最新产品设计风险评估报告提交版 - 图文

更新时间:2024-01-06 11:42:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版



1.1 General Information基本说明 Please enter the contact details of the person completing this document请填入联系人的详细资料 Supplier Name 供应商公司名 Site Name工厂名 第 1 页 共 1 页 作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 Name:联系人姓名 Job Title:职称 Email Address:邮箱 Telephone:电话 Date: Fax:传真 Please answer all questions and give detail where Answers necessary请详细回答所有问题 1.1Do you work in the technical department?你是否在技Yes .1 术部工作? 1.1How many years have you worked in the technical 8 years .2 department?你在技术部工作几年? 1.1Are you involved in carrying out Product Design Risk Yes .3 Assessments on the products your site makes?你是否参与了产品设计风险评估的过程? 1.1Is there a team of people at the site involved in Yes .4 carrying out Product Design Risk assessments?是否 专业的部门和人员来评估产品风险 Team:R & D Center 研发中心 ? Who is in the team and what are their job titles?Job titles:product engineer 产品工程师 该部门或团队的名称是什么?团队里的人员职称是什么? 1.1Who in your company is responsible for Product Design R & D Manager 研发经理 .5 Risk Assessment sign off? 在公司,对产品风险评估的负责人是谁? R & D Manager ? What are their names and job titles?他们的姓名和职称各是什么? 1.1Have you completed any Product Design Risk Assessment Yes .6 training?是否有完成有关产品设计风险评估的任何课程?

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作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 1.1If yes to 1.1.6, please detail the risk assessment 1.FEMA 潛在失效模式效應分析;2. Risk Management 风险管.7 training you have completed. 理; 如 参加过产品设计风险评估的课程,请详细列明所培训的内容 1.1What other relevant qualifications do you have in No certificate 没有证书 .8 relation to Product Design Risk Assessment? Please detail.请列明你所获得的与产品风险设计评估相关的证书 1.1What type of product do you produce or plan to produce No 暂时没有 .9 for XX at this site? 现在,工厂为“客户”生产什么样的产品? 1.1What other product types are produced at this site? Toaster \\ Kettle多士炉和水壶 .10 有何其他类型的产品? 1.2 Product Information产品信息 Answers 1.2.1 Please describe the product you are going to supply and insert a picture or diagram of the product. 略 请描述公司生产的产品并附上产品图片 1.2.2 Does the product have any selling features we can Yes ,it is .有卖点宣传 advertise on the packaging or product? e.g. Waterproof / UV Protection / New & Improved产品和包材是否有卖点供宣传。例如:防水,防刮花,或其

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作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 更新的特征 Will the product be sold in Tesco stores / Tesco Direct直销 Direct / both?产品是会直接在Tesco的商店出售还是Tesco直销,还是两者方式一起? Has the site produced similar products in the past? NO If so what were these products? 公司以前是否生产过类似的产品?如果是,请列明生产的产品? Has any product produced at the site been recalled NO from customers or withdrawn from sale in the last 2 years?在过去的两年之内,公司生产的产品是否有从客户或者从消费者手上召回的记录? Has the site had any customer complaints reporting NO personal injury or death, relating to any products produced in the site in the last 2 years?在过去的两年之内,公司是否收到过产品或者生产的其他有关的产品导致人身伤害或死亡的投诉? Have your products been involved in any legal NO issues in the last 2 years? 在过去的两年之内,公司生产的产品是否有牵涉任何法律纠纷? If you have sought external expert advice on NO carrying out or completing this risk assessment, please provide details of this service.如果你公司有寻找国外专业团队来鉴定或者完成风险评估,请提供设备的详细资料 第 4 页 共 4 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 1.2.9 1.2.10 1.2.11 1.2.12 What is your process for risk assessing the design 新产品样板→第三方认证机构评估→产品修改→通过评估→发of new products to ensure there are no risks to 放证书 customers?新开发的产品是否对消费者有危害的风险评估的流程是怎样的 What existing documented procedures or work flow 产品开发意向→产品结构设计→DFMEA→产品样板→PFMEA→第do you have to complete a design risk assessment? 三方认证机构评估→试产→确定工艺流程(产能评估)→品质Please explain/attach?完成产品设计风险评估所需控制文件→产品生产 要的工作流程是什么,请解释或者附上文件。 What is the review process for the Design Risk 产品结构设计→风险评审(列出可能出现的风险)→设计修改Assessment?产品设计风险评估的评审流程是什么? →形成风险评审报告 What is the target age group for this product?产品的目标消费群体是哪个年龄段? 1.2.1What other age groups may have access to these 无 3 products? Please detail. E.g. A brightly coloured storage box may be child appealing and could lead to suffocation hazard.此产品潜在的其他的年龄段的消费群体是哪些.。请列明:例如鲜亮的颜色的彩盒会吸引儿童,可能会有导致儿童窒息的危害。 1.2.1What function is the product designed for? Please 4 detail此将产品设计的功能作用请详细列明 1.2.1What other function could the product be used for? 无 第 5 页 共 5 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 5 e.g. a screw driver may also be used as a chisel or lever in foreseeable use. Please details 此产品还有什么其他的功能?例如螺丝刀可在有些情况下用做其他工具作用,当成凿子或者杠杆。请详细列明 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3 Process Information 流程信息 How do you risk assess the manufacture of new products to 根据产品风险评估程序评估 ensure that they are produced to specification and in a consistent way? 工厂如何评估新产品的风险从而保证产品性能等符合要求? What existing documented procedures do you use to assess 工艺流程图上定义的工作节拍 manufacturing capability? Please describe/attach. 工厂现行的用来评估生产能力的文件是什么?请附上。 What is the review process for the Manufacturing Risk 制造过程不良率失控→重新评估制造风险 Assessment 制造风险评估的重审流程的怎样的? What are the outputs from the manufacturing risk 产品规格书 assessment? e.g. Specifications 制造风险评估的结论是什么?例如,产品规格书等。 Who is involved on the team for assessing site capability, PIE Engineer what are their roles and responsibilities and who do they report to? R & D Manager 研发经理 谁参与了工厂生产能力的评估工作,他们的职称和职能分别是什么?他们要向谁做工作报告? 第 6 页 共 6 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 1.3Who has the final responsibility for signing off Sales Manager 业务经理 .6 productions capability to manufacture? 谁能签字最后确认工厂有生产能力接定单? 1.3What are the procedures for managing an emergency situation .7 which may effect the manufacture of safe products. Please attach the procedure. 当生产过程中有紧急状况发生时,有何程序保障安全顺利的生产?请附上流程文件。 第 7 页 共 7 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 1.4 Process Flow Diagram 工作流程图 Please insert a process flow diagram or list the key manufacturing steps. 略

1.5Product Design Risk Assessment Report产品设计风险评估报告 第 8 页 共 8 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 Hazard Category 危险性类别 Details of the Product Hazard 请详细列明产品的潜在危险 List out ALL the potential injuries that could result from the Hazard 请列明所有潜在危险可能导致的人身伤害 From the potential injuries listed please identify the likelihood of these occurring 在列明的潜在危害中,请确认此种情况发生的可能性 Please identify the likelihood of Hazard recognition 请确定风险识别的可能性 Details which areas of the product could cause the potential injury 请列明产品的哪些部分可能会造成潜在伤害 Detail how the product has been designed to control this risk 请列明产品的设计如何控制危险 Describe what testing protocol you use to verify that your design meets relevant legislation and foreseeable use 请描述本公司所用的是什么检验规程来证明本公司的设计能符合相关的立法和设计所需要达到的作用 胶袋密封 窒息 窒息 很低 可识别 胶袋密封、小孩 按安规要求加警示语及开口边长大于8英寸的加透气孔 第三方认证机构评估/来料检验/验货 化学品管制 第三方认证机构评估 第三方认证机构评估/实验室测试 第三方认证机构评估/实验室测试 第三方认证机构评估/生产线全检 化学品过敏 窒息 锋利边缘 物理/机械伤害 翻倒 烫伤 电气伤害 绝缘不良 人体轻微伤害 很低 低 可识别 可识别 可识别 可识别 可识别 对包装材料的化学品、表面处理过EMS 敏人群 可触及位置避开锋利材料的披风 边缘 不稳定及翻倒 触及正在工作的产品 绝缘失效 倾斜测试 温升测试 安全测试 人体轻微伤害、很低 烫伤、灼伤 烫伤、灼伤 电击 很低 很低 第 9 页 共 9 页

作者:李柏伦 原创是word格式,其它格式都是盗版 泄漏电流不电击 良 耐压不良 接线不良 ROHS不良 电击 电击 微生物伤害 很低 很低 很低 很低 可识别 可识别 可识别 可识别 电气间隙及距离不满足 发热管管口受潮 L/N极性反 焊锡铅超标 安全测试 安全测试 安全测试 供应商提供ROHS测试报告/定期测试更换 第三方认证机构评估/生产线全检 第三方认证机构评估/生产线全检 第三方认证机构评估/生产线内检 ROHS测试 微生物危害 化学品的轻没有佩戴防护用微生物伤害 低 可识别 EMS 化学品管制 微伤害 品 食品接触材PAHs超标 供应商提供FDA/LFGB成品LFGB测试/FDA毒理危害 毒理伤害 很低 可识别 料不安全 测试报告 测试 放射性危不小心烫伤 热辐射 放射性伤害 低 可识别 温升测试 第三方认证机构评估 害 Hazard Categories: Choking/Aspiration, Strangulation, Suffocation, Entrapment, Projection, Interference, Other Physical/Mechanical, Microbiological, Toxicological, Electrical, Radioactive


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