广州新版小学六年级英语上册unit6the secret to good health 复习

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课文复习 单词回顾

秘密___________ 简单的__________ 最少的___________ 至少___________ 节食____________ 较少的____________ 多油的_________ 最后地__________ 微笑_____________ 甚至___________ 可能____________ 小心_____________


1.the secret to good health 2.stay healthy 3.at least 4.first 5.second 6.for one hour 7.plenty of 8. a healthy life 9.finally


1.He knows the secret to good health.

2.The most important thing for a healthy life to be happy. 3.He always has a smile on his face.


1.or 或者(用否定句和疑问句)



2.stay healthy 保持健康 stay+adj


3.least 最少(最高级)little ---less---least


4.more 更多 much---more many--more


5.never 从不




7.smile on one?s face




( )1. A. simple B. wide C. expensive D. ride ( )2. A. could B. ate C. eat D. did ( )3. A. miss B. give C. Mr D. hear ( )4. A. careful B. only C. simple D. oil ( )5. A. candy B. health C. finger D. find

根据解释选择恰当的单词,把编号写在括号里 A. secret B. oily C. finger D. diet E. finally ( )1. Containing(包括) or covered(覆盖) with oil.

( )2. The food that you eat and drink regularly(规则地) .

( )3. Something that is known about by only a few (一点)people and not told to others

( )4. After a long time ,especially(特别地) when there has been some difficulty(困难) or delay(推迟)

( )5. One of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand

判断下列句子是否符合事实,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F” ( )1. The secret to good health is to eat much meat. ( )2. People should sleep for 5 hours each night. ( )3. Don?t eat too much sweet or oily food. ( )4. Drink coke or coffee every day.

( )5. Pleaser eat many vegetables and much meat.


A. gave B. stomachache C. finger D. went E. headache F. modern G. could H. crowded I. wore J. diet K. health L. noisy M. fever N. quiet O. secret P. toothache 动词的过去式 _________________________

疾病类________________________________ 名词类________________________________ 形容词类______________________________


1. Did you eat bad food yesterday evening?__________________

2. How long do you stay at school every day?________________________ 3. You had a fever. What should you do?________________________ 4. How do you stay healthy?____________________________

5. How long should we sleep each night?__________________________


1. How old are you? Oh, it?s a ________. A. see B. secret C. years old 2. What?s the matter _______ you? A. to B. with C. at 3. I?m sorry to _____ that.

A. there B. here C. hear

4. I went to the museum ______ this morning. A. \\ B. at C. in

5. He ______ there for one hour yesterday morning. A. stayed B. staying C. stay 6. What did the doctor _______? A. said B. says C. say

7. You should take this medicine three _____ a day. A. times B. time C. timing 8. What ?s the secret _____ good health? A. with B. at C. to

9. Janet eats ______meat than me. A. most B. least C. less 10. Be_____! The car is coming. A. health B. care C. careful


1. Xiaoling has ______(little)oranges than me. 2. The children _______(eat)chocolate now.

3. My mother ________(give)me ten yuan just now

4. I have _______(many) bags than my sister. 5. I _______(wear) a beautiful dress tomorrow. 6. My brother ______(keep) a good diet every day.

7 My friend knows __________________________(好身体的秘密). 8 Mum says you can do some simple things to ________________(保持健康). 9. To_________________________(保持良好的饮食习惯) is very important. 10. Don?t eat too much sweet or _________(油腻食物).

11. Mr Chen always ________________ (有一个微笑) on his face. 12. I_____________(不能入睡)last night. 13. You should ______________(喝大量的水).

14. The doctor asked me to ___________________(吃一些药). 15. Don?t ________________________(穿湿的衣服).

16. Yesterday Bill _____________________(从他的自行车上摔下来). 17. You should ___________________________(每天刷两次牙).




A: Hello. M____ I speak to Linda, please? B: Speaking.

A:Hi, Linda. This is Jimmy. You didn?t c______ to school today. What?s the matter w_____you?

B: i have a headache . The doctor told me to s______ in bed.

A: oh, dear. I am s_____ to hear that. I think you will b_____ well soon. B: thank you.

A: T____care. Goodbye. B: Bye.



A: _______ the matter, Billy? B: I ____ _____ toothache.

A: _____ you eat a _____of sweets every day? B: Yes, I ____. I have plenty ______ sweets. A: Do you have any _____ B: No, I _______.

A: You should go and see the dentist. I think he can ____ you much. B: Thank you.

(二)阅读短文,选择最佳答案,把其字母编号写在括号里 Gary is a ___1__boy. He likes eating chocolate, candies and ____2____ food. He is the ___3___boy in his class. He has no friend ____4___ he is too fat. He wants to keep a good diet ______5___ he is going to __6___ more sport and ___7__ jogging(慢跑)every day. Two months ____8__, Gary becomes ____9___ than before. He finds out he can do anything if he works hard enough. ( )1. A. thin B. fat C. Clever ( )2. A. fast B. slow C. bad

( )3. A. thinnest B. fattest C. tallest ( )4. A. so B. but C. because ( )5. A. so B. but C. because ( )6. A. playing B. play C. plays ( )7. A. go B. goes C. went ( )8. A.late B. later C. before ( )9. A. fatter B. thinner C. slower

(三)阅读短文,判断正误 One day Charlie and Cherry went to a food fair(交易会). It had food from all over the world. People could taste new kinds of food. At one stall(摊位), a lady showed them some spaghetti(意大利式细面条). “Would you like to try some?” she asked. “Yes, please. Mmm…They are delicious. Where do they come from?” asked Cherry. “They come from Italy,” said the lady. Then the children went to another stall. Charlie put a grasshopper(蚂蚱) in his mouth.”What?s it like?” asked Cherry. “It?s crunchy(脆的) and salty,” said Charlie.

The children had a really interesting time at the fair. ( )1. Charlie and Cherry went to a toy fair. ( ) 2. It had food from all over the world.

