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the party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the \change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN,, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put \n a do\ducation rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and \e real\ducation problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected \endless corrected \nd\on masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated机电排灌科2013年上半年工作总结



一、上半年完成主要工作 (一)、政治学习不松懈。



ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the \ead, be sure to promote efficiency. \o\ducation educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance \nning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out \-three\ctivities as a \e-three\cial education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in \o learn a do\ning education in the carried out \ck five promoting\County District units to insisted put \do\ning education and \ck five promoting\c fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out \n a do\on, and \promoting\party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on %udy the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out \arn a do\ng education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combinethe party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the \change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN,, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put \n a do\ducation rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and \e real\ducation problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected \endless corrected \nd\on masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated 格要求自己。三是加强团结协作,和谐共处。



1、积极组织,认真做好防汛抗灾的各项准备。 一是抓本年度泵站改造。按照下达的泵站改造计划,全市已经完成新建43座泵站,总投资250万。同时我们采取了一系列措施:一是主动与有关部门联系,催促其尽快下达建设资金计划;二是反复督促各地加快泵站新建进度。三是定期开展督查,特别是全市重点工程,我们在分管局长带领下,多次深入工地进行督查。




ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the \d, be sure to promote efficiency. \ education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance \ng full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform,

to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out \hree\s a \hree\ducation important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in \n a do\ducation in the carried out \oting%units to insisted put \do\ng education and \ck five promoting\c fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out \n a do\ck five promoting\ork evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on %udy the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out \n a do\ning education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine- 2 -

the party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the \change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN,, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put \n a do\ducation rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and \e real\ducation problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected \endless corrected \nd\on masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated计划和项目实施计划,严格按照制定的项目计划进行管理,严格按照程序报批,经上级批准后再进行实施。


3、加大力度,突出抓好农村电灌站的安全生产。 近来年,全国各地相继发生农村水电安全事故,造成较为恶劣的社会影响,因此,农村水电安全生产也受到社会各界广泛关注,引起国家和各级政府部门的高度重视,每年水利部都要下达多个关于农村水电安全生产文件。我科室根据国家水利部和省厅要求,今年主要开展农村水电安全生产督查。根据水利部、省水利厅对安全生产工作的要求,结合我市安全生产工作实际情况,我们开展了多层次多形式的安全生产大检查,到目前为止,全市电灌站未发生一起重大安全事故。



ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the \d, be sure to promote efficiency. \on, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance \ng full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform,

to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out \hree\s a \hree\ducation important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in \n a do\ducation in the carried out \oting%units to insisted put \do\ng education and \ck five promoting\c fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out \n a do\ck five promoting\ork evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on %udy the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out \n a do\ning education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine- 3 -

the party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the \change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN,, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put \n a do\ducation rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and \e real\ducation problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected \endless corrected \nd\on masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated 北部的曲霞、张桥、虹桥、姚王等四镇境内,涉及13个行政村,人口4.66万人,控制灌溉面积4.44万亩。根据江苏省财政厅、江苏省水利厅联合下发的《关于下达2012年第四批中央财政小型农田水利重点县及专项工程项目建设补助专项资金的通知》(苏财农【2012】191号)要求,我们经过公开涉及招标,由扬州市勘测设计研究院有限公司编制了《泰兴市小型农田水利重点县2012年度工程实施方案》。2012年度小型农田水利重点县工程主要内容为:新建、拆建灌溉泵站84座,新建、拆建砼衬渠道113.71公里,配套建设过路涵及沟口涵洞51座,挡土墙300米。项目概算总投资2728.52万元,其中申请中央财政补助资金800万元,省级财政配套800万元,县级及县以下财政配套1115.36万元。






ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the \d, be sure to promote efficiency. \ education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance \ng full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform,

to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out \hree\s a \hree\ducation important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in \n a do\ducation in the carried out \oting%units to insisted put \do\ng education and \ck five promoting\c fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out \n a do\ck five promoting\ork evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on %udy the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out \n a do\ning education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine- 4 -

the party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the \change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN,, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put \n a do\ducation rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and \e real\ducation problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected \endless corrected \nd\on masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated3、继续抓好安全生产工作。一是抓好泵站安全生产工作;二是抓好电灌站查险处险工作。


ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the \d, be sure to promote efficiency. \on, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance \ng full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform,

to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out \hree\s a \hree\ducation important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in \n a do\ducation in the carried out \oting%units to insisted put \do\ng education and \ck five promoting\c fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out \n a do\ck five promoting\ork evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on %udy the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out \n a do\ning education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine- 5 -

