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Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions:In section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. She can come on another day.

B.She has an appointment with the man tomorrow. C.She doesn’t know how to help the man. D.She can see the man in three days. 2. A.She majors in mathematics.

B.She has just begun to learn to ride the bike.

C.She couldn’t go to class because of her leg injury. D.She was injured in a road accident. 3. A.The man’s mother is a music teacher.

B.The woman can’t play the piano as well as the man. C.The man has learned to play the piano for a long time.

D.The man has taught himself to play the piano. 4. A.Find more people to help her.

B.Visit her roommates.

C.Ask her roommates to help her,but not him. D.Move to another apartment. 5. A.Work in the lab. B.Rest at home.

C.Relax a while in the lab.

D.Help the woman with the experiment.

6. A.The meeting has been put off because the students are going to visit the history museum.

B.The students aren’t going to visit the history museum this afternoon. C.The students will be attending a meeting together with their teacher.

D.The students will visit the history museum this afternoon without their teacher. 7. A.In the street. B.In a theater. C.On a plane. D.On a train. 8. A.Alan isn’t in the office right now.

B.Alan can’t come to the phone right now.

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C.Alan doesn’t want to speak to the caller. D.The caller has dialed a wrong number.

9. A.Looking at pictures. B.Watching TV.

C.Attending a class. D.Working on computers. 10. A.John doesn’t have to study French.

B.John will graduate from the university soon. C.John doesn’t like to study French.

D.John doesn’t have to take the exam on French for entering the university.

Section B

Directions: In section B,you will hear one short passage,and you will be asked four questions on the passage. The passage will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following passage.

11. A. They are trying to use it as a new way to treat diseases.

B. They are trying to use it as an anesthesia(麻醉) in operations. C. They are trying to use it to relieve pain.

D. They are trying to use it as a means to understand the central nervous system12. A. To observe how acupuncture is used in an operation.

B. To talk to a patient who has an operation with acupuncture as anesthesia. C. To learn how acupuncture can relieve pain. D. To see what the acupuncture needles are like. 13. A. They still find it entirely a mystery.

B. They are able to explain how and why it works in theory. C. They are rather skeptical about it.

D. They haven’t found satisfactory answers as to how it works. 14. A. Acupuncture is now practised all over the world.

B. What makes acupuncture work can never be explained.

C. Western doctors are interested in traditional Chinese medical practices.

D. Acupuncture is used as widely as it was in ancient times. Section C

Directions: In section C,you will hear two longer conversations and you will be asked three questions on each of the conversations. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

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Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following conversation. 15. A. They are having a friendly chat.

B. One is interviewing the other.

C. They are talking about each other's family.

D. One is asking about the other's family background. 16. A.He did not like to study.

B.He had to work to support his family. C. A friend of his father’s offered him a job. D.His father did not like him to study Art. 17. A. He was the bread earner in the family.

B. He was the eldest son in the family. C. He was the youngest son in the family. D. He was his father's favorite son.

Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

18. A. He was very sick and was taken to the hospital. B. He fell and hurt himself badly. C. He broke his leg in a traffic accident.

D. He was working when something suddenly fell onto his head. 19. A.Better. B.Not too well yet. C.Much better. D.Even worse. 20. A.His leg is broken and his ribs hurt very much. B.He has a chest pain and can hardly breathe.

C.He can hardly remember anything that has happened. D.He feels too weak to talk.

Ⅱ.Grammar and vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.

City Planning

City planners are the people who guide the development of cities and towns. They advise local governments on ways to improve communities,and they design entirely new communities. In South Florida, for example, city planners are working to improve existing communities. The population of the area (21)___________ (expect) to increase from 5.5 million to 7.5 million by 2020. The growth is headed to the west, (22)___________ there is still open land. But western growth creates a costly need for new roads, and is a threat (23)___________ the ecological system of the Florida

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Everglades(沼泽地). City planners are trying to lure(诱惑) people back into the older, (24)___________ (developed) eastern section of the region by funneling growth in that direction and away from the western section.

City planners also plan and develop new communities. These communities, called new cities or new towns,(25)___________( include) both places to live and places to work. New cities, such as Brazil's capital Brasilia, a community founded in 1900,(26) ___________ be constructed far from existing cities. Such cities are designed with enough facilities and job opportunities for all residents. (27)___________(build) completely new cities is very costly, however, Brasilia and Canberra, Australia, are two examples of the few new cities that have ever been completed.

New towns are different from new cities (28)___________ ___________ they are built within commuting distance of large cities. They may also be planned communities within a city. New towns provide jobs for many of their residents, but they also rely on neighboring cities for jobs. Two of the first new towns (29)___________(build) in the United States were Columbia, Maryland, and Reston, Virginia. At the end of the 20th century, (30)___________ estimated 100 new towns were planned or under construction in the United States.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box..Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. active B.address C.applications D.solving AB.availability AC.mainly AD.monitoring BC.predictable BD.initial CD.currently ABC.lab

The agricultural sector is going to face enormous challenges in order to feed the 9.6 billion people that the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) predicts are going to inhabit the planet by 2050: Food production must increase by 70% by 2050, and this has to be achieved in spite of the limited (31)__________ of arable(适合耕种的)lands, the increasing need for fresh water (agriculture consumes 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water supply) and other less (32)__________ factors, such as the impact of climate change, which, according to a recent report by the UN could lead, among other things, to changes to seasonal events in the life cycle of plants and animals.

One way to (33) __________ these issues and increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production is using sensing technology to make farms more “intelligent” and more connected through the so-called“precision agriculture” also known as“smart farming” .

Precision agriculture is not new. In the beginning, it was about position

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technologies (34) __________,but it is becoming more complex moving towards all the aspects of agriculture.

It’s something that’s already happening, as corporations and farmoffices collect vast amounts of information from crop yields, soil-mapping, fertilizer (35) __________, weather data, machinery, and animal health. In a subset of smart farming, Precision Livestock Farming (PLF),sensors are used for (36) __________ and early detection of reproduction events and health disorders in animals.

The European Union has sponsored several projects on the topic.The (37) __________ running EU-PLF project, for instance, is designedto look at the feasibility of bringing proven and cost-effective Precision Livestock Farming tools from the (38) __________ to the farm.

Several private companies are also starting to be (39) __________ in this ?eld, such as Anemon (Switzerland), eCow (UK), Connected Cow (Medria Technologies and Deutsche Telekom). Smart fishing is at (40) __________ stage with some projects in Europe, South Korea, North America and Japan.

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

I do not speak only to parent groups. I spend a lot of time with students, such as those I encountered not long ago on a memorable visit to Wendell Phillips High School, an inner-city school on Chicago’s south side.

Before I spoke, the people who invited me to the Windy City held a reception (41) __________. There I met and talked with school officials and local religious leaders, many of whom informed me about the (42) __________ neighborhood where the school is located. They indicated that (43) __________ influence was widespread, living conditions were miserable in the surrounding public housing developments, dropout statistics were high, and SAT scores were low.

It sounded like a lot of other high schools I have visited around the country.Yet (44) __________ strong were these warnings that, on the crosstown drive to the school, I could not help wondering what kind of reception I would receive from the students.

I (45) __________ not have worried. When I walked into Wendell Phillips High School, its long deserted hallways gave the building an empty feel. The entire student body had already been (46) __________ from class and was assembled quietly in the school’s auditorium. A school administrator, who was addressing the audience, noted my entrance through a back door and abruptly (47) __________ his remarks to announce, “And here’s Dr. Carson now!”

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C. The common allergen test.D. The skin test. 65. What do skin tests and blood tests NOT show?

A. Whether a certain food will produce a rash or not. B. Whether test results are positive or not.

C. Whether a person is allergic to a certain food. D. Whether allergic reactions are severe or not.

66. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A.About half of the people with food allergies are also milk intolerant. B.Allergies affect the digestive system more than the immune system. C.Food intolerance is usually not as serious as food allergies. D.Sugar is a very common allergen for many people.

Section D

Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A.People redefine themselves and their family relationships. B.Yes,the definition of mother has changed for some women,but not for all. C.If there was a “mother,”then usually there was a “father.” D.Children need parents who will love them,not own them or use them. AB.After two years of carefully thinking about the decision,Marianne chose to adopt and now has a beautiful little boy. AC.This untraditional parent thinks he is lucky. What’s in a word?

Some words are more difficult than others to explain or define.Some are hard to define because we have strong feelings about them.We have strong emotions about word such as divorce or childhood.We may feel sad,happy,or angry when we think about these words.Definitions of other words have changed as people and the world have changed.Traditionally,the word mother meant both female parent and primary caregiver(the person who cares for the children).The word father meant both male parent and breadwinner(the person who earns money for the family).(67)________________ In generally,this is still true,but two points of this traditional definition are changing.

There is a growing number of single women who want to be mothers.They have not included a man,or “father,”in their plans.These women are choosing to have babies and raise them alone.They are not widows or divorces.They are mostly women with good jobs.They are economically independent.They are in their late 30s,and they have never found “Mr.Right”(a man they would like to marry).”I decide I wasn’t going to turn 40 without at least exploring the possibility of having a child,”explains

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Marianne Boswell,a single mother living in the Boston area.”I wanted it to be a conscious decision,as opposed to something that just didn’t happen to me.”

These women become mothers in different ways.Some adopt a baby.Some carefully choose a partner.Others choose donor insemination,a medical process that can cause pregnancy.The National Center for Health Statistics reports that 32% of all births are now to unmarried women.In 1960,the rate was only 5.3%.(68)________________

There is another group that is also questioning the traditional definitions.In this group are men who choose to stay at home and care for their children.They,not their wives,are the primary caregivers.As Randall Mitchell says in the movie “Mr.Mom,””When my daughter wakes up at night,she calls for her daddy”(69)________________

As society changes,our definitions change.(70)________________ As a result, we may need to create some new words.Somehow,”single mother”and”Mr.Mom”do not seem like very good names.

Ⅳ.Reading and Writing

Directions: Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in NO MORE THAN 60 WORDS.Use your own words as far as possible.Write your answer on the answer sheet.

A lot of us fall into the trap of thinking travel will solve our problems.But some problems can only be solved by tackling them head on. Travel won’t make you any happier if it doesn’t change anything that relates to your problems.

To illustrate this,let’s imagine that your goal in life is to become an alpaco(羊驼)farmer.You’re stuck in a dead end job at home,not an alpaca in sight.You’re depressed and think you’ll never own that farm.

You’ve seen all these articles online about travel and how it leads to so much happiness and wish fulfillment for others.Plus it’s so easy.All you need to do is leave.Pretty soon you’re also thinking that travel will make you happy and fulfill your dreams.So you go away and travel and you have a great time.

Travel is so intense that it can dazzle you for months or even years.You’re experiencing so many new things that you’re constantly in the now.The future doesn’t matter when you’re bungee jumping off an elephant.But soon things settle down and when you get time to think,your mind will soon drift back to that farm.

Travel becomes that boring job,the world becomes your office.You find yourself staring longingly outwards,dreaming of alpacas.

That’s not to say your travel has been wasted.Maybe it will just show you what you’ve always known anyway and that you really need to focus on the alpaca problem.Maybe it will give you enough confidence to follow that alpaca dream.

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But if you already know what your problems are,you don’t need to travel to solve them.Travel may not even help!



Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the word or phrase given in the brackets.





Ⅱ.Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



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1-5 ACCAB 6-10 BCDBD 11-15 CADCB 16-20 CBBBC

21. is expected 22.where 23.to 24.less developed 25.include 26.will 27.Building 28.so that 29.built 30.an


41-55 B A D B C B C D C A C C A D A B B

56-59 CBDB 60-62 DDB 63-66 ABBC

67-70 C, AB, AC, A

Reading and Summary Writing

It’s wrong for us to think travel can solve problems. Imaging you’re longing for a farm but depressed, you’re attracted by advertisements and go to travel. You experience fun during traveling, but finally you’ll face former difficulties. Then travel itself becomes boring. Anyway, travel may help you gain confidence, but it’s helpless if you already know what to do. (59 words)


1. Despite the lack of writing experience, the young man who had just graduated from university touched the interviewer by his significant creativity.

2. One’s need for heat depends on his size and amount of activities, so it’s not sensible to go on a diet only by cutting down the amount of heat absorbed.

3. I had arranged a task for him around eight, but he managed to give me a detailed accident report before it was one and a half hour later.

4. After the news that another satellite was about to launch had been proven, so many tourists went to the base to witness the magnificent moment that there was no single room left in hotels nearby.

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