(人教版)(全国卷)2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 First aid课时

更新时间:2023-04-17 00:04:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Unit 5 First aid


Last night my daughter Mary and I were in the mall picking up some Christmas cards 1.when she said,“Dad,I need to go to Build-A-Bear.You know our school are collecting 2.bears (bear)for donation.” “Okay,we can choose a cheap one,”I replied.“No,it has to be a good one from Build-A-Bear,” Mary spoke louder.“Fine,we'll go and see if they have any 3.sales (sell),but I'm not spending a lot of money,”

I said.

We got to Build-A-Bear and picked out the smallest,cheapest bear,4.which hadn't a matched dress.I told Mary we wouldn't get the bear a dress.Mary 5.stopped (stop),“We're taking bears to the kids who will spend Christmas in the hospital and who won't get any Christmas toys.It's really important and I real ly want to get a teddy bear for 6.the m (they).You don't even have to spend money.I'll pay for it.You can take it out of my piggy bank.”

While 7.trying (try) my hardest not to cry,I turned around,8.exchanging(exchange) the cheap bear for a normal sized teddy bear.Mary 9.joyfully (joyful) helped dress the bear in a set of clothes.

As we checked 10.out,Mary took my credit card and paid happily.But she said,“I need to return it to you because it's for the kids in the hospital.”

I have never been so proud of her.


I was playing at my cousin house.Since his family was rich than mine,he had more toys than I did.There was one on particular I'd always wanted.I put into my pocket when he wasn't looking.I guessed,even at that age,I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy or faced my cousin again; I would always know I'd done something 3be49fdd5cf7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969f8te on,my aunt drove me home.When she dropped me off,I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back.She knows what had happened,but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.


I was playing at my house.Since his family was than mine,he had more toys than I did.There was one particular I'd always wanted.I put


into my pocket when he wasn't looking.I guessed,even at that age,I would never be able to enjoy playing with the toy or my cousin again; I would always know I'd done something wrong. on,my aunt drove me home.When she dropped me off,I pulled out the toy and gave it back.She what had

happened,but she thanked me and mentioned it again.






Dear Mr.Smith,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua [参考范文]

Dear Mr.Smith,

I am very excited to learn that our E nglish learning club is going to start

a n English magazine.It is indeed a wonderful idea and I'm sure it will make a success.

I think it should be best if the school magazine would have 3 columns,such as School News,Teachers' Advice and Stude nts' Voice.From the School News we can learn abo ut what is going on in our school.In Teachers' Advice,our teachers can give us advice on how to learn English more efficiently.Students' Voice will offer us


a space to freely express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies.

I believe this magazi ne will surely benefit us,and I am looking forward to reading it.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


