy space, 1:10:55.58,1:10:59.42, 从而造成一个不可避免的结果。 leading to one inevitable outcome.
1:10:59.55,1:11:01.09, 克林贡人会来寻找 The Klingons would come searching
1:11:01.21,1:11:03.05, 为此负责的人。 for whomever was responsible,
1:11:03.09,1:11:05.26, 而你们将没有任何机会逃离。 and you would have no chance of escape.
1:11:05.39,1:11:09.81, 马科斯将最终收获他所说的战争。 Marcus would finally have the war he talked about. 1:11:09.89,1:11:11.93, 他一直想要的战争。 The war he always wanted.
1:11:12.06,1:11:13.73, 不。不。 No. No.
1:11:14.73,1:11:15.85, 我亲眼看到你向 I watched you open fire
1:11:16.02,1:11:18.57, 满房间里手无寸铁的星际舰队官员开火。 in a room full of unarmed Starfleet officers.
1:11:18.77,1:11:20.57, 你冷血无情地杀害他们! You killed them in cold blood!
1:11:20.61,1:11:23.11, 马科斯从我手中夺走了我的船员。 Marcus took my crew from me.
1:11:23.28,1:11:25.36, 你是个杀人犯! You are a murderer!
1:11:25.53,1:11:29.03, 他利用我的朋友来控制我。 He used my friends to control me.
1:11:32.41,1:11:35.08, 我尝试将他们运到安全的地方, I tried to smuggle them to safety
1:11:35.12,1:11:36.88, 将他们藏到我自己所设计的武器里, by concealing them in the very weapons I had designed, 1:11:40.42,1:11:42.42, 但是我被发现了。 but I was discovered.
1:11:43.76,1:11:47.43, 我别无选择只能独自逃走。 I had no choice but to escape alone.
1:11:48.93,1:11:53.10, 当我逃走以后,我有任何理由可以假设 And when I did, I had every reason to suspect 1:11:53.14,1:11:57.48, 马科斯杀死了每一个 that Marcus had killed every single one 1:11:57.56,1:12:00.98, 我最深爱的人。 of the people I hold most dear.
1:12:05.11,1:12:07.82, 所以我以牙还牙。 So I responded in kind.
1:12:11.62,1:12:12.95, 我的船员 My crew
1:12:13.29,1:12:15.96, 就是我的家人,柯克。 is my family, Kirk.
1:12:16.16,1:12:20.17, 有什么事情是你不愿意为你的家人做的吗? Is there anything you would not do for your family? 1:12:22.25,1:12:23.46, 接近警告,长官! Proximity alert, sir!
1:12:23.51,1:12:25.30, 有一艘飞船正在以曲速接近我们。 There's a ship at warp heading right for us.
1:12:25.34,1:12:27.34, ——克林贡人? ——曲速? -Klingons? -At warp?
1:12:27.47,1:12:28.80, 不,柯克。 No, Kirk.
1:12:28.84,1:12:31.01, ——我们都知道那是谁。 ——我不这么这么认为。 -We both know who it is. -I don't think so.
1:12:31.18,1:12:33.18, 它不是从克洛诺斯来的。 It's not coming at us from Kronos.
1:12:38.31,1:12:39.52, 上尉,转移可汗到医务舱。 Lieutenant, move Khan to med bay.
1:12:39.60,1:12:40.86, 派6个安全人员看着他。 Post six security officers on him.
1:12:40.98,1:12:42.02, 是,舰长 Yes, Captain.
1:12:42.36,1:12:43.69, 舰长莅临舰桥。 Captain on the bridge!
1:12:44.53,1:12:46.03, 来舰到达时间。 ETA of the incoming ship.
1:12:46.19,1:12:47.45, 三秒,长官。 Three seconds, sir.
1:12:49.36,1:12:51.37, ——防护盾。 ——是,舰长。 -Shields. -Aye, Captain.
1:13:15.72,1:13:16.81, 他们正在呼叫我们,长官。 They're hailing us, sir.
1:13:18.23,1:13:19.56, 放到屏幕上。 On screen.
1:13:20.56,1:13:22.81, 全舰广播,作为记录。 Broadcast shipwide, for the record.
1:13:26.90,1:13:28.24, 柯克舰长。 Captain Kirk.
1:13:29.65,1:13:32.32, 马科斯上将,我没料到会是你。 Admiral Marcus. I wasn't expecting you. 1:13:33.24,1:13:35.04, 你的飞船真霸气。 That's a hell of a ship you got there.
1:13:35.24,1:13:36.41, 我也没有料到我会接到消息称 And I wasn't expecting to get word
1:13:36.49,1:13:38.08, 你已将哈里森拘捕, that you'd taken Harrison into custody
1:13:38.25,1:13:39.87, 且违反了你得到的命令。 in violation of your orders.
1:13:40.71,1:13:42.38, 呃,我们······ Well, we...
1:13:42.42,1:13:44.42, 我们在我们曲速核出现意外故障时临时做了决定。 We had to improvise when our warp core unexpectedly malfunctioned. 1:13:46.55,1:13:48.51, 但是你已经知道了不是吗? But you already knew that, didn't you, sir? 1:13:48.67,1:13:50.05, 我不懂你的意思。 I don't take your meaning.
1:13:50.18,1:13:51.72, 你就是为这个原因过来的,不是吗? Well, that's why you're here, isn't it?
1:13:51.76,1:13:53.89, 来协助我们维修? To assist with our repairs?
1:13:54.55,1:13:56.22, 否则还有别的什么原因能让一个星际舰队的首领 Why else would the head of Starfleet
1:13:56.26,1:13:58.22, 亲自来到中立区的边缘? personally come to the edge of the Neutral Zone?
1:13:59.60,1:14:01.23, 舰长,他们正在扫描我们的飞船。 Captain, they're scanning our ship.
1:14:01.44,1:14:03.48, 有什么需要我帮你找的吗,长官? Is there something I can help you find, sir? 1:14:04.40,1:14:06.07, 你的囚犯在哪, 柯克? Where is your prisoner, Kirk?
1:14:06.11,1:14:07.32, 根据星际舰队规定, Per Starfleet regulation,
1:14:07.48,1:14:11.61, 我正计划将可汗带回地球接受审判。 I'm planning on returning Khan to Earth to stand trial. 1:14:12.74,1:14:14.41, 哦,该死。 Well, shit.
1:14:15.41,1:14:16.91, 你和他说过话了。 You talked to him.
1:14:18.12,1:14:20.62, 这正是我不想让蹚的浑水。 This is exactly what I was hoping to spare you from.
1:14:20.87,1:14:23.58, 我冒着极大的风险唤醒了那个混蛋, I took a tactical risk and I woke that bastard up, 1:14:23.63,1:14:26.04, 相信他超人的才智 believing that his superior intelligence
1:14:26.25,1:14:29.05, 能够帮助保护我们,无论以后遇到什么威胁。 could help us protect ourselves from whatever came at us next. 1:14:30.88,1:14:32.22, 但是我犯了一个错误。 But I made a mistake.
1:14:32.72,1:14:36.39, 现在那些他杀死的人都得算了在我的头上。 And now the blood of everybody he's killed is on my hands. 1:14:36.97,1:14:38.97, 所以我请求你, So I'm asking you,
1:14:39.14,1:14:40.85, 把他交给我, give him to me
1:14:40.98,1:14:44.02, 以便我结束自己引起的这些事。 so that I can end what I started.
1:14:47.07,1:14:48.78, 那你打算让我怎么处理 And what exactly would you like me to do
1:14:48.82,1:14:50.74, 他剩下的船员,长官? with the rest of his crew, sir?
1:14:52.24,1:14:55.82, 把他们射向克林贡?终结72条生命? Fire them at the Klingons? End 72 lives? 1:14:55.95,1:14:57.49, 开始一场战争? Start a war in the process?
1:14:57.62,1:15:00.41, 他把那些人放进了鱼雷里的。 He put those people in those torpedoes.
1:15:00.58,1:15:02.12, 我只是仅仅不想让你有负担, And I simply didn't want to burden you
- exercise2
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- 2017年实心轮胎现状及发展趋势分析(目录)
- 基于GIS的农用地定级技术研究定稿
- 2017-2022年中国医疗保健市场调查与市场前景预测报告(目录) - 图文
- 作业
- OFDM技术仿真(MATLAB代码) - 图文
- Android工程师笔试题及答案
- 生命密码联合密码
- 空间地上权若干法律问题探究
- 江苏学业水平测试《机械基础》模拟试题
- 选课走班实施方案
- 迷航
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- 暗黑
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- 星际
- 文档
- 电脑电源基本知识
- 2017-2018学年度下期六年级语文试卷(三)新人教版
- 孙中伟:中国刑法学研究会第一届理事会名录
- 《商的变化规律》教学设计
- 2010年鼓楼区政治冲刺班讲稿2(教师) - 图文
- 最新人教版六年级数学下册教案
- 国际贸易术语习题及答案
- 钓浪围垦工程施工质量测评标准
- 高中英语词汇3500词word版(含音标)及英语词组与习惯用语大全
- 学校运动场改造施工组织设计
- 高等数学下册复习题模拟试卷和答案
- 工程塑料重点
- UG
- 杨浦区2017学年第二学期七年级期中考试数学试题
- 重载连接器市场竞争形势及策略(上海环盟) - 图文
- 教案—水循环 - 图文
- 企业实施GSP情况的自查报告
- 芙蓉学院毕业设计规范
- 2019版高考地理通用版二轮复习练习:第四部分“高考11个选择题”提速练(九)含答案解析
- 小学教育管理201804考核题