原创牛津英语5A期末综合测试卷 - 图文

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牛津小学英语5A综合练习卷一 2008.1




1.( ) A.beside B.behind C.between D.under 2.( ) A.start B.star C.station D.smart 3.( ) A.telephone B.lamp C.elephant D.music 4.( ) A.lesson B.listen C.kitchen D.chicken 5.( ) A.this B.these C.those D.that

6.( ).A.housework B.homework C.Sunday D.Saturday 7.( ) A.classroom B.reading room C.bedroom D. sitting room 8.( )A.rectangle B.triangle C.circle D.diamond


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 听录音,按所听内容连线(4%)


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( )1.No,my parents like cooking. ( )2.Yes,we do.

( )3.He is sweeping the floor. ( )4.Mary has some matches. ( )5.It’s a square.

五、根据所听内容,在表格内打“√”。(5%) tent pot stove telescope blanket towels tins tin-opener fruit Mary Jim Li Tao Kate Peter 笔试部分(70%) 一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(4%)

( )1.A.like B.white C.five D.with ( ) 2.A.pumpkin B.duck C.music D.but ( ) 3.A.pig B.chicken C.ski D.fridge ( ) 4.A.three B.there C.thin D.things ( ) 5.A.blanket B.candle C.can’t D.lantern ( ) 6.A.lesson B.bedroom C.these D.head ( ) 7.A.bathroom B.room C.school D.afternoon ( ) 8.A.sofa B.model C.those D.nose 二、选择合适的字母组合完成单词,把序号写在括号内,并在横线上写出中文。(5%) ( ) _________ 1. t_______ngle A. iar B. ria C. ira ( ) _________ 2. maga_______ A. zain B. ezin C. zine ( ) _________ 3. h________e A. ous B. ore C. ero ( ) _________ 4. cl_______s A. etho B. oteh C. othe ( ) _________ 5. m______ing A. ron B.orn C. onr 三、翻译下列词组。(10%)

1.上数学课_____________________ 2.读报_________________________ 3.在小山附近___________________ 4.放风筝_______________________

5.所有的儿童______________________ 6.在我们的教室附近___________________ 7.help each other________________________8.buy some pumpkin lanterns_____________ 9.the first day of the new term____________10.Here’s your change.____________________ 四.选择填空。(10%)

( )1.My father and my mother ________work on Sundays.

A. don’t B. aren’t C. not

( )2.There aren’t ________glasses.I can’t drink the water.

A. a B. some C.any

( )3.What __________Tom__________?He has some towels.

A. is,have B. does,has C. does,have

( )4.---Are you free ? – Yes. ---__________ this afternoon ? ---OK.

A. Is B. What’s C. How about

( )5.Look,Miss Li and her students __________________.

A. is coming B. are comeing C. are coming ( )6.What are you doing?I’m ______________my bike.I can’t find it.

A. looking after B. looking at C. looking for ( )7.What __________you have?

A. are B. do C. does

( )8.The cakes on the table _______________you.

A. is for B. are with C. are for ( )9.Mum,please give _________a towel.

A. I B. me C. my

( )10.______________two blankets on the bed._____________is for me?

A. There is ,What B. There are ,Which C. They’re ,It 五.从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。(10%)

( )1.Is the sharpener a heart? A.They’re cleaning the classroom. ( )2.Is he playing basketball there? B.It’s a rectangle. ( )3.What are they doing? C.A blanket,please.

( )4.Can you draw a diamond? D. I’m going to the computer room. ( )5.What shape is the towel? E.He’s at the camping site. ( )6.Where are you going? F.No,he isn’t. ( )7.Where’s Liu Tao? G.No,I can’t. ( )8.Do you like flying a kite? H.Yes,it is. ( )9.What else do you need? I.Yes,I do.

( )10.What can you do? J.I can make a cake. 六. 根据上下文内容,用所给词的正确形式填空 (7%) 1. Are these your rulers ? No, they’re ____________. ( Mike )

2. How many __________ ( circle ) can you see ? There’s only one . 3. _____________ the boys _____________ (dance)? No, they can’t.

4. Look , the students __________ (play) in the playground . Let’s go and join ______ (they). 5. What ______(do ) Miss Li have ? She ______ (have ) some fruit.

6. ________ (be) your mother at home ? Yes, she’s __________(cook) in the kitchen.

7. I don't know how ___________ (make ) a card . Let ________ (I ) show you how to do it. 8. Shall we _________ ( skate) this afternoon ? Good idea . I like _______ (skate) very much. 七 、句子排成两人之间的对话。(7%)

A.Is she reading a magazine there? B.Let’s go and join her together.

C. I’ll go and join her. D.OK, let’s.

E.No, perhaps she is playing a computer game. F. She’s in the study, I think.

G. I ’m looking for Nancy. Do you know where’s Nancy? H.Excuse me, what are you doing? D 八、根据句子意思和首字母提示填写单词,完成句子. (5%)

1. Please s_______ us how to m________ a model lamp , David. 2.---What are you l_______ f_______ ? --- I can’t find my pen.

3. Excuse me, Wang Bing. I_______ there a music room in your school ?

4.It’s nine o’clock in the m_______. My classmates are h_______ a M_______ lessom. Miss Li : W_______ t_______ plus six ? Liu Tao : It’s sixteen. Miss Li : You’re right. 九、根据图意,完成句子。(7%) 1. A:__________ I help you?

B:We ________two_______ ,please. A:________about these ones ?

B: OK . They’re nice. How ________ are they ? A: twelve yuan, please.

2. A: What do you have _______ your desk?

B: I ________ two ________ and some __________. A: What’s __________ your desk? B: There ________ some boxes.

A: _________ ________ boxes are there? B: Three.

A: ________ you like them? B: Yes, I do.


Hello!I’m Liu Tao.I am a Chinese boy.Look at my school bag.I have two picture books in it.I like reading.This is my pencil-box.There are some beautiful flowers on it.Is it nice?

There are three pencils in my pencil-box.My friend is Helen.She is playing a yo-yo in the playground.Let’s go to the playground and join her,OK?

1.How many pencils are there in his pencil-box?

______________________________________________________ 2.Is there a dog or a cat in the picture?

______________________________________________________ 3.What does Liu Tao have in his bag?

______________________________________________________ 4.Who’s Liu Tao’s good friend?

_______________________________________________________ 5.What is Helen doing?


牛津小学英语5A综合练习卷 2008.1

三 听录音,按所听内容连线

David is playing football with Mike. ---What is Su Yang doing?

--- She is listening to the radio in the bedroom. 3. --- Is Helen at home ?

--- No, she isn’t. She’s playing on the swing in the garden. 4. On Sundays, Liu Tao often goes to the park by bike. 四.根据所听内容,将相应答语的序号填入括号内。(5%) 1.What’s your brother doing now ?

2.Do you like playing table tennis after school ? 3.What shape is the table ?

4. Look, I have a pot and a stove. How about Mary ? 5. Do your parents like listening to music ?


Today is Sunday . The children are going on a camping trip. What do they have ? Let’s go and have a look . Mary has a pot and a stove. Jim has a telescope and some fruit. The boy beside Jim is Li Tao. He has a telescope, too. What else does Li Tao have ? Look, he has some towels . Kate has some tins . She is using the tin-opener to open the tin of fish . It’s not her tin-opener. It’s Peter’s . The big tent and the blanket under the tree isPeter’s , too.

