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Book 3 Module 1

一. 词组

1. 穿过大陆across the continent

2. 从屋子对面 across the room from behind the door 3. 面对be faced with

4. 位于be located in / on / to 5. 签署合同sign a contract 6. 就……而言in terms of 7. 渐渐的,逐渐的step by step

8. along the coast on the coast 9. off the coast 10. in terms of 11. on behalf of 12. in favor of 13. of all time 二. 短语和句型

1. What’s she like? She is thin. She is warm-hearted 2. What’s the weather like?

3. We haven’t heard from her ever since. 4. We haven’t heard from her since 1995. 5. We haven’t heard from her since she left. 6. That’s in the west , isn’t it?

Book 3 Module 2

一. 词组

1. have a hunger for 2. in poverty

3. move out of poverty 4. develop an interest in

5. take measures to do sth.= take action to do sth 6. make sth. to one’s own measure 7. educate sb.

8. be well educated 9. be crowded with

10. a means of transport/ transportation 11. in exchange for 12. get changed 13. small change

14. at the top of the list 15. at the bottom of the list

16. make an effort to do sth.= make efforts to do sth.= make every effort to do


17. spare no effort to do sth.= spare no pains to do sth. 18. be / get close to 19. be particular about 20. in particular 二. 短语和句型

1. The table measures 5 meters long. 2. He receives little education. 3. It’s right that they should do so. 4. Shanghai is the most beautiful city. 5. Shanghai is a most beautiful city. 6. 区别while 和though 7. 区别but 和however

Book 3 Module 3

一. 词组

1. a natural disaster 2. a flash of lightning 3. a set of furniture

4. wave one’s hands (about) 5. wave to sb.

6. There is no possibility that +句子

7. There is a warning that a hurricane is likely to come. 8. warn sb. of sth.

9. warn sb. not to do sth.= warn sb. against doing sth. 10. be buried in 11. pick up

12. end up with / in / as

13. set fire to sth.= set sth. on fire 14. catch fire be on fire

15. put out put off put forward 16. put on put down put away 17. in all = in total = totally = altogether

18. take off take in take away 19. take up take care of take over 20. take advantage of take pride in 21. take on take downI 22. wake up to an orange sky 23. strengths and weaknesses 二. 短语和句型

1. Come and sit here. Take the burden off your mind for a while. 2. I have an idea.= An idea occurs to me.=An idea strikes me. 3. It occurred to me that when I left , I forgot to turn off the lights.

4. The clock strikes 12.

5. He was struck by her beauty.

6. By the time he arrives, we will have finished the task. 7. By the time he was 14, he had learned advanced maths. 8. a major disaster

9. To have been caught in a storm was a terrible experience. 10. Appear to have increased 11. Make it difficult to see

12. To be cycling in a storm is frightening 13. Improve the environment

14. If possible / so/ not /any/necessary / ever

Book3 Module 4

一. 词组

1. a mass of masses of 2. in the process of 3. forecast the weather 4 .in a friendly atmosphere 5. be environmentally friendly 5. melt into

6. be concerned about concerning=about 7. complain to sb. about / over / of sth. 8. in a nutshell

9. cut down cut up cut into cut off cut out

10. be caught in be stuck in 11.one after another 12. have a bad effect on 13.take in

14.give out give off give in give up give away give way to 15.look through look into look up

look up to sb. look at look for look after 16 wake up to a yellow sky can’t choose but do sth. can’t help but do sth. can’t but do sth.

can do nothing but do sth. have no choice but to do sth. have no alternative but to do sth. 二. 短语和句型 不定式的用法

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Book 3 Module 5

一. 词组

1. put…… in order 2. keep…… in order 3. be of importance

4. be of vital importance 5. a higher position 6. resign from 7. resign as

8. make a contribution to sth.

9. argue with sb. about / over / of sth. 10. be free from 11. be at war with 12. bring up 13. grow up 14. throw up 15. put up 16. set up 17. take up 18. cut up

19. from country to country

20. a sense of responsibility/ duty / humour /direction 21. If so/ If not /If possible / If necessary/ If ever /If any 22. for the first time ever 二. 短语和句型

1. It’s a time when there are many great philosophers. 2. All people are born equal.

3. The reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.

4. He is a teacher whose teaching methods are similar to those of other teachers. 5. Treat others in the way that/ in which / ./ / you want to be treated.

Book 3 Module 6

一. 词组

1. 追溯到 date back to = date from 2. 阻止,阻挡hold back 3. 举起,hold up

4. 变成现实come true

5. 有意义,讲得通make sense 6. 理解make sense of

7. 结束come to an end put sth. to an end = bring sth. to an end 8. 最后eveneually 9. 坚持 hold on 10. 别挂断hold on 11. 伸出reach out

