
更新时间:2024-03-09 13:49:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


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Kid’s Stories


Making a Hat

I can make a hat.I use scissors.

I use a stapler.

I use colored pencils.

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I use tape.

I can wear my hat!

Notes: scissors 剪刀 stapler 订书机 tape 胶布

The Baby Shark

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This is a baby shark.

It has eyes to help it see.

It has a tail to help it swim.It has fins to help it swim.It has gills to help it


It has a mouth to help it


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It will grow into a big



. |& v* B/ K& q! o6 d\尾巴( R4 z* R- U0 F. b- K, p. @4 Zfin 鳍 gill 鳃

Football Game

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I can throw.I can jump.

I can catch.

I can run.

I can score.



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The Chase

The mouse went down the road.

The rooster went down the road

after the mouse.

The dog went down the road

after the rooster.

The horse went down the road

after the dog.

The farmer went down the road

after the horse.

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The traffic officer went down the


“Stop!” she said.

“You are all speeding!”

Notes: chase追赶

$ H* t, k6 b& H+ oFishing

A whale on the line?A shark on the line?

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A crocodile on the line?

A hippopotamus on the


A squid on the line?

A monster on the line?A fish on the line!

Notes: whale 鲸鱼

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shark 鲨鱼

hippopotamus河马 squid鱿鱼 monster

2 G5 q' J/ L9 @6 v8 u1 v J, \\1 q/ ^! U# B# f, g& u

& D9 I5 r6 z7 I- G


Racing Cars

Here is the red car.

Here is the blue car.

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Here is the yellow car.Here is the green car.

Here is the orange car.Here is the white car.


What Lives in a Swamp?Frogs live in a swamp.

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Bugs live in a swamp.

Snakes live in a swamp.Fish live in a swamp.

Turtles live in a swamp.Birds live in a swamp.What else lives in a



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0 V! D9 l$ q( Z8 a/ i6 G+ w

沼泽,沼泽地 bug

8 k Z: u( n+ C( `& b

臭虫 turtle

t& P% z# t7 \\7 K乌龟 else

% Q! H# d9 m3 I0 a其他的,别的I ride in the big race.

The Big RaceThe big race.

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I climb in the big race.

I paddle in the big race.I swim in the big race.I run in the big race.I win the big race!

Notes: paddle

0 N) b9 [; X2 H5 B8 Z用桨划(独木舟)

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What Can a Diver See?

Divers go under the water.What can a diver see?

What can a diver see?Starfish.

What can a diver see?Fish, coral.

What can a diver see?A shipwreck.What can a diver see?A seal.

What can a diver see?Another



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2 d; o7 J, a$ [2 } E$ @( i2 D4 W


* I! u/ Z% }\

starfish 海星 coral

! H& g8 m6 |% F; v' `珊瑚 shipwreck

8 _; a- Q2 x\

失事船的残骸 seal

7 [$ z. L\海豹


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