
更新时间:2023-09-10 01:58:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Dear Sir:

Your advertisement in this morning’s Beijing Daily for a sales manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position. Because your requirements closely parallel my working experience.

As the enclosed resume indicates, I have had five years’ experience in marketing. I have turned in an above-average sales record for the past five years.

I’m quite happy in my present work, but foreign trade in your company sounds more appealing. I would like to have more promotion. Regarding salary, I would leave that to you, my present salary is 6000 Yuan RMB per month.

I’ll be glad to have an interview at your convenience, and can furnish references if desired.

Yours truly’ Polly Lawrence




Dear Mr. Levin:

Edith Winters informs me of an opening in your secretarial staff, a position for which I should very much like to become a candidate.

I understand you need a legal secretary with a rapid stenographic skill and the ability to handle a large volume of correspondence. Along with my degree in legal stenographic from Foothill Junior College, I have four years of stenographic experience in retail dry goods and in insurance. My shorthand speed is 145 words per minute. On my present job, I handle between forty and sixty letters everyday. Both at Foothill and on the job, I have had trained sufficient to prepare me to handle routine letters without supervision.

My present job at Southwestern Life &Indemnity has been quite satisfactory, but, having taking my degree recently, I seek the further challenges and reward of a top-flight legal firm. Miss Winter’s enthusiasm for her work assures me that I would like the job. I hope the enclosed resume will help interest the firm in me.

I can be in Los Angles for an interview any afternoon convenient for you. May I look forward to speaking with you about the position you have available?

Yours sincerely

Laura Edmond





John A. William 2195 Park Avenue Monroe, LA 72102-3876 (318)322-8471 Career Objective: Laboratory Technician Education:

1985-1989 University of Chicago, Chicago, I11.B.Sc., Majored in Chemistry Scholastic Average: B plus

Minored in Mathematics, scholastic average: B plus Scholarships:

1985-1987: Half-tuition scholarship 1988-1989: Full-tuition scholarship Working experience:

1987-1988 Laboratory assistant, Chicago Downtown Hospital.

Work involved blood, urine analysis; recording keeping. Average 10 hours per week during the school year. Worked full-time during summers of 1988 and 1989.

1988-1989 Clerical assistant, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago. Extracurricular activities: 1988-1989 1988-1990

Chemistry club; Treasurer 1988

Women’s Tennis Team; co-captain 1988,1989

Scholastic Record------- High School

1981-1985 Centerville High school Scholastic Average: A minus Scholastic Recognition:

In 1985, won Kentucky Science Fair prize. Extracurricular activities:

Tennis Club:1981-1985 Orchestra: 1981-1993 Glee Club:1983-1985 Personal: Age: 26 Health: Excellent Height: 180 cm Weight: 185 kg Reference:

Mr. Angela Sullivan, President, Chicago Downtown Hospital. P.O. Box 6003, Chicago, 479012 Tel:601-692-4367

Dr. Ruth McGraw, Professor, Chemistry, University of Chicago, P.O. Box 8741, 356124,Tel;601-543-74061 School, working, and personal reference available.



Dear Sir:

It is a pleasure to recommend to you Mr. Joseph Marshall, who is my student, to be a candidate for a graduate scholarship in American Literature at your University.

Mr. Marshall finished his undergraduate study as an English major Last June. His ability to listening, speaking, reading and writing is very good. I have taught his American literature for two years. So I assure you that he was a top student in my class. In addition to this, he is interested in American literature and Chinese literature particularly. Thus, he intends to study Comparative literature at your university.

He is only 20 years old, his hard-working and quick mind will be helpful for his future success. He has been regarded as a reliable, industrious and persistent student by many teachers.

If you would kindly offer him a scholarship at your university, you will be rewarded by his excellent academic ability and character.

Yours Sincerely, Elizabeth Thander, Ph. D. Dean of English Department



A: 借助词典翻译下面与颜色有关的词语 1. red book 2. red face 3. red cap 4. in the red 5. pink slip 6. blue blood 7. feel blue 8. go into the red 9. call white black 10. once ina blue moon 11. pain the town red 12. white-collar worker 13. blue-collar worker 14. blue-ribbon beer 15. show the white feather 16. roll out the red carpet 17. black sheep of the family

B: 翻译下面的句子,注意颜色词的使用。 1. He is green with envy. 2. He is a green horn. 3. You are yellow. 4. He is purple with rage. 5. When I said that, he saw red. 6. This happens once in the blue. 7. He is not black as he is painted.

8. All theses were put down in black and white. 9. I saw him for the first time in his true colours.

C: 翻译下面成语与谚语, 注意fish 一词有关词语的使用。1. have other fish to fry 2. big fish in the little pond 3. Never offer to teach fish to swim.

4. There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 5. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

6. He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. 7. The best fish smell when they are three years old. 8. The best fish swim in the bottom. 9.

If you swear you will catch no fish.

D: 翻译下面句子,注意其中的喻义与引申。 1. daily bread 2. out of bread 3. bread and water


gun 英义窄 introduce; recommand borrow; lend factory; plant; mill; work company; corporation; firm watch, clock Play basket ball , play volleyball Fresh and dried fruits

枪;炮 汉义宽 介绍 借 工厂 公司 表 打球 果品 表3-3英汉词语指称意义部分对应的情况示例2 英 draw a nail draw a tooth draw a gun draw a cork 拔钉子 拔牙 拔枪 拔瓶塞 表3-4英汉词语指称意义部分对应的情况示例3 英 draw a curtain apart draw a bow draw a boat out of the water draw down the blinds 拉开幕 拉弓 将船拉出水 拉上百叶窗 汉 汉 翻译过程中,正确选择和确定词义可参照“语境原则”和“词类原则” 3. 英汉词语指称意义完全不对等的现象 3.1 完全音译法(complete transliteration)


汉语 阿司匹林

英语 asprin 11

芭蕾 巧克力 雷达 扑克牌 高尔夫 卡拉OK 探戈

ballet chocolate radar poker golf karaoke tango 表3-6英语完全音译法示例

英语 chi kong kowtow taichichuan typhoon yamen yin yang jiao zi 气功 磕头 太极拳 台风 衙门 阴阳 饺子 表3-7音译法规范示例1

原文 hysteria Sphinx Suez Mozambique 北京 广州 协识脱离 狮横克思 苏彝士 莫桑鼻沾 Peking Canton 表3-7音译法规范示例2

原文 dictator telephone

汉语 原译 歇斯底里 斯芬克斯 苏伊世 莫桑比克 Beijing 改译 Guangzhou 原音译 狄克推多 德律风狮横克思 独裁 电话 改译 12

fair play vitamine president 费厄泼赖 维他命 伯里玺天德

公正 维生素 总统 3.2 部分音译法(Partial Transliteration)表3-7音译法表3-9部分音译法示例1

英语 rifle ballet jeep sardine 来复枪 芭蕾舞 吉普车 沙丁鱼 表3-10部分音译法示例2

英语 Warsaw Treaty Orgnization The Republic of Indinesia The State of Israel New Hyde Park Paris Commue 天安门广场 遵义会议 唐代 北宋 贵州省 《北京人在纽约》

华沙条约组织 印度尼西亚共和国 以色列国 新海德公园 巴黎公社 Tian’anmen Square Zunyi Meeting Tang Dynasty Northern Song Guizhou Province A Native of Beijing In NewYork 汉语 汉语 英汉词语联想意义对比




英语 To fish in troubled waters To add fuel to the fire Walls have ears. Strike while the iron is hot. To look for s needle in the haystack Practice makes perfect. A drop in the ocean 2、英汉词语联想意义相悖的情况

3、英汉词语联想意义空缺(不对应)的情况 3.1联想意义空缺

汉语 浑水摸鱼 火上浇油 隔墙有耳 趁热打铁 大海捞针 熟能生巧 沧海一粟 表3-12英汉词语联想意义空缺示例

指称意义 英语 goat 汉语 山羊 英语 cock 汉语 公鸡 汉语 八 六 英语 eight six 汉语 松树 英语 pine 汉语 鹤 英语 crane 3.2 联想意义不对应表


英语/汉语 the Trojan horse the heel of Achilles the sword of Damocles

联想意义 色鬼 空缺 风标 空缺 发达 发财 空缺 坚贞 空缺 长寿 空缺 联想意义 内部颠覆者 唯一致命弱点 临头的危险 空缺 空缺 空缺 汉语/英语 14

Dutch courage to meet one’s Waterloo a covenant of salt 狗咬吕洞宾 四面楚歌 助纣为虐 说曹操,曹操到 八仙过海 身在曹营,心在汉。 福如东海,寿比南山 逼上梁山 暗度陈仓

酒后之勇 一败涂地 不可违背的条约 不识好歹 四面受敌,孤立无援 帮助坏人做坏事 不期而遇 各显本领,互相竞争 不专一 长寿多福 被逼反抗 暗中活动 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 空缺 翻译练习(八)(老师用)


枯木死灰 withered wood and cold ashes 骨瘦如柴 be lean as a rake 对牛弹琴 cast pearls before swine 滚石不生苔 A rolling stone gathers no moss 众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work

竹篮打水一场空 Drawing water in a bamboo basket means drawing nothing Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好风快扬帆 Still waters run deep. 静水流深

In the calm sea, everyone is a pilot. 海水平静,人人都可以当舵手。 A small leak will sink a great ship. 小洞不补要沉大船。 联想不同:不同民族不同比喻表达同一思想 牛饮 drink like a fish

山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is the king 胆小如鼠 as timid as a rabbit


如鱼得水 like a duck to water 多如牛毛 as plenty as blackberries 一箭之遥 at a stone’s throw 水中捞月 to fish in the air 石沉大海 remain a dead letter 半瓶子醋 half-baked

蠢得像猪 守口如瓶 害群之马 挥金如土 醉如烂泥 掌上明珠 画蛇添足 海底捞针 热锅上的蚂蚁 湿得想落汤鸡 瘦得像猴子 一丘之貉 吹牛 如履薄冰 棋逢对手 挂羊头卖狗肉

as stupid as a goose dumb as a oyster black sheep

to spend money as water drunk as a sailor

the apple of somebody’s eye gild the lily

to look for a needle in a haystack like a cat in the hot tin roof as wet as a drowned as thin as a shadow birds of a feather to talk horse to tread upon eggs diamond cut diamond cry up wine and sell vinegar 16



枯木死灰 withered wood and cold ashes 骨瘦如柴 be lean as a rake 对牛弹琴 cast pearls before swine 滚石不生苔 A rolling stone gathers no moss 众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work

竹篮打水一场空 Drawing water in a bamboo basket means drawing nothing Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好风快扬帆 Still waters run deep. 静水流深

In the calm sea, everyone is a pilot. 海水平静,人人都可以当舵手。 A small leak will sink a great ship. 小洞不补要沉大船。 二、连线下面词语(不同民族不同比喻表达同一思想) 胆小如鼠 black sheep 如鱼得水 to talk horse 多如牛毛 gild the lily 一箭之遥 remain a dead letter 水中捞月 drunk as a sailor 石沉大海 as plenty as blackberries 半瓶子醋 half-baked 蠢得像猪 as timid as a rabbit 守口如瓶 like a cat in the hot tin roof 害群之马 like a duck to water 挥金如土 diamond cut diamond 醉如烂泥 cry up wine and sell vinegar 掌上明珠 as stupid as a goose 画蛇添足 dumb as a oyster

海底捞针 the apple of somebody’s eye 热锅上的蚂蚁 to spend money as water

湿得想落汤鸡 to look for a needle in a haystack 瘦得像猴子 as wet as a drowned 一丘之貉 as thin as a shadow 吹牛 to fish in the air 如履薄冰 birds of a feather 棋逢对手 to tread upon eggs 挂羊头卖狗肉 at a stone’s throw



1、牛奶把她吃胖了。 2、大鱼大肉把我吃腻了。 3、你把门锁好。 4、他把孩子关起来了。

5、学校把开学时间改在九月底了。 6.、你把茶放在桌子上好了。 7、他把头一扬,走了。

7、那老头把腰板一挺,还不服输。 8、你把她吓得哭了起来。 9、大风把树刮得摇来摇去。 10、这天气把我热的直冒汗。 11、他把那人气的直跺脚。 12、你把衣服洗洗。 13、我把顺序捋捋。 14、你把书拿回去看看。 15、我把材料寄给你过目。 16、我把个北京城跑遍了。 17、他能把你怎样? 18、你把个小伙子吓坏了。 19、他不敢把你撵走。 20、真把我饿坏了! (二) “是”字句 1、一天是二十四小时。

2、大栅栏是北京最窄、商店最多、行人最多的街道。 3、雾是一种自然现象。


6、桌子上是书,椅子上是书,地上还是书。 7、脑袋里满是鬼点子。

8、桌子上摆着书,椅子上摆着书,地上也摆着书。 9、脑子里装满了鬼点子。 10、那年月,有钱人是天天过年。 11、男孩子穿白衣服,女孩子是一色桔黄。 12、 It feels like leather. 13、You smell of wine. 14、It looks good but tastes sour. 15、The music sounds familiar.



Translate the following sentences.

1、 But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling he’d lead us both to our ancestors. 2、 I gave my youth to the sea and I came back home and gave my wife old age. 3、 You have a lucky star above you. 4、 That little girl has a ready tongue.

5、 The Senate has voted to support the President’s defense plans. 6、 Singapore lies near the equator.

7、 The Capitol of Washington is the place where Congress meets. 8、 He was rescued from the sea by a helicopter. 9、 She studied computational linguistics at Oxford. 10、The children go to school in a minibus.

11、Your hosts are letting you into the intimacy of their home, so a coffee-table book about your area or

some artifacts that typifies it would constitute a way of letting your hosts into some of the secrets of your own home.

12、Do you notice that death rates age 80, 90,100 are bottoming out?

13、But my two great isolating experiences have given me an almost mystical sense of identity with all

suffering humanity.

14、When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you want to breathe, it is then that you shall have it. 15、These were all labeled as good eggs.

16、Their sexual identity, like that of all women competitors, had been officially confirmed by the “Olympic

“femininity control clinic.”

17、On Taiwan there was little grace and less give-in. 18、He had married all his daughters and settled his sons. 19、He didn’t get home until 2 o’clock in the morning. 20、Rifles, pistols, and revolvers are guns.




1. Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted.(转译成


2. We must make full use of existing technical equipment. (转译成副词) 3. John was eloquent and elegant—but soft. (转译成名词) 4. Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats. (转译成名词)

5. The communication system is chiefly characterized by its ease with which it can be maintained (转译成名


6. This new electronic computer is most widely used and plays an important rle in scientific research. (转译成名


7. His statement yesterday is inconsistent with the facts. (转译成动词) 8. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars. (转译成动词) 9. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. (转译成名词)

10. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in this direction. (转译


11. Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonably equally. (转译成形容词). 12. Those photos served as a reminder of my childhood. (转译成动词) 13. I’m sure you will be the winner. (转译成动词)

14. Some knowledge about the structure and history of China is helpful for your study language. (转译成动词) 15. Every country is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security. (转译成动词) 16. Back home, LaoWang’s daughter was at her wit’s end. (转译成动词) 17. The medicine should be kept beyond the reach of the children. (转译成动词) 18. We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem (转译成形容词).

19. She promptly shepherded them out of the crowded living room and into the privacy of the library. (转译成形


20. So the rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity. (转译成形容词). 21. The garden party is a great success. (转译成形容词).


4th year

Translation Course

Translation Exercises (English-Chinese)(VIII)

Beginnings are apt to be shadowy, and so it is with the beginnings of that great mother of life, the sea. Many people have debated how and when the earth got its ocean, and it is not surprising that their explanations do not always agree. For the plain and the inescapable truth is that no one was there to see, and in the absence of eye-witness accounts there is bound to be a certain amount of disagreement. So I tell here the story of how the young planet Earth acquired an ocean, it must be a story pieced together from many sources and containing whole chapters the details of which we can only imagine. The story is founded on the testimony of the earth’s most ancient rocks, which were young when the earth was young; on other evidence written on the face of the earth’s satellite, the moon; and on hints contained in the history of the sun and the whole universe of star-filled space. For although no man was there to witness this cosmic birth, the stars and the moon and the rocks were there, and indeed, had much to do with the fact that there is an ocean.




1. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic

and rhetoric able to contend.(增加动词)

2. In the evening, after the banquets the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting

of the final communiqué. (增加动词)

3. They had brought it all at his side--- the bruising battles, the humiliations of the defeat--- through empty

mid—1960s—until at last, in1968, they were able to savor the sweet taste of triumph. (增加动词) 4. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. (增加动词) 5. They are fine actors. Smith is the finest I have ever seen. (增加名词) 6. Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. (增加名词)

7. It as revealed that yield peaked when the crop was harvested about one week before what is normally

considered to be optimum ripeness and decreased slightly for two-weeks pre-optimum harvest and appreciably for three-and four-weeks post-optimum harvest. (增加名词) 8. Day after day he came to his work---sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. (增加名词) 9. Flowers bloom all over the yard.(体现语法意义)

10. Disappearances occurred with apparently increasingly frequency. (体现语法意义) 11. I had known two great social systems. (体现语法意义) 12. Theory is something but practice is everything. (增加副词)

13. Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October. (增加副词) 14. Herb gave her a sly look. (增加量词)

15. Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon.(增加量词)

16. At the meeting he made a speech—eloquent and energetic.(形容词前增加副词) 17. He was weak and old. (形容词前增加副词)




1. The tiger in danger is becoming extinct. 2. The sky is quite blue and cloudless.

3. The Romans defeated the Carthaginians in 202 B.C.

4. The best way to learn a language is to live among the speakers. 5. Men and women, old and young, all joined the battle.

6. If you write to him, the response would be absolute silence and void. 7. He was in his early twenties. 8. Thank you for reminding me of it.

9. Everyman is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. 10. She was tolerant by temperament.

11. It is not alone: it forms one of revolutions, of which the other two were the American Revolution that started

in 1755, and the French Revolution that started in 1789.

12. The universities also took little interest in modern or scientific studies; and they were closed to those who did

not conform to the Church of England. 13. He is not well today, but he still comes to class..

14. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 15. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. 16. It’s your pen. I found it on the playground. 17. When three know it, all know it. 18. It never rains, but it pours.

19. In twelve Yan’an years the Chinese Communists had fitted themselves to the land, the rhythm of its seasons,

the mood of its peasants.

20. There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.




1. He is above doing such things.

2. I assume you’ve decided against going to the movie. 3. She had been too stunned to utter a sound. 4. It is a book devoid of content. 5. Their hopes were reduced to zero. 6. I’m at a loss what to do.

7. He is the last man to accept a bribe. 8. Rest is the farthest thing from his mind. 9. His books go begging. 10. He is the stranger to fear. 11. He has seen little of life.

12. Some little hesitation was caused by the statement of the Romans. 13. The first bombs missed the target. 14. Such a chance was denied me.

15. The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war.

16. Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity. 17. The door refuses to shut. 18. The experiment failed of success. 19. What he said is far from truth.

20. He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 21. I’d have come with you but that I was so busy.

22. The boys in the street have become insolent and it is more than flesh and blood can bear.. 23. He would be the last man to say such things. 24. He is more experienced to do such a thing. 25. His spirits were too low for the work. 26. His words are too sweet to be trusted. 27. A: The boy is quite clever. B: Exactly.

28. The subversion attempts proved predictably futile.

29. We believe that the young generation will prove worthy of our trust. 30. The explanation is pretty thin.



1. We will never neglect our duties.

2. I asked him whether I could not do anything for him.

3. Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect resigned dishonorably.

4. Mr. Runsfield said the country was unprecedentedly engaged in a miss-building program. 5. Didn’t I tell you so?

6. Can’t you stay a bit longer? We so seldom have a chance to get together. 7. “Don’t stop working!” he said.

8. Jim was no end upset because he couldn’t go swimming. 9. Don’t waster time in posting this letter.

10. She couldn’t keep from crying after knowing this sad news. 11. Sir Percival’s spies were not going to lose sight of me. 12. The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on me.

13. Everyone acknowledges that Newton was a great man; yet few have more than the vaguest acquaintance with his living personality.

14. We don’t doubt that he can do a good job of it.

15. We don’t deny that we lag far behind other advanced countries in science.

16. Not infrequently the primary meaning of a word dies away and the derivative meaning remains. 17. What appeared to me wonderful was that none of the ants came home without bringing something. 19. The history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making true than in our age. 20. Deprives as he was of the fluency of speech, we did not feel his kindness the less. 21. She won’t go away until you promise to help her.

22. Nowadays it is not seldom that a man lives to be seventy years old. 23.No one but a great philosopher could solve such a question.

24. I never go past that house but I think of my miserable life in the old society. 25. My income is not too small to support my family. 26. It’s never too later to give up our prejudice. 27. He is not such a foolish boy but he knows it. 28. They desire nothing but to enjoy the present moment.



练习十五 (换序译法)


1、The music world and the world at large became poorer places on the April 8, when Marian Anderson, the great alto from Philadelphia died at 96.

2、She published her first collection of short stories in1963, two year after she had received her master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and became an instructor of English at the University of Detroit.

3、父亲刚去世,我就迁往1500里以外的兰州,成家并开始了自己的事业。 4、尼卡县(Tunica)曾经是密西西比州最贫困的县,现在它却是拥有八个赌场和一个大型娱乐中心。

5、The family from whom she rented her room and bath ignored her activities so long as her rent was promptly paid.

6、This preface must necessarily be short and modest, for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting merely an ardent lover of the art.

7、Of course, he would wish to be remembered for the Declaration of Independence, which not only gave birth to the new American nation but gave it a democratic creed and gave a philosophy of human rights to the world.


9、花园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金缺乏,时建时停,20年以后才建成。 10、因为工作繁忙和三个年幼的孩子,除了家人聚会以及节假日之外,我从未花 时间去探望她。


1、在那场战争中,这道城墙开始出现许多裂痕。 2、发生了这样的事不是你的错。

3、她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写出了一部催人奋进的小说。 4、刘四爷没搭碴儿,想了想,问道:“话匣子呢?唱唱!” 5、她认真热情,一字不漏地记下了所有的话。

6、东西越小,地心引力对它的洗吸力就越小,重量也就越轻。 7、一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。 8、她每天早上教我们学法语。






1、While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, they drove up to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach.(W.M. Thackeray. Vanity Fair)

2、Because the young man frequently came to the lady’s house, he was regarded as the mistress’s lover.

3、After singing a concert in this city, he said he wanted to great his admirers backstage as as he always does.

4、When Kunta got home with the massa well into one night a few months later, Bell was less irritated than concerned that they were both too tired even to eat the good supper she’d prepared.(Alex Haley, Roots)

5、Kunta was so worn out, slumped in his rocking chair, staring vacantly at the fire, that he didn’t even notice Bell feeling his forehead and taking off his shoes. (Alex Haley, Roots)

6、这首歌并不曾继续多久,//就和笛声共同消失在黑暗里了。(巴金,《家》) 7、自己既不肯动,他希望虎姑娘快快进屋去,或是命令他干点什么,//简直受不了这样的折磨,一种什么也不像而非常难过的折磨。(老舍,《骆驼祥子》)


1、The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.

2、Mr. Myles still smiled but his voice had a little bit irritation in it, unusual to Bob. 3、Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. (W.M. Thackeray. Vanity Fair) 4、Strange enough they were the same age to the day.

5、Clapp, with the best of characters and handwritings, had been able very soon after his master’s disaster to find other employment for himself. (Herman Wouk, The winds of War)

6、“It’s very bad, madam, obviously.” (Herman Wouk, The winds of War)

7、Luckily, at this time he aught a liver complaint, for the cure of which he returned to Europe, and which was the great source of great comfort and amusement to him in his native county. (Herman Wouk, The winds of War)












6、It was on the early morning of April 2,1971.The pilots were briefed in the ready room.

7、When we praised the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.

8、His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.

9、The time was 10:30, and the traffic on the street was light.. 10、 He was very clean. His mind was open.


1、They sat down in the waiting -room to do some reading. People came to and fro there.

2、孔乙己着了慌,伸开五指将碟子罩住,弯腰下去说道:“不多了,我已经不多了。”(鲁迅 《孔乙己》)

3、他在去年夏天把十九所的小女儿小福子卖给了一个军人。卖了二百块钱。(老舍 《骆驼祥子》)

4、他们到了杨集。这是老洪带着队伍从枣庄过来和申茂队员们会合的日子。(知侠 《铁道游击队》)


练习十八(转态译法) 练习十九 无主句的译法

翻译下列句子,注意无主句的译法(随堂)。 1、去年发现了一种稀有元素。 2、必须保证八小时睡眠。 3、究竟能不能巩固呢?

4、你忘了一句古话了吗:活到老,学到老。何况你并不老。(周而复《上海的早晨》) 5、总之是两点而不是一点。


7、和这些产品一道展出的还有钢铁厂和高炉的模型。 8、请讲慢一点!



练习二十 省略句的译法


1、 Western Europe has been hit harder than the United States, and Japan less.

2、 They are looking for an explanation, and what better one than the language is being

misused by other people.

3、 At the time of Kennedy’s assassination, Kissinger felt that a second term would

have led either to greatness or to disaster. 4、 Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes.

5、 Old impulses must be superseded by new, the egoism of class society by the habit of

thinking in terms of the collective 6、 This technique has been available in Britain for years, but its versatility has been

never exploited extensively as it has in Germany. 7、 I kept going back to it at odd times during the day, then at night when I was being

put to bed. 8、 The question “What are the roads like?” may when asked at one time, refer to the

condition of the surface, at another to their narrowness, at another to the traffic upon them, and at still another to the presence or othe wise of ice and snow. 9、 Better that nothing were done than that things should be done by halves.

10、They are tempted to be careless how they spend their time, because they imagine they have so much of it.



Translation course


Translate the following sentences into proper Chinese.

1. This was more than the Pentagon generals had reckoned with.

2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health. 3. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experiences and wisdom. 4. The use of poison gas by Vietnam in Cambodia is a clear violation of international law--- in particular of the Geneva Convention.

5. Kissinger felt massive bombing would strengthen the President’s hand in China. 6. In order to achieve this objective, the government of the United States of America and the government of the People’s republic of China have agreed as follows:----- 7. Korean paper, Japanese charge distortion of history. China Daily Headline.

8. The soil has great power of absorbing and storing phosphate so that what is not used by the first crop can serve, at least in part, for the crops that follow.

9. Although I employ so much about my time in writing to you, I confess, I have my doubts whether it is to my purpose. I know how un welcome advice generally is----

-------From Lord Chesterfield’s Letter to His Son.

10. The government has no option but to proclaim an emergency under the compelling circumstances of repeated acts of violence, sabotage and destruction.


4th year

Translation Course

Translation Exercises (Chinese-English)(I)


翻译是指把一种语言文字的意义转换成另一种语言文字。简言之,翻译是一种用不同的语言文字将原文作者的思想准确地再现出来的艺术。从以上翻译定义我们知道,原文的思想必须尽可能得到保持,不可有所增删。译者的任务只是转换文字而不是改变意思。因此,翻译有两种要素:准确性与表达性。准确性是翻译的首要条件。译者必须谨慎地遵循原作者的意思,所选用的字词和句式结构必须如实地传达原文的意思。表达性是让译文易于理解。换言之,译者必须用自己的手段尽可能地将原文的思想清楚而有力地表达出来。准确性使译出的思想明确无误,而表达性则使译文生动,具有魅力。 Notes and Expressions

1、 转换:to convert; to transfer; to change. 此处最好用一个名词结构 the conversion of,以保持与主语“翻译”的结构一致。 2、简言之:I short; in brief, to say it plainly 3、准确地再现:reproduce exactly

4、尽可能得到保持:be kept as far as possible

5、不可有所增删:nothing should be added or to be taken away from 6、要素:essential elements

7、首要条件:the first indispensable quality

8、谨慎地遵循原作者的意思:cautiously stick to the author’s idea 9、换言之:in other words


