衡水点睛大联考2015届高三下学期三月点睛金榜大联考(六)英语试题 - 图文

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第一节(其5小题;每小题1 5分,满分7 5分)


1. How many songs are there on the CD? A.3. B.10 C.15 2. What is Mary doing?

A. Reading on the campus grassland B. Depositing money in the hank C. Applying for financial aid

3 What are the speakers talking about?

A. A curtain. B. A painting C. A plant.

4. What is the biggest problem companies have when employing new staff? A. There aren't enough qualified people available. B. Most people don't have the right qualifications C. Training doesn't attract young people 5. What is Tina likely to do? A. Give up writing in Japanese B. Keep8 diary in Japanese.

C. Write to her classmates in Japanese.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22 5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。


6. What's the weather report of this weekend? A. No more rain B. More rain. C. More clouds

7. What can we learn about the picnic table? A. It's not cheap B. It's of bad quality. C. It was bought last year

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8 Why does the man call the police station? A He has found a stolen car B He has lost his car

C He has had a car accident.

9 What information did the police ask for at last? A. The car number and address B The type of car and name C. The man's address and name.


10. How much time do the speakers have for preparing the presentation? A. Over an hour

B.About forty minutes. C. About half an hour.

11. What can we learn about the presentation7 A It will need more things than expected

B It will take place in the large conference room

C .It will he similar to one that has already been given. 12. What does the man say he will do? A Send the woman a report B. Look for the original file C Go over the last presentation

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Who is the man? A. A ticket collector. B.A jeweler

C. A policeman.

14. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. On a train. B. On the street.

C. At the man' s office.

15. How many cigarette lighters are there in the woman's bag? A. 10. B. 14. C. 20. 16. How does the man act to the woman?

A. Rudely . B. Carelessly. C. Politely . 听第10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。

17 . What does the speaker think about eating animals? A. Not normal. B. Not healthy. C. Not moral.

18. How will the speaker feel if she eats meat now? A. She will feel ill. B. She will feel full. C. She will feel dirty.

19. What can she only eat sometimes when travelling? A. Tofu and broccoli(花菜) . B. Chocolate. C. A bowl of rice.

20. What's her parents' attitude to her as a vegetarian? A. Rejective.

B. Understandable. C. Indifferent.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Most homeless turn to begging to make ends meet. However. a young South African man has come up with an interesting alternative- he spends his days spreading the joy of reading and selling books written by his favorite authors.He is Philani Dladla , who is known as Pave- ment Bookworm.

While people don't know much about how the 24-year-old became a homeless man and how long he has been selling books on the streets. the world's attention has been focused on the young man recently. thanks to an interview conducted by South African director. Tebogo Malope.

In the video named Pavement Bookworm . the cheerful Dladla talks about his passion(热爱) for books and how reading helped keep him a- way from a life of drugs and live a different life. The well-spoken young man also talks about his favorite authors and clearly appreciates what makes him a fan of each one of them.

Not surprisingly , after Malope uploaded the \Bookworm\video on YouTube . Dladla has become a celebrity. In addition to being interviewed by other journalists . he has also received several job offers and even a visit from Steven Sidley. the author of Entanglement. who hand - delivered his latest book to the enthusiastic reader.

The beat pan is that this newly found fame has led to a business boom. Locals now go out of their way to

seek Dladla for book discus sions and most importantly. to buy his recommendations. What' s heart- warming is that despite being hardly able to make ends meet. Dladla does not accept money from children who are interested in getting a book from him. In order to keep up with the increased demand. Malope is collecting book donations on behalf of the cheerful young man whose mission(使命) in life is to spread his passion for reading! 21. Dladla is different from other homeless people in that_____. A. he is making a living by selling books on the street B. he is the only person who has changed the world C. he depends on the money from others to survive D. he has been interviewed by famous reporters 22. What can we learn about Dladla in the video?

A. The young man was accustomed to taking drugs. B. He makes comments on different authors worldwide. C. The young man was good at giving speech after reading. D. Reading has offered him an opportunity to get improved. 23. How has the video influenced Dladla according to the passage?

A. Many famous authors have decided to give him books free of charge. B. He has always been surrounded by many readers with interest. C. He has become a figure interviewed and visited by others. D. His story has been well described in a famous book. 24. Which of the following words can best describe Dladla7 A. Ambitious. B. Creative.

C . Passionate. D . Determined.


He has his own stereo. He has a great many toys. He even has cable TV as well. From what Patrick Lavery said . Tommy has it pretty good. \to go, \

Right now. Tommy lives with the Laverys' . But if some animalrights activists get their way. he will soon he living in a chimp shelter. And he will be considered a person.

'Tommy has the right as well as self-determination that is enough for him to be a legal person .\ said Steven Wise. a lawyer for a group called the Nonhuman Rights Project. He also said that Tommy shouldn be removed from the Laverys' home. He argued that Tommy's rights

were being violated(冒犯) because he lived in a cage all on his own. And he asked that court to make Tommy a person in order to free the chimp from his current living condition. The court is now deciding whether they are going to declare Tommy a person.

At the hearing. some of the justices were skeptical-especially when Wise compared Tommy's situation to slavery. His argument was that slaves were once considered property instead of persons. just as Tommy is now. \比喻) for this situation.\said Presiding Justice Karen Peters. \

But Lavery said that he considers the concept of making Tommy a person absurd. Tommy works in the entertainment industry before retiring, so he is not used to being around other chimps. \in the shelter if we had the opportunity to.\Lavery said. \But he has his special needs. He can't go just anywhere as other people say. More importantly. he has never been associated with other chimps. And he could get hurt if he went in the wrong atmosphere. \

Wise disagrees. \does not want to be imprisoned for his life in a cage. He's an extraordinarily complex being. He can understand the past. He can look forward to the future. And he suffers in solitary confinement(单独监禁) as much as a human being. \ 25. The argument between Lavery and Wise is

A. whether Tommy should he considered a person with rights B. whether Tommy should be removed from the Lavervs' home C. whether people should protect Tommy against being misused D. whether people should take good care of those chimps in cages 26. It is implied in the fourth paragraph that____ A. Wise was not good at organizing his speech

B. some justices were not interested in animals' rights C. Tommy lived in such a had situation as slaves once did D. Wise's argument was too unreasonable to convince others 27. Lavery hasn't placed Tommy in an animal shelter mainly because

A. Tommy is in great need of special care B. Lavery hasn't found a proper shelter so far C. Lavery has been living in harmony with Tommy

D. Tommy may not get used to living with other chimps 28. The purpose of Wise's words in the last paragraph is to____ A. fight against Lavery's behavior

B. conclude his attitude towards Tommy C. win more support for Tommy. D. praise Tommy for his wisdom


In 1953 , Walt Disney hired some of the country's best talent to create an eight-page prospectus to convince investors to finance a new kind of amusement park-Disneyland. While the team had designed many of the attractions in some form or shape, when the first park opened on July 17th . 1955 . there were a few that just remained on their wish list because they were either illegal or . just too radical.

One thing Walt Disney was always honest about was the fact that Disneyland was going to he a place where people would be encouraged to buy things. So it was not surprising to learn that his initial plan had included not just toys and stuffed animals. but also live creatures like miniature(微小模型) donkeys. exotic birds and even rare fish. He thought that people could pick the animal of their choice and then have it shipped to their home. Unfortunately. shipping animals between states is illegal and the idea never made it past the prospectus.

Walt Disney also wanted to include an area where visitors could witness several species of animals, ranging from alligators to monkeys and otters. Given that they all need different habitats. this would have been no easy task. Therefore . the idea was not pursued.

Walt Disney also seemed to love miniature stuff and had even suggested building a miniature world on Main Street ! Then there were the ideas that Mickey Mouse should reside(居住) in a tree house on Treasure Island. and that the island should have real treasure buried under the ground .

While some of these ideas were not practical there were a few that were technologically impossible 61 years ago. Among them were doors that opened and closed upon verbal request or as Disney described it 'obeyed your voice like a Genie\ a \ with Peter Pan. as well as a trip to the Moon aboard a giant rocket ship so that visitors could experience a scientifically accurate trip through Space ! for Sure fun to imagine how different the amusement park would have been. if they had been included. 29. A prospectus was drawn up in order to____. A. gain more financial support

B. show the greatness of Walt's plan C. introduce the first theme park

D. present more attractions for visitors

30. Why did Disney fail to let visitors buy live creatures there? A. Because Disneyland wouldn't be open for long.

B. Because more animals would crowd into Disneyland. C. Because the animals couldn't be shipped between states. D. Because different habitats would be provided for the animals. 31. The purpose of this passage is to introduce A. some mysterious facts about Disneyland B. some illegal attractions in Disneyland C. some technical problems in Disneyland D. some attractions still in Disneyland's plan D

All trade in five named species of sharks is to he regulated(管理)from now on. Without a permit, the sale of their meat or fins(鳍) will be banned.

The regulation was agreed on last year at a meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites) in Thailand. According to the rules, the whitetip , the porbeagle , and three varieties of hammerhead will be protected. Besides. manta rays. valued for their gills(鲤) which are used in Chinese medicine. will also be protected.

The move is seen as the most important one in the 40 year history of Cites to protect these species.

\very clear way of helping to protect sharks and our oceans.\said Cites Secretary General John Scanlon. \Practical steps will involve issues such as determining export levels, and identifying the fins, gills and meat that

are in trade. This may seem challenging, but by working together ,we can do it and we will do it. \

Under the rules. all trade in these sharks and rays across 180 countries will not be allowed unless they have got their permits given by the national authorities.

As a matter of fact. trade in shark fins has already decreased greatly as a result of campaigns to raise awareness. Recently it has been reported that sales have gone down by 70% . Earlier this year the hotel chain. Hilton Worldwide stopped serving shark fm at its 96 owned and managed Asia-Pacific properties.

However . Denmark . Canada . Guyana . Japan . Iceland and Yemen have all said the will not be bound by the new rules and will continue to fish for some or all of these species. Under the regulations though, they are only able to trade with other countries that have also registered a reservation. the number of countries registering reservations is small.

32. The purpose of putting the new rules into force is to_____ A . ban people's trade on ocean animal's meat B. protect some species of sharks against over fishing C. have fishers know the importance of protecting sharks

D. prevent fishers from fishing; the five named species of sharks 33. What can we learn from John Scanlon's words in Paragraph Four? A. The regulations may have negative effects on sharks. B. The export of sharks' meat will be determined by Cites.

C. it's nearly impossible to carry out the regulations woridwide. D. The regulations will surely play a pan in the protection of sharks. 34. Hilton Worldwide is a good example that ______

A. people's getting their permits to trade in shark fins B. a successful company's managing its properties C. people's beginning to stop serving shark fins D. people's raising awareness to protect sharks 35. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. First ban on shark and manta ray trade comes into force. B. The meeting in Thailand will play a key part worldwide. C. Trade in have species of sharks will be regulated now. D. Protecting sharks is still a controversial issue now. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


These days. people have found a new way in the fight against hunger, global warming and pollution. They do it by eating some edible( 可吃的) insects .for people. pets and animals kept on the farm. 36 What's more .these insects can help create jobs in developing countries and feed the millions of hungry people in the world as well.

37 But it is considered to. be cruel in Western cultures simply because countries with cold climate have fewer edible insect species. and these countries have not thought of eating insects as part of their cultures. So far there have been about two billion people who eat insects all over the world. mainly in Asia . Africa and Latin America.

_38 Some may have already been in your food. For example, when people don ' t like man-made dyes(染色) . they will turn to natural food coloring So a red coloring produced from the cochineal , an insect from Peru , already puts the color in a popular brand of strawberry

yogurt. found that ants, grasshoppers and beetles contain enough protein but less fat. just like beef.

Are you bored with bran(糠) as a source of fiber in your diet? If so. you can choose some edible insects. and they also contain useful minerals such as iron and zinc. 39 Beetles and caterpillars are the most common meals among the edible insect species that people eat. Other popular insect foods are bees , wasps. ants .grasshoppers, locusts and crickets. Less popular are termites and flies.

40 In Africa. four big water bottles filled with grasshoppers will bring a gatherer a profit of $ 20. Some caterpillar. in southern Africa are considered delicacies and command high prices.

