
更新时间:2023-06-09 23:15:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



英 语













26.Look! The kites in the sky are in different ___ . Some are big and some are small.

A.size B.sizes C.color D.colors

27.Don’t talk to Simon like that. He is just ___ eleven-year-old boy.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

28.My father is ill in bed. I have to look after ___ at home.

A. he B. his C. him D. himself

29. ___ you___ your brother can join us. We want one of you.

A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also

30. This is Mr. White’s ___ visit to Beijing. He has been there twice before.

A. two B. second C. there D. third

31. Louis ___ computer games when her brother phoned her.

A. plays B. playing C. has played D. was playing

32. Connie arrived ___ the village ___ a snowy night.

A. at;on B. at;in C. in;at D. in;on

33.——How are you feeling today?

——Much ___ .I can go to school next week.

A.good B.better C.best D.well

34.——We can use QQ to chat with each other on the Internet.

——Really? Will you please show me ___ it?

A.how to use B.what to use C.how can I use D.what can I use

35.Robert with his two kids ___ to the beach for vacation every year.

A.go B.goes C.went D.are going

36.Paul’s uncle is the man ___ taught us math last year.

A.where B.which C.who D.when

37.___ I saw Kevin in the supermarket this morning.

___ N0.it ___ him. He moved to Canada last week.

A.can be B.must be C.can’t be D.mustn’t be

38.The boy has a new MP4,___ ?

A.doesn’t he B.isn't he C.does he D.is he

39.—— Do you know her well?

——Sure.We ___ friends since ten years ago.

A.were B.have made C.have been D.have become

40.—— ___ will you come back?

——In an hour.

A.How soon B.How often C.How far D.How long

41.Zhang Liangying's new CD will ___ next month.

A.come along B.come up C.come over D.come out

42.The l6th Asian Games ___ in Guangzhou in November.2010.

A.holds B.will hold C.was held D.will be held

43.The Greens will Visit Hainan as soon as they ___ to China.

A.comes B.come C.came D.will come

44.——Yesterday I won the first place in the l00-meter race.

——Really? ___!

A.Congratulations B.Never mind C.That is all right D.I'm sorry to hear that

45.The policeman asked the boy ___.

A.where is his mother B.where his mother is C.where was his mother D.where his mother was



One day a rich woman lost her purse with a lot of money in it..“If anybody finds my purse and me,I'll give half the money to him.”A poor man .He sent it back to the woman,but the rich woman .“There was an expensive ring in my purse besides money,”said the woman, “I won’t give you half the money in my purse until you return it to me.”“But I've never seen an expensive ri,”said the man.

They began to quarrel(争吵).The man became 法官). ,he said to the woman,“I'm sure that you have lost a purse,and there is an

expensive ring in it..So I don’t think it’s yours.Maybe somebody will give your purse back.” ,“Take the purse home.If the owner doesn’t come to get it back in two days,it will be yours.”

46.A.face B.mistake C.promise D.conversation

47.A.gets B.shows C.points D.returns

48.A.had B.knew C.heard D.found

49.A.kept her word B.changed her mind C.tried her best D.pulled her down

50.A.your B.her C.his D.my

51.A.sad B.angry C.excited D.Worried

52.A.Before B.Though C.After D.If

53.A.only B.truly C.nearly D.really

54.A.Wait for B.Listen to C.Look after D.Talk about

55.A.ran B. came C. Want D. Turned






56.There are activities that people can do indoors.

A.two B.three C.four D.five

57.People can taste food from different countries .

A.at Yunhai Square B.in the City Library Hall C.in the City Museum D.in front of the City Hall

58.Those who want to find a right job should .

A.1isten to the lecture B.buy presents C.bring food and drink D.go to the fashion show

59.Mr. Lee wants to take two skirts for her wife after the fashion show.He needs to pay .

A.more than 200 Yuan B.at least 300 Yuan C.1ess than 200 Yuan D.nothing at all

60.If people want to get some information about some foreign countries,they can .

A.see the movies B.go to the pop concert C.see the fashion show D.go to the library lecture


Clothes are important and necessary to us,but do you know how to choose suitable clothes in a correct way? Here are some ideas for you.

When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide how much money you can spend on them.Then look at the that are inside the new clothes.They tell you how to take care of the clothes.The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water.A sweater label may tell you to wash it in

cold water.The label on a coat may say“dry clean only”and cleaning in water may ruin(损坏)this coat.If you do as the directions say on the label,you can keep your clothes looking their best.

Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned.Dry cleaning is expensive.When buying new clothes you had better check if they need to be dry-cleaned.You can save money if you buy clothes that can be washed or that are well made.Well-made clothes last longer.They look good even after they have been washed many times.

Clothes that cost more money don’t always mean they are better made.They may not fit you,either.On the other hand,less expensive clothes may sometimes look better and fit you well.

61.The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is .

A.to know how to wash them B.to look for well-made clothes

C.to read the directions inside them D.to see which kind of clothes you need

62.According to the passage,a sweater may be .

A.washed in cold water B.washed once a week C.washed in hot water D.dry-cleaned only

63.What does the underlined word “label” mean?

A.品牌 B.标签 C.价格 D.尺寸

64. look good even after they have been washed a lot of times.

A.Cheap clothes B.Expensive clothes C.Dry.cleaned clothes D.Well-made clothes

65.The main idea for the passage is .

A.buying less expensive clothes B.washing clothes in a right way

C.being a clever clothes shopper D.choosing the well-made clothes


配对阅读 左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)的七个电视节目。





Kong walked up to her and said,”Hello,Miss Lan,talk with you for a while?”

“Of course,”Lan said..The dog was looking up at Lan, as if waiting to be fed.

“That’s a nice dog.”Kong said.

“Yes.he’s strong and healthy.”

“And he’s ,”Kong said,He hasn’t taken his eyes off you.He thinks you’ve got some food for him.” Lan said.“But I haven’t.”

The two ,“Does your dog bite(咬)?”

“N0,”she said,“He has bitten anyone.”

When he heard this,Kong put out his left and touched the animal’s head.It up at once and bit him. “Hey!”Kong shouted。“You said he didn’t bite.”

“N0,I didn’t,”Lan replied,“But that's not my dog. is at home.”




Safety Activities for Middle School Kids

School is not the safe place as it used to be.How to keep school safer?

How to help students stay away from danger? There are many activities that

teachers can do to teach safety in an easy way.Here are some stories from the

students who have had the safety class in N0.1 Middle School.

Once,our head teacher made up a story about sports safety.All we needed to do was to point out safe and unsafe sports behaviors in the story.From this lesson,we knew we should always do warm—up(热身)activities before playing sports and drink some water after that.

Yes,making up stories is a good way to learn and enjoy ourselves.We were once asked to make up a story about a boy called Little Naughty.He always did something naughty(淘气的)in the classroom and got himself into trouble.In this way,we learned to behave(行为)well and get on well with each other.

In our school,we have a fire emergency response practice(火警应急演习)in September every year.So we know where to go if there is a fire in school.We learn to use the fire extinguisher(灭火器),too.But I don't think we should be allowed to put out the fire alone,it’s too dangerous for young students like us.

Information Card


你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你写一篇题为“How to Keep Safe in School”的短文。谈谈你的看法。 内容包括: 1.描述一件发生在你身上或你看到的发生在校园的意外事件(经过与结果)。



作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。如需使用学校

名称或学生的姓名,请一律使用Hilltop School和Tom。



How to Keep Safe in School

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example。


英 语


26.B 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.B

36.C 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.A 41.D 42.D 43.B 44.A 45.D


46.C 47.D 48.D 49.B 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.A 55.D


56.B 57.D 58.A 59.C 60.A 61.D 62.A 63.B 64.D 65.C

66.F 67.G 68.B 69.C 70.D


71.park 72.beside/near 73.sit 74.talked 75.hungry

76.friends/persons/people 77.never/not 78.hand 79.jumped 80.Mine



81.N0.1 Middle School 82.Amy Youn9 83.Some water/Water

84.September every year 85.Three/3


Possible Version

How to Keep Safe in School

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,one day, two students ran after each other in the hallway.Suddenly, one of them down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor.Therefore, he had to stay in hospital for two week. So I think students should always walk but not run in the hallways.And the teachers had better keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from running.At last, I hope all the students should pay attention to their safety in school.(82 words)

