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Measuring Service Quality Using SERVQUALFollowing are the instructions for using the SERVQUAL questionnaire discussed in the chapter on quality. It uses a bank as the company to be studied, but any type of service organization would be studied in the same way. On the questionnaire, just replace the word bank with the type of business (profit or non-profit) being analyzed. You can derive an unweighted gap score or a weighted gap score. Weighting depends upon how you allocate 100 points among the five SERVQUAL categories. A modified use of the questionnaire is to limit it to just the total or average Perception score. This is called SERVPERV and is used when Expectations are likely to be all the same (typically high). Weights can be applied here as well. STEPS TO OBTAIN UNWEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE Step 1. Select a bank the service quality of which you want to assess. Using the SERVQUAL instrument, first obtain the score for each of the 22 expectation questions. Next, obtain a core for each of the perception questions. Calculate the Gap Score each of the statements (Gap Score= Perception– Expectation). Step 2. Obtain an average Gap Score for each dimension by assessing the Gap Scores for each of the statements that constitute the dimension and dividing the sum by the number of statements making up the dimension. Step 3. In the TABLE 1 transfer the average dimension SERVQUAL scores (for all five dimensions) from the SERVQUAL instrument. Sum up the scores and divide it by five to obtain the unweighted measure of service quality. STEPS TO OBTAIN THE WEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE Step 1. In Table 2 calculate the importance weights for each of the five dimensions constituting the SERVQUAL scale. (The instructions are provided along with the table). Step 2. In Table 3 enter the average SERVQUAL score for each dimension (from Table 1) and the importance weight for each dimension (from Table 2). Then multiply the average score for each dimension with its importance weight. Step 3. Add the weighted SERVQUAL scores for each dimension to obtain the overall weighted SERVQUAL score.
EXPECTATIONS This survey deals with your opinions of banks. Please show the extent to which you think banks should posses the following features. What we are interested in here is a number that best shows your expectations about institutions offering bank services Strongly Disagree 1 2 Strongly Agree 6 7
PERCEPTIONS The following statements relate to your feelings about the particular bank XYZ you chose. Please show the extent to which you believe XYZ has the feature described in the statement. Here, we are interested in a number that shows your perceptions about XYZ bank Strongly Disagree 1 2 Strongly Agree 7
(E) Tangibles E1. Excellent banking companies will have modern looking equipment. E2. The physical facilities at excellent banks will be visually appealing. E3. Employees at excellent banks will be neat appearing. E4. Materials ass
ociated with the service (such as pamphlets or statements) will be visually appealing at an excellent bank. Tangibles P1. XYZ bank has modern looking equipment.
Gap Score P-E
P2. XYZ Bank’s physical facilities are visually appealing.
P3. XYZ Bank’s reception desk employees are neat appearing. P4. Materials associated with the service (such as pamphlets or statements) are visually appealing at XYZ bank. Average Tangibles SERVQUAL score
E Reliability E5. When excellent banks promise to do something by a certain time, they do. E6. When a customer has a problem, excellent banks will show a sincere interest in solving it. E7. Excellent banks will perform the service right the first time. E8. Excellent banks will provide the service at the time they promise to do so. E9. Excellent banks will insist on error free records Reliability P5. When XYZ bank promises to do something by a certain time, it does so. P6. When you have a problem, XYZ bank shows a sincere interest in solving it. P7. XYZ bank performs the service right the first time.
P8. XYZ bank provides its service at the time it promises to do so. P9. XYZ bank insists on error free records Average Responsiveness SERVQUAL score
Responsiveness E10. Employees of excellent banks will tell customers exactly when services will be performed. E11. Employees of excellent banks will give prompt service to customers. E12. Employees of excellent banks will always be willing to help customers. E13. Employees of excellent banks will never be too busy to respond to customers’ requests.
Responsiveness P10. Employees in XYZ bank tell you exactly when services will be performed. P11. Employees in XYZ bank give you prompt service.
P12. Employees in XYZ bank are always willing to help you. P13. Employees in XYZ bank are never too busy to respond to your request. Average Responsiveness SERVQUAL score
E Assurance E14. The behavior of employees in excellent banks will instill confidence in customers. E15. Customers of excellent banks will feel safe in transactions. E16. Employees of excellent banks consistently courteous with customers. will be Assurance P14. The behavior of employees in XYZ bank instills confidence in you. P15. You feel safe in your transactions with XYZ bank.
P16. Employees in XYZ bank area consistently courteous with you. P17. Employees in XYZ bank have the knowledge to answer your questions. Average Assurance SERVQUAL score
E17. Employees of excellent banks will have the knowledge to answer customers’ questions.
Empathy E18. Excellent banks will give customers individual attention. E19. Excellent banks will have operating hours convenient to all their customers. E20. Excellent banks will have employees who give customers personal attention. E21. Excellent banks will have their customer’s best interests at heart. E22. The employees of excellent banks will understand the specific needs of their customers.
Empathy P18. XYZ bank gives you individual attentio
P19. XYZ bank has operating hours convenient to all its customers. P20. XYZ bank has employees who give you personal attention. P21. XYZ bank has your best interest at heart.
P22. The employees of XYZ bank understand your specific needs. Average Empathy SERVQUAL scores
TABLE 1: CALCULATIONS TO OBTAIN UNWEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCOREAverage Tangible SERVQUAL score Average Reliability SERVQUAL score Average Responsiveness SERVQUAL score Average Assurance SERVQUAL score Average Empathy SERVQUAL score TOTAL AVERAGE (= Total/ 5) UNWEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE
Table 2: SERVQUAL IMPORTANCE WEIGHTSListed below are five features pertaining to banks and the services they offer. We would like to know how much each of these features is important to the customer. Please allocate 100 points among the five features according to how important it is to you. Make sure the points add up to 100.
1. The appearance of the banks physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials. ______________ points
2. The banks ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.
______________ points
3. The bank's willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. ______________ points
4. The knowledge and courtesy of the bank's employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. ______________ points
5. The caring, individual attention the bank provides its customers. ______________ points
Table 3: SERVQUAL WEIGHTED SCORESSERVQUAL Dimension Score from Table 1 X Importance Weight from Table 2= Weighted Score
Average Tangible Average Reliability Average Responsiveness Average Assurance Average Empathy TOTAL AVERAGE (= Total/ 5) WEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE
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