2014届英语一轮指导活页作业:必修4 Unit 4 Body language

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必修4 Unit 4 Body language 一、单项填空

1.It is______world of wonders,______world where anything can happen. A.a;the B.a;a C.the;a D./;/

解析:考查冠词。句意:这是一个奇幻的世界,一个任何事情都有可能发生的世界。两个空都用不定冠词a,表示泛指“一个……的世界”,第二个a world可以换成one作前一个a world的同位语。 答案:B

2.What do you think of the suggestion ______we organize a football club? A.which B.whether C.that D.what

解析:考查名词性从句的引导词。that引导的是同位语从句,表示suggestion的内容,that引导同位语从句时,从句中不缺少主语或宾语。 答案:C

3.Calculations,which are astronomically exact,have been made ______ with the use of computers.

A.possible B.it possible C.possibly D.to be possible

解析:考查make calculations possible,因此不再用it作形式宾语。句意:随着计算机的应用使得航天方面的精确计算成为可能。 答案:A

4.You didn’ t let me drive.If we ______ in turn,you ______ so tired. A.has left;comes

B.drove;wouldn’t have got

C.were driving;wouldn’t get[来源:中教] D.had driven;wouldn’t have got

解析:对过去发生的事情的推测,用虚拟语气。句意:你不让我开车。如果我们轮流开车,你就不会这么累。 答案:D

5.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those ______ in the forest. A.once they grow B.they grew once C.they once grew D.once grew

解析:they once grew in the forest作those的定语从句,grow在此是及物动词。如果要选D项,则用once grown表示被动;或用once growing表示主动。 答案:C

6.The discovery of gold in California ______ a rush to get there. A.set off B.set out C.set up D.set about

解析:set off“引起,导致”。句意:在加利福尼亚发现黄金的事情使人们蜂拥而至。 答案:A

7.He wrote a lot of novels,none of ______translated into a foreign language. A.them B.which C.it D.what

解析:考查独立主格结构作状语。相当于none of which have been translated into a foreign language。 答案:A 8.Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional______so that they can be qualified for a well-paying job.

A.admission B.permission[来源:中+教+z+z+s+tep] C.certificates D.perseverance 解析:考查名词词义辨析。professional certificates 表示“专业资格证书,合格证书”;admission表示“(机构或组织)允许加入”;permission表示“允许”;perseverance表示“毅力,坚韧”。 答案:C

9.Tell us the way you can imagine ______. A.helping out B.to help out C.us helping out D.help out

解析:考查不定式作定语的用法。you can imagine是先行词the way的定语从句,to help out是不定式作the way的第二个定语。此处不要错看成imagine doing结构。 答案:B

10.Occasions are quite rare ______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids. A.who B.which C.why D.when

解析:考查定语从句。when引导的从句作先行词occasions的定语从句。 答案:D 11.History is ______ a subject that not only lets us know something in history;it also tells us a lot of truth.

A.no more than B.not more than C.no less than D.more than

解析:考查固定短语。more than此处表示“不仅仅”。 答案:D

12.—It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.

—Oh,don’t mention it.I ______ past your house,anyway.[来源:中*教*z*z*s*tep] A.was coming B.had come C.would come D.came

解析:was coming表示过去将来。句意:我当时正好要路过你家。 答案:A

13.He must have finished the work by the end of last month,______ he? A.mustn’t B.hadn’t C.didn’t D.hasn’t

解析:主句的时间状语by the end of last month是过去完成时的时间状语,因此B项符合。 答案:B

14.—I telephoned him twice but I couldn’t get through to his home. —I think that the line might have been out of order,______? A.doesn’t it B.wasn’t it C.don’t you D.hadn’t it 解析:考查“情态动词+have done”结构的反义疑问句,对话中暗含着动作发生在过去,因此,附加疑问部分的助动词应用was。


15.The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it. A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun

解析:once begun是once引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,=Once it is begun.。句意:这个研究一旦开始什么都不能使它改变。

答案:D[来源:中国教育出版21世纪教育网] 二、完形填空

Last week,it was a delightful surprise to meet my old school teacher.I call her my old school teacher as if she were the__1__one who taught me in school.There were many others too.But the truth is that she is the only one that has stayed in my__2__so long,and she is the very one that’s been worth keeping.

I felt__3__and was showing her off as my own teacher.__4__that she was my teacher was a lot of fun.Maybe she also felt a little__5__to have one of her own students like me.

Although my respect for her has always been__6__—I know that if I ever__7__a book,her name will go on the dedication(献词)page—actually I’ve never expressed to her what an impact she has had on my life.__8__her,I wouldn’t be what I am doing.Maybe there would have been some reading,but no love for__9__.

1.A.oldest B.only C.popular D.worst

解析:根据下文There were many others too可知,作者称呼自己的老师为恩师,好像她是教过自己的唯一的老师。实际上还有很多。 答案:B

2.A.house B.classroom C.life D.memory

解析:根据下文...she is the very one that’s been worth keeping可知,作者对这位老恩师的记

忆很深,认为她是自己值得记住的一位老师。 答案:D

3.A.frustrated B.amazed C.happy D.stupid

解析:根据下文...was showing her off as my own teacher可知,作者见到自己的恩师非常高兴,作者以老师为荣,并开始炫耀起自己的老师。 答案:C

4.A.Imagining B.Explaining C.Deciding D.Suggesting

解析:解释说遇到的这位老师是作者的老恩师是一件充满乐趣的事情。[来源:中国教育出版21世纪教育网] 答案:B

5.A.excited B.nervous C.annoyed D.proud

解析:作者以老师为荣,认为老师可能也会为有一个他这样的学生而感到自豪吧。 答案:D

6.A.unexpected B.deep C.important D.complex

解析:作者对这位老师的尊敬之情非常地深。 答案:B

7.A.publish B.choose C.read D.design

解析:根据下文...her name will go on the dedication page可知,如果作者出一本书的话,一定要将老师的名字放到自己新书的献词页上。 答案:A

8.A.Without B. Because of C.Like D.Beyond

解析:没有老师的教导,作者不能做现在自己在做的事情。 答案:A

9.A.studying B.nature C.art D.literature

解析:根据下文提到what I wrote及my writing可推知,如果没有这位老师,作者可能就是进行一些阅读而已,不会爱上文学。[来源:中教] 答案:D

10.A.simple B.perfect C.small D.successful

解析:根据下文...where I exhibited all my mind’s contents可知,老师给作者提供了一个完美的舞台,在那里作者可以展现自己的全部思想内容。 答案:B

11.A.ability B.motivation C.interest D.time

解析:根据下文It seemed that she couldn’t answer them either...可知,作者带着自己不能解答的问题去问老师。 答案:A

12.A.unavoidably B.unbelievably C.unnecessarily D.uneasily

解析:尽管这些问题不一定有答案,但老师本人还是对作者的问题表现出极大的兴趣。 答案:C

13.A.reader B.teacher C.adult D.friend

解析:根据下文as another individual可推知,老师在听作者的想法时,不是作为一个老师,而是作为另外一个个体在听。 答案:B

14.A.persuaded B.advised C.required D.encouraged

解析:老师鼓励作者问更多的问题。[来源:中#国教#育出#版] 答案:D

15.A.because B.as long as C.until D.as

解析:作者的思想在不断扩大直到整个世界都好像一个家一样。 答案:C

16.A.hands B.heart C.eyes D.head

解析:根据上文...the entire world would be able to make a home in my head 可知,整个世界好像在作者的大脑里面安了家。由此可推知,老师打开了作者眼界。 答案:C

17.A.sharing B.doing C.expecting D.thinking

解析:根据下文可知,作者进行写作。由此可推知,老师鼓励作者写一些东西与人分享。 答案:A

18.A.worried B.sorrowful C.embarrassed D.comfortable

解析:老师在对作者写的东西进行评论时流露出了兴奋的情绪,作者当时还觉得不自在。 答案:C

19.A.criticism B.ignorance C.respect D.understanding

解析:根据上文...she took a personal interest in what I had to say...可推知,老师对作者作品很尊重。这种尊重促使作者专注于自己的写作。[来源:z§zs§tep.com] 答案:C

20.A.lucky B.brave C.careful D.calm 解析:根据上文I found what I’m happy doing in life because of the confidence she allowed me to have可知,作者很高兴能在生活中找到自己想做的事情,这些来自于老师给与他的信心。由此可推知,作者认为自己很幸运(有这样一位老师)。 答案:A 三、根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

__3__Small cuts usually produce what is known as venous(静脉的)bleeding.This means the blood flows steadily from the injury.The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound.In most cases holding direct pressure with a clean cloth for four to five minutes would do.But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force,this may be a sign of arterial(动脉的)bleeding.__4__

Finally,always keep this in mind:even a cut that does not require medical attention must be kept clean to prevent infection.Small cuts should be cleaned gently with clean water.__5__Then cover it with a clean,dry bandage.

A.How a wound bleeds can be a sign of how serious it is.

B.That requires a specialist to either cut down the bone or reattach the fingertip.

C.This kind of injury should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible. D.The first signs of this disease include difficulty opening the mouth. E.Use a washcloth to clean the area if the wound is dirty.

F.With a cut finger,holding the hand above the heart can reduce the loss of blood. G.The length is usually not as important as the depth. 答案:G B A C E 四、短文改错




修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


