安全生产事故应急综合预案Comprehensive emergency plan(中英文

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Comprehensive emergency plan

for *********

编制单位:********* 颁布日期:2014年5月7日







Comprehensive emergency plan release approval letter




日 期:2014年5月7日

Ver:0 1


目录 Content

批准发布书 ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 1 总则 general principle ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 编制目的 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 编制依据 regimentation reference .......................................................................................................... 4 1.3 适用范围 application scope ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 应急预案体系 emergency plan system ................................................................................................... 4 1.5 应急工作原则 emergency work principle ............................................................................................... 5 2 生产经营单位的危险性分析 Risk analysis of production units ........................................................................ 5

2.1 生产经营单位概况 A survey of production units ................................................................................... 5 2.2 危险源与风险分析 The hazard source and risk analysis .................................................................. 5 3 组织机构及职责 Organization chart and responsibilities ................................................................................. 6

3.1 应急组织体系 emergency organization system ...................................................................................... 6 3.2 指挥机构及职责 Organization chart and responsibilities ...................................................................... 8

3.2.1应急救援总指挥部职责 command organization and responsibility ............................................. 8 3.2.2应急总指挥部办公室职责 emergency response command office responsibilities ...................... 9 3.2.3抢险、抢修组(工艺设备部)职责rescue, rush-repair group (Facility dept) responsibility ....... 9 3.2.4通讯治安组(行政人事部)职责 Communication and security group (HRA dept) responsibility ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.2.5物资供应组(生产部)职责 Materials Supply Group (Production) Responsibilities ................. 10 3.2.6善后处理组(首席运营官办公室)职责 Aftercare treatment group (COO Office) Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.2.7消防救护组(EHS &生产部)职责 Fire rescue group (EHS & Production) Responsibilities ...... 11

4 预防与预警 prevention and early warning ...................................................................................................... 12

4.1 危险源监控 The hazard source monitoring ........................................................................................... 12

4.1.1机械伤害事故预防监控措施:Prevention of mechanical accident monitoring measures ......... 12 4.1.2车辆伤害事故预防监控措施:Vehicle accident prevention and monitoring measures ............. 12 4.1.3火灾事故预防监控措施:Fire prevention control measures....................................................... 13 4.1.4易燃、易爆危险品引起火灾、爆炸事故预防监控措施:Inflammable, explosive material cause fire, explosion prevention and monitoring measures ............................................................................. 13 4.1.5高处坠落及物体打击事故预防监控措施:Prevention monitoring measures of falling and objects hitting accident ........................................................................................................................................ 14 4.1.6触电预防措施 electric shock prevention measures ..................................................................... 14 4.2 预警行动 pre-alarming action plan ....................................................................................................... 15 4.3 信息报告与处置 information report and disposal ............................................................................... 16

4.3.1信息报告与通知 information report and notice .......................................................................... 16 4.3.2信息上报 information report ..................................................................................................... 16 4.3.3信息传递 information transmission ............................................................................................. 16

5 应急响应 emergency response ......................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 响应程序Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 17 5.2处置措施 Actions .................................................................................................................................... 18 5.3事故现场处置the scene of the accident disposal ................................................................................... 20

5.3.1触电事故现场处置on-site electric shock accident disposal ........................................................ 20




5.3.2高处坠落现场处置on-site falling disposal ................................................................................... 20 5.3.3机械伤害事故现场处置 on-site mechanical accident disposal ................................................ 20 5.3.4食物中毒事故现场处置on-site food poisoning the accident disposal ........................................ 20 5.3.5火灾事故现场处置on-site fire accident disposal ......................................................................... 20 5.4 应急结束 the end of emergency response ............................................................................................ 21 6 信息发布information release ........................................................................................................................... 22 7 后期处置post-disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 22 8 保障措施 guarantee measures ......................................................................................................................... 23

8.1 通信与信息保障communication and information guarantee .............................................................. 23 8.2 应急队伍保障emergency response team guarantee ............................................................................ 23 8.3 应急物资装备保障emergency supplies and equipment guarantee .................................................... 23 8.4 经费保障Fund guarantee ....................................................................................................................... 24 8.5 其他保障others ...................................................................................................................................... 26 9 培训与演练Training and drill ............................................................................................................................ 26

9.1 培训Training............................................................................................................................................ 26 9.2 演练drill .................................................................................................................................................. 27 10.应急组织纪律与奖惩emergency organization discipline and punishment ................................................... 27

10.1应急组织纪律emergency organization ................................................................................................ 27 10.2奖励award ............................................................................................................................................. 28 10.3处罚penalty ........................................................................................................................................... 28 11 附则annex ........................................................................................................................................................ 29

11.1 应急预案备案emergency plan for the record ..................................................................................... 29 11.2 维护和更新maintenance and update ................................................................................................. 29 11.3 制定与解释to develop and explain ..................................................................................................... 29 11.4 应急预案实施the implementation of contingency plans ................................................................... 29 12 附件appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 29

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1 总则 general principle 1.1 编制目的 Purpose


Standardizing the production safety accidents emergency management and emergency response procedures, timely and effectively implement emergency rescue work, to minimize casualties, property loss, ensure the safety of workers, keep production safety in order, to develop this plan.

1.2 编制依据 regimentation reference


According to \Republic of China Production Safety Law,\\Disease Prevention Law,\\Act\\on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment\\Chemicals Regulations\of Shanghai safe production\%units production Safety guidelines for the preparation of emergency plans \regulations.

1.3 适用范围 application scope


The plan applies to ************ production safety accident rescue work.

1.4 应急预案体系 emergency plan system


According to the enterprise management system and industry characteristics, the system includes a comprehensive contingency plan contingency plans, special emergency plans.

(1) 综合应急预案:************生产安全事故应急救援综合预案。

a comprehensive emergency plan: a comprehensive emergency plan for ************.

(2) 专项应急预案:主要是根据本企业生产特点,为应对几种安全事故类型。

Specialized emergency response plan: is mainly based on the characteristics of the production,




in response to several types of security incidents.

? 化学品事故应急预案

Chemical Accident Emergency Plan

? 火灾应急预案 fire emergency plan

? 柴油加油站应急预案

diesel gas station emergency plan

1.5 应急工作原则 emergency work principle


Follow the quick response, unified command, the unit self-help principles and professional emergency rescue combine.

2 生产经营单位的危险性分析 Risk analysis of production units 2.1 生产经营单位概况 A survey of production units


************. is a wholly-owned German subsidiary of ************ 1996 in Shanghai, China

established a total investment of 57 million yuan; company occupies a total area of about 42416m2, recruits nearly 400 people, mainly engaged in the development, production and sales *******. Company products include: ******* devices.

2.2 危险源与风险分析 The hazard source and risk analysis

2.2.1 生产过程中使用大量金属切削设备、焊接设备、起重设备等机械,若生产调节不畅、操作人员违章操作或机械设备、设施存在不安全的状态等均可造成机械伤害事故。

The production process using a large number of metal-cutting equipment, welding equipment, lifting equipment and other machinery, if the production of poor regulation, operators of illegal operation or mechanical equipment, facilities and other unsafe state can cause mechanical injury.

2.2.2 装卸运输中:若操作不当或野蛮装卸以及车辆发生事故可发生砸伤、挤伤事故。

Handling Transit: If improper operation or rough handling and vehicle accidents can occur crushing, crushing accident.

2.2.3 使用危险化学品若使用不得或遇明火可发生人员中毒、火灾和爆炸事故;若发生火灾可产生爆炸的冲击波、热辐射,造成人员中毒、灼伤;建筑物破坏、人员受冲击波影响造成





If the use of dangerous chemicals or use shall poisoning can occur in case of fire, fires and explosions; cause damage to buildings, people affected by the shock wave; If the fire can produce explosive blast, thermal radiation, causing poisoning, burns damage.

2.2.4 车辆驾驶员违章操作,人员违章进入运输作业范围内可能发生车辆伤害。

The driver of the vehicle illegal operation, officers illegally entered the vehicle damage that may occur within the range of transport operations.

2.2.5 配电室、生产场所、办公室等用电场所,如电气设备、配电盘、插座漏电、短路可能发生人员触电和电气火灾。

distribution room, production sites, offices and other places of electricity, such as electrical equipment, distribution boards, socket leakage, electric shock and short circuit may occur electrical fire.

2.2.6 高处作业防护不当造成高处坠落或物体打击事故。

Protective work at heights caused by improper or against objects falling from height accident.

2.2.7 食物过期或其它原因造成的食物中毒。

expired food or other causes of food poisoning.

3 组织机构及职责 Organization chart and responsibilities 3.1 应急组织体系 emergency organization system


emergency rescue work under the leadership of the unified leadership of the company, the relevant functional departments to facilitate their duties in close coordination, rapid, efficient and orderly conduct..



The establishment of emergency general command. Served as the CEO of the company commander, if there are special circumstances when the CEO is not in place by an acting chief operating officer. Served as deputy commander of the Quality Director. Headquarters is located in the CEO office; *************.

Members from the Department of Personnel Administration, Quality, Operations, Process Equipment Division and the responsible persons of the workshop.





Production safety emergency rescue organization chart

CEO COO& Safety committee HRA Director Process&Maintenance supervisor Quality Director Purchasing manager APS R&D Director PRD Director Director supervisor


Admin. Quality manager EHS Supervisor APS manager Assembly Supervisor Fabrication Supervisor Machining Supervisor Machining Supervisor SH2 Branch Foreman/Team leader 7


3.2 指挥机构及职责 Organization chart and responsibilities

3.2.1应急救援总指挥部职责 command organization and responsibility 指挥机构组织结构图command organization chart

抢险、抢修组︵工艺设备部︶物资供应组(EHS&企业应急救援总指挥部 emergency response overall command 应急指挥部办公室﹙首席运营官办公室﹚ emergency response command office( COO’s office) (EHS&PRD生产部 )) 善后处理组(首席运营官办公室) 通讯治安组︵行政人事部消防救? 负责组织有关部门制定应急抢救预案,组织预案的演练,及时对预案进行调整、修订


Responsible for organizing relevant departments to develop emergency rescue plan, the organization plans to drill, timely modify the plans. Make systemic deployment for the Implementation of emergency plans and develop emergency measures. ? 负责发布和解除应急救援命令、信号;

Be responsible for the release and rescinding emergency response order. ? 负责调用本厂范围内各类物资、设备、人员和占用场地。

Responsible for allocating various types of materials, equipment, personnel and space occupied in the plant.

? 负责组织人员和物资疏散工作。

Be responsible for personnel and material evacuation. ? 负责配合上级部门进行事故调查处理工作。



rescue, rush-repair group (Facility dept) material supply groupproper handling group(COO office) Communication& security group (HRA dept) EHS& fire protection and rescue group (EHS &HRA) 护组(生产)部︶ 生产安全事故应急综合预案

Be responsible for assisting proper authorities to do the accident investigation and handling.

? 负责做好稳定生产秩序和伤亡人员的善后及安抚工作。

Responsible for stabilizing production and deal with the aftermath of casualties and appease.

? 组织事故调查,总结应急救援工作经验教训。

Organize accident investigation, make summing up of the experiences and lessons.

3.2.2应急总指挥部办公室职责 emergency response command office responsibilities

? 应急指挥办公室是本企业应急指挥部的日常办事机构。负责平时的应急准备。负责报


Emergency response command office is daily office for emergency response overall command. Usually be responsible for emergency preparedness. Be responsible for reporting the information, contact window for various functional departments and coordination.

? 负责与外界的渠道沟通、引导公众舆论。

Be responsible for communicating with the outside world and guiding public opinions.

? 指挥部设在首席运营官办公室,联系电话:**********,手机号码: ********** Command office is located in the COO office, Tel: **********, phone number:


3.2.3抢险、抢修组(工艺设备部)职责rescue, rush-repair group (Facility dept) responsibility

? 由工艺设备部牵头,各部门配合组成。该组成员要对事故现场、地形、设备、工艺熟


Led by process and facility department, it is composed by various departments. The group members should be familiar with the accident scene, terrain, equipment, process. With PPE wearing, if necessary, in-depth accident center area, shut down the system, repair equipment to prevent the accident and reduce accident losses, inhibiting expansion of the scope of damage. ? 参加事故调查。




participate in the accident investigation.

? 工艺设备部办公室,联系电话:**********,内线直拨**********,手机号码:


Process and facility Office, Tel: **********, mobile extension number: **********, cell phone number: **********

3.2.4通讯治安组(行政人事部)职责 Communication and security group (HRA dept) responsibility

? 由人事行政部牵头各相关部门配合组成。

Led by HRA Department, it is composed by the relevant departments.

? 负责维持厂区治安,按事故的发展态势有计划地疏散人员,控制事故区域人员、车辆


Be responsible for the preservation of law and order in the plant, according to the development trend of accident, evacuate staff according to the plan, Control personnel and vehicle access for accident area. ? 负责有关事故直接责任人的监护。

Be responsible for the guardianship of the person directly responsible. ? 参加事故调查。

Participate in the accident investigation.

? 行政人事部办公室,联系电话:************ 内线直拨************,手机号码:


HRA department office, Tel: ************ mobile extension number: ************, phone number: ************

3.2.5物资供应组(生产部)职责 Materials Supply Group (Production) Responsibilities

? 负责急救行动提供物质保证。其中包括应急抢险器材、救援防护器材等。

Be responsible for providing enough materials for emergency actions. Including emergency rescue and protective equipments.

? 生产部办公室,联系电话:************, 手机号码:*************

Production Department, Tel: ************, phone number: **********




Aftercare treatment group (COO Office)



? 负责组织落实救援人员后勤保障和善后处理工作。

Be responsible for implementing rehabilitation work for rescue personnel and aftercare treatment. ? 组织事故调查。

Participate in the accident investigation.

? 首席运营官办公室,联系电话:**********,手机号码: **********

COO office, Tel: ********** phone number: **********

3.2.7消防救护组(EHS &生产部)职责 Fire rescue group (EHS & Production) Responsibilities

? 由EHS & 生产部相关人员和各相关部门配合组成。

It is composed by EHSS, Production department and relevant departments.

? 负责对火灾、泄漏事故的灭火、堵漏等任务,并对其它具有泄漏、火灾、爆炸等潜在


Responsible for putting out a fire, leak stoppage and so on, monitor and protect other

potential risks which would make fires, explosions and leakage, in charge of emergency rescue, take actions to prevent accidental expansion, causing secondary accidents. ? 负责及时将所发生的事故情况报告首席运营官。

Responsible for reporting the accident to COO officer in time.

? 负责对受伤人员实施医疗救护,提供运送车辆,联系确定治疗医院,办理相关手续。

Be responsible for implementing medical assistance to the injured person, providing delivery vehicles, contact and determine treatment hospital, go through the relevant procedures.

? 负责提出危险品贮存区域及重点目标的建议。

Be responsible for making recommendations for hazardous chemical storage areas and high risk points.

? 负责各救援小组之间的通讯联络。

Be responsible for communications between the various rescue teams. ? 负责配合重大事故调查工作

Responsible for cooperating with the major accident investigation ? 生产部办公室,联系电话:**********,手机号码:**********。





Production office, Tel: **********, phone number: **********.

Quality Department Office, Tel: **********, Tel: **********, phone number: **********.

4 预防与预警 prevention and early warning 4.1 危险源监控 The hazard source monitoring

4.1.1机械伤害事故预防监控措施:Prevention of mechanical accident monitoring measures

? 按技术性能要求正确使用机械设备,随时检查安全装置是否失效。

Make proper use of mechanical equipment according to its technical performance, check the safety devices whether working well anytime. ? 按操作规程进行机械操作。

Follow standard operation procedure to do production.

? 处在运行和运转中的机械严禁进行维修、保养或调整等作业。

It is forbidden to do repairing, maintenance or adjustment operations when the machine is in process of running.

? 按时进行保养,发现有漏保、失修或超载带病运转等情况时停止其使用。

Make maintenance plan for all machines, stop its use immediately when found disrepair, overloaded, running under fault conditions and so on.

4.1.2车辆伤害事故预防监控措施:Vehicle accident prevention and monitoring measures

? 公司内部机动车辆严格按照国家规定进行管理,按操作规程进行操作。

Strengthen internal management of the motor vehicle in accordance with state regulations, follow SOP and instructions to do operation. ? 必须持证上岗。

Operators must be certified.

? 按时进行保养,发现失修或超载等情况时停止其使用,严禁使用处于维修、保养期间


? Make maintenance plan for all machines, stop its use immediately when found disrepair,

overloaded, running under fault conditions and so on, it is prohibited to use motorized vehicles when it is in under repairing and maintenance.




? 叉车按照规定路线行走。

Forklift should be walking in accordance with the provisions of routes. ? 外来车辆必须在门卫登记后按照公司指定路线行走, 并限速行驶。

External vehicles must be registered in safety guard room and walking in the designated

walking routes with speed limit.

4.1.3火灾事故预防监控措施:Fire prevention control measures

? 对车间、仓库、柴油加油站、锅炉房等进行经常性的安全防火检查。

Conduct regular fire safety audit for workshops, warehouses, diesel gas stations, boiler room and other.

? 配置安装短路器和漏电保护装置。

Install short-circuiter and earth leakage protection devices

? 对柴油加油站、锅炉房、危险化学品仓库易燃区域安装火灾报警装置。

Install a fire alarm system for diesel filling stations, boiler room, hazardous chemical warehouse.

? 严格控制明火作业和杜绝在禁烟区域吸烟现象。

Strictly control fire operations and forbidden to smoke in non-smoking area. ? 定期对防雷接地进行检查、检测。

Regularly check and inspect lightning protection and grounding device. ? 存放易燃气体、易燃物仓库内的电气装置采用防爆型装置。

The electrical devices inside flammable gases and material warehouse should be explosion-proof.

4.1.4易燃、易爆危险品引起火灾、爆炸事故预防监控措施:Inflammable, explosive

material cause fire, explosion prevention and monitoring measures

? 使用挥发性、易燃性等易燃、易爆危险品的现场不得使用明火或吸烟,同时应加强通


It is forbidden to smoke or use open flame at the area where use flammable and explosive material, ventilation should also be strengthened, so that it could reduce the concentration of harmful gases in the workplace.

? 焊、割作业点与氧气瓶、乙炔气瓶等危险品物品的距离不得少于10m,与易燃、易





The distance between welding & cutting working station and oxygen bottles & acetylene cylinders etc. shall not be less than 10m, for flammable, and explosive materials, it shall not be less than 30m.

4.1.5高处坠落及物体打击事故预防监控措施:Prevention monitoring measures of falling

and objects hitting accident

? 认真贯彻执行有关安全操作规程。

Strictly implement the relevant safety procedures. ? 高空作业要有效可靠的防护设施。

There should be effective and reliable protection facilities for overhead jobs. ? 行车等特种设备作业人员必须持证或培训合格后上岗。

Crane and other special equipment operator must be certified or qualified before operation.

? 吊装设备配备齐全有效限位装置。运行前,对超高限位、制动装置、断绳保险等安全


Lifting device equipped effective stopper. Before running, ultra-high limit, brakes, broken rope and other safety facilities shall be checked. Hooks shall be equipped with safety devices.

? 吊运工作要保证物料捆绑牢固,不能超吊。

Ensure the material is firmly tied before lifting work start, no overload. ? 禁止操作故障设备。

Prohibit operating faulty equipment. ? 禁止用叉车作为登高设备及操作平台。

Prohibit the use of forklifts as climbing equipment and operating platforms

4.1.6触电预防措施 electric shock prevention measures

? 用电设备及用电装置按照国家有关规范进行设计、安装及使用。

Electrical equipment and devices shall be designed, installed and used in accordance with relevant national standards.

? 非电工人员严禁安装、接拆电气用电设备及用电装置。




Prohibit non-electrician to install, disassembly the electrical power equipment and devices.

? 严格对不同的环境下的安全电压进行检查。

Strictly check safety voltage for different circumstances.

? 带电体之间、带电体与地面之间、带电体与其它设施之间、工作人员与带电体之间必


It must maintain adequate safety distance between charged bodies, charged body and ground, charged body and other facilities, staff and charged body, for isolation protection.

? 在有触电危险的处所设置醒目的文字或图形标志。

Set striking text or graphic signs for all the area with electric shock risk. ? 设备的金属外壳采用保护接地措施。

Metal use of protective equipment grounding.

? 供电系统正确采用接地系统,工作零线和保护零线区分开。

grounding system using the correct power supply system, the zero line and the protection of the zero line to distinguish. ? 漏电保护装置必须定期进行检查。

leakage protection device must be checked regularly.

4.2 预警行动 pre-alarming action plan


After receiving the alarm, the personnel shall promptly report to the person in charge of the command office, the report includes the unit, time, location, nature, type, the injured, the accident losses, emergency measures needed to arrive at the scene and the route mode, the command start the emergency plan, notify the relevant professional groups rushed to the scene to implement the rescue, and, as the case reported to streets (regional) offices or upper management department.




4.3 信息报告与处置 information report and disposal 4.3.1信息报告与通知 information report and notice


When unexpected safety accidents happened, the first witness shall immediately relevant personnel emergency command (emergency command office).

4.3.2信息上报 information report

? 事故发生后,指挥部应立即上报主管部门和街道(地区)办事处。

After the accident, the command should be immediately reported to the competent authorities and the street (regional) offices.

? 信息上报内容包括:单位发生事故概况(地址);事故发生时间、部位以及事故现场


Information reported includes: Unit accident Overview (address); accident time, location and accident scene; an account of the traffic accident; number of reported casualties from accident (including the number of unaccounted) preliminary statistics economic losses and; measures have been taken.

? 根据事故性质,应急指挥中心按照国家规定的程序和时限,及时向政府有关部门报告。

According to the nature of the accident, the emergency command center in accordance with the procedures and time limits prescribed by the State authorities promptly report to the government.

4.3.3信息传递 information transmission


The first witness→department supervisor/manager/director→emergency overall command office→production safety emergency response team→related workshop/department

5 应急响应 emergency response




5.1 响应程序Procedure


The process of unit emergency response is reception of alarm emergency start, control and emergency operations, expanding emergency, emergency termination, and post-disposal.


Response program flow chart is as follows:


事故发生 接警 报警 指挥人员到位 警情判断 应急响应 否 信息反馈 应急资源到位 是有关人员赶赴现场 信息收集 联络、上报 启动预案 现场抢救 医疗救护 扩大应急 应急救援 人员撤离、疏散 否 不可控 应急增援 事态控制 信息传递 现场清理 解除警戒 善后处理 事故调查 是应急避险 应急恢复 应急结束 总结评审 响应程序流程图 17


Accident investigation On-site clean Alert lifted Aftercare treatment Emergency response finish The emergency response flow chart Overview Emergency backup N Emergency material in place YAccident Report an accident Commanding officers in place report Alarm judge response N Info feedback Related person to scene Information connection communication 、report Emergency plan start On-site rescue Emergency expanding Medical care Emergency rescue Evacuation NG State control Info transfer YEmergency adapting Emergency recovery 5.2处置措施 Actions (1)单位突发事故发生后,由现场应急指挥部根据事故情况开展应急救援工作的指挥与协调,


For sudden accident, the conduct and coordination of emergency rescue work shall be carried

out by the on-site emergency response command according to the condition of accident ,




notify the workshop, departments and emergency rescue teams rushed to the scene of accident and implement emergency rescue work .



Convene and mobilize rescue teams, each department shall immediately response after

receiving the order from on-site emergency response command, arrange accident rescue personnel , equipment and other supplies gathered at the designated location quickly and listen to on-site commander arrangements.

(3) 现场指挥部按本预案确立的基本原则,迅速组织应急救援力量进行应急抢救,并且要


On-site command quickly organized emergency rescue forces to do emergency rescue according to the basic principles of the plan, keep communication open with all involved teams.

(4) 当现场现有应急力量和资源不能满足应急行动要求时,及时向街道(地区)办事处和


When on-site strength and resources does not meet the requirements of emergency response actions, timely report to Street (regional) offices and the higher authorities for support.

(5) 事故发生时,必须保护现场,对危险地区周边进行警戒封闭,按本预案营救、急救伤


When the accident occurred, preserve the scene, be alert and close the danger area, according to the rescue plan, aid the wounded and protect property. If the special danger occurs, emergency command shall make full consideration of the views of experts and interested parties on the basis of the law, to take timely measures to deal with emergencies.

(6) 医疗卫生救助事故发生时,拨打120并及时赶赴现场开展医疗救治、疾病预防控制等


When health assistance needed, call 120 and rushed to the scene to carry out medical treatment , disease prevention and other emergency work .




5.3事故现场处置the scene of the accident disposal

5.3.1触电事故现场处置on-site electric shock accident disposal


Once electric shock injury accident happened, first make an electric shock from power quickly (by cutting off the power switch, with insulating objects to make the body aside from electric line or making electric shock aside from the power supply), move the shock to the place with good air circulation, if the situation is serious, use artificial respiration and cardiac massage method rescue shall be taken by in-place method, send it to the nearest hospital at the same time. (Low-voltage electric shock ambulance)

5.3.2高处坠落现场处置on-site falling disposal


Responders is doing rescue while sending the wounded to the nearest hospital.

5.3.3机械伤害事故现场处置 on-site mechanical accident disposal


For some minor injuries, first aid helpers can make a simple bleeding, inflammation, bandaging. Then send it to the nearest hospital.

5.3.4食物中毒事故现场处置on-site food poisoning the accident disposal


Once the food poisoning accident happened, stimulate the patient to make the throat vomiting, immediately sent to hospital, report to the local health and epidemic prevention departments, retain surplus food for testing.

5.3.5火灾事故现场处置on-site fire accident disposal

① 迅速切断电源,以免事态扩大,切断电源时应戴绝缘手套,使用有绝缘柄的工具。当





Quickly cut off the power supply to avoid worsening of the situation , wear insulated gloves or insulated handle using tools when cutting off the power, . When the switch is far away from the fire but wire cutting needed, the hot and neutral lines should be separated dislocation cut, in order to avoid a short circuit at the jaw and prevent the power cord off the ground in case short circuit caused electric.

② 当电源线因其他原因不能及时切断时,一方面派人去供电端拉闸,一方面灭火时,人体的各部位与带电体保持一定充分距离。

When the power cord can not be cut off because of other reasons, send sb. to cut off power supply, on the other hand, while putting out the fire, each part of the body shall maintain a certain distance from charged body.

③ 扑灭电气火灾时要用绝缘性能好的灭火剂如干粉灭火机,二氧化碳灭火器、1211


When put out an electrical fire, extinguishing agent shall be good insulation properties, such as dry powder fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher , type 1211fire extinguishers or dry sand, prohibited the use of conductive extinguishing agent.

④ 气焊中,氧气软管着火时,不得折弯软管断气,应迅速关闭氧气阀门停止供氧。乙炔软管着火时,应先熄火,可用弯折前面一段软管的办法将火熄灭。

welding , and when the oxygen hose fire hose shall be bent breathe , oxygen should quickly close the valve to stop oxygen. When acetylene hose fire , you should turn off, bending the front section of the available ways to extinguish the fire hose .

⑤ 一般情况发生火灾,先用灭火器将火扑灭,情况严重立即打“119”报警、讲清火险发生的地点、情况、报告人及单位等。(切断电源)

Generally, if fire happened, first put the fire out with a fire extinguisher, in serious condition immediately call \the company name. ( Power off )

5.4 应急结束 the end of emergency response





After emergency response actions taken, if emergency rescue command center confirmed the special termination conditions to meet the requirements of specialized emergency response

plan, issue an order to end emergency response.


After emergency response finished, report the accident to upper management department; Submit necessary relevant information and documents to accident investigation team; write the summary report regarding emergency rescue work.

6 信息发布information release


Emergency Response Command Office is in charge of mass media reception, determine the acceptable interviews units and press releases. The other department could also be authorized for interview reception responsibility.

7 后期处置post-disposal


After the accident processing is complete, the responsible department shall written a report (summary): the reasons for the accident, handling process, lessons learned, casualties, accident direct losses, indirect economic losses, such as reward and punishment personnel list departments, report above information to recorded as files.


After the accident investigation report approval, according to the report, should actively implement responsible person handling and accident prevention measures, pollutant treatment immediately before




the production restart, make emergency repair for necessary equipment and facilities, pacify personnel emotions, emergency rescue capability assessment and revision of emergency plans.

8 保障措施 guarantee measures

8.1 通信与信息保障communication and information guarantee


Emergency work associated with the unit, staff communications Tel: see Annex 单位:街道(地区)办事处 联系人:******* 电话:*******

Unit: Street (Regional) Office Contact: ******* (Deputy Minister) Tel: ******* 备用联系人:******* 电话:******* Spare Contact: ******* Tel: ******* 单位:松江区医疗急救中心 电话:120

Unit: Songjiang District Medical Emergency Center Tel: 120 单位:松江区消防支队 单位 电话:119 Unit: Songjiang District Fire Brigade Unit Tel: 119

8.2 应急队伍保障emergency response team guarantee


Rescue, repair team was composed by safety guards and process & facility department. It was led by HRA and process & facility department supervisor.

8.3 应急物资装备保障emergency supplies and equipment guarantee

(1)灭火器型号:MFZ/ABC3/4/35,MT/3/5 数量:363个 存放位置:办公室/车间 Fire extinguisher Specification: MFZ/ABC3/4/35, MT/3/5 Quantity: 363 location: office/


管理责任人:******* 联系电话:*******,手机:*******

Responsible person: ******* Contact information: *******, Phone number: ******* (2)消防栓数量:71 位置:办公室/车间 管理责任人:李永祥

Fire hydrants Qty’: 71 Location: office/ workshop Responsible person: *******





Contact information: *******, Phone number: *******

(3)警戒用品:责任人:******* 联系电话:******* 内线直拨*******,手机号码:


Warning equipment: Responsible person: ******* Tel: ******* mobile extension: 61383, phone number: ******* location: guard room 警戒用品名称:警戒带, 明显标志的警戒绳等 Warning equipments description: warning tape or rope

(4)交通用具: 机动车 责任人:******* 联系电话:******* 内线直拨*******,


Transportation equipment: motor vehicles Responsible person: ******* Tel: *******

mobile extension: 61383, phone number: *******

应急交通运输车辆(注:应急交通运输车辆只能在单位周边使用,随时救急调用) Emergency transportation vehicles (Note: emergency transportation vehicles could be used only nearby the unit, it could standby at any time if it needs) 司机手机电话:******* Drivers mobile Phone: *******

8.4 经费保障Fund guarantee


Emergency special funds shall be paid by safety management expenses. 使用范围:安全生产,消防安全 数额:50万元 Ranger: safety production, fire safety Amount: 500,000 yuan 监督管理措施: supervision and management measures: (1) CEO、COO和质量总监负责安全费用的使用审批。

CEO, COO and quality Director is responsible for the approval of safety management expense.

(2) 财务部负责安全费用的筹措落实,并建立安全费用台帐。

Finance department is responsible for financing the implementation of safety costs, and the establishment of safety costs accounting.

(3) 质量部负责公司安全费用的使用备案,并建立安全费用台帐。




Quality department is responsible for keeping record safety cost and establishes safety

costs accounting.

公司安全费用包括:Safety management costs include:

① 完善、改造和维护公司安全、职业健康和环保设备、设施支出。

Improvement, renovation and maintenance for safety, occupational health and environmental protection equipments.

② 压力容器安全附件(安全阀、压力表、温度计)的维修、校验支出。

Maintenance, calibration expenses for pressure vessel safety accessories (safety valve, pressure gauge, thermometer). ③ 生产装置安全隐患的整改支出。

Rectification cost for hidden risks of production devices. ④ 安全警示标志的设置支出。 Purchasing safety warning signs. ⑤ 国家安全法律法规的宣传支出。

Publicity expenses for national safety laws and regulations. ⑥ 用于奖励在安全生产做出突出贡献的人员或单位的奖金。

Bonus awards for outstanding contributions in the production safety personnel or units. ⑦ 配备必要的应急救援器材、设备和现场作业人员安全防护物品支出。 With the necessary emergency rescue device and field operators PPE cost. ⑧ 安全生产检查和评价支出。

Safety inspection and safety assessment cost.

⑨ 重大危险源、重大事故隐患的评价、整改、监控支出。

The corrective, rectification and monitoring expenses of major hazards, major hidden risk assessment,

⑩ 安全技能培训及进行应急救援演练支出以及其他与安全生产直接相关的支出。 Safety skills training and drills for emergency rescue expenses and other expenses directly related to production safety.


Note: Do not make safety management expense as various insurance expenses.

(4) 安全经费应设专户管理,专项用于安全生产。首席运营官保证安全经费的提取,财


Security funds should be set up account management, earmarked for safe production.




COO ensure the safety funds, finance department is responsible for the financing the implementation of safety management cost and account management.

(5) 质量部和财务部应根据安全经费类别建立安全经费台帐,台帐记录要及时,内容要


Quality Department and finance department shall establish the record for safety funds accounting timely, detailed and truthful, may not be fraud.

(7) 对挤占、挪用、虚报安全经费,公司将视其情节轻重对责任人给予经济处罚,构成


For the misuse, misappropriation, false safety funds, the company will give economic sanctions depending on the seriousness of behavior, If crimes have been constituted, the violators should be transferred to the judicial organs and investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

8.5 其他保障others


Emergency command center is located in the COO office.


Emergency command center should have a daily backup emergency transportation vehicle, or emergency transportation vehicles only assume closer task, it had better leave the driver’s phone call, once the emergency accident happened, notify the driver speed back.


Emergency command center should have warning tape, in the event of emergency, it could be used at the scene for security guard. 现场应当常备医疗急救用品。

It should have medical first aid supplies on site.

9 培训与演练Training and drill 9.1 培训Training





While making production planning at the beginning of year, develop emergency contingencies training plan at the same time. Training methods include: fire protection, evacuation and rescue knowledge about counseling, quiz with prizes, how to use fire extinguishers. It requires every worker with self-protection awareness, could use fire extinguishers properly.

9.2 演练drill


Every departments, workshop shall be organized by first production safety responsible person to carry out emergency drills at least once a year. Ensure that there are solutions, records, Overview and assessment. It shall be assessed and summarized after the drill.


A comprehensive plant-wide emergency drill shall be organized annually by first production safety responsible person regarding sudden accident safety, inspect the command system, on-site rescue, evacuation, response capabilities.


Each rescue team members must be familiar with their responsibilities, so quick action, good skills, hard work style. According to practical exercises, find inadequate, lessons learned, and constantly improve the emergency response plan.


After assessed and summarized for the drill, timely modify emergency plans for the development of emergency rescue defects.

10.应急组织纪律与奖惩emergency organization discipline and punishment 10.1应急组织纪律emergency organization




(1) 应急组织机构的全体成员,应树立“接到报警就是命令”的观点。

All members of emergency response team should establish a point of view that \report is the same as command\

(2) 应当树立“以人为本”的思想。 Shall establish a \

(3) 在应急组织机构内,当正职休假,开会等外出时,副职必须承担起正职应当承担的


In an emergency organization, as chief vacations, meetings and so when they go out, deputy

chief must assume the same responsibility as the chief.

(4) 在抢险救灾过程中,应当勇敢,科学、冷静(而不能盲目、蛮干)。遇到有毒有害物质或有其它潜在危险时,必须有防范措施或请专业队伍进行抢险工作。

In the rescue process, should be brave, science, cool (but not blind, reckless). Encountered toxic and hazardous substances or other potential hazards, precautions must be taken or invite professional teams to do the rescue work.

(5) 在抢险救灾过程中,必须听从指挥。

In the rescue process, must obey the command.



In the rescue process, team members who showed the bravery, resourcefulness, outstanding performance should be commended and rewarded. (2)在抢险救灾中,受到伤害的员工,按照工伤条例处理。

In the rescue process, employees hurt shall be treated according to the regulation of industrial injuries.


(1)对于在抢险救灾过程中,无故不到位或迟到及临阵逃脱者,将给予处罚行政处分。 For the rescue process, the person who is not in place, being late and escape, they would

be punished by administrative sanctions.


In the process of disaster relief, who is against orders would be punished.




11 附则annex

11.1 应急预案备案emergency plan for the record


After this emergency plan approved by COO, make copy in the office and safety responsible person. Send it to the street (district) office as record.

11.2 维护和更新maintenance and update


Modify and renew this emergency plan timely at the end of each drill, after law and regulation or personnel changed in accordance with national laws and regulations.

11.3 制定与解释to develop and explain


The plan is developed by Quality Department, explained by the Quality Department, Tel: *******, phone number: *******.

11.4 应急预案实施the implementation of contingency plans


The plan shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.

12 附件appendix

《应急处理指南》Emergency treatment guidelines 《紧急联系电话》Emergency contact name list 《紧急逃生图》 Emergency evacuation map



