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cout<<"This"<<"is"; cout<<"a"<<"C++"; cout<<"program."; return 0;
int a,b,c;
cout<<"a+b="; cout< cout< return 0; } 1.7七题 #include { int a,b,c; int f(int x,int y,int z); cin>>a>>b>>c; c=f(a,b,c); cout< } int f(int x,int y,int z) { int m; if (x else m=y; if (z return(m); } 1.8题 #include int main() { int a,b,c; cin>>a>>b; c=a+b; cout<<"a+b="< return 0; } 1.9题 #include using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c; int add(int x,int y); cin>>a>>b; c=add(a,b); cout<<"a+b="< return 0; } int add(int x,int y) {int z; z=x+y; return(z); } 2.3题 #include using namespace std; int main() {char c1='a',c2='b',c3='c',c4='\101' ,c5='\116'; cout< cout<<"\t\b"< <<'\n'; return 0; } 2.4题 #include using namespace std; int main() {char c1='C',c2='+',c3='+'; cout<<"I say: \""< cout<<"\t\t"<<"He says: \"C++ is very interesting!\""<< '\n'; return 0; } 2.7题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int i,j,m,n; i=8; j=10; m=++i+j++; n=(++i)+(++j)+m; cout< \t'< return 0; } 2.8题 #include using namespace std; int main() {char c1='C', c2='h', c3='i', c4='n', c5='a'; c1+=4; c2+=4; c3+=4; c4+=4; c5+=4; cout<<"password is:"< return 0; } 3.2题 #include #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {float h,r,l,s,sq,vq,vz; const float pi=3.1415926; cout<<"please enter r,h:"; cin>>r>>h; l=2*pi*r; s=r*r*pi; sq=4*pi*r*r; vq=3.0/4.0*pi*r*r*r; vz=pi*r*r*h; cout< < < cout<<"l= "< cout<<"s= "< cout<<"sq="< < cout<<"vq="< < cout<<"vz="< < return 0; } 3.3题 #include using namespace std; int main () {float c,f; cout<<"请输入一个华氏 温度:"; cin>>f; c=(5.0/9.0)*(f-32); //注意5和9要用实型表示, 否则5/9值为0 cout<<"摄氏温度 为:"< return 0; }; 3.4题 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {char c1,c2; cout<<"请输入两个字符 c1,c2:"; c1=getchar(); // 将输入的第一个字符赋给 c1 c2=getchar(); // 将输入的第二个字符赋给 c2 cout<<"用putchar函数输出结果为:"; putchar(c1); putchar(c2); cout< cout<<"用cout语句输出结果为:"; cout< } 3.4题另一解 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {char c1,c2; cout<<"请输入两个字符c1,c2:"; c1=getchar(); //将输入的第一个字符赋给c1 c2=getchar(); //将输入的第二个字符赋给c2 cout<<"用putchar函数输出结果为:"; putchar(c1); putchar(44); putchar(c2); cout< cout<<"用cout语句输出结果为:"; cout< } 3.5题 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {char c1,c2; int i1,i2; //定义为整型 cout<<"请输入两个整数i1,i2:"; cin>>i1>>i2; c1=i1; c2=i2; cout<<"按字符输出结果为:"< return 0; } 3.8题 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) { int a=3,b=4,c=5,x,y; cout<<(a+b>c && b==c)< cout<<(a||b+c && b-c)< cout<<(!(a>b) && !c||1)< cout<<(!(x=a) && (y=b) && 0)< cout<<(!(a+b)+c-1 && b+c/2)< return 0; } 3.9题 include using namespace std; int main ( ) {int a,b,c; cout<<"please enter three integer numbers:"; cin>>a>>b>>c; if(a if(b cout<<"max="< else cout<<"max="< else if (a cout<<"max="< else cout<<"max="< cout< return 0; } 3.9题另一解 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {int a,b,c,temp,max ; cout<<"please enter three integer numbers:"; cin>>a>>b>>c; temp=(a>b)?a:b; /* 将a和b中的大者存入 temp中*/ max=(temp>c)?temp:c; /* 将a和b中的大者与c 比较,最大者存入max */ cout<<"max="< return 0; } 3.10题 #include using namespace std; int main ( ) {int x,y; cout<<"enter x:"; cin>>x; if (x<1) {y=x; cout<<"x="< y=x="< } else if (x<10) // 1≤x<10 {y=2*x-1; cout<<"x="< y=2*x-1="< } else // x≥10 {y=3*x-11; cout<<"x="< y=3*x-11="< } cout< return 0; } 3.11题 #include using namespace std; int main () {float score; char grade; cout<<"please enter score of student:"; cin>>score; while (score>100||score<0) {cout<<"data error,enter data again."; cin>>score; } switch(int(score/10)) {case 10: case 9: grade='A';break; case 8: grade='B';break; case 7: grade='C';break; case 6: grade='D';break; default:grade='E'; } cout<<"score is "< "< return 0; } 3.12题 #include using namespace std; int main () {long int num; int inp,ten,hundred,thousand, ten_thousand,place; /*分别代表个位,十位,百位, 千位,万位和位数 */ cout<<"enter an integer(0~99999):"; cin>>num; if (num>9999) place=5; else if (num>999) place=4; else if (num>99) place=3; else if (num>9) place=2; else place=1; cout<<"place="< //计算各位数字 ten_thousand=num/10000; thousand=(int)(num-ten_th ousand*10000)/1000; hundred=(int)(num-ten_tho usand*10000-thousand*10 00)/100; ten=(int)(num-ten_thousan d*10000-thousand*1000-hu ndred*100)/10; inp=(int)(num-ten_thousa nd*10000-thousand*1000-h undred*100-ten*10); cout<<"original order:"; switch(place) {case 5:cout< cout<<"reverse order:"; cout< break; case 4:cout< cout<<"reverse order:"; cout< break; case 3:cout< cout<<"reverse order:"; cout< < break; case 2:cout< ndl; cout<<"reverse order:"; cout< break; case 1:cout< cout<<"reverse order:"; cout< break; } return 0; } 3.13题 #include using namespace std; int main () { long i; //i为利润 float bonus,bon1,bon2,bon4,bon 6,bon10; bon1=100000*0.1; //利润为10万元时的奖金 bon2=bon1+100000*0.075; //利润为20万元时的奖金 bon4=bon2+100000*0.05; //利润为40万元时的奖金 bon6=bon4+100000*0.03; //利润为60万元时的奖金 bon10=bon6+400000*0.015; //利润为100万元时的奖金 cout<<"enter i:"; cin>>i; if (i<=100000) bonus=i*0.1; //利润在10万元以内按 10%提成奖金 else if (i<=200000) bonus=bon1+(i-100000)*0.0 75; //利润在10万元至 20万时的奖金 else if (i<=400000) bonus=bon2+(i-200000)*0.0 5; //利润在20万元至 40万时的奖金 else if (i<=600000) bonus=bon4+(i-400000)*0.0 3; //利润在40万元至 60万时的奖金 else if (i<=1000000) bonus=bon6+(i-600000)*0.0 15; //利润在60万元至 100万时的奖金 else bonus=bon10+(i-1000000)* 0.01; //利润在100万元 以上时的奖金 cout<<"bonus="< ndl; return 0; } 3.13题另一解 #include using namespace std; int main () {long i; float bonus,bon1,bon2,bon4,bon 6,bon10; int c; bon1=100000*0.1; bon2=bon1+100000*0.075; bon4=bon2+200000*0.05; bon6=bon4+200000*0.03; bon10=bon6+400000*0.015 ; cout<<"enter i:"; cin>>i; c=i/100000; if (c>10) c=10; switch(c) {case 0: bonus=i*0.1; break; case 1: bonus=bon1+(i-100000)*0.0 75; break; case 2: case 3: bonus=bon2+(i-200000)*0.0 5;break; case 4: case 5: bonus=bon4+(i-400000)*0.0 3;break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: bonus=bon6+(i-600000)*0.0 15; break; case 10: bonus=bon10+(i-1000000)* 0.01; } cout<<"bonus="< ndl; return 0; } 3.14题 #include using namespace std; int main () {int t,a,b,c,d; cout<<"enter four numbers:"; cin>>a>>b>>c>>d; cout<<"a="< b="< c="< if (a>b) {t=a;a=b;b=t;} if (a>c) {t=a; a=c; c=t;} if (a>d) {t=a; a=d; d=t;} if (b>c) {t=b; b=c; c=t;} if (b>d) {t=b; b=d; d=t;} if (c>d) {t=c; c=d; d=t;} cout<<"the sorted sequence:"< cout< } 3.15题 #include using namespace std; int main () {int p,r,n,m,temp; cout<<"please enter two positive integer numbers n,m:"; cin>>n>>m; if (n {temp=n; n=m; m=temp; //把大数放在n中, 小数放在m中 } p=n*m; //先将n和m的乘积保存在p中, 以便求最小公倍数时用 while (m!=0) //求n和m的最大公约数{r=n%m; n=m; m=r; } cout<<"HCF="< return 0; } 3.16题 #include using namespace std; int main () {char c; int letters=0,space=0,digit=0,ot her=0; cout<<"enter one line::"< while((c=getchar())!='\n') {if (c>='a' && c<='z'||c>='A' && c<='Z') letters++; else if (c==' ') space++; else if (c>='0' && c<='9') digit++; else other++; } cout<<"letter:"< space:"< digit:"< other:"< return 0; } 3.17题 #include using namespace std; int main () {int a,n,i=1,sn=0,tn=0; cout<<"a,n=:"; cin>>a>>n; while (i<=n) {tn=tn+a; //赋值 后的tn为i个a组成数的值 sn=sn+tn; //赋 值后的sn为多项式前i项 之和 a=a*10; ++i; } cout<<"a+aa+aaa+...="< < return 0; } 3.18题 #include using namespace std; int main () {float s=0,t=1; int n; for (n=1;n<=20;n++) { t=t*n; // 求n! s=s+t; // 将各项 累加 } cout<<"1!+2!+...+20!="< return 0; } 3.19题 #include using namespace std; int main () {int i,j,k,n; cout<<"narcissus numbers are:"< for (n=100;n<1000;n++) {i=n/100; j=n/10-i*10; k=n%10; if (n == i*i*i + j*j*j + k*k*k) cout< } cout< return 0; } 3.20题 #include using namespace std; int main() {const int m=1000; // 定义寻找范围 int k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k 10; int i,a,n,s; for (a=2;a<=m;a++) // a是2~1000之间的整数, 检查它是否为完数 {n=0; // n用来累计a的因子的个 数 s=a; // s用来存放尚未求出的因 子之和,开始时等于a for (i=1;i 检查i是否为a的因子 if (a%i==0) // 如果i是a的因子 {n++; // n加1,表示新找到一个 因子 s=s-i; // s减去已找到的因子,s 的新值是尚未求出的因子 之和 switch(n) // 将找到的因子赋给 k1,...,k10 {case 1: k1=i; break; // 找出的笫1个因子赋给 k1 case 2: k2=i; break; // 找出的笫2个因子赋给 k2 case 3: k3=i; break; // 找出的笫3个因子赋给 k3 case 4: k4=i; break; // 找出的笫4个因子赋给 k4 case 5: k5=i; break; // 找出的笫5个因子赋给 k5 case 6: k6=i; break; // 找出的笫6个因子赋给k6 case 7: k7=i; break; // 找出的笫7个因子赋给k7 case 8: k8=i; break; // 找出的笫8个因子赋给k8 case 9: k9=i; break; // 找出的笫9个因子赋给k9 case 10: k10=i; break; // 找出的笫10个因子赋给k10 } } if (s==0) // s=0表示全部因子都已找到了 {cout< cout<<"its factors are:"; if (n>1) cout< if (n>2) cout<<","< if (n>3) cout<<","< if (n>4) cout<<","< if (n>5) cout<<","< if (n>6) cout<<","< if (n>7) cout<<","< if (n>8) cout<<","< if (n>9) cout<<","< cout< } } return 0; } 3.20题另一解 #include using namespace std; int main() {int m,s,i; for (m=2;m<1000;m++) {s=0; for (i=1;i if ((m%i)==0) s=s+i; if(s==m) {cout< 数"< cout<<"its factors are:"; for (i=1;i if (m%i==0) cout< cout< } } return 0; } 3.20题另一解 #include using namespace std; int main() {int k[11]; int i,a,n,s; for (a=2;a<=1000;a++) {n=0; s=a; for (i=1;i if ((a%i)==0) {n++; s=s-i; k[n]=i; // 将找到的因子赋给k[1] ┅k[10] } if (s==0) {cout< "< cout<<"its factors are:"; for (i=1;i cout< cout< } } return 0; } 3.21题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int i,t,n=20; double a=2,b=1,s=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {s=s+a/b; t=a; a=a+b; // 将前一项分子与分母之和 作为下一项的分子 b=t; // 将前一项的分子作为下一 项的分母 } cout<<"sum="< return 0; } 3.22题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int day,x1,x2; day=9; x2=1; while(day>0) {x1=(x2+1)*2; // 第1天的桃子数是第2 天桃子数加1后的2倍 x2=x1; day--; } cout<<"total="< return 0; } 3.23题 #include #include using namespace std; int main() {float a,x0,x1; cout<<"enter a positive number:"; cin>>a; // 输入a的值 x0=a/2; x1=(x0+a/x0)/2; do {x0=x1; x1=(x0+a/x0)/2; } while(fabs(x0-x1)>=1e-5); cout<<"The square root of "< return 0; } 3.24题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int i,k; for (i=0;i<=3;i++) // 输出上面4行*号 {for (k=0;k<=2*i;k++) cout<<"*"; // 输出*号 cout< //输出完一行*号后换行 } for (i=0;i<=2;i++) // 输出下面3行*号 {for (k=0;k<=4-2*i;k++) cout<<"*"; // 输出*号 cout< // 输出完一行*号后换行 } return 0; } 3.25题 #include using namespace std; int main() {char i,j,k; /* i是a的对手;j是b的对手;k是c的对手*/ for (i='X';i<='Z';i++) for (j='X';j<='Z';j++) if (i!=j) for (k='X';k<='Z';k++) if (i!=k && j!=k) if (i!='X' && k!='X' && k!='Z') cout<<"A--"< B--"< return 0; } 4.1题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int hcf(int,int); int lcd(int,int,int); int u,v,h,l; cin>>u>>v; h=hcf(u,v); cout<<"H.C.F="< l=lcd(u,v,h); cout<<"L.C.D="< return 0; } int hcf(int u,int v) {int t,r; if (v>u) {t=u;u=v;v=t;} while ((r=u%v)!=0) {u=v; v=r;} return(v); } int lcd(int u,int v,int h) {return(u*v/h); } 4.2题 #include #include using namespace std; float x1,x2,disc,p,q; int main() {void greater_than_zero(float,floa t); void equal_to_zero(float,float); void smaller_than_zero(float,floa t); float a,b,c; cout<<"input a,b,c:"; cin>>a>>b>>c; disc=b*b-4*a*c; cout<<"root:"< if (disc>0) { greater_than_zero(a,b); cout<<"x1="< x2< } else if (disc==0) {equal_to_zero(a,b); cout<<"x1="< x2< } else {smaller_than_zero(a,b); cout<<"x1="< "i"< cout<<"x2="< i"< } return 0; } void greater_than_zero(float a,float b) /* 定义一个函 数,用来求disc>0时方 程的根*/ {x1=(-b+sqrt(disc))/(2*a); x2=(-b-sqrt(disc))/(2*a); } void equal_to_zero(float a,float b) /* 定义一个 函数,用来求disc=0时方程 的根*/ { x1=x2=(-b)/(2*a); } void smaller_than_zero(float a,float b) /* 定义一个函 数,用来求disc<0时方 程的根*/ { p=-b/(2*a); q=sqrt(-disc)/(2*a); } 4.3题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int prime(int); /* 函数原型声明*/ int n; cout<<"input an integer:"; cin>>n; if (prime(n)) cout< prime."< else cout< prime."< return 0; } int prime(int n) {int flag=1,i; for (i=2;i flag==1;i++) if (n%i==0) flag=0; return(flag); } 4.4题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int fac(int); int a,b,c,sum=0; cout<<"enter a,b,c:"; cin>>a>>b>>c; sum=sum+fac(a)+fac(b)+fac( c); cout< <<"!="< return 0; } int fac(int n) {int f=1; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) f=f*i; return f; } 4.5题 #include #include using namespace std; int main() {double e(double); double x,sinh; cout<<"enter x:"; cin>>x; sinh=(e(x)+e(-x))/2; cout<<"sinh("< nh< return 0; } double e(double x) {return exp(x);} 4.6题 #include #include using namespace std; int main() {double solut(double ,double ,doubl e ,double ); double a,b,c,d; cout<<"input a,b,c,d:"; cin>>a>>b>>c>>d; cout<<"x="< return 0; } double solut(double a,double b,double c,double d) {double x=1,x0,f,f1; do {x0=x; f=((a*x0+b)*x0+c)*x0+d; f1=(3*a*x0+2*b)*x0+c; x=x0-f/f1; } while(fabs(x-x0)>=1e-5); return(x); } 4.7题 #include #include using namespace std; int main() {void godbaha(int); int n; cout<<"input n:"; cin>>n; godbaha(n); return 0; } void godbaha(int n) {int prime(int); int a,b; for(a=3;a<=n/2;a=a+2) {if(prime(a)) {b=n-a; if (prime(b)) cout< } } int prime(int m) {int i,k=sqrt(m); for(i=2;i<=k;i++) if(m%i==0) break; if (i>k) return 1; else return 0; } 4.8题 #include using namespace std; int main() {int x,n; float p(int,int); cout<<"input n & x:"; cin>>n>>x; cout<<"n="< endl;; cout<<"P"< x)< return 0; } float p(int n,int x) {if (n==0) return(1); else if (n==1) return(x); else return(((2*n-1)*x*p((n-1),x)- (n-1)*p((n-2),x))/n); } 4.9题 #include using namespace std; int main() {void hanoi(int n,char one,char two,char three); int m; cout<<"input the number of diskes:"; cin>>m; cout<<"The steps of moving "< disks:"< hanoi(m,'A','B','C'); return 0; } void hanoi(int n,char one,char two,char three) //将n个盘从one座 借助two座,移到three座 {void move(char x,char y); if(n==1) move(one,three); else {hanoi(n-1,one,three,two); move(one,three); hanoi(n-1,two,one,three); } } void move(char x,char y) {cout< 4.10题 #include using namespace std; int main() {void convert(int n); int number; cout<<"input an integer:"; cin>>number; cout<<"output:"< if (number<0) {cout<<"-"; number=-number; } convert(number); cout<