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1. 领会式掌握4250个英语单词和500个常用词组;

2. 复用式掌握1800个左右的常用英语单词和200个常用词组;

3. 掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境意思识别常见的派生词。

II. 词汇部分的考试形式及重点:



In order to _____ your goals, you must work hard. A. make B. achieve C. require D. develop

As they can’t afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary _____. A. decisions B. sides C. directions D. steps

The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and Harry ______. A. equally B. differently C. similarly D. respectively

III. 单词记忆方法: a. 通过阅读记单词 b. 通过做练习题记单词

c. 通过联想方式记单词: 邻近联想:lightening-thunder-storm; winter-freeze- snow-frost;

spring-blossom-awake; 类比联想: result-effect-impact; because of, on account of, due to; 对比联想: stupid-clever-smart; advance-backward等.。 d. 分类记忆单词:根据单词的词性、词义、读音等方式将单词分类。如按意义分类:vehicle,

truck, jeep, taxi 等。按单词词性分类:reduce, decline, decrease, fall, drop等。 e. 掌握构词法:如,前缀、后缀、词根。


前缀: anti- Auto- bi- bio- co-, col-, com-, con-, cor de- di-, dif-, dis- en-, em- ex- extra- il-, im-, in-, ir- ab im-,in- inter- kilo- mid- Mini- mis- mono- multi- non- over- post- pre- re- sub- super- tele- trans- tri- un- under- vice-


反、抗 自 双 生命,生物 共同 anti-war Automobile Bicycle Biology cooperate coordinate colleague 除去,否定;离开 decrease delete 无,不,相反 使成为 前;向外 外 不,非 进入 间,相互 千 中 小 误 单一 多 非,不 过度,太;外 后于 先于 再 下,次 上,超 远 横贯,转移 三 不,无 在?下,次 副 disappear discharge discount discourage discover enable encourage enforce enlarge entitle exchange exclaim exclude express export extraordinary illegal impossible incorrect irregular abnormal import invade Interact interview internet kilogram kilometer midday midnight minimum misunderstand mislead monologue multiple multiply nonsense overflow overcoat postgraduate prescribe prescription predict prepair react reaction recall recover recycle reform refresh repay renew replace reserve restore retreat subsequent substitute subway supermarket telegram telephone telescope television transform transport transportation transmit triangle unforgettable unfair uneasy unfortunately unfortunate unlike unusual underground undergraduate vice-president 名词后缀: -an -ian -ee -er -or -ant -ent -ist -ance -ence -age -al -cion -sion –tion -hood -ing -ity -ment 人 人(被动) 人 Arabian Asian Australian Canadian Christian Italian musician librarian physician politician Russian technician employee refugee daughter owner lawyer trainer barber butcher singer carrier actor ancestor bachelor conductor director senator operator sponsor writer assistant correspondent immigrant activist artist novelist nationalist physicist psychologist tourist acceptance acquaintance allowance appearance conscience resistance insurance nuisance appliance 人 人,主义者 性质,状态 voyage advantage baggage courage garbage shortage luggage 状态,集合 表示行为、状态 构成抽象名词, approval arrival interval removal 动作,状态 comprehension depression desperation invention invasion modernization permission possession suspicion tension transmission industrialization childhood neighborhood being beginning ending spelling curiosity personality reality agreement appointment argument arrangement monument movement parliament payment replacement requirement settlement treatment goodness illness psychology technology friendship hardship leadership membership ownership relationship scholarship truth warmth width liberty specialty 身份,性质,时代 行动,行业,?的 抽象名词 运动 -ness -ology -ship -th -ty 性质,状态 学科 状态,性质 结果,过程 抽象名词

动词后缀: -en -ify -ize


做,使,成为…,fasten harden lengthen loosen threaten widen weaken strengthen 使变成… …化,使成为…,clarify identify justify qualify specify 变成… …化,照…样子做 characterize specialize industrialize civilize realize

形容词后缀: -able, -ible, -ble -al -ed -en -ful 能够…,值得… acceptable available comparable favorable honorable liable noticeable reliable responsible unbelievable …的,行为,人,annual casual classical continual conventional critical experimental identical optional 物 …的 accustomed advanced ashamed beloved complicated crowded learned limited naked situated 做,使,…的,golden harden hasten loosen weaken wooden woolen 人 …的 doubtful colorful faithful fearful fruitful grateful hopeful peaceful plentiful thoughtful -ic,ical …的,人,…学 academic artistic economic electronic heroic optimistic organic systematic practical statistical -ish -ive -less -like -ly -ous,-ious -y …的,有…性质的 …的,人,物 如…的 …的,…地 …的 …的,人,物 selfish British active comparative collective creative relative protective childlike deadly elderly monthly weekly yearly ambitious anxious cautious curious dangerous delicious famous glorious religious suspicious rainy noisy dirty greedy sunny wealthy slippery 无…的,不…的 careless endless helpless hopeless restless worthless

副词后缀: -ly basically definitely directly especially eventually evidently extremely fairly finally fortunately generally hardly highly increasingly largely mainly merely mostly namely naturally nearly necessarily normally obviously particularly partly possibly practically presently probably rarely readily really repeatedly respectively scarcely shortly simply specifically truly usually virtually wholly otherwise -ward(s) forward backwards inward outward -wise


常见词根: 词根 ag audi, audit centr dic, dict duct fac fact fer fin gen gener grad graph ject lect pos,posit sist spect st, stat Tain Ven vent Vis 意思 做,动作 听 中心 说 引导 做 拿 举例 agent agenda agency audience audio proceed exceed process succession succeed successive center central dictate dictation dictionary contradiction predict conduct educate introduce produce reduce fact factor factory manufacture manufacturer conference differ different difference offer prefer refer suffer transfer ced,cess,ceed 走 末尾,界限 final finish fine 出生,种类 genius generate general 步 写 投掷 选 放 站立 看 站立 握,持 来 看 grade gradual graduate undergraduate geography photograph inject injection reject project subject collect elect neglect select compose deposit expose oppose propose suppose assist consist exist insist resist persist expect inspect respect prospect state station stay distance constant obstacle rest contain obtain retain event invent prevent advise evident provide revise supervise vision visible visit

IV. 四种命题方式:

1.近形词题目:考单词辨认、近形词辨认的能力。如: The problem is caused _____ by a lack of money.

A. prominently B. profoundly C. primarily D. proportionally

The new director of the television station wants to _____ its program. A. divide B. decide C. diversify D. divert

2. 近义词题:词义相近、用法不同。如:

Generally ____, that city is less crowded than the others in the same state. A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling

In the big flood, only 20 % of the people in that village ______. A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived

3. 语境词汇题:根据单词所处的具体语言环境,确定正确选项。

In 400 A.D. Chinese children played with a fan-like toy that span upwards and fell back to earth as _____ ceased.


14题:答案为A。contempt 蔑视;motivation 动机;reception 招待;realization 实现。 15题:答案为D。recover 恢复;refresh 提神;reassure 确保;entertain 招待。 16题:答案为A。infect 感染;raise 扶养;recommend推荐;insulate 绝缘。 17题:答案为D。insult 侮辱;inspire 激励;refuse 拒绝;infer 暗示。

18题:答案为B。recreation 娱乐;inflation 通货膨胀;refuge 避难处;reduction 减少。 19题:答案为D。remark 评论;relationship 关系;removal 去掉;innovation 发明。 20题:答案为A。interact 相互作用;install 安装;innovate 创新;intend 打算。

Vocabulary Test 4

1题:答案为D。interfere 干涉; impress 打动; offend 冒犯; bother 打扰。

2题:答案为B。favorable 良好的; predictable 可预测的; dependable 可靠的; reasonable 合理的。

3题:答案为B。laziness 懒惰; idleness 赋闲;poverty 贫穷;inability 无能力;这句话的意思是无事可做往往比没有薪水更糟糕。 4题:答案为A。 schedules 日程,时间表;skyscrapers 摩天大厦;speculations 投机;scolding 责备。

5题:答案为C。range 在??区间变化;alter 改变;separate 分开;differ 与??不同。 6题:答案为C。sensitive 敏感的;scared 害怕的;resistant 抵抗的;sensual 肉体感觉的)。 7题:答案为D。 做生意开始的时候需要筹集资capital;investment 投资;savings 积蓄;income 收入。

8题:答案为A。 render assistance and support to sb. 给予某人的帮助;secure 确保;sought 寻找;furnish 供应。

9题:答案为C。 acquaint sb with sth: 使某人熟知某事;inform 告知;instruct 指导;notify 通知。

10题:答案为B。meet requirements for: 满足对??的要求。Fulfillment 完成;

qualities品质;competency 能力。

11题:答案为D。an insurance claim: 保险索赔;Account 账目;receipt 收据;

assessment 估价。

12题:答案为B。in the event of: 如果??发生;as a result of 作为??的结果;by reason

of 由于,因为;by means of 依靠。

13题:答案为D。submerged 沉在水里;submitted 被上交的;sunk 凹陷的;soaked


14题:答案为B。assume 假定;resume 恢复;speculate 推测;consume 消耗。 15题:答案为B。survey 调查;search 搜寻;stability 稳定;strain 紧张。

16题:答案为A。verify 验证;justify 证明??是正当的;warrant 保证;perceive 察觉。 17题:答案为B。turn up 出现;turn round 翻转;turn on 打开;turn in 上交。

18题:答案为C。catch on 流行;rule out 取消;come on加油;wear out 筋疲力尽。 19题:答案为A。look into 调查; look forward to 希望;look down 往下看;look in


20题:答案为C。out of stock 脱销;out of practice 久不练习;out of work 失业。

Vocabulary Test 5

1题:答案为A。 device 器械;engine发动机;piece碎片;instrument仪器。 2题:答案为B。 accident事故;defect缺陷;damage破坏;defeat失败。


3题:答案为C。 asleep睡着的;thoughtless缺乏考虑的;unconscious无知觉的;unaware


4题:答案为D。 literal文字上的;literally逐字地;literature文学;literary文字上的。 5题:答案为B。 inform告”;conform顺从;deform破坏形象;reform改革。 6题:答案为C。 award授予;apply运用;appreciate感激;anticipate期望。

7题:答案为A。 calculation计算;composition作文;communication通讯;vision视觉。 8题:答案为D。 visitor访问者;worker工人;adult成人;inhabitant居民。

9题:答案为C。 basis基础;charge控告;on account of由于;on behalf of代表。 10题:答案为B。 deprive剥夺;survive幸存;derive产生;revive复活。 11题:答案为A。 fatal致命”;killing杀死;deadly致命的;deathly象死一般的。

12题:答案为D。 drop out退出;drop on偶然拜访;drop over顺便来访;drop off减少。 13题:答案为C。 improper不合适的;inefficient没有效率的;subsequent随后的;frequent


14题:答案为D。 right权利;objective目的;authority权威;obligation义务。 15题:答案为B。 shed棚;shade阴凉;shadow影子;dark黑暗的。 16题:答案为A。 prior to在前;close接近;earlier早于;next下一个。 17题:答案为D。 conductor导体;circuit电路;cable电缆;current电流。

18题:答案为B。 virtual实际上的;exclusive专有的;overall大体上的;flexible灵活的。 19题:答案为C。 solution解决;procession行列;phase阶段;achievement成就。 20题:答案为A。 fade褪色;dull迟钝;faint暗淡;weaken削弱。



