
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:03:46 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载





单词辩音,选择划线部分读音不同的选项(共5小题,计5分) 1.A.clever B.relax C.penguin D.never 2.A.agree B.taxi C.Japanese D.camp 3.A.pool B.cook C.look D.book 4.A.thief B.with C.through D.thin 5.A.photos B.toys C.pals D.banks 【答案】 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】

试题分析:1.ACD中的e发音为/e/,而B中的e的发音是/I/,所以本题选B。 2.A中a的发音是/?/,而BCD中的a的发音是/?/,所以本题选A。 3.A中oo的发音是/u:/,而BCD中oo的发音是/u/.所以本题选A。 4.ACD中th的发音是/θ/,而B中th的发音是/e/,所以本题选B。 5.ABC中s的发音是/z/,而D中s的发音是/s/,所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查字母发音。


6.Andrew’s singing ______ song.It's _______ American song. A.a, a B.a, an C.an, a D.an, the 【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:不定冠词a或an,一般放在名词前表示“一个”,是泛指。而定冠词the是特指,一般在第二次出现时用the。本题中虽然song出现了两次,但是第二次的song被American修饰了,同样需要一个不定冠词来修饰,并表示“一个,一首”的意思。又根据a放在辅音音素之前,an放在元音音素之前的用法。所以本题选B。 考点:本题考查冠词的用法。

点评:应该熟练掌握冠词的用法。a、an是不定冠词,可以表示数量“一个”,a放在辅音音素之前;an用语元音音素之前。the 定冠词,是特指。本题很容易受定冠词中,名词第二次出现应用the的影响。

7.---Where did you go ________ last week? ---I went to ________ Sydney.

A.the; the B./; / C./; The D.The; / 【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:在英语中表示时间时,一般不用定冠词the,(有时会出现在一些习惯用语中);在国家和地名的前面一般也不用定冠词the。所以本题选B。 考点:本题考查定冠词的用法。

点评:做本题需要熟练掌握定冠词的用法,注意定冠词不放在时间和地名前面,但也有一些特殊情况,如:the day before yesterday,in the morning;the USA等。 8.—Can you ____ it in English? —Sorry, I can’t.

A.talk B.speak C.say D.tell 【答案】C 【解析】

试题分析:四个选项中talk是“谈论”,speak是“说,讲”后面直接跟语言,如speak Chinese,speak English;say是“说”,后面应跟说的内容,tell是“告诉”,本空后面是it,而不是English,故用say。本句的意思是“你会用英语说它吗?”所以本题选C。 考点:本题考查动词辨析。

点评:本题主要辨析四个表示“说”的动词,其中talk和tell;本题很容易受English的影响,但本句如果是Can you _____ English?就应该用speak。 9.He doesn’t like to drink ________ now. He’s not thirsty. A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 【答案】C 【解析】

试题分析:根据He’s not thirsty可知,前句的意思是“他不想喝任何东西。”根据doesn’t可知,本题应该用anything。所以本题选C 考点:本题考查不定代词的用法。

点评:完成本题时,需要对四个词有一个完整的认识,anything用于否定句或疑问句,something用于肯定句,nothing本身就是否定词,everything用于肯定句。 10. —Hello, is that Lisa speaking? —Yes,___________

A.Who are you? B.I’m Lisa. C.Who’s that? D.I’m speaking. 【答案】C 【解析】

试题分析:通过上句可知,这是电话用语。在英语的电话用语中,当问对方是谁时,应该用Who’s that?或者This is sb. Speaking。不能用I’m回答。所以本题选C。 考点:本题考查电话用语。


11.I want _____ a policeman because it is an exciting ________. A.doing, job B.doing, work C.to be, work D.to be, job 【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据want to do的用法,我们可以排除AB;根据an我们可以排除C,因为work是不可数名词,而job是可数名词。所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查非谓语动词和名词的用法。


12._______ there any interesting news in today’s newspaper? A.Are B.Is C.Have D.Has 【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:根据there可知,这应该是there be句型,所以应该排除CD;根据news“消息”是不可数名词,故用Is。所以本题选B。 考点:本题考查there be句型。

点评:对于本题判断是there be句型比较简单,本题难在判断news的数上。很多学生会认为news是复数形式,其实它是不可数名词。

13.______ Ling Ling is tired, _______ she wants to have a rest. A.Because, so B.Why, because C./, so D.So, because 【答案】C 【解析】

试题分析:在英语中如果表示因果关系,如果用了because,就不能用so;用了so,就不能用because,另外why作为特殊疑问词,很明显放在本句中是错误的。所以本题选C。 考点:本题考查连词的用法。


14.—Tom, what classes do you have every day?

—Well, Mom, we have English, math, Chinese and some ______ classes. A.the other B./ C.other D.others 【答案】C 【解析】

试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是“我们有英语、数学、语文和一些其他课。”“其他的”是other,本句中有some时,就不能用the;other加上s,表示是代词的复数,又因为有classes,故应该将D排除。所以本题选C。 考点:本题考查other的用法。


15.Don’t talk. Your brother _______.

A.sleeping B.sleeps C.sleep D.is sleeping 【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据Don’t talk可知,应该是现在正在睡觉,所以应该用现在进行时,用is sleeping。所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查动词时态。

点评:本题的关键在于确定句子的时态,所以Don’t talk就是关键点。在英语的时态中,一定要注意动作发生的时间。

16.---- What did you think of her speech?

--- She _______ for one hour but didn’t _______ much.

A.spoke,speak B.spoke, say C.said, speak D.said, say

【答案】B 【解析】



点评:本题中判断say和speak的区别不是很简单,say强调是说的内容,而speak强调的是说的动作。表示“说”的还有tell和talk等,它们都是常考到的辨析题。 17.Lucy doesn’t mind _______ the dishes after dinner. A.wash B.to wash C.washing D.washed 【答案】C 【解析】



点评:对于单词的固定用法,只能在平时的学习中加强记忆。如其他一些跟doing的词和短语:enjoy、practice、have fun、feel like等。 18.My sister often helps me ________ Japanese. A.studies B.studying C.studied D.study 【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据help sb.(to) do sth.的用法,本题应该用study,本句的意思是“我姐姐经常帮我学日语。”所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查固定用法。

点评:本题实际考查help的用法,help后面既可以跟动词原形,又可以跟动词不定式,只要记住help的用法,本题应该是比较简单的。 19.--- ___________? ---Yes,please. I’d like a kilo of pork A.Would you like some pork or beef? B.Can I help you?

C.How about some vegetables? D.What would you like to drink? 【答案】B


试题分析:根据答语I’d like a kilo of pork“我想要一公斤猪肉”可知,本句应该是购物用语,故应该用Can I help you ?所以本题选B。 考点:本题考查日常用语。

点评:对于购物时的用语,当顾客走进商店时,售货员往往会说Can I help you ?或者What can I do for you?。所以应该熟悉这些购物的日常用语。 20.---I went to Paris on my vacation. --- ______ A.Can I join you? B.Have a good time. C.Really?How was it? D.Good idea. 【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:在英语中,当我们听到别人将要去某地时,我们应该表示祝福祝愿说:Have a good time。所以本题选B。 考点:本题考查日常用语。

点评:在英语的日常用语中与汉语有很大的不同,但有礼貌是它们的共同之处,所以在完成本题是应该选最有礼貌的。 二、单词拼写

单词拼写,根据英文首字母提示完成单词。(共10小题,计10分) 1.My pen pal can speak two l___________, English and French. 2.Guangzhou is in the s________ of China.

3.I’m not good at English. I have to study hard to i________ it. 4.Sometimes it s________ in winter in Hangzhou. 5.The floor is too d________. Let’s clean it first.

6.There are some r______ in our school library. We can’t talk loudly in it. 7.The l_______ on the trees turn yellow in autumn. 8.Our teacher is f_________ to us, so we like her very much. 9.We are s___________ that the little boy can play the piano so well. 10.Mother t________ me to West Lake last Saturday and we had fun there.

【答案】1.languages 2.south 3.improve, 4.snows 5. dirty 6.rules 7.leaves 8.friendly 9.surprised 10.took 【解析】

试题分析:1.根据English and French可知,本句的意思是“我的笔友会说两种语言,英语和法语。”“语言”是language,因为有two,所以应该用复数,故填languages。


3.根据题干,本句的意思是“我不擅长英语,我必须努力学习提高它。”“提高”是improve。 4.本句的关键词在in winter“在冬天”,由此我们可以联想到下雪,又因为sometimes,故应该填snows。

5.根据 Let’s clean it first可知,地板一定是太脏了。所以本题填dirty。


7.根据on the trees turn yellow可知,应该是树叶leaf,此处应该用复数leaves。 8.根据so we like her very much可知,老师应该是很友好的。“友好的”是friendly。


10.根据题干,本句的意思是“妈妈上个星期六带我去了西湖,在那里我们玩得很高兴。”“带去”是take,又因为是last Saturday,所以应该填took。 考点:本题考查根据题意和首字母填单词。

点评:完成本题应注意三个方面:一、一定要根据句中的关键词,来猜测所缺词的意思;二、特别要注意首字母;三、不论是名词、动词、形容词还是代词等,都要认真分析它们的形式,如这十个题目中的名词都是用的复数。 三、完形填空

It is summer vacation and school is closed. Children don’t need to study 1 exams. During the summer vacation, many children stay at home to 2 TV, eat delicious food and play with 3 friends. Some take part in (参加) a neighborhood program, go to 4 museums or go camping. A camp is a summer vacation place for 5 . They can go swimming, climb mountains, go to the beach or go hiking. Now, there are 6 camps. They are not expensive. At these camps, children learn 7 to use computers. Most children enjoy playing computer games. At the computer camps, they can learn some things about the computer, 8 friends and talk about some things 9 their friends. If you don’t have a plan yet, a computer camp should be a 10 choice(选择). 1.A.for B.in C.on D.by 2.A.see B.look C.watch D.read 3.A.his B.their C.our D.her 4.A.a B.an C.the D./

5.A.children B.child C.parents D.people 6.A.book B.computer C.music D.sports 7.A.what B.how C.where D.when 8.A.do B.have C.like D.make 9.A.and B.on C.with D.of 10.A.sad B.good C.bad D.quiet 【答案】 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B


1.根据题干,本句的意思是“学生们不需要再为考试学习。”“为了”是for。所以本题选A。 2.“看电视”是watch TV,是固定用法,是表示观赏电视节目。所以本题选C。

3.根据本句的主语many children可知,此处应该是他们的朋友,故用their。所以本题选B。



6.根据后面的to use computers,playing computer games,At the computer camps,可知本句应该是“有一些电脑夏令营”,所以本题选B。

7.根据to use computers可知,本空只能填how,表示“怎样用电脑”。所以本题选B。 8.根据题干和friends,可知,本处应该是“交朋友”,所以本题选D。

9.根据前面的talk的用法talk about sth with sb可知,本处应该用with。所以本题选C。 10.根据题干,本句的意思是“如果你还没有好笔友,电脑夏令营是一个好的选择。”所以本题选B。


点评:本文主要是有关夏令营的。本题比较注重语法的考查,主要考查了冠词、动词、连词、介词、不定式等等。所以在完成本题时,应结合文章的意思,选择符合语法结构的选项。还要注意语法的结构。 四、阅读理解

Wade is my good friend. We study at the same school. At weekends he usually turns on his computer. He sends and gets e-mails to and from his friends back in France. He also gets on the Internet to learn about what is going on in the world. His parents sometimes take him to some places of interest in China. Sometimes I ask him to come over to my home for a weekend. My

parents say that they can’t understand what we talk about because there are two languages in our talks—Chinese and English. My mother sometimes says to him,“Can you talk to my son in Chinese only,Wade?” He always smiles and answers, “Not today. I’m going to speak good Chinese very soon.” He is not good at Chinese and I am weak at English. But we like these talks because we can learn when we are talking. 1.Who writes the passage? A.A friend of Wade’s B.A Chinese teacher C.Wade’s parents D.An English student.

2.From the passage we know that Wade comes from ________. A.Australia B.France C.the UK D.the USA

3.At weekends Wade sometimes ________. A.takes his parents to visit cities B.practice speaking Chinese C.goes to see his friends D.reads the world news.

4.We can know from the passage that__________ A.the writer can speak English very well B.the writer can get e-mails from Wade C.Wade is only beginning to learn Chinese D.Wade finds it easy to talk in Chinese 5.The text is mainly about _________ A.Wade’s Chinese friends B.Wade’s school life in China C.Wade’s after-school time D.Wade’s weekend in China. 【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:

1.根据Wade is my good friend“韦德是我的好朋友”可知,我也是韦德的好朋友,所以本题应该选A。

2.通过He sends and gets e-mails to and from his friends back in France.可知,韦德应该是来自法国。所以本题选B。

3.根据Sometimes I ask him to come over to my home for a weekend可知,周末时,韦德经常去拜访朋友。所以本题选C。

4.通过阅读全文和 I’m going to speak good Chinese very soon可知,韦德刚开始学汉语。所以本题选C。

5.通过阅读全文,我们知道本文是关于韦德的,故A是错误的;文章没有涉及韦德的学校生活,故B是错误的;对于放学后的生活,只涉及了很少一点,故C也是错误的;本文主要就讲述了韦德周末在作者家的事。所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查记叙文体。

点评:本文讲述了法国学生韦德周末在同学家做客的事。本阅读理解的题目大多不是直来直去的,需要我们熟读文章,加以归纳总结方能得出答案。阅读文章时,应该根据问题的要求,熟读相应句子,加以提炼,然后选择合适选项,所以本题是有一定难度的,但题目设计较好。 There are 365 days in a year. We sleep 8 hours a day, so we have 122 days for sleeping. Then our work time has 243 days left. But there are 52 weekends in a year. Each weekend is two days. We lose another 104 days a year for work. It takes us about one hour to have breakfast and supper. This comes to 15 days over a year. But we can’t work all that time-we need a holiday. Let’s say we have three weeks’ holiday. We don’t work all day. Four free hours each evening takes up 61 days. We have to remember that we get 2 days’ holiday at Easter, 3 at Christmas and 1 at the New Year. There are also 4 Bank holidays. Take those 10 days away and we have 32 days for work. But then we have one and a half hours’ lunch every day, and half an hour’s coffee break. That comes to 30 days a year. This means that we have only a few days left for work every year! 6.How many days do we sleep in a year? ___days. A.365 B.122 C.8 D.52 7.We spend 15 days on __________.

A.rest B.coffee break C.lunch D.breakfast and supper 8.Which of the following is true? __________ A.Each weekend is one day. B.We have 61 days for free time. C.We get 3 days’ holiday at Easter D.Coffee break takes us one hour.

9.According to the passage, we know that we don’t have ______ time to work every year. A.much too B.so many C.too much D.too many 10.The writer means __________. A.we should know the numbers B.a few days for work is enough C.we need more holidays

D.time is important and we’d better not waste(浪费) it 【答案】6.B 7.D 8.B

9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:

6.根据so we have 122 days for sleeping可知,我们一年睡觉122天。所以本题选B。 7.通过 It takes us about one hour to have breakfast and supper. This comes to 15 days over a year.可知,在早饭和晚饭上一年要用15天。所以本题选D。

8.根据 Each weekend is two days可知A是错误的;根据we get 2 days’ holiday at Easter可知C是错误的;根据half an hour’s coffee break可知D是错误的;根据 Four free hours each evening takes up 61 days可知,B 是正确的。

9.根据This means that we have only a few days left for work every year!

可知,我们工作的时间不太多,修饰time不能用many,故排除BD;而much too是“太,非常”的意思,只有too much是“太多”的意思,可以修饰时间。所以本题选C。



点评:本文通过算账的形式告诉我们工作的时间不多,不能浪费时间。由于文中出现的数字较多,不易把握,所以在阅读时尽量减慢速度,注意体会作者的意图,当然本题的题目并不是很难,1、2、3小题都可以在文中找到答案,第4小题是考知识方面的题目,5小题是推测题。 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Mike’s plan for next week Study group meeting 3:00 p.m. Basketball match 4:30 p.m. Go to see some friends 2:00 p.m. Art class 7:30-8:30 p.m. volunteer (志愿者) work at student center 2:00-4:00 p.m. Shopping 10:00 a.m. Basketball team party 8:00 p.m. Mary’s plan for next week Go to the cinema with Alice 7:00 p.m. See a doctor 11:00 a.m. Study for an exam ---evening Concert 8:30 p.m. Help Uncle Smith in the restaurant ---afternoon Art class 7:00-8:00 p.m. Supper with Ann 7:30 p.m. 11.Mary is going to the cinema at seven on ________________. A.Monday evening B.Wednesday evening C.Friday evening D.Sunday evening

12.On Wednesday afternoon Mike is going to ___________ A.enjoy the concert

B.see some friends C.see a doctor D.have an art class

13.Mary is going to ______________ on Wednesday evening. A.have supper with Ann B.have a basketball party C.study for an exam D.watch a basketball match

14.Mike’s basketball team party starts at __________on Sunday A.8:00a.m. B. 8:00 p.m. C. 8:30 a.m. D.9:00 p.m. 15.From Mike’s and Mary’s plans we know that they both like ________. A.shopping B. concerts C. art D.music 【答案】 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:

11.通过观察Mary的计划可知,她要去看电影是在星期一的下午7点。所以本题选A。 12.通过观察Mike的计划和Wednesday一栏可知,他是去看朋友,所以本题选B。 13.通过观察Mary的计划和Wednesday一栏可知,她是为考试做准备。所以本题选C。 14.通过观察Mike的计划和Sunday一栏可知,他们篮球队的晚会8点开始。所以本题选B。 15.通过比较两个人的计划可以发现,两个人都Art classes。所以本题选C。 考点:本题考查表格题目。

点评:本阅读理解是有关两个学生下周计划的。在阅读时,应该注意卡片中都包括哪些信息,哪些是共有的哪些是独有的,并加以比较。完成本题,应该将问题带到每个人的计划和星期中去寻找信息,不能脱离信息而且找答案。本题相对比较简单。 五、句型转换

按要求变换句型(共5小题,计5分) 1.It is rainy in Tokyo today. (对划线部分提问) _________ the _________ in Tokyo today?

2.This is a small city. It has an interesting garden. (合并为一句) This is a small city ________ __________ interesting garden. 3.I’d like some noodles. (改为一般疑问句) _________ you _______ some noodles? 4.Jim read a paper just now. (改为否定句) Jim ________ _________ a paper just now.

5.Sunday, Tom, tennis, on, Linda, played, and, morning(连词成句) __________________________________________________________ 【答案】1.How’s, weather 2. with, an 3. Would, like 4.didn’t ,read

5.Tom and Linda played tennis on Sunday morning. 【解析】 试题分析:

1.rainy是“有雨的”,所以本题是提问天气的,根据题干结构,故应该用How’s ,weather.如果用what提问的话,空格不够。

2.通过观察题干可知,后一句是修饰前一句的,本句的意思应该是“这是一个带着有趣花园的小城。”故用with 来表示伴随。

3.I’d实际上是I would的缩写形式,故变一般疑问句时,应将would提前。

4.根据just now可知,本句是过去时,read是read的过去式。故本句变否定句需要借助didn’t.

5.本句需要先找到主语Tom和 Linda,然后要跟谓语动词played,再跟宾语tennis,最后跟时间on Sunday morning。 考点:本题考查句型转换。

点评:对于句型转换题,主要就是考查各种句式的结构情况。所以需要我们在平时的学习中熟练掌握各种句式,并学会各种句式间的相互转换。 六、选词填空

选词填空,用方框中词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,计10分) like between they but answer or be why girl subject

Do the boys and girls have the same favorite 1. ? The 2. is “No” . There are many

differences 3. boys and girls at school. As we know, sometimes we say boys 4. math and girls like English. That’s right. Many boys like P.E. And 5. like science and math. Many 6. like Chinese and English, 7. science and math are not their favorite subjects. Girls usually don’t like

math 8.science. 9. don’t girls and boys have the same favorite subjects? We don’t know what the reason 10. . Do you know? 【答案】1.subjects 2. answer 3.between 4.like 5.they 6.girls 7. but 8. or 9.why 10.is 【解析】



3.根据前面的differences和后面的boys and girls可知,本题应填between。表示“在男孩和女孩之间有很多不同”。

4.根据后面的girls like English可知,本句的意思是“男孩喜欢数学”,所以本题选like。 5.根据前句 Many boys like P.E.可知,本句的主语应该是they。

6.通过阅读可知,前面是说男孩,此处应该是说女孩,注意有many,故应填girls。 7.前句说喜欢,而后面说不喜欢,所以前句和后句存在转折的关系,故用but。 8.本句中math和science是并列关系,根据or用于否定句中的用法,故选or。 9.根据下文We don’t know what the reason中的reason可知,本处应是why。 10.本句的意思是“我们不知道原因是什么”。故应该用is。 考点:本题考查选词填空。

点评:完成本题时首先应该读懂短文的意思,根据题意选对单词,然后,应该根据句子的语法及固定用法变化所选词的适当形式。另外还应注意上下文的关系。做此类题目比较容易犯的错误是不注意用词的适当形式。 七、书面表达

1.假如你叫李乐乐,家住中国杭州。请你根据所给提示,给你在澳大利亚的笔友Larry写一封信,介绍一下你暑假的情况,并欢迎他来杭州玩。可适当发挥。要求:70词左右。 1.学校情况:所在学校、班级(华兴中学、808班);最喜欢的学科…


3.天气情况:所在城市的夏天的天气… Dear Larry, How are you?


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Yours Li Lele 【答案】略 【解析】

试题分析:本书面表达是一封信,所以本文的人称应该注意,要用I和you;而在时态方面,由于是介绍生活中事情,所以时态一般应该用现在时,本文中还会出现过去时;注意介绍的全面性,尽量将提示内容表达完整,且符合英语的表达习惯。还应注意这些词或短语或句型的表达:my favourite subject is;there be;be near to;play beach volleyball;take photos;have a good time等。 考点:本题考查书信。


点评:完成本题时首先应该读懂短文的意思,根据题意选对单词,然后,应该根据句子的语法及固定用法变化所选词的适当形式。另外还应注意上下文的关系。做此类题目比较容易犯的错误是不注意用词的适当形式。 七、书面表达

1.假如你叫李乐乐,家住中国杭州。请你根据所给提示,给你在澳大利亚的笔友Larry写一封信,介绍一下你暑假的情况,并欢迎他来杭州玩。可适当发挥。要求:70词左右。 1.学校情况:所在学校、班级(华兴中学、808班);最喜欢的学科…


3.天气情况:所在城市的夏天的天气… Dear Larry, How are you?


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Yours Li Lele 【答案】略 【解析】

试题分析:本书面表达是一封信,所以本文的人称应该注意,要用I和you;而在时态方面,由于是介绍生活中事情,所以时态一般应该用现在时,本文中还会出现过去时;注意介绍的全面性,尽量将提示内容表达完整,且符合英语的表达习惯。还应注意这些词或短语或句型的表达:my favourite subject is;there be;be near to;play beach volleyball;take photos;have a good time等。 考点:本题考查书信。


