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Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1

Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10 Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14 Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16 Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21 Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25 Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf


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Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's Boy

Unit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning


Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life

多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活 吉姆·多尔蒂Jim Doherty

1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country.


2 It's a self-reliant sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season. 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。

3 It's a satisfying life too. In the summer we canoe on the river, go picnicking in the woods and take long bicycle rides. In the winter we ski and skate. We get excited about sunsets. We love the smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing. We watch for hawks in the sky and

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deer in the cornfields.


4 But the good life can get pretty tough. Three months ago when it was 30 below, we spent two miserable days hauling firewood up the river on a sled. Three months from now, it will be 95 above and we will be cultivating corn, weeding strawberries and killing chickens. Recently, Sandy and I had to retile the back roof. Soon Jim, 16 and Emily, 13, the youngest of our four children, will help me make some long-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet that supplements our indoor plumbing when we are working outside. Later this month, we'll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive.


5 In between such chores, I manage to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles I sell to magazines and newspapers. Sandy, meanwhile, pursues her own demanding schedule. Besides the usual household routine, she oversees the garden and beehives, bakes bread, cans and freezes, drives the kids to their music lessons, practices with them, takes organ lessons on her own, does research and typing for me, writes an article herself now and then, tends the flower beds, stacks a little wood and delivers the eggs. There is, as the old saying goes, no rest for the wicked on a place like this -- and not much for the virtuous either. 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。

6 None of us will ever forget our first winter. We were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn, we kept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving every minute of it.


7 When spring came, it brought two floods. First the river overflowed, covering much of our land for weeks. Then the growing season began, swamping us under wave after wave of produce. Our freezer filled up with cherries, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, peas, beans and corn. Then our canned-goods shelves and cupboards began to grow with preserves, tomato juice, grape juice, plums, jams and jellies. Eventually, the basement floor disappeared under piles of potatoes, squash and pumpkins, and the barn began to fill with apples and pears. It was amazing.


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8 The next year we grew even more food and managed to get through the winter on firewood that was mostly from our own trees and only 100 gallons of heating oil. At that point I began thinking seriously about quitting my job and starting to freelance. The timing was terrible. By then, Shawn and Amy, our oldest girls were attending expensive Ivy League schools and we had only a few thousand dollars in the bank. Yet we kept coming back to the same question: Will there ever be a better time? The answer, decidedly, was no, and so -- with my employer's blessings and half a year's pay in accumulated benefits in my pocket -- off I went. 第二年我们种了更多的作物,差不多就靠着从自家树林砍斫的木柴以及仅仅100加仑的燃油过了冬。其时,我开始认真考虑起辞了职去从事自由撰稿的事来。时机选得实在太差。当时,两个大的女儿肖恩和埃米正在费用很高的常春藤学校上学,而我们只有几千美金的银行存款。但我们一再回到一个老问题上来:真的会有更好的时机吗?答案无疑是否定的。于是,带着老板的祝福,口袋里揣着作为累积津贴的半年薪水,我走了。

9 There have been a few anxious moments since then, but on balance things have gone much better than we had any right to expect. For various stories of mine, I've crawled into black-bear dens for Sports Illustrated, hitched up dogsled racing teams for Smithsonian magazine, checked out the Lake Champlain \wilderness area of Minnesota for Destinations.


10 I'm not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don't need as much either. I generate enough income to handle our $600-a-month mortgage payments plus the usual expenses for a family like ours. That includes everything from music lessons and dental bills to car repairs and college costs. When it comes to insurance, we have a poor man's major-medical policy. We have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family. It picks up 80% of the costs beyond that. Although we are stuck with paying minor expenses, our premium is low -- only $560 a year -- and we are covered against catastrophe. Aside from that and the policy on our two cars at $400 a year, we have no other insurance. But we are setting aside $2,000 a year in an IRA. 我挣的钱远比不上担任全职工作时的收入,可如今我们需要的钱也没有过去多。我挣的钱足以应付每月600美金的房屋贷款按揭以及一家人的日常开销。那些开销包括了所有支出,如音乐课学费、牙医账单、汽车维修以及大学费用等等。至于保险,我们买了一份低收入者的主要医疗项目保险。我们需要为每一位家庭成员的任何一项医疗费用支付最初的500美金。医疗保险则支付超出部分的80%。虽然我们仍要支付小部分医疗费用,但我们的保险费也低--每年只要560美金--而我们给自己生大病保了险。除了这一保险项目,以及两辆汽车每年400美金的保险,我们就没有其他保险了。不过我们每年留出2000美元入个人退休金账户。

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11 We've been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living. We continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. We still attend the opera and ballet in Milwaukee but only a few times a year. We eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies. Extravagant Christmases are a memory, and we combine vacations with story assignments...


12 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don't entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home. 我想,不是所有热爱乡村的人都会乐意过我们这种生活的。这种生活需要一些特殊的素质。其一是耐得住寂寞。由于我们如此忙碌,手头又紧,我们很少请客。在作物生长季节,根本就没工夫参加社交活动。吉米和埃米莉虽然参加学校的各种活动,但他俩大多数时间也呆在家里。

13 The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw. 另一项要求是体力――相当大的体力。小范围里实现自给自足的途径是抵制诱惑,不去购置拖拉机和其他昂贵的节省劳力的机械。相反,你要自己动手。我们仅有的机器(不包括割草机)是一台3马力的小型旋转式耕耘机以及一架16英寸的链锯。

14 How much longer we'll have enough energy to stay on here is anybody's guess -- perhaps for quite a while, perhaps not. When the time comes, we'll leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what we've been able to accomplish. We should make a fair profit on the sale of the place, too. We've invested about $35,000 of our own money in it, and we could just about double that if we sold today. But this is not a good time to sell. Once economic conditions improve, however, demand for farms like ours should be strong again.


15 We didn't move here primarily to earn money though. We came because we wanted to improve the quality of our lives. When I watch Emily collecting eggs in the evening, fishing with Jim on the river or enjoying an old-fashioned picnic in the orchard with the entire family, I know we've found just what we were looking for.


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Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture Donna Barron

1 It's another evening in an American household. 美国家庭生活变化中的景象 唐娜?巴伦


2 The door swings open at 5:30 sharp. \hungry and tired after a

long day at the office. He is greeted by Mom in her apron, three happy children, and the aroma of a delicious pot roast.

门在5",30 准时推开。“嗨",亲爱的我回来了”亲爱的老爸走了进来他在办公室上了一天的

班肚子饿了人也累了。迎接他的是系着围裙的妈妈",3 个快乐的孩子以及炖肉诱人的香味。

3 After a leisurely meal together, Mom does the dishes. That, after all, is part of her job. The whole family

then moves to the living room. There everyone spends the evening playing Scrabble or watching TV.



4 Then everyone is off to bed. And the next morning Dad and the kids wake up to the sounds and smells of

Mom preparing pancakes and sausages for breakfast. 随后各自上床睡觉。第二天早上爸爸和孩子们在妈妈准备早餐发出的声响和薄饼、香肠散发的香 味中醒来。

5 (1) What? You say that doesn't sound like life in your house? Well, you're not alone. In fact, you're probably

in the majority. 什么你说那听起来不像你府上的生活其实",不仅仅是你一个人这么想。事实上


6 At one time in America, the above household might have been typical. You can still visit such a home -- on

television. Just watch reruns of old situation comedies. (2) Leave it to Beaver, for example, shows Mom doing

housework in pearls and high heels. Dad keeps his suit and tie on all weekend. But the families that operate like

Beaver Cleaver's are fewer and fewer. They're disappearing because three parts of our lives have changed: the way

we work, the way we eat, and the way we entertain ourselves. Becoming aware of the

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effects of those changes

may help us improve family life.






7 Let's look first at the changes in the way we work. Today the words \home!\

spoken by dear old Dad. Dear old Mom is just as likely to be saying them. A generation ago, most households

could get along on one paycheck -- Dad's. Mom stayed home, at least until the children started school. But today,

over half the mothers with young children go to work. An even greater percentage of mothers of older children are

in the workforce. And the number of single-parent homes has mushroomed in the last thirty years.

我们先来看一下我们工作方式的变化。今天“嗨",亲爱的我回家了”这句话可能不是出自亲爱 的老爸之口。亲爱的老妈也同样可能说这句话。在上一代大多数家庭可以靠一份工资――爸爸的工资―― 维持。妈妈呆在家里至少在孩子上学前是如此。但今天一半以上有幼儿的母亲外出工作。在职人员中

有大孩子的母亲的比例更高。而单亲家庭的数量在过去30 年中急剧增长。

8 These changes in work have affected children as well as parents. When only Dad went out to work, children

came home from school to Mom. (In TV situation comedies, they came home to Mom and home-baked cookies)

Today, we'll find them at an after-school program or a neighbor's house. Or they may come home to no one at all.

In every community, children are caring for themselves until their parents return from work. Are these children

missing out on an important part of childhood? Or are they developing a healthy sense of self-reliance? These are

questions that Mrs. Cleaver never had to deal with. 工作方面的这些变化影响着家长以及孩子。当父亲一人外出上班时",孩子们放学回家有妈妈在。在


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effects of those changes

may help us improve family life.






7 Let's look first at the changes in the way we work. Today the words \home!\

spoken by dear old Dad. Dear old Mom is just as likely to be saying them. A generation ago, most households

could get along on one paycheck -- Dad's. Mom stayed home, at least until the children started school. But today,

over half the mothers with young children go to work. An even greater percentage of mothers of older children are

in the workforce. And the number of single-parent homes has mushroomed in the last thirty years.

我们先来看一下我们工作方式的变化。今天“嗨",亲爱的我回家了”这句话可能不是出自亲爱 的老爸之口。亲爱的老妈也同样可能说这句话。在上一代大多数家庭可以靠一份工资――爸爸的工资―― 维持。妈妈呆在家里至少在孩子上学前是如此。但今天一半以上有幼儿的母亲外出工作。在职人员中

有大孩子的母亲的比例更高。而单亲家庭的数量在过去30 年中急剧增长。

8 These changes in work have affected children as well as parents. When only Dad went out to work, children

came home from school to Mom. (In TV situation comedies, they came home to Mom and home-baked cookies)

Today, we'll find them at an after-school program or a neighbor's house. Or they may come home to no one at all.

In every community, children are caring for themselves until their parents return from work. Are these children

missing out on an important part of childhood? Or are they developing a healthy sense of self-reliance? These are

questions that Mrs. Cleaver never had to deal with. 工作方面的这些变化影响着家长以及孩子。当父亲一人外出上班时",孩子们放学回家有妈妈在。在


